It was a chilly February afternoon as everyone is Sakura High was in last period, waiting for the school day to end. In class 2-4 in the last row by the windows, in the very last chair, sat a girl with long black hair tied into pig tails. She would look up every now then at the board and back at her paper as she hurried to copy down the notes. Silence filled the room as the sound of pencil scratching paper was heard. All of this was interrupted when:


"Okay class read pages 156-161 and answer questions 1-4 for homework"

Screeching and chatter filled the room as the pig tailed high schooler closed her notebook and pulled out her books to take home. As she packed her school bag, two girls approached her desk. One with curly hair worn in pig tails and another with a small pony tail held by a yellow ribbon.

"Azusa-chan, are you ready to go?" asked Ui-chan

"Yeah, I have no Jazz club today since the prez is sick so I wanted to hang out" said Jun-chan

Azusa stood up as she grabbed her school bag and said:

"I woud like to, but I have practice with Ritsu and the others today" Azusa said as she pushed in her chair, grabbed her guitar and walked out her homeroom.

"Ehhhhhh, but I wanted to hang out today" said Jun-chan as she stuck out her bottom lip and whimpered softly.

"Sorry guys but I can't go, text you later" Azusa said as she waved good-bye and walked in the other direction.

"Its okay Jun-chan I'll hang out with you" said Ui as she smiled and put a helpful hand on Jun's shoulder.

Jun sighed as she walked away with Ui by her side. Meanwhile, Azusa walked up the stairs to the Music Room. The hallways were quiet on 3rd floor, which was un-usual with her band always playing. She walked up to the door as she knocked on it softly. No answer...she slowly opened the door to find an emty room. She walked over to the sofa as she set down her school bag and guitar. As usual, she went to go feed Ton-chan. The little turtle swam around happily at the sight of Azusa. The corner of her lips lifted as she watched the turