So, anybody who has me on author alert is probably going to have a cow, seeing that I'm dipping my fingers into yet ANOTHER fandom when I haven't put out anything for Stargate or Hogan's Heroes or Sanctuary (which I've been working on for what? two years now) in at least a month, and am therefore WAY overdue. My only pitiful, lame excuse is that writing more of those stories would actually take time, and planning, and plot twists, and TIME, which I don't really have, but this only took twenty minutes. Because, honestly, it was like Grace was right there, doing a mini-Danno rant right in front of my face, and all I had to do was be a good stenographer and write it down. And how could I refuse? So, without further ado:


I always worry when Mom tells me I'm not allowed to watch TV.

And I'm not talking about the times when she tells me that I have to do my homework first. Or the times when she says I should go play outside while it's light, and we'll watch a show together later. I'm not talking about the times when she says she'd prefer that I read a book, or that I need to get ready for Step-Stan's stupid tennis lessons.

I'm talking about when I want to watch TV, and she says, "No!" and shuts down. I'm talking about the times when I go flop on the couch, push the buttons on the controller, and she runs in, stands in front of the TV and turns it off before telling me to go to my room.

Because I know there's only one reason why I can absolutely, positively, without a doubt, not watch TV. It's because there might be something bad on, that my mom doesn't want me to see.

Like my Danno getting hurt.

Getting shot. Getting pulled out of a wrecked car. Having been beaten up by bad guys. Getting- well, however it is you get your picture on TV after an explosion nearly blows you up.

And yeah, those kinds of things do happen to my Danno. I know, because the only time Uncle Steve ever really rambles is when he's making another one of his "It's-all-my-fault- for-not-covering-him-well-enough-when-we..." apologies.

And I just don't get it, why she thinks that not letting me watch the TV is going to make me not worry. Because, seriously, it's happened enough that I don't need to be a genius to put together the signs and know that no TV tonight equals visiting Danno in the hospital in a day or two, or going to see him for the weekend at Uncle Steve's house because he needs somebody to take care of him and so he can't go home to his own apartment yet.

And even I know that someday, there might be a no TV night without a visit after it. So I always worry when Mom tells me I'm not allowed to watch TV.