This story is written in 3rd person point of view, although every chapter it changes who's thoughts are in there. For example, this chapter, it's Sam's. This story also contains an OC, my character Nicole Swank, who I completely made up and isn't based on anyone that has ever or is currently on Glee. Also, this story I am cutting Lauren Zizes out of the glee club. I hate her, and her being in this story would make it harder to write. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Yeah right. If I owned Glee, I'd currently be making out with Mark Salling or Chord Overstreet. But maybe someday…

Chapter 1- "One Love"


Sam was sad. And lonely. And annoyed, mostly with himself. His life sucked: his family was near dirt poor, his social life was shit, his grades still sucked, and to top it all off, he was girlfriendless. Again. He couldn't catch a damn break. The girlfriend thing hadn't really bothered him, until he realized that he had a humongous crush on an amazing girl but he didn't have the balls to ask her out.

"Guys! Guys!," Brittany gushed, skipping into the choir room. "Mr. Schuester, I found somebody!" The usual chatter that had been filling the room abruptly stopped and everyone quit what they were doing to look up at the girl that was accompanying Brittany.

"What? Really?," Mr. Schue asked, putting down the music sheets he'd been shuffling with and walking over toward Brittany.

"Yes! Her name is Nicole Swan," Brittany stated matter-of-factly, gesturing to the girl next to her.

"Nicole Swank," Nicole corrected. "Brittany told me about the glee club, how you needed more people and I though it sounded like fun." She surveyed the rest of the gleeks, obviously rethinking her decision. Sam took this as a moment to check out the girl. She was gorgeous.. Her bow-shaped lips were pink and pouty, eyes a sea blue, her skin was flawlessly tanned and her dirty blonde hair hung over her shoulders in beachy waves. Sam could see the expression on Quinn's face darken at the girl's beauty, her hand protectively squeezing his.

"She's, like a really good dancer. And a good singer."

"I'm more of a dancer," Nicole confessed, taking her hands out of her jeggings' pockets. "I only sing in the shower."

"Still!," Mr. Schue exclaimed, ecstatic. "That's great that you want to sign-up! Good job, Brit." He gave Brittany's shoulder a squeeze. "We could always use more people to join our family."

"Awesome," Nicole said nonchalantly. "So, when do I try-out?"

"Well, we don't really have try-outs. We accept anyone."

Her eyebrow quirked. "Really?"

"Yes, we believe everyone has a chance to be in the spotlight, no matter their singing ability."

"That's stupid," Nicole stated bluntly. Mr. Schue's smile faded. "What if my voice sucks and I totally throw off the pitch of your group? What if I sound like a dying cat?"

"That's how I sound," Mike chimed in. "I don't really sing, though. I just mouth the words."


The vibe in the room tensed, becoming awkwardly silent for a while. "So, you in?," Puck asked.

"Sure," Nicole said, again casually.

"Great!," Mr. Schue enthused, adapting his happy-go-lucky tone again. "Let's welcome our new member, Nicole Swank!" Everyone began clapping, Mercedes even let out a hoot. The only one who didn't seem excited was Quinn. She still had a scowl fixed upon her face.

"What's wrong?," Sam concernedly asked her.

"I don't want you talking to her, okay?," Quinn claimed, her expression stoned.

"What? Quinn, I don't think you can really dictate who I talk to-," Sam started, but was cut off by Quinn's scowl.

"I'm your girlfriend, right Sam?" He nodded his head. "Then you have to do what I say. And I don't want you talking to her. Ever. We clear?," she demanded, her tone icy and eyes cold. For fear of losing his newly gained girlfriend, he feebly nodded his head. "Good. Now how pretty are my eyes again?," she obnoxiously asked, batting her long eyelashes.

Nicole had transferred to McKinley the same time Sam did, but joined glee club only a few days after he'd asked Quinn to be his girlfriend. Although Quinn never said it aloud, Sam knew that she didn't want him talking to Nicole because she was jealous. And like the floor-mat that he truly was, he'd listened. He didn't talk to Nicole at all, ending all the conversations she'd tried to start, avoiding being in a room with her alone and averting from any eye-contact with her when Quinn was around. He didn't realize how completely ridiculous he was being until a month a two later, before he'd broken up with Quinn. Santana, however malicious she may be, made Sam come to the conclusion that Quinn was walking all over him. She practically ran his life, and she'd cheated on him with Finn.

After dumping Quinn, he decided to go out of his way to be nice to Nicole to try to gain her approval. With a couple of pleads from forgiveness on Sam's part, she forgave him for being a douche-bag to her. Once they'd actually hung out, Sam found out that they had a ton in common. They both moved to Lima from the south, him from Tennessee and her from Texas, they'd both moved because of their dad's job, they both had a little sister, they shared a love for video games, Avatar and impressions, plus they both had killer abs and big lips.

However, there was one thing that made the two vastly different: their personalities. While they were both laid-back and light-hearted, Sam was much more timid than Nicole. Sam constantly had to keep a filter on his mouth, not wanting to offend anyone, he never said anything too bold to start an argument, and had a constant need to be popular, to be the best. Nicole could care less what anyone thought. She was loud, spoke what was on her mind, and didn't care about being popular. Also, Nicole was what most would call badass while Sam was the epitome of a 50s jock, a good obedient kid who did his homework and never talked back. But somehow, their differences made them click even more.

It had taken Sam a while to realize that those were the reasons he loved her. She was everything he wished he could be: outspoken, assertive and confident. Of course, a hot-ass girl like this didn't stay on the market for long. Puck had picked her up the moment she came in, flirting with her non-stop. The two were seen together more often than not, laughing, cutting class or occasionally slipping a stink-bomb into the teachers' lounge. Sam assumed that they were boyfriend and girlfriend by the way that they acted, also Quinn and Santana had confirmed his suspicions.

So here he was, gazing at his crush longingly from across the choir room as she danced alongside Mike, popping, locking and dropping in unison. Brit was right, Nicole was an amazing dancer. Quite possibly the best in the club. She was a good singer too, surprisingly. Her voice was full, sweet and sultry, making Sam's knees weak every time she did a vocal run. It wasn't often that she sang solos, but when she did, it made his day.

He wanted to ask her out, he wanted to so very badly. But Puck was not someone whose bad side you wanted to be on. He believed in revenge, very painful revenge and Sam didn't want that. Plus, Nicole looked like she was happy being with Puck. And that's all that he wanted, for her to be happy. He just wished it was with him.

Love sucks.