A/N: I don't own Chris and I don't own Resident Evil, because if I did, things would be different; the plot, however, is all mine. I'm writing this for fun, and I'm not profiting from it at all, etc. etc. ad nauseam. The things that are in italics are thoughts. Please note that this story has nothing to do with the Robin Williams movie, I've merely borrowed the title.

Jill woke up the next morning feeling even more defeated and discouraged than she had the previous day. They were no closer to finding Chris, or anything else for that matter. Sitting up in bed, she made the decision that she didn't really feel like calling Grace. She wanted to just talk to people herself and see if she could get any information that way. She's studied both line graphs intently, more than once, but had gotten nothing from them. She sighed as she got up from the bed and changed out of her pajamas. Her cell phone was on the table and she debated for a moment before picking it up and sliding it into her pocket. She didn't really want to talk to anyone, but she decided she'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Honestly, she had no idea where to start, but the sooner she found Chris, and the sooner they got to the bottom of this whole situation, the better off everyone would be.

About a half hour later, Jill had found her way into the center of town. A headache was starting to gnaw at the top of her skull, and she realised she hadn't eaten since breakfast the previous day. After a few moments' deliberation, she headed down the sidewalk and into the diner at the end of the street. She didn't really want to take the time, but she knew not eating wasn't a good alternative. Plunking herself down at the counter, Jill asked a nearby waitress for a menu, and perused it for a few moments before deciding on something. She realised she was hungrier than she thought as she practically inhaled her food. She stood up, tipped her waitress, and paid for her food before heading back outside. The next course of action wasn't really clear to her, and she just sort of wandered along Main Street. She was pondering what she should do next when she spotted someone walking across the street somewhere ahead of her. She stopped walking and simply stared at the person for a moment. Then her brain caught up with her eyes.

"Hey, Chris!" she called. He neither stopped, nor turned around. She wondered momentarily whether it was actually him. It has to be. It just has to, Jill thought to herself. She hurried across the street and tried to follow him. "Chris, wait!" He broke into a run, and she did her best to follow. His legs were longer, putting her at a disadvantage. She considered calling out to him again, but decided against it. She noticed they were now heading towards the outskirts of town, and wondered what the hell was going on, but she figured she would have to catch up to Chris before she could find out. She'd been out of breath for quite some time now, and she was starting to feel a stitch in her side, but she needed to keep going. After several more minutes, they had reached the hardware store, and Chris was heading towards the woods. Is he… No… she thought. She'd had a feeling earlier that the building in the woods was connected, and now she had a feeling that that was where he was headed.

Jill was right. She tried to keep from tripping over tree roots as she followed Chris through the woods. It was then that she really wished she had a gun. She hadn't brought one with her, as she wasn't supposed to have gotten directly involved in the situation. The building materialised in front of her just in time for Chris to enter the building and close the door, locking it behind him.

Shit, she thought to herself. She put her ear to the door and tried to listen for anything that might be on the other side. She heard nothing, so she took a couple steps back, and kicked the door in. Once she was inside, she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. The motion had come from the center of the room. It seemed as though the center of the room split to reveal a way down to whatever lay beneath the building. She was determined to find a way to open the floor. However, she knew it would be stupid to go alone, so she decided to get in touch with Grace. She sighed, not relishing the idea of walking all the way back to the police station. Maybe Grace would come and meet her if she explained the situation. Jill fished her cell phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her contacts to Grace's number, and pressed the send button. She held the phone up to her ear with one hand and stuck the other hand in her pocket, trying not to acknowledge the feeling of impatience she felt growing inside her. Come on, pick up the phone… Jill thought. Grace picked up on the fourth ring.

"Jill?" she asked. "Where the hell are you?"

"Come down to the hardware store and I'll explain," Jill replied.

"The hardware st… What are you doing down there?"

"I'll explain when you get here." Grace sighed.

"Fine. I'll see you in ten." Grace hung up without another word and headed out to her truck. She really was curious about what Jill was going to tell her. She just hoped it was something useful.

Jill exited the building and walked through the woods back to the hardware store. She was standing in the parking lot for less than two minutes before Grace showed up. A chunk of her hair had fallen out of her ponytail, so she tucked it behind her ear. Whatever had caused her hair to lighten hadn't been permanent, so it had gone back to its original brown.

As soon as Grace shifted the truck into park, Jill strode across the asphalt to meet her. She resisted the sudden urge she had to put her hands on her hips. Grace got out of the truck and looked at Jill without saying a word. She raised her eyebrows.

"I saw Chris," said Jill.

"…What?" Grace asked, as her eyes widened slightly.

