Disclaimer: Nuramago belongs to Shiibashi-sensei. Luna only plays around with the characters.

Warning: het, AU, confusion in the last part (you'll get what I mean after you read it), more conspiracy (it completes the missing explanation in My Brother is Oyabun!), a slight oOC (on Wakana and Rihan, but THAT is understatement… T_T), hints of shounen ai (Rikuou/Rikuo), language… (well, Yakuza is Yakuza after all), etc… Oh! This is also unbeta-ed and unchecked as usual (sorry… TT_TT).

A/N: Sorry for the wait, for whomever reads this. Please do enjoy the new chapter! ^_^

Red Strings on Their Pinkies—A Special Story of My Brother is Oyabun!

(A Yakuza Brothers Series)

Part 3

Sometimes, it's hard to decide which is more important… the family or the person you love most. Sometimes, it's also difficult to pick one between the things you love equally. Because it's no longer about you, it's about those things and about those people.

But, there's no one but you in the middle, and only you can be held responsible. For the things said and left unsaid, for the feelings erupted and buried deep, and for their stories told and left untold.

Sometimes… it only needs patience and big heart to solve every problem, and only needs more love and passion to go through everything.

0oo—Rihan x Wakana—oo0

"Wakana!" Rihan hurriedly ran to his new wife as the young chocolate haired girl lifted the laundry. Yes, he had stopped calling her with –chan after their first night together. And that was even before the marriage. Moreover, together with Otome nonetheless…, that was a total heaven for the young very productive man like Rihan.

Though, Rihan had never thought that Wakana could be so brazen sometimes, especially after knowing she wouldn't offend anyone else… but still, his first impression of the young earnest teenage girl had never changed. She looked always innocent and very warm, like an angel in the family full of rude and harsh people such as in Nura Gumi.

Wakana turned her face at Rihan and smiled cheerily at him. "Good morning, Rihan-sama!" she greeted with the pretty glowing aura of a pregnant woman around her feature. Rihan was attacked by the sudden skip of a heartbeat. She was extra cute and sexy like that.

Too bad she was in her early pregnancy. Rihan wanted to eat her so badly! But of course he couldn't, wouldn't be allowed to do that, since that could endanger his first unborn child, but still…, Rihan was young after all.

"What are you doing getting up so early and doing housework? You should be in bed, resting," Rihan approached her and slipped his hands on Wakana's stomach from behind, holding her with care and loving gesture.

"Jeez…, I can't be in bed forever, Rihan-sama. I need light exercise too for a healthy pregnancy, you know," Wakana said, sweat dropping.

"Yeah, but not housework, it's too hard for early pregnancy. Uncle Yakushi said so," Rihan scolded lightly, but while snuggling her from behind.

Wakana chuckled at that. "You're just lonely because you woke up alone in bed," she said, while shaking her head at Rihan's antics.

"That too… but you should really rest a bit more, at least until the first trimester. Let the junior staffs handle the homecare, okay? I want you and our first baby to be okay after all," Rihan kissed her on the hair and his hands were slowly creeping to Wakana's to steal the loaded clean laundry from her hold.

"Ah, Rihan-sama!" Wakana looked surprised as he was successfully distracting her and set her annoyed look at Rihan.

Rihan laughed slightly while giving a chaste kiss to Wakana's cute pouting lips. "Wakana's so cute!" he said while smiling joyfully and Wakana blushed, looking totally surprised and a little bit embarrassed by the sudden bold act.

Rihan grinned again at her funny expression. Aah, Rihan had never felt like this… this springing of bright happiness. He didn't know why, but Wakana could always make him feel so light, like he was soaring on the top of the world. He was so happy right now; too happy even, it was almost scary.

Wakana sighed then, but she was smiling contently as well after that and kissed Rihan's lips back, surprising Rihan in return. "Then would you help me dry the laundry, Rihan-sama?" she asked with playful smile.

Rihan blinked once before smirking wickedly. "I have a better idea than that." He tossed the laundry away and lifted Wakana bridal style.

"Hyaaah! Rihan-sama!" Wakana protested in total surprise while blushing madly.

Rihan laughed hard at that and, "Kuro-kuuun, please fix the laundry, will you?" he asked the youngest member of Nura Gumi who happened to be near them, but it seemed he was hiding and watching the two behind the shadow of a tree and he yelped in surprise as his name was called.

Wakana blushed even harder as the boy emerged to pick the laundry on the ground. He looked up slightly at Wakana and ten blushed as well, looking really embarrassed for getting caught spying by the Nidaime.

"Rihan-sama! You can't coerce a boy like that just because you have eyes on your back!" Wakana scolded the older man despite being carried away swiftly, very self-conscious as well, but she totally looked sorry for Kurotabou because he was just still a kid, only a year or two older than Wakana herself and Rihan seemed liking to bully the kid playfully. Since Wakana became his wife, he lost his toy after all.

"Isn't it okay? He loves to do that," Rihan was still chuckling as he brought Wakana back to their room to enjoy the morning nap again.

"You know, even if you force me to rest and lay on the futon, I can't really fall sleep again," Wakana said as Rihan lowered her down to their joined mattresses softly, her arms still circling Rihan's neck.

"Hmm… then don't sleep. We can still enjoy our time together in bed," Rihan smiled gently before nuzzling her nose lightly, and Wakana flushed instantly at the implication of his words this time. "I meant… innocently enjoy our time together," he grinned seeing Wakana's red face again.

"Rihan-sama, you're such a teaser," Wakana's expression was troubled, but totally mixed with happiness as well that she looked so much cuter and adorable like that.

"And that's why you love me, right?" Rihan kissed her again softly and Wakana was dazed by the care and love he poured in every touch and kiss he bestowed upon her.

"Hmm… I love you because you're Rihan-sama…, and I'm sure Rihan-sama will be a wonderful most amazing father for this child as well," Wakana smiled wonderfully now caressing her belly softly.

Rihan couldn't contain his delight at seeing the loving gesture. The father wannabe then went down and kissed her stomach as a sign of his own affection for both the mother and the unborn child. He was truly-really happy seeing Wakana's smile and he always wanted to see that smile on her face. He vowed to protect that smile and he would make sure that his child would smile with happiness like that as well after he or she was born later.

Unfortunately, Rihan was so drunk on his own happiness right now that he wasn't aware of the slight change in the his family dynamic. He was so blinded by the loves and devotions his family had for him, that he failed to notice the stare of longing on his back, on the circle he unconsciously formed around him and Wakana.

0oo—Rihan x Wakana—oo0

Yamabuki Otome looked at the happy couple with downcast expression. Rihan and Wakana were celebrating the two months of Wakana's pregnancy. She thought they were good for each other and it was the honest feeling she felt. But, as expected, seeing them smiling together while fawning over the unborn child without her in the circle was a little harder for Otome's delicate feeling.

