I'm writing this lovely little Fic for a girl at my school, she knows how i get busy and neglect updating, but you all don't, so i will tell you. Sometimes i get busy, and neglect updating. I will attempt to do one every few days, but that is not likely to go on for very long, like i said: me=busy, Fic=neglected. nevertheless, i do hope you enjoy this story, it will be a VeelaFic, Draco/Luna. only jerks give flames, so don't.
Disclaimer: you all knows what goes here. **eyeroll**I did not write Harry Potter, i just like to do my own thing with the characters. deal with it.
Thump, thump, thump, thump! My feet pounded the packed dirt on the lane linking my home to the Weasley's. My hair landed rhythmically on my back in time with my feet, only two more miles until I'd be home! I had been running to the Weasley's and back at least once a day all summer, I had to be ready for my sixteenth birthday at the beginning of school.
When I came home from school this summer my father had sat me down and explained my heritage to me. His words my mantra.
The stronger you are, the easier the change will be.
The stronger you are, the easier the change will be.
The stronger you are, the easier the change will be.
Thump, thump, thump, thump! I refused to slow down, even a little bit to catch my breath. I had to be ready for the change, I had no choice. Becoming a Veela was no easy task. The books I had read so far that summer all described the change as bone shattering agony. I kept thinking to myself, I am not strong enough, I'll never be able to withstand the change, so I decided to make myself strong enough, binding my hair up with red ribbon to remind me to be strong.
One more mile! I knew if I could make it just a few more steps I would break through my mental wall, and be able to sprint out the last stretch towards home. I set my eyes on my front door, locking in on the dirigible flowers, and set off as fast as I could, counting the seconds until I was at the stairs leading up to my home. Dipping my finger in the can of paint I kept beside the stairs, I made a mark on the side of the door to show that for the 20th time that summer, I had made it home alive from my run. Before the summer was over, the entire door would be blue.
I pulled myself through the door, leaning heavily on the walls as I regained my scarce breath. "Luna?" my father called from the kitchen. "Coming!" I panted, pulling myself along.
I rounded the corner into the kitchen to see a huge glass of water atop the table next to a plate of toast and eggs. "Ten miles already Luna?" he asked, handing me the water, which I drank greedily. "Yes sir," I chirped once I put the now half empty glass down. "I wanted to get it out early today, and if I'm feeling up to it, I might do another five tonight when it cools off."
Dad nodded, "Alright, I'll make something light for supper tonight so you don't throw up on your run, and when you make it back in, if you're hungry, I'll make you something before bed." I nodded, "Thanks dad."
He sat at the table across from me and buttered a slice of toast, "I'm glad you're working hard to make the change as easy as possible. I was not as wise in my youth, and the change hurt almost more than I could bear. I probably would not have made It except for the potion my father made to help numb the pain."
I cocked my head to the side, "but didn't your temperature burn off the potion?" everything I had read insisted that there was nothing that could help with the pain. "Oh yes," he replied, his eyes crinkling at the painful memory. "But the fever doesn't come until about halfway through the change, so I was spared the pain of the first bit of the change."
I took another gulp of water, "What potion is it?" I asked him, planning to make it and ease my own pain. He shook his head, "It's too complex for someone as young as you, don't even think of making it yourself."
I quickly cast about for an alternative to making it myself, "Professor Snape! I could write him and ask if he would make it!"
Dad took my hand, "Ask him very kindly, it's a very difficult potion to make, and I'm sure he has better things to do with his summer. The name of the potion is Ignis Obturamentum (A/N: fire-stopper)."
After breakfast I dragged up to my room and got my quill and a bit of parchment.
Professor Snape,
I am due to become a veela at the beginning of the school yaar
and I have been working very hard to make sure my change is
as painless as possible, however I am not sure it will be enough.
This morning my father Xenophilius told me of a potion that he used
to cope with the pain during his change: Ignis Obturamentum. Due to the complexity of the potion
I have been forbidden from making it myself, so I thought to myself,
'who is the best, most experienced potion maker you know?'
And of course, you came to mind.
Professor Snape, if you are not too busy this summer, could you
Perhaps help me with this? It would make my change oh so much easier.
Best Regards,
Luna Lovegood
I folded and sealed the short letter and bound it to my owl Manjit (A/N Conqueror of Knowledge) with a spare bit of ribbon and let him fly out my open window. Once he was out of sight I sat at my desk and pulled out one of the books my father had given me the day he told me about the change that would occur on my sixteenth birthday. I had heard that Professor Snape always answered promptly, I would read at my desk until I received his reply.
"Draco!" my father called from down the steps. Immediately I jumped up from my place lounging on my bed and smoothed my clothes. "Coming Father!" I answered, hurrying to meet him in the foyer.
"Draco, come talk with me in my study." I could count on one hand the number of times I had been invited into his study, none of them had been recent, and none of them had been for good reasons.
The spacious study had forest green carpeting, a mahogany desk, and grey seats. "Sit." He ordered, I sat on the edge of the seat in front of his desk, my back as straight as I could make it. Father sat more relaxed in his own chair. "Now Draco, you know of our heritage, do you not?"
"Yes sir," I answered, resisting the urge to nod, "We are purebloods, of course, but we also have a fair bit of Veela blood." Father nodded at my response, "Yes exactly. Now as you no doubt know, the Veela gene has not been expressed in the Malfoy line in several generations. When you were born, your mother and I had your genes analyzed, and the Veela gene will be expressed in you."
My heart stuttered frantically, "Excuse me sir? What does that mean? What is going to happen?" Father put his fingertips together forming a bridge, "I am not certain Son, as I said before, the gene has not been expressed in several generations, however I do remember a few key points.
From what I can recall, you will come into your Veela inheritance on your sixteenth birthday. The change is supposed to be agonizing, but you are a Malfoy, you will be able to withstand it.
Also, you will have a mate of sorts. From the moment your transformation ends, until you find her, you will be overcome with the need to find her. I will help you of course, but with my limited knowledge on the subject, I will only be able to help you so much, or possibly not at all."
I nodded, forgetting that Father hates non-verbal answers. "Draco," He growled in warning, "Sorry sir, thank you for giving me this information, I will do with it what I can in preparation for the change."
Once Father had dismissed me I hurried back up to my room to send off an owl to Flourish and Blots, I would be needing a few books on the subject of Veelas. While I waited for those to come in though, I would make due with what I could find in our library.
After hours of research, I had only found a few scarce facts about Veela in the library.
1)Veela come into their inheritance on their sixteenth birthday, the transformation is incredibly painful, especially when the wings develop.
2) Veela have a predestined mate they are drawn too from the moment their transformation ends until they find them.
3)Female Veela are extraordinarily sensitive while their male counterparts are extremely protective.
4) The stronger you are, the easier the change.
5) If rejected by their mate, the Veela will become inconsolable, refusing both food and water until they die.
Excellent, I was about to experience indescribable pain, only to wake up on a mission to find some hyper-sensitive girl, and I would die if she rejected me. Perfect! The only chance I have at survival now is if this crazy emotional girl was in Slytherin.
Wow, isn't Draco a little melodramatic. oh well, review.