"I was talking through town and I saw him. I called out to him, but he turned and ran all the way back to that building in the woods, and I followed him, and-"

"Wait, the two of you ran all the way there?" Jill nodded. "And then what?"

"He entered the building and locked the door behind him, so I kicked the door in. It seems the floor opens up to provide access to whatever seems to exist beneath the building. Apparently, there is something down there. I figured I should call you before trying to get in, rather than go by myself unarmed." Grace nodded.

"You're going to need a gun, and I think I'd like to bring along a bigger gun…" Without another word, she got back into the truck and waited for Jill to follow her. The ride back to the police station felt like it took a lot longer than it actually did, and Jill was anxious to find out what existed beneath the building. Once they were back at the police station, Jill followed Grace to the arms room.

"Maybe we'll find out where Katie is," Grace said, examining a shotgun.

"What do you mean?"

"She's gone. No one knows where she is…" she continued. She removed her sunglasses and placed them on top of her head before rubbing her eyes.

Jill scanned the arms room and tried to decide what would be best to take with her. She would be allowed one to two things, tops. She took the holster Grace handed her and affixed it to her belt before choosing a handgun and sliding it into the holster. A few extra magazines were stuck into one of her pockets. Grace had chosen a similar handgun and a pump-action shotgun. Jill wondered if she should take something else as well, but decided she would rather travel light.

Jill's heart was pounding in her ears by the time they were back in the parking lot next to the hardware store. At least she knew Chris was alive. However, that didn't stop her from worrying about him. She still had no idea what they were up against, so that factored in as well. She wondered whether they would be able to open the floor, and hoped they could figure out how to do so.

The door was still ajar from Jill's earlier actions, and she pursed her lips as she nudged the door open. Even more dust had settled on the contents of the room since Grace and Jill had been there last. Jill tried to imagine where someone would hide the controls to a trapdoor, and came up with nothing. She knelt down and studied the floor underneath the table in the center of the room.

There! Jill thought. There was a barely noticeable seam in the floor. The table was sitting right on top of it and she wondered how, exactly, that worked. "Grace," said Jill. "I found something." Grace strode across the room and lowered herself to the floor next to Jill.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Look at this," said Jill, pointing to the seam in the floor. "Now we know where the trapdoor is. We just need to figure out how to get it open. Maybe the table…" They both stood up and started examining the table. Several minutes later, Jill found something. "Check out the place where this leg is attached to the table." Grace looked at it.

"What about it?"

"There are three screws. All the others only have two." She peered at the screws, and then prodded the middle one, as if it were a button. Nothing happened.

"Try twisting it," Grace suggested, pushing her sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose. Jill twisted the screw between her thumb and forefinger, and jerked back as the two halves of the floor started to separate. A few seconds later, the two pieces of the floor had parted to reveal a spiral staircase leading down into darkness. "I'll go first, I guess," said Grace, swinging her legs over the edge o the floor and starting down the stairs. After she'd gone down a few steps, a set of fluorescent light bulbs flickered on, flooding the area with light. Jill started down the steps after Grace had gone down a few more.

The staircase was longer than either of them had expected. Jill wondered why the stairs were there, and not an elevator. As soon as the thought crossed Jill's mind Grace reached the bottom of the staircase. Grace and Jill crept across the room, trying to make as little noise as possible, and looking around for any potential threats. The doors at the other end of the room were held together by a heavy padlock. Jill leaned down and examined it.

"If I had some lock picking tools, I could open this," said Jill, gesturing to the lock.

"Damn, I know Bernie confiscated a set of lock picking tools from some teenager two weeks ago. I'll see if it's still in his desk. We'll have to go back outside." Jill nodded, and started for the staircase. Once they were back outside, Grace phoned Bernie and asked about the tools. Luckily, they were still in his desk. "I think it'll be quicker if I just go," said Grace. "You stay here." Jill really didn't want to stay, but decided not to argue.

Jill was grateful that it didn't take very long for Grace to return with the lock picking tools. They'd left the floor open to make life a little simpler, although in retrospect, it might not have been such a good idea. There was an unpleasant gnawing sensation in the pit of Jill's stomach, and she drew her gun as she made her way down the stairs behind Grace. As she approached the door, Jill realised that she would have to re-holster her gun to pick the lock. It wouldn't take long. Picking locks was something she was good at. A few minutes later, the lock clicked open, and Jill tucked the lock picking tools into her pocket before drawing her gun again. She nodded to Grace, who followed suit, stepping closer to the doors in the process.

As she reached out to open one of the doors with her left hand, Jill tried very hard to keep her right hand from shaking. The door opened, and she found herself face-to-face with Wesker. A smirk spread slowly across his lips as her jaw dropped.

"I was wondering when you were going to join us, Ms. Valentine."

- To be continued.