I'm envious…. I'm jealous…. I wish he would look at me a little bit more too…—was the thought spiraling inside Otome's head and heart.

It hurt and saddened Otome's own heart that she would think something as horrid as those. She knew it was irrational because Rihan loved Otome just as much as he loved Wakana. After all, Otome was the first wife. Rihan fell in love with her first and he was still in love with her from the way he looked and spoke to her. She also knew that Wakana also loved her, respected and adored her unconditionally as her former master and now as her older sister. But…, Wakana was pregnant with Rihan's child, and Otome wasn't. She couldn't.


Otome also wanted to get pregnant. She wanted to feel complete with a baby in her womb. She wanted something that belonged to her and Rihan only.

Why can't I get pregnant?

Impatience wormed into Otome's feeling. She couldn't stand this any longer. She was withdrawn more and more from their family. She drew a line to herself, not to disturb the happiness of Rihan and Wakana with her depressing thought. Rihan didn't notice her change of behavior. She was quieter now, afraid to speak her feelings out loud. She was scared that those horrible poisons called envy and jealousy would taint her heart more and more. It already had as she was thinking.

"Otome-sama?" Wakana called her for the third time and she was startled.

"Ah, yes?" Otome gulped slightly, hurriedly paying attention to the younger wife.

Wakana looked at Otome in very concerned look. "Are you okay? Lately… you're very… withdrawn," she spoke with quiet voice, almost looking afraid that she would offend Otome's fragile feeling.

Of all people in this house… why was it only this girl noticing her change? Why… Rihan didn't notice but her rival instead?

Upon her thought unconsciously considering Wakana as her rival rather than as a family, Otome realized she had to get away quickly before she could hurt Rihan or Wakana, or worse, the unborn baby in Wakana's womb.

"I'm totally fine, Wakana-san. You don't have to get worried over me. Just rest well, so the baby will grow up okay," Otome smiled saintly in front of her, while calling her with more formal suffix since they were equal now. However, she knew deep down, it was a fake smile no matter how good Otome pulled it out. She also knew that Wakana was still worried as she walked out the door.

Yamabuki Otome decided then, she had to take action first as a precaution before it was too late. She took a pen and wrote a letter, and then she left it on Rihan's desk. She believed Rihan would understand her reasoning and be willing to let her go. This was the best way to protect them and their family.

The next morning, Otome's trace was already gone from the main house of Nura Gumi.

0oo—Rihan x Otome—oo0

Rihan stared at the letter in his hand with a total shock on his expression.

"Why…?" the very handsome Nidaime whispered the painful question quietly, still boring his gaze at the letters on that piece of paper. His hand was trembling and he still couldn't believe what he had read. He rubbed his eyelids to clear his sight and once again, reread the letter.

"Rihan-sama…," Wakana was already teary as she looked at her husband's slouched back. "Otome-sama…, why…?" She also didn't understand why her princess left. She put her hands on her mouth and closed her eyes as the fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

Deep down, Wakana knew this would happen at some point. There was no way that Otome was okay seeing Rihan marry someone else. Moreover, it was Wakana, a girl, a teenage girl seven years younger than Rihan, nine years younger than Otome, and she was Otome's former bodyguard as well. Even though Otome was the one persuading her to accept Rihan's interest and her own feeling last year, Wakana should have known that there was no woman, not a single one in this world wouldn't get jealous if her husband had interest in someone else.

Because it was human's nature, it was impossible to escape the feeling, unless she didn't love her husband at all. However, even if it was the case, even though she wasn't in love that much with her husband, she would still have a pride, a sense of belonging that she wouldn't let her man get stolen away. Yet, in this case, Otome was too much in love with Rihan that she couldn't bear the pain of seeing him with someone else.

Wakana understood it completely, because she was like that herself. Yes, she was okay seeing Rihan and Otome together because she loved both of them, but to tell the truth, sometimes she also felt lonely when Rihand paid attention more to Otome. She knew it was a stupid thought, but she didn't think about it voluntarily. It just happened that way because she still had a beating heart.

It must have been really hard for Otome these past months. After discovering that Wakana was pregnant, Rihan seemed paying more attention to her. Commonly, it was normal because there was the baby factor, and Rihan's excitement for almost being a father, but it seemed they had been too happy to notice that Otome was hurt.

"I'm such a foolish girl," Wakana said while sobbing, alerting Rihan who was still holding the letter in shocked face.

"Wa-Wakana…?" Rihan turned his face at his second wife with worried look. "Hey…," he clutched the letter hard on his palm and approached the younger wife with solemn look on his face. He held Wakana's shoulders and hugged her softly, letting her cry on his chest for awhile, repeatedly apologizing for being so insensitive and stupid and cruel and Rihan had to calm her down, that it wasn't her fault but his and his only.

Wakana shook her head and hurriedly tried to dry her tears after sometimes. "I'm going to look for Otome-sama!" she decided with determined red rimmed eyes. Tears streak were still visible on her face, but she looked so sure that it threw Rihan a little. "I'm not just going to let Otome-sama run away. I'll look for her and find her, and then bring her back!" she continued while turning her back to Rihan.

"Ah… but you're preg-," Rihan was about to protest when Wakana shouted again.

"I… I love Otome-sama! I'm not just gonna sit tight and wait to retrieve someone I love back to me!" Wakana clenched her fists and walked away with full resolution in her blazing caramel eyes.

Rihan was rendered speechless by that stubborn declaration. Wakana was acting more like a Nura than Rihan right now. He smiled small as he saw his wife huffing in confidence and walked with straight eyes and back. She looked really cool. "You're right," he responded finally. "We'll get Otome back no matter what. Because… she's also my destiny, together with Wakana," he spoke with determination as well.

But of course, because he was the boss, Rihan didn't really have to go by himself to look for Otome. He sent almost everyone out to search for her, but strangely, she just… didn't leave any trail to follow. She was like a ghost. It was so hard to find clue where to look.

On the fifth day of fruitless search, Wakana got so worried and impatient that she walked out herself to look for Otome. Of course, she was accompanied by Rihan and Gyuuki.

"I still can't believe Otome-sama's father refuses to lend a hand to look for her own daughter! What is he thinking!" Wakana was quite difficult to handle lately, probably because of the raging hormone that was affecting her emotion and mood. However, everyone was also worried if she would get too stressed out over this. After all, stress was a bad influence for her pregnancy.

"I really don't think you should do this, Wakana-san," Gyuuki said, almost looking worried himself… almost.

Rihan still didn't buy it that Gyuuki was only pretending to love Wakana when he proposed to her. The Second Head of Nura Gumi somehow could feel that Gyuuki's feelings for Wakana were real. It was a bit worrying considering…, but Gyuuki would never betray Rihan's trust, so he could be trusted to guard her around.

"But Otome-sama is important to me! I will feel really bad if I don't do at least this much!" Wakana said emotionally.

