Every day for the past week Azusa's been having the same dream. Yui would cry and plead for Azusa to love her, but would end up locking her in a pit of darkness. Also, for the past week she's been trying to tell Yui her true feelings. But, Yui avoids Azusa everyday. She won't look or speak to her. Her eyes are always swollen and red. And they look as if she was lifeless. No matter how hard Azusa tried to talk to Yui, she'd always walk away as if she wasn't there. This just broke Azusa's heart every single day. She hates to see the person she loves, ignore her 24/7. She won't even pick up her phone calls or respond to her text messages. Today, everything would change.

Azusa tossed and turned in her sleep. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She gripped the bed sheets and gritted her teeth. The bed creaked and shook as she squirmed.

"Y-Yui...No...Come Back!"

Tears stained her face. She covered her ears and shook her head viciously.

[Her Dream]

Azusa extended her arm and reached for Yui, who backed away, fresh tears pouring down her face.

"Azusa...Why? Why don't you love me?"

"But Yui, I-"

"I Understand..."

Yui's dull eyes and tear stained face looked at her. Quick on her heels, She turned around and ran into the darkness.


Azusa reached out but fell. Darkness surrounded her as her body fell deeper and deeper into the dark pit. She opened her eyes and looked up. Yui stared back with an evil smile.

"It's either you learn to love me or...die"

The only available light that Azusa could see was blocked as Yui covered the hole.

"Bai bai, Azusa"

Complete darkness was all she could see. Everything was quiet except the faint sobs that came from her.

"Onegai, Yui! Don't leave me here!"

[End Of Dream]


Azusa screamed as she sat up. She brought her knees close to her chest and wraps her arms around them. Her cries were soft and gentle like a lost child. After several minutes of crying, she wiped her eyes and got off her bed. As usual, she walked over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her hair.

[Several Minutes Later]

Azusa stretches her arms over her head and finishes her breakfast.

"Arigatou, Oka-san"

"Your welcome, Azusa-chan"

She places a soft kiss on her daughters forehead and sends her off to school. After putting on her shoes, she walks out the door with a bright, cross that, a fake smile. Once she heard the door close, her smile faded and her eyes became dull.

"(Sigh) I should text Ui-chan now"

Ui apparently knows about Yui and Asuza's love problem. Yui probably came crying to her sister the same day she mis-took Azusa's confession for rejection. Anyways, they got together and made a plan. One day Azusa would get to school extra early, before any of her club members were there. Then she would wait...and wait...and wait until she saw Yui. That would give her the perfect chance to meet up with her and tell her how she felt, how she really felt. She stopped at the edge of the sidewalk and typed her message.

Send To: Hirisawa, Ui

I just left my house. I'll be at school soon.

Don't forget to text me!

Monday, 7:25am

[At school]

Azusa roamed the empty hallways. Their plan was in action and all they needed was that special text message. She opened the door to her club room and sat in a chair. Her heart beat faster and faster as she twiddle her thumbs.


Azusa quickly stood up. Her chair slid back and her knee hit the bottom of the table.


She winced in pain and held her knee. Her legs gave out as she fell to the floor. Ignoring her pain, she flipped open her phone and read her message.

Hirisawa, Ui

Onee-chan just left. She should reach the school around 8:05am

Good Luck!

Monday, 7:52am

Azusa quickly responded, thanking Ui for all her help. She stood up, ignoring her throbbing knee, and walked over to a window. Every face that entered the school, would be secretly scanned by Azusa.

"Yellow clips..yellow clips"

Yellow clips were Yui's signature hair garments. Azusa became very annoyed when she couldn't find her crush.

"Not her...No...Nope...Still not her (Sighhh)"

"Why...Why haven't you come to school yet?"

Just when the little bit of hope and courage in her heart was about to fade, she saw Yui turn the corner and enter school grounds with her friends by her sides. Walk, Speed walk, Run! Azusa ran down the hallway trying to reach the front of the school before her. She dodged people, teachers, and turn corners as fast she could. She finally reached the first floor as she ran outside and stood in front of the school doors.

"Azusa...Why are you here so early?" Ritsu asked while tilting her head to the side.

Azusa almost cried when she saw the happiness in Yui's eyes fade into sadness. She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. Her hands balled up into fists and she held back her tears.

"Yui!" She screamed.


The mean and sincere tone in Yui's voice scared her. She could hear the anger and sadness in her words.

"What do you possibley want? You text me and call me everyday! Why are you harrassing me? I understand you don't like me the wa-"

"Your wrong!"

Yui jumped and looked at Azusa, her eyes cold and hard.

"Yui...I do like you...No it's not like, it's..l-love"

Azusa blushed and looked away.

"I never got to tell you but, I L-L-Love you...Yui"

Yui dropped her school bag and ran to Azusa, embracing her in a tight hug. Her face collided with Yui's growing mounds, causing her to blush.

"Azusa, I...I"

Yui didn't know how to apologize to her kouhai. She ignored her and even stopped talking to her for something she mis-understood. She wanted to make up for everything she caused her. Tears threatened to fall out, but were held back as she continuously blinked. Azusa looked into her eyes and Yui couldn't help it as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Baka, Yui" Azusa whispered.

A smile graced her features as tears poured down her face. She wraps her arms around Yui's neck and pulls her down. Their lips crash into a passionate kiss. Tongues dancing and twirling around one anothers. Yui cups her cheeks and deepens the kiss. Azusa was first to pull away as her chest rose and fell. They pressed their foreheads together and smiled.

"Okayyy, Sooo...I'm not sure what just happened but, everyone's watchung you guys" Ritsu whispered while chuckling.

Azusa and Yui looked around and noticed that most of Sakura high just saw their make out session. They both blushed and laughed softly. Mio blushed and looked away as she handed Yui her school bag. They all ran up the stairs towards the clubroom. They have alot of explaining to do.

I Changed It Up A Bit. Hope You Like!

Please R&R!

Bai, Bai

- AnimeLuver33