"but you said forever and that you loved me. WWHY?" I asked Edward crying my eyes out
" because I don't love you, you where jus there to past the time and now I m done with you "he was gone I as I walked hoe feeling hated and alone I knew I had nowhere to go but home. So as I walked home I saw a cruiser in the drive way. use to find the I walked up to the house tot find the police office looking very sad. My heart dropped I put it together before he could say it tears started to run down my face.
" miss swan I'm sorry to tell you but your mother and father are dead"
"WHAT" I yelled at the office
" the chief had left from work to pick up your mother week a drunk drive had smashed in to them" he said with a single tear falling from his eye
" I wish I was" he said in a small whisper's the mouths after my mom and dad died were very depressing on top of have Edward leave me didn't help. I was living with the black until I got enough money to buy a ticket to live with my aunt after the funeral I decide I could not stay any long I hated my life no one loved me I was so depressed.
" bells are you sure you don't want me to ride with you to Virginia " Jake asked holding me close to this body
" yeah I'm sure I m gonna miss you. You are the best friend a girl could as for Lizzie's a very lucky girl to have you and be your imprint" I said smiling at him after ours long and sad goodbyes and promises of post cards and visit I was on my way to my new life with me other family I didn't want to get hear any more I just wanted to be normal I knew I was gone find it with Elena Jeremy and Jenna
As I rode in the plane ii vowed to myself not to fall in love with another arrogant man again to settle down when he truly loves me. When I pulled up to the airport I was Elena and to guys. One had his his around her waste the other was trying not to stared at them. But when they seen me I guess something click because they single one walked up to me and got on one knee
" Ms. Isabella what an honor to be in your presents I'm Damon Salvatore " he said sounding polite.
" And this is my brother Stefan Salvatore" he continued
" my lady" his brother said
" Elena you didn't tell me she was the queen to the super natural world" Stefan said taking a step back
" what the hell are you guys talking about" Elena said sounding annoyed so I felt like I was making her life her life hell I want to back home and rot away
" I'm sorry maybe I should go home back to forks" I said about to cry .Elena had rush by the both of them
"NO I didn't mean It like that it just mad me mad how they acted when they saw you.' she explain the ride to my new home was filled with question of my new old life I told them when we get to the house she will explain it all.
" miss swan my I talked to you" Damon asked it was sweet but get on my nerves
" yes you may"
" I want to be your savoir" he said
"my what" I laughed a little but he had a very straight face
" he hurt you and you need somebody to lean on" he explained and for some reason feel in to his arms and started to cry about the whole thing.
AU: hay I need a beta as you can tell inbox me if you would like to help review story thank you love lots