Rihan just shook his head to Gyuuki's direction and made contact to him with just his eyes, to let Wakana do as she pleased. His face was saying 'that's why we're here to protect her.' Gyuuki instantly understood the silent message and shrugged. He was still looking at Wakana with concerned look though, as they walked down the street.

"Where are you…Otome-sama…?" Wakana looked depressed now, and it worried Rihan as well.

Gyuuki threw a sinister glare at Rihan, as if berating the younger man for not keeping his eyes on both of his wifes equally. He quickly huffed and looked away, but it still smacked Rihan in the face that Gyuuki actually blamed him for this. They were silent then, just walking around the neighborhood until Wakana's legs hurt.

Rihan instantly knew the change of her expression and stopped the search to rest in the children's park. Gyuuki insisted as well even though Wakana was reluctant.

They sat on the bench, watching the children playing in comfortable silence as Rihan rubbed comforting circle on Wakana's back.

"Is she alright, I wonder…," Wakana spoke again softly with a very sad look.

Rihan looked at her sad face solemnly as well. And just after he vowed that he would always want to see the smile of happiness in Wakana's expression as well. He felt like a failure somehow.

Gyuuki huffed in exasperation. He should have seen this coming when Otome persuaded him to hook Rihan and Wakana up. He should have known that Otome decided to do that because she hadn't been able to get pregnant despite being married almost five years to Rihan. She did it because Rihan needed an heir, not because she wanted to.

But most of all, Gyuuki was pissed because Rihan didn't realize it first until it was too late! The person who confronted Gyuuki and told him about the change in Otome's behavior was Wakana, and she asked him to watch out for her because she couldn't really tell Rihan when Rihan was so childishly happy with the pregnancy. That Nidaime was such an insensitive insufferable leader sometimes.

Wakana was very perceptive and she caught a vibe in person's feeling. She must have been the one feeling worst because she couldn't prevent this.

"Let's hope she's okay," Gyuuki tried to cheer the young almost becoming mother as well, totally wanting to lift her mood, even if it was just a little.

Wakana nodded slightly and looked up at Gyuuki in a soft weak smile. Gyuuki smiled back at her tenderly.

Rihan was about to protest with a vein popping out of his head because of the warm cozy atmosphere between Gyuuki and Wakana when he saw a woman figure, holding a child's hand walking up to the park. He widened his eyes in shock and stood instantly and "Otome…," called her name in fascination.

Wakana and Gyuuki looked up at him right away as they heard what he said, and then quickly followed his line of sight and saw what Rihan had seen. Both Wakana and Gyuuki also widened their eyes in total shock.

And the first one to react was… Wakana. "OTOME-SAMAAAAA!" she momentarily forgot that her feet were hurting quickly launched herself at the woman in front of them.

"Wakana-san!" Gyuuki followed in a hurry because he was worried that something might happen to her and the unborn baby if she was too excited like that. And that, snapped Rihan from his own reverie.

"Otome! Wakana!" Rihan then dashed to them as well.

Otome was very surprised as her name was called simultaneously and she knew the voices who were calling her. She turned her face at the approaching figures just in time when Wakana jumped her. "Eeh!" she was totally surprised at that.

"Otome-samaaaa~!" Wakana hugged her tightly while crying out her name on her bosoms. Otome flushed at that, and short time later, Gyuuki and Rihan were also there while panting.

"Otome…," Rihan reached to her and hugged both the women on his arms. "Thank god… you're okay…," he sighed in relief as he smell the familiar fragrance of Otome. A fragrance that had always been able to calm him down to his core.

That was right, if Wakana was like a burning sunlight to bring him high, then Otome was the epitome of soft moonlight to let him rest in peace and calm. He was restless since she went away and he never wanted to feel like that ever again. Rihan needed both of them beside him.

Otome was in panicky as she was surrounded by the people she didn't want to meet most. "W-why… Rihan-sama, Wakana-san…, why are you here?" she seemed not understanding what happened as she was beginning to get restless herself, wanting to get away.

"Ah? What do you mean why? Of course we're looking for you!" Rihan then looked down at Otome with angry look. "You left so suddenly like that without telling anyone… how worried do you think we are?" He didn't mean to raise his voice, he didn't. He swore. But it just sounded like that because he was so worried and Otome visibly flinched at that.

"But…, I already wrote a letter… didn't you read it?" Otome looked at Rihan with a slightly frightened look.

"A letter like that isn't enough! My mind stopped working at the word 'I decided to leave' and because of the blur of my own tears, I couldn't read the continuation!" Rihan said with very complaining face. "If you really don't love me anymore… you just have to say so in my face, I can take it!" he closed his eyes in painful expression.


"Eh?" The three people who heard Rihan's last line looked at him in dumbfounded expressions.

"I know I was too young for you and you're not really satisfied with my performance, but still… leaving me just like that was cruel, Otome… when I love you this much…," Rihan said with a very depressed look now.

Otome was totally speechless at the very childish reaction. He knew Rihan was like a kid sometimes, but this… this was just too much.

"Rihan-sama!" Wakana suddenly chopped on top of the Nidaime's head hard with her hand, in a very furious look.

"Ow! Wh-what…, Wakana?" Rihan looked at Wakana with a surprised, pained, and confused look.

"You… do you mean you don't understand why Otome-sama left!" the young wife looked totally enraged at him.

"Ah… Wakana-san…!" Gyuuki was about to prevent before she exploded, but too late as she screamed so loudly.

"SHE LEFT BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T PAY ENOUGH ATTENTION TO HER, YOU INSENSITIVE MAN!" Wakana grabbed Rihan's collar and shook him hard. "How can you NOT see it! She's hurting because you fawn over me too much! A woman's feeling is delicate, Rihan-sama! You've got to feel it with your heart! How could you think it's about something as unimportant as your performance! Aaah, looking at how moronic you're sometimes pisses me off!"

Rihan was shocked to the bone by the outburst that wasn't so like Wakana at all. Gyuuki was speechless that Wakana could say what he wanted to say most to Rihan in one breath and so fast like that, and Otome…, Otome was covering her face while sighing in embarrassment and exasperation because they made a scene in a public place. The child in Otome's hand was hiding behind her with sacred look.

While Wakana was still screaming and berating Rihan for his own stupidity, Otome looked back down a little. Then, she smiled that the boy who was slightly trembling. "It's okay, Seimei. They're not going to hurt you," she kneeled and ruffled the boy's head softly.

Gyuuki noticed that and asked. "Whose kid is that?" he asked, slightly worried. Even if she was desperate, she wouldn't kidnap someone else's child, would she?

"A child from Himawari Daycare Center," Otome said with a solemn smile to Gyuuki. "I work and stay there for the time being," she looked down with downcast look.

