Ch. 23: Epilogue

One hundred Years later...

She looked down at the grave she always came to visit. It was a nice and cool for a summer night in Bon Temps and she hadn't been back there all year. Since the turn of the century, the humans may have been more tolerant of vampires but they were still very afraid and the old country was more open to their kind.

"Do you still miss her as much as the first time?" A familiar male voice asked her from her right and she smiled a bit as he stepped out of the shadows. She let him come closer wrapping his pale arms, only made more pale from years of no sunlight and little time outside.

"I do. I miss her laugh and her smile and those hugs she could give me when I was down."

"I can give you those hugs...I can not replace hers but still..."

Tara smiled and turned around in his arms kissing him gently before turning her attention back to her best friend's tomb. She kneeled down, placing flowers there and biting her lip to keep in the tears.

"Until next year...Sookie. I love you." She said letting her hand waver over to Bill's grave even though she knew it was empty and had been for quite sometime. The name Compton matching Sookie's name too now. Franklin grabbed her hand and they walked away into the night. Forever together in love...forever as one.