The last chapter. Sad, I know. At this point, I want to thank all of you reviewers and everyone who read this story. So thank you! I am happy to finally finish this story and reveal the truth. I never expected it to run so long, and it was really the support I got from all the reviews that made me write as much as I did. I hope you all enjoyed my story. Thank you again.
Mikey closed his eyes for a moment, scrunching up his face in deep thought. Explaining this might be a bit hard. Even I can barely believe it.
Don gazed worriedly at his brother. "Mikey, if this is too hard for you…" he trailed off.
Mikey shook his head, opening his eyes. "No, no. It's not that." He fiddled with his blanket sheepishly. "Just don't…just don't laugh, okay?"
"Of course we won't," Leo asserted firmly. "We know you're serious. We'll listen."
The youngest made a small noncommittal noise. He turned his line-of-sight to the cat sleeping in the corner. "First of all, I should probably mention that I never met the gray cat before any of you did."
There were a few seconds of silence until—"WHAT? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?"
Mikey jumped a little at the sudden loudness, making his side spasm in pain. He glared at his red-banded brother crossly, silently accusing him. Raph gave an apologetic look in return.
Don cleared his throat. "Mikey, if what you're saying is true, then that would mean we're dealing with two cats here."
With an earnest nod, Mikey said, "That's right. The cat I tried to save that time was gray. I'm sure of it." He paused, remembering the past night. "It was the same one that you guys saw on the monitor, the one that I chased after again. That cat was waiting for me all along."
Raph scratched his head awkwardly. "How many cats are in this sewer anyway…" he mumbled to himself.
Leo sent a silencing stare at Raph before turning back to the youngest. "Mikey, what do you mean it was waiting?"
"I…" Mikey hesitated.
Don spoke up softly. "We won't laugh."
Mikey timidly glanced at his three brothers, taking in their sincere expressions. He started again. "I…I don't think I met that gray cat in the sewers by accident. It…called to me. And it led me—twice—to the same place." Mikey lowered his eyes to his injured side. "It guided me there on purpose, so that I would save the black cat."
With a troubled sigh, Raph began, "Mikey, ya can't be—"
"—Serious, yeah." Mikey flashed an indignant frown at his brother.
Raph grumbled in response. "Ya think run-a'-the-mill street cat had the brains ta do that?"
"It was protecting its friend!" Mikey cried. "Whether it was completely aware of it or not doesn't matter."
Don put a hand on Raph's shoulder to get his attention. "We're very familiar with the instinct to protect loved ones as well, aren't we?"
"Tch." Raph rolled his shoulder forward to free himself from his Don's hand. "That's different, Donnie." He turned his face to the side so his brothers wouldn't catch the faint blush on his cheeks.
Leo gave a lighthearted chuckle and shared a small smile with Mikey. "I think he knows it quite well."
"No one asked you!" Raph shouted across the bed.
Mikey's smile melted into a more somber expression. "But actually, I wouldn't have figured it out if I hadn't seen the gray cat again."
"Again?" Don echoed.
"Uh huh." Mikey nodded. "Right before we left the drainage pool room, I saw it sitting in that cut-off pipe again. It was watching me, but as soon as I tried to say something, it was gone."
Leo frowned. "We didn't even see it…"
"It was then that I knew it didn't want to be saved," Mikey continued. "It was the other cat that need saving." And ultimately I needed saving too…
Don nudged Raph with his elbow, making Raph growl lowly in irritation. "Alright, I believe ya, Mike."
Don smiled proudly at his achievement. "Yes, as amazing as it sounds, we all believe you."
"Heh, that's a relief," Mikey said. He shifted underneath the covers, feeling a little restless. He let a few coughs slip out and winced. "By the way, is there any way to stop these coughs? Like some kind 'a medicine?"
Don shook his head in regret. "I'm sorry Mikey, but your lungs are irritated by your injury; cough medicine can't cure that."
"Oh…" Mikey replied sullenly. A whine rose in his throat.
"You should understand, though, that coughing is important," Don said with a sympathetic smile. "It actually can prevent you from getting lung complications—including pneumonia. You'll have to bear with the pain for a little while."
Mikey pouted at his brother. "You brainy turtle, you…"
Don chuckled lightheartedly and turned to Leo. "Can you get me some cold compresses from the bathroom?"
Leo stood up from his chair in response. "Sure. Anything else you need?"
"An order of extra cheesy pizza, and hold the anchovies!" Mikey called out happily. And a side order of relaxation. We need to lighten up already.
"Is that all ya can think about?" Raph teased. Mikey stuck his tongue out.
"Mikey, we have plenty of food in the kitchen," Leo answered.
The youngest pulled a face. "Please don't tell me you're gonna try to cook again."
Raph suddenly shot up from his chair. "Takeout it is."
"Wh…" Leo's voice caught. "Just because the eggs didn't come out right…"
"They exploded, Leo," Mikey deadpanned.
Leo grunted at the memory. "But—"
"—Exploded." Mikey repeated.
"Fine," Leo grumbled. He followed Raph out of the lab hurriedly.
With a sigh, Mikey turned to Don. "I really should teach you guys how to cook."
"It's not like we're totally clueless," Don argued. "We can make toast, sandwiches…salad."
Mikey smirked. "Exactly my point. Who wants to eat salads?"
Don rubbed his brother's head affectionately. "They're good for you, silly."
"Whatever you say, Donnie." Mikey yawned stiffly. My body feels so heavy…
"You're tired," Don said gently. "Why don't you rest?"
Mikey yawned again. He saw Leo enter the lab silently, but couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. "Hey, Donnie?"
"Don't worry, I'll wake you up when dinner's ready."
"Oh, okay." Mikey breathed out quietly. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and thanks."
Mikey heard a soft chuckle from Don. "You're welcome." There was a hushed conversation between Leo and Don, but Mikey couldn't make it out.
I guess everything ended up okay. My brothers aren't mad at me anymore, the cat is gonna be okay, and I even get to have pizza for dinner…But there's just one more thing to get off my chest. "Wanna help me convince Sensei to keep the cat?"
It was Leo this time that answered. "Sleep tight, Michelangelo."
It was worth a shot.