"Otome-san…. Why did you leave?" Gyuuki looked solemn now, seeing the obvious pain in Otome's expression. "If you love Rihan so much… why did you decide to leave?" he asked again, demanding explanation. If somehow, he was also responsible for her decision, he couldn't bear it. These past five days, his beloved Nuragumi became so gloomy it was hard to breathe there, and the person he loved most was miserable, as well as his wife.

"It's because I love him too much," Otome said, hugging the black haired boy she called Seimei softly. "I'm afraid… that I will do something bad to Wakana-san or Rihan-sama if I'm close to them…, when these ugly feelings called jealousy and envy blacken my heart too much. Getting in their way of happiness isn't my wish. I want to cool my head down a little, and need to stay away for awhile," she closed her eyes poignantly before she opened them again. "That's why I wrote that letter to Rihan-sama. I want to stay away for awhile, until I can cope up with everything, and I'll come back."

Silence again.

"EEEEEEEEEEH!" Wakana and Rihan who were already stopping their activity to listen to her reasoning, widened their eyes in a total shock.

"Otome-sama… you-you're going to come back home?" Wakana asked in disbelief.

"Of course, I already wrote it down in the letter. I need time like… a month or so before I will come back home to Nura Gumi main house," Otome said, huffing. "I'm the first wife, you know. I won't give that place to anyone else, not even for you, Wakana-san," she added with rivalry stare at Wakana.

"Ah… hahaha," Wakana laughed slightly in relief. This was the normal reaction. It should be this way from the start. "Then…, why didn't you tell us, Rihan-sama? Did you seriously stop reading beyond the word 'I decided to leave'?" she then narrowed her eyes accusingly at Rihan who looked really scared now and had to hide behind Gyuuki who also looked pissed at his worn brother.

"B-but…! I've never been left by anyone before…! I was so shocked that I didn't dare see the continuation of the letter…," Rihan looked really like a child right now, setting his sulking face and moping look, pouting as well like a kicked puppy.

"Ah…," Gyuuki smacked his own forehead with his palm. It seemed Rihan's self esteem and pride was quite injured at the fact that Otome left him. He really was a childish man. "You're so…, so moronic I can't even defend you anymore…," he said while stretching Rihan's cheeks hard.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Gyuuki~! It hurts~!" Rihan tried to release himself from Gyuuki's evil clutch, but this time, he didn't give mercy to his idiotic brother.

"Jeez…, Rihan-sama is really insufferable sometimes…, I'm so sorry that he's like that. Ah, even I'm embarrassed for him," Wakana covered her face and began to cry again. Her mood swing was at full force now.

"Wakana-san…, you really should go resting. It's early pregnancy. What if something happened to it?" Otome looked genuinely worried for her now.

"I know… but thinking that my pregnancy becomes the source of unhappiness for Yamabuki Otome-sama makes me really sad and I can't rest when I'm like that. I'm also jealous if Rihan-sama pays more attention to Otome-sama, but I don't want Otome-sama to go away from Rihan-sama because of me either…," she was still crying as and sobbing as she said that.

"Wakana-san…, I'm not unhappy because you're pregnant," Otome shook her head lightly while drying the tears from Wakana's face.

"Eh… then why aren't you unhappy, Otome-sama?" Wakana asked then, wondering, still hiccupping a little. Otome blushed visibly at that. She looked down while fidgeting now, very nervous and embarrassed so suddenly. "Otome-sama?" Wakana was slightly confused of why she would turn red like that.

Otome cleared her throat and gulped slightly as she leaned closer to Wakana and closed her eyes as she whispered something into Wakana's sensitive ear. She twitched as she heard the reason and looked at Otome with 'seriously?' look. Otome nodded slowly, still flushing.

"What… then it's totally easy to solve this!" Wakana said with a huff and a determination. She then turned to Rihan and pointed at him. "Rihan-sama!," she called.

"Y-yes!" Rihan instantly stood straight in response. He really couldn't defy his wife when she was like this.

"From tonight, you have to make love to Yamabuki Otome-sama EVERYDAY until she's pregnant!" Wakana said threateningly.

"Hee! Why?" Rihan was shocked hearing it, widening his eyes, totally baffled while Gyuuki was dropping his jaw in disbelief at the very absurd order.

"Otome-sama wants to get pregnant, so you are absolutely going to make her!" Wakana huffed regally in authoritative voice with her both of her hands on her hips.

"Wa-Wakana-san…!" Otome was very embarrassed by the brazen words the younger woman had spoken out that she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her to hide herself there for the rest of her life.

"Otome-sama," Wakana's voice softened as she held Otome's hand on her. "Please come home… together with all of us," she said while slowly bringing that hand to her lips and kissed the back of her hand gently. "We…, um, I really miss you…," she looked up at Otome's teary eyes now and once again hugged the older woman lovingly.

"Wa… Wakana-san…," Otome then cried while hugging Wakana. She was so happy. She was really happy that she had these people around her. Even though Wakana was her rival for Rihan's attention, she really did love this girl. "I'm sorry… for worrying all of you with my sudden disappearance…," she sobbed lightly as Wakana patted and stroked her back caringly.

"Yamabuki…onee-chan," Seimei pulled at the tip of her clothes lightly, looking slightly worried at her because she suddenly cried like that.

Otome released her hugging from Wakana and looked down again before drying her tears. She kneeled once again in front of Seimei and smiled happily at him. "I'm okay, Seimei. Now, I'll take you home to your parents, okay?" she said while holding the boy's hands.

"Nee-chan… will go away?" Seimei looked sad so suddenly.

Otome then smiled solemnly at him. "I'm going home… but I'll still come to Himawari everyday to see you," she added with a cheerful face that Seimei's expression also brightened instantly.

"Really?" Seimei asked with hopeful look.

"Yes, it's a promise," Otome brought out her pinky and then linked it with Seimei's while singing*, "Yubikiri genman, usotsuitara harusenbon ni nomasu," then they both giggled to each other joyfully.

"Aah, Otome-sama will be a very wonderful mother," Wakana sighed in bliss at seeing the smile of happiness in Otome's face.

"You're right… Wakana," Rihan put her head on Wakana's shoulder from behind. "I'm sorry… for relying to you at a time like this. Even though I'm the husband who's supposed to be a place you two could lean on," he said, sounding ashamed for his own weakness.

Wakana turned slightly in raised eyebrows before she giggled. "That's marriage, Rihan-sama," she said with a very cheerful smile.

"And they live happily ever after," Gyuuki clapped his hand unenthusiastically. Rihan and Wakana then looked at each other before they burst out laughing as well seeing Gyuuki's weird look.

0oo—Rihan x Otome—oo0

And then, this was that happened after that.

Just like what Wakana had ordered, starting that night, Rihan did his best and made love to Otome every night while in the day he worked so hard to maintain Nura Gumi and entertaining the pregnant Wakana, until one morning, Otome got morning sickness of a first sign that she was indeed pregnant.

"I did it!" Rihan said in a full spirit despite the bags under his eyes, indicating that he hadn't been asleep to achieve that.

"Good job, Rihan-sama," Wakana was lately in a good mood because everything went well while cheering for the sleep-deprived Rihan and a blushing scarlet Otome.

Gyuuki's sweat dropped seeing the three, shaking his head at their antics.

And then, one morning, Wakana suddenly declared "I want to move out," with a suspiciously too cheery expression on her face, making Rihan drop his bowl of rice and Otome drop her spoon (she had to eat soft and liquids so as not to get sick).

"What?" Otome followed by "WHY?" Rihan protested at the same time, totally in shock.

"Hmm… how should I put this into words…?" Wakana was thinking with concentration as she tried to find a suitable way to explain her decision. "Ah, it's actually a very long list of reasons, but the underlined point is… I want to give this child an option to live the life he/she wants," she said then while holding her stomach which was still relatively small for the first trimester of her pregnancy.

"An option…?" Rihan and Otome looked at each other before they looked at Wakana with confusion.

"Yes…. I want this child to experience a lot of lives as a person, not only a yakuza's life, but also an ordinary life as an ordinary boy or girl… and then… one day, I want him or her to decide which life is most suitable," Wakana closed her eyes while caressing her belly lovingly. "I want him/her to decide their own destiny, not because they're obligated to, but because they want to," she opened her eyes now and looked at Rihan and Otome with a sure expression.

"Wakana… do… do you want to leave me…?" Rihan looked slightly pale at that.

"Eh? No, no, no. It's not that kind of moving out, Rihan-sama! Jeez, despite being a Casanova, you surely have low self esteem. I won't leave you. I just want to live outside Nura Gumi's main house," Wakana explained more. "You can visit me any time…, ah, but because Otome-sama is pregnant right now, you should visit me at the weekend," she said with a confident smile.

"But… Wakana, why would you suddenly want to move out? What's wrong with living in Nura Gumi's main house?" Rihan was still protesting, not accepting her preliminary reason at all.

"Aren't you listening to me? I've been stating the reasons since in the beginning," Wakana said, sighing. Her husband could be very slow as well sometimes.

"But the life of our children shouldn't be an issue! I won't object even though our child wants a life as a civilian," Rihan said earnestly.

"That's right, Wakana-san. You don't have to move out for something like this," Otome supported her husband's argument.

Wakana looked startled and widened her eyes but then she looked down with a solemn smile. "…wo heirs," she spoke lowly with unreadable expression.

"What?" Rihan scrunched up his expression, trying to hear Wakana's words.

"Two heirs… one family," Wakana said while looking p at the two seriously. "I don't want our children to be burdened by the constant comparison between brothers in the same family. A dispute is born because of it. If two heirs will bring such crack in Nura Gumi, then I'd like mine to withdraw first. This child has no idea what kind of expectation this family has for him. I don't want him to suffer for it," she said so surely that there was no room for the two to argue her this time.

Then Wakana smiled softly again. "Besides, I want him or her to have a lot of friends in school and everywhere. He or she can't really do that by living in a place like this, right?" she emphasized in the 'this' that got the point across Rihan and Otome's heads.

"Well… that's probably true… but being away from you will be very hard for me, Wakana…," Rihan still looked very reluctant. He really didn't want her to leave.

"It's okay, Rihan-sama. We can see totally each other every weekend, right?" Wakana said, "Oh, and I still need to study for my exam… and Rihan-sama always distracts me from studying, that's why," she added and a ton of rocks fell upon Rihan's head.

"Wait a—! That can't be the real reason, right?" Rihan looked like almost crying because of that and Wakana giggled heartily seeing his face.

"Rihan-sama… I love you very much," Wakana said with a very soft smile that sent Rihan's feeling to heaven. "But for Nura Gumi and for our children's sake… I want you and me to be patient with this arrangement. I'm very happy married to you and I won't regret every decision I make here," she got close to Rihan and kissed his lips softly before releasing it and looked at Rihan's eyes deeply affectionately.

"You know I love you too, right? I won't be able to let you go, ever," Rihan said before he kissed her back more passionately.

"I know…," Wakana put her head to Rihan's chest and hugged him dearly. "Promise me you'll always come in the weekend and spend the entire days and night with me," she asked with slightly trembling voice.

"Of course… even though I have to come with bullets all over my body, I'll still come home to you," Rihan closed his eyes and kissed her hair softly.

Otome could only be silent watching the two, not daring interrupt their scared moment of love.

0oo—Rihan x Wakana—oo0

"Ah, speaking about the outside Nura Gumi main HQ… do I need to buy you a house?" Rihan asked as the Wakana and he and Gyuuki had tea together just under the Sakura tree while Yamabuki Otome was in bed, resting. Her pregnancy was quite rough for her delicate body apparently that she had to have a total bed rest.

"It's okay, I already bought one," Wakana said cheerily, making Rihan burst out his tea in surprise.

"Huh? When did—? How? I meant, where did you even get the money to buy a house?" Rihan widened his eyes at that, totally skeptical at that.

"Approximately three days before I spoke to Rihan-sama, I go to real estate agent with Papa Nurarihyon and Gyuuki-sama and Papa bought it for me when I asked," Wakana smiled while pouring him another tea because he had wasted it on Gyuuki's clothes.

"Eww, Rihan, that's just disgusting," Gyuuki protested at the younger man indignantly.

"Sorry, but… how come you were there instead of me, Gyuuki?" Rihan paled at the mention of that and glared accusingly at the older man.

"Rihan-sama is busy with his managing Nura Gumi. You're the head after all, that's why; I asked Gyuuki-sama instead to accompany us," Wakana said, still with her joyful smile that was as bright as sun.

"If you ask me, I'd have dropped everything and go with you," Rihan said while huffing sulkily.

"No can do, Rihan-sama. A head must prioritize family matters," Wakana said understandingly.

"Sometimes… you're so selfless that I'm worried whether you realize or not that I love you more than Nura Gumi."

Gyuuki visibly twitched at Rihan's statement, and Wakana almost dropped her own teacup, but both managed to hold in it pretty well. "Rihan-sama…, please don't say such things…. If there's a time when you've got to pick between Nura Gumi and me…, I want you to pick Nura Gumi first," she spoke slowly, her expression unreadable again.

"Wakana…," Rihan looked at Wakana with a confused look.

"Moreover, the head shouldn't say something as embarrassing as that," Gyuuki said, flushing slightly probably from embarrassment because Rihan was such a talker to a woman, even to his own wife.

"I understand that. You don't have to remind me all the time," Rihan huffed again at Gyuuki, a little bit annoyed. "And… Wakana will live there alone? Where's the place again? Isn't that dangerous? What if you're followed by strange person? I really still think you're safer in Nura Gumi's main house, Wakana," Rihan asked again, making clear because he was still worried after all. A young pregnant woman…, living alone in the unfamiliar house and neighborhood… who would help her with the housework and such?

