Disclaimer: I do own NCIS

Warnings: None in this chapter

A/N: Welcome to part one of my Cub Triology, I hope you enjoy it!


We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies.

~Shirley Abbott~

Everyone has a family tree, a history that makes their family stand out among the rest. My family's history goes beyond that.

My family history began during the age of the Indians, before the Explorers came and claimed land that was not theirs to claim.

The Indians of all Tribes believe in the Mother.

The Mother give all that they needed, she give them life and in return they respected her and her children that roamed the lands in which they lived on, and on the night when the moon was full they bestowed upon her gifts.

This went on for many years, and while at times life was harsh, they were happy.

Then they came, the Explorers.

It is said that at first the Explorers were welcomed into the Tribes, and the two different worlds lived side by side in relative peace. It was only when the Explorers discovered the Indians strong faith in Mother that things changed.

The Explorers who had a strong faith in a different higher power, tried to change the views towards their own, the Indians were not swayed, and a war broke out.

Unfortunately the Tribes did not have the advantages that the Explorers did and as a result victories were few. Dispirited the tribes prayed to Mother for help.

Mother heard them.

On the night of the full moon, Mother gave the Tribes the power and appearance of her children, and while victory was theirs for many days, the Tribes still lost the war.

Many lives were lost, the survivors disappeared.

The tale continues on.

The survivors still infused with Mother's Gift, lived hidden within the forests, some peacefully, and others bitter. Those that were bitter hunted the innocents using Mother's Gift.

Sadden, Mother give those hurt by those of bitter feelings the same Gift, and the cycle continued on for nearly a hundred years.

Finally tired of the cycle, Mother turned the Gift into a curse.

All empowered with the Gift, went insane, turning into monsters. Their cries hunting the innocents who heard, but like all mothers, Mother forgave her children, and removed the curse but not the gift.

Generations after Generations passed, all learning to leave with their Gift, which was now a myth among the innocents and like their myth, they too lived among the innocents.

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