Wakana looked down and then glanced at Gyuuki for a moment before looking down again. "It will be strange for a pregnant woman living alone… so…," Wakana blushed slightly before stating it. "I asked Gyuuki-sama to live with me until the child is born."


Rihan dropped his jaw and his cup this time, wasting another batch of tea on the mattress now. "Gyu… GYUUKI~~~!" Rihan sent his sworn brother a death ray from his golden-amber eyes, while Gyuuki just looked at another way.

"It's impossible for you to be with her all the time. I, on the other hand… have a lot of free time," Gyuuki said with a small smile. The glare from Rihan was intensified and Gyuuki began to sweat slightly, nervous. "It's just for appearance, Rihan. What do you think the people would say if you go to her house every weekend when she's supposed to be living alone?" he explained. "I can be her bodyguard there and act as her husband and you're our relative that visits every weekend. It's perfect," he said.

"Then you'll be Wakana's husband and the father of my child?" Rihan was still glaring and his tone was completely possessive of what was his.

"I told you, just for 'appearance'! That way Wakana-san will be safe and she can focus on her study and taking care of her pregnancy. I can help her with everything in the house as well, and I'll disappear when you come to visit," Gyuuki tried to convince him.

"I still don't like this arrangement one bit," Rihan huffed again in irritation.

"You're worried I'll fall for Gyuuki-sama?" Wakana asked with an amused smile.

"That too…, eh?" Rihan looked up and saw the dumb stare from Gyuuki and a giggling Wakana. He went red immediately. "I- I meant…," Rihan didn't know how to sound his worry over the fact that Gyuuki might snatch Wakana away from him. He knew in his head that it was impossible, that Gyuuki would never do something like that, but still… his heart refused to understand. He was insecure if Wakana would fall for other men too. He wouldn't be able to handle that.

"You're such a childish insecure man…," Gyuuki shook his head in disbelief that Rihan was still worried over something like that.

"Shut up!" Rihan glared heatedly at Gyuuki again.

"Don't worry, Rihan-sama. Whatever happened, my heart and body belong only to Rihan-sama," Wakana said, still giggling but now she was already hugging Rihan's arm affectionately.

"I know…," Rihan looked at Wakana with nervous smile before he kissed her hair again. "Just… want to make sure that you're always be mine… forever," he continued while hugging the girl tightly now possessively.

Gyuuki closed his eyes and smiled in amusement. Rihan immediately called him creepy to pay him back for his teasing.


Some years later in Nejireme, Gyuuki Gumi Head Quarter….

"Hmm… so that's why Rikuo and I weren't raised together as brothers…," Rikuou said while playing with his wooden sword.

"Yes, Waka… to prevent the dispute and crack in family because of multiple heirs, Wakana-san gave up her position as the wife in the family and lived outside as the spouse. Her sacrifice for the Nura Gumi is legendary among the guys; even Nurarihyon-sama respects her so much for her decision," Gyuuki looked up at the blue sky with nostalgic expression.

"Ah, so… in the end…, Rikuo is still… my lil bro," Rikuou looked at his sword with unreadable expression.

"Your older brother," Gyuuki corrected, sweat dropping at the boy's insistence of taking the other Rikuo as his younger brother instead of the other way around. "I remember the day when both of you were born. Despite the two months difference in pregnancy, you were born in the same day. Waka, you were born prematurely because of a slight accident, and we were in panicked state that we forgot to call your dad. While Rikuo…, Wakana-san went into labor because her water broke after delivering Otome-sama in the hospital. It was an uproar and blur after that. And Rihan's face when he came to the hospital after he was told that both of his wifes were about to give birth… ah, I can't forget how priceless his expression was…," Gyuuki chuckled slightly remembering Rihan's sick face as he had to be there to help and guide both of his wifes give birth.

"I heard you helped Wakana Mama give birth to Rikuo," Rikuou said with a wondering look if the rumors were true.

"As a matter of fact, I did both of you, because your dad fainted at the sight of so much blood coming out of his wifes," Gyuuki chuckled again, totally amused at the memory.

"He could be such a wimp despite being a head of Nura Gumi, huh?" Rikuou sighed long at that.

"It's different you know… seeing the one you love most covered in blood like that and seeing other people covered in blood in the battlefield. The mental challenge is tenfold harder for once. I'm surprised Rihan could stand up until in the middle of it," Gyuuki said with a slight awed smile.

"Hmm… I bet Gyuuki was more concerned about my dad fainting than helping both my mom and Wakana Mama give birth," Rikuou stood then, not looking at Gyuuki as he posed the last stance of his sword practice.

Gyuuki twitched slightly at the flat tone and the way he refused to look at Gyuuki's face. "What's with the strange statement?" he asked then.

"My dad…, you were in love with him?" Rikuou asked slowly, quietly.

Gyuuki widened his eyes in surprise at that. Surely, he mentioned some part that indicated that he loved Rihan that way, but he had never thought this kid would catch that part quite… accurately. "That's right. I did love Rihan, mm… still love him until now," he said proudly, staring at the back of Rikuou's neck.

Rikuou then hurriedly turned around and looked at Gyuuki with a very emotional look. "Not fair…, why can you love my dad without any shame… but I'm not allowed to love Rikuo the same way?" he asked then directly boring his crimson eyes at Gyuuki's reddish amber ones.

Gyuuki widened his eyes even more as he heard that. But before he could say anything to the confession of the twelve year old boy, the boy had turned his back again and ran away.

"No… way…!" Gyuuki gulped slightly, his back freezing in that instant, his hands trembling so bad that he dropped his own sword. The sickening feeling crawled up from the bottom of his stomach to his throat. "This is impossible…! Is Rikuou… with Rikuo…?" he didn't think it would become this way.

When Gyuuki asked Wakana to give up the position twelve years ago, he thought it was for the best. Because he only wanted to protect Nura Gumi… and the children of Rihan…, of the person he loved most… so they didn't have to fight for who would become the head of Nura Gumi, so one of them could have the choice of living a normal life.

Gyuuki had never expected that Rikuou would develop this kind of feeling to his half brother!

Is this my fault…? Because I'm greedy? I want to protect everything… I ended up planting a seed of destruction into my own family?—when the thought crossed Gyuuki's mind, he became really-really scared of what the outcome of this mishap, a factor X of his carefully planned future of Nura Gumi.

Gyuuki had to do something to fix this. He had to crush that seed before it bloomed to be the flower that would destroy Nura Gumi's existence entirely.


Rikuo blinked slightly as he stared at the jet-black haired middle aged man in front of him. He had ever seen this man before… somewhere. But he couldn't seem to recall where he had seen him.

Anyway, why was this man blocking his way? He was in the middle of running away from home, or precisely, from a certain someone. He couldn't stand being in the same town as Rikuou anymore with his escalated pranks. His ass half brother had decided it was okay to ambush him when he was on the way to school and kidnap him. It was really bad because some people actually saw and the police was involved as well. He had inconvenienced Rikuo's mom because of that and it was just too much for a prank.

Rikuo then decided to leave home after writing a letter to his mom. He didn't want her to be inconvenienced even more as it was because of Rikuou's pranks. That guy had just to cool his head for awhile with this little parting. Rikuo would stay in Nagoya for the time being with his friend's family. Kiyotsugu said he had villa over there. Rikuo would borrow it for awhile. He needed serenity not to go insane because of Rikuou.

"Rikuo…," the man called his name and Rikuo went alerted. This man actually knew him, so he indeed must have seen him at some point. "Do you remember me?" he asked then slowly.

"I'm pretty sure… we've met before… but…," Rikuo felt a bit bad that he couldn't remember this man's name. "Ojisan… who are you?" he finally asked, slightly nervous. The cold exterior of the man was a little scary for him.

The man then bowed slightly in front of Rikuo to level his eyes on Rikuo's. "I'm Gyuuki Umewakamaru from Gyuuki Gumi. One of Nura Gumi's alliance family," he said slowly.

Upon hearing the name, the fragment of memory entered Rikuo's mind. Yes, he knew this man. He was always behind his dad when he visited the main house. How could he forget? Well, in his defense, this Gyuuki guy never stood out too much, always quietly watching from behind his dad so Rikuo never thought much of him.

Huh? Damn! If he's from Nura Gumi… then I'm busted for my running away act!—Rikuo had just realized it and sweated profoundly.

"What's wrong, Rikuo?" Gyuuki asked slowly, but his expressionless exterior made it hard for Rikuo to read him. Yet, when looked up slightly to glance at his eyes, his reddish amber irises reminded him of Rikuou.

"Um… why is Ojisan here?" Rikuo asked tentatively, wanting to stall as long as possible before he was hauled back to Nura Gumi and was presented as sacrifice for the demon kind called Nura Rikuou.

"I… want to speak to you," Gyuuki said with a slight stiff smile.

Rikuo instantly knew this man wasn't used to smiling. Even though he was dandy and handsome….

Huh…?—Rikuo felt strange as he smelled the plum fragrance from this man. What's… with this nostalgic feeling?—Rikuo was a bit confused as he felt the familiarity with Gyuuki's smell. But he hurriedly stored his wondering and confused thought at the back of his head as the man stood straight again.

"Would you… accompany me for awhile?" Gyuuki asked him calmly now, and the breeze of warm spring afternoon enveloped them softly.

Rikuo was slightly entranced by this man. Just like his dad and Rikuou, this man had that special aura that made people want to follow him around, almost inhuman but very gentle and soft it was comforting. Even though he wasn't used to smiling and his serious look was a bit scary, Rikuo thought… he could trust this man alright.

"Sure," Rikuo said with a small smile.

Gyuuki widened his eyes for a moment before softened his gaze. "You really… look like Wakana-san…," Gyuuki spoke lowly.

"Eh?" Rikuo was a bit surprised that Gyuuki knew his mom, but he didn't dare ask how he knew.

"Let's walk for a bit," Gyuuki offered his hand and Rikuo accepted it without thinking.

Argh! Now I can't run away anymore!—that thought crossed Rikuo's mind a little bit too late.

Gyuuki smiled a little more and pulled Rikuo to walk side by side with him. "Why are you in this place at a time like this, Rikuo? And with that overnight bag…," he asked slowly then.

Rikuo's heart skipped a beat at the question and the beads of sweat on his face were increasing in number. He tried to look for reasonable excuse, and then answered slowly. "I only want to… stay over at my friend's place," he mumbled lightly.

"On a school night?" Gyuuki raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't okay? I'm a boy who likes to play," Rikuo said with a pout.

Gyuuki huffed slightly, looking amused. "You're right. That part of you resembles your dad," he said, looking slightly happy. Rikuo was fascinated as he saw the micro change of expression. Gyuuki was surprisingly expressive in his own way. "You must have a lot of friends. I bet Rikuou-sama is a little bit envious of you," he continued.

Upon hearing Rikuou's name, Rikuo twitched and stopped walking, surprising Gyuuki.

"What's wrong?" Gyuuki asked, in a slightly wondering look.

"His name… would you please not mention that idiotic brother of mine's name in front of me?" Rikuo asked heatedly. "Right now… I can't stand even hearing his name," he continued, clenching his free fist and seething.

Gyuuki looked really surprise at the aggressive response. "About Riku…," Gyuuki stopped as Rikuo glared at him for almost mentioning Rikuou's name again. "Okay… about Waka…, you don't like him?" he asked then.

Rikuo huffed. "That's not it. I'm fine with his existence. He's the one who always makes my life miserable all this time!" he said, protesting. "Can you believe him? He's such insurable devilish asshole with all of his pranks! And he even…!" and Rikuo told how unbearable Rikuou's mischievous acts all this time.

Gyuuki heard Rikuo's complaints with serious expression and Rikuo was grateful that Gyuuki didn't mind his ranting about Rikuou.

"And lately… his pranks have been escalated again," Rikuo ten looked down, blushing a little in shame. "He gets… more sexual day by day," Rikuo held the hem of his clothes with trembling hand while gulping. "I'm scared… and I've just to get away from him for awhile…," he confessed then, almost crying.

Gyuuki quickly kneeled down in front of him as he spoke out his feeling. He brought his hand to Rikuo's cheek and asked "Did he do something to you?" now his face looked so pale and worry was featuring his expression.

"No… not until like that…. I told him I was going to hate him so much if he continued, and he just stopped. I guess he still has a shred of humanity left in his evil-evil being…," Rikuo looked down again, shaking in annoyance while blushing harder. "I'm ashamed… that I was so weak and couldn't fight him properly like a boy could… and had to run away like this…," he continued, totally depressed. Even though his father had taught him to fight, he just couldn't match Rikuou, not when his younger brother was always training regularly.

Rikuou was always better than Rikuo, he knew that perfectly well. Didn't mean he could accept it right away. Even Rikuo had his own pride to be recognized. Even though he couldn't be compared to Rikuou at all, he still had value in Nura Gumi. He would make sure he still had that value. But right now… he needed time to cool down before he resorted to killing his own half brother in the burst of yearly suppressed rage.

"It's not shameful. You actually choose to lower your pride for a greater good. I'm impressed," Gyuuki spoke with sure expression and Rikuo looked up at the middle aged man in shock.

"Ojisan… thinks so?" Rikuo couldn't believe his hearing that Gyuuki actually approved his running away act.

"Yes. Rather than hurting the Sandaime wannabe unnecessarily, you choose to stay away for the sake of our family. I know someone who will do the same thing, and I respect and love that someone deeply," Gyuuki ruffled Rikuo's hair with fond in his expression.

Really, this Gyuuki wasn't like what Rikuo thought at all. He was more like… a father figure? Even more than Rihan with his overwhelming charisma, he could see more of a father from this guy. Surely, Rikuo loved Rihan as his father… but he was more like an idol rather than a real father. It was really strange… even though Rikuo didn't really know Gyuuki, he felt a lot closer to him than to his own birth father.

Why… am I feeling this way…?—Rikuo couldn't help asking himself in confusion. It really didn't make any sense.

"Gyuuki-ojisan… sounds like a father, do you have kids?" Rikuo couldn't help asking to distract himself from his own senseless thought.

"Well, not exactly my own children but… I take care of two kids back at my home," Gyuuki's expression softened. "They're trouble makers and very naughty sometimes, but they're very cute as well… good kids…," he continued while closing his eyes, his expression very calm and tranquilizing. It warmed Rikuo's heart as well.

"I wish Rikuou could be calmer like Gyuuki-ojisan… and I won't be in this kind of hardship everyday…," Rikuo sighed, forgetting that he wasn't supposed to say Rikuou's name because hearing his name pissed him off again. "Damn, I said his name…!" he grumbled in irritation once more at the reawakened infuriation.

Gyuuki chuckled slightly seeing it. "You know… Rikuou teases you all the time probably because he likes you so much," he said and Rikuo twitched again hearing his name.

"I wish it was for some other reasons… but I can't help agreeing with you, Gyuuki-ojisan. Rikuou has an unhealthy obsession to me. It has always been since we're little kids," Rikuo sighed, very troubled. "I wish I could be more understanding, but it's just too much. He really needs to grow up, or at least learns to do just that a little. It's getting unbearable to let him get away with everything," he continued.

"Then you shouldn't lead him on," Gyuuki said with serious almost cold look that Rikuo had to shiver a little seeing it. "Promise me… that you won't lead him on to pursue his feeling. Hit him if he gets too close, kick him if he forces himself to you. Don't show him how he affects you," he said putting his other hand on Rikuo's other cheek while staring so deeply inside his eyes with his fiery reddish amber pool. "Show him you're strong… and doesn't really need him in your life," he continued once more, convincing the almost thirteen year old boy.

"Ojisan…," Rikuo was feeling rather odd of why Gyuuki said something like that. It wasn't exactly provoking to Rikuo to hate Rikuou, it was like… a self defense? For Rikuo to use if Rikuou ever 'attacked' him frontally? Rikuo couldn't really understand, but it felt that way. "Of course I'll do just that," he said in a huff. "I promise."

Gyuuki sighed softly in relieved look at that, and Rikuo was even more confused of why he would make that kind of expression.

"I'll hold your promise, alright. Are you still going away?" Gyuuki asked then, breaking the heavy atmosphere Rikuo didn't realize was there before Gyuuki changed the subject of their conversation.

"Yes," Rikuo said surely. "Rikuou needs a lesson, and what can be harder lesson than taking his toy away from his childish self?" Rikuo grinned mischievously at that.

"I see…," Gyuuki smiled small again. "Even that part of you is similar to Rihan…," he said while standing up again before turning away. "Thank you for accompanying me for awhile. The station is just in front of you. Have a nice trip," and then the dandy middle aged man walked away, as if he was just there to escort Rikuo to the station.

Rikuo tilted his head aside, totally perplexed by the sudden appearance and disappearance of this Gyuuki. "What a unique ojisan…," he mumbled while walking forward to buy a ticket for his short ride to Nagoya.

0oo—Gyuuki Umewakamaru—oo0

Gyuuki walked into the main house of Nura Gumi calmly. He was greeted by the people in the family respectfully and he entered the meeting room just like usual, as if nothing happened in the earlier afternoon.

"Yah, Gyuuki," Rihan smiled at him as he saw the sworn brother came.

"Gyuuki, you're late! The General Meeting was over fifteen minutes ago," Rikuou was beside his dad, scolding Gyuuki huffily, probably while helping and learning or simply stealing Rihan's skills.

"I met someone else first," Gyuuki said before sitting in front of Rihan.

"Someone more important than General Meeting of Nura Gumi and Dad?" Rikuou looked skeptical at that. Well, Gyuuki couldn't blame him for suspicious, remembering their history and shared secrets.

"As a matter of fact, he was just as important for Nura Gumi's future," Gyuuki responded still closing his eyes coolly before he opened them again to look at Rikuou. "A person who'll make sure that you can be the leader of Nura Gumi someday," he smiled small, feeling totally at ease now. He was sure that Rikuo would protect the promise no matter what, because the kid, despite not despising his half brother, actually couldn't stand him as well.

Rikuo would be okay to put off the fire in Rikuou's feeling towards him. They would be alright.

"You sound so sure, Gyuuki," Rihan laughed slightly, looking at Gyuuki funnily.

"Isn't that already decided from the start?" Rikuou looked confused. "I'm the sole heir of Nura Gumi."

"Well, life is like a wheel, sometimes you're up, sometimes down. Just think that I put a stick to stop the spin, and make sure you're always on top," Gyuuki said again confidently.

Because when you're on top, Nura Gumi will be on top as well…—Gyuuki's thought added with certainty.

"You're extraordinarily strange today, Gyuuki," Rihan shook his head as he continued reading the reports from other heads of the alliances.

"Isn't he always?" Rikuou added with an odd confused look at Gyuuki.

And when Nura Gumi's on top… I'll be happy….

"Strange, but clever," Gyuuki chuckled and both Rihan and Rikuou agreed to call him creepy again.

My happiness… is my beloved Nura Gumi happiness….

The End of Red Strings on Their Pinkies


*Yubikiri: Pinky Swear. The songs literally meaning: 'pinky swear, if you're lying you'll drink a thousand needles'. It's a child's song about promise and the nasty punishment for lying or breaking the promise. Yes, the song is creepy, but it's really a child song.

A/N: Do you actually get what happens in this chapter, especially when it's reaching the end? If you're confused, then I'm successful. XDDD. Sorry, it actually explained Gyuuki's antics in 'My Brother is Oyabun!' Not all, just part of his reason. He has a bigger issue than this, actually, and will be explained in the next chapter of My Brother is Oyabun! This only detailed the 'promise' between Gyuuki and Rikuo, that Rikuo wouldn't fall in love with Rikuou no matter what. I guess we know what happens in My Brother is Oyabun, right? And the part where Rikuo was running away? That was mentioned in chapter 3 of My Brother is Oyabun! as well.

So… this will be the end of these three shots, about Rihan and Wakana, Rihan and Yamabuki, and Gyuuki's involvement in their relationship. Yes, it's complicated. I LIKE complicated relationship XDDD. Anyway, what do you think? Please do and vomit those thoughts out. I really want to hear… err, I mean read them ^_^

See you in the next installment of Yakuza Brother Series!

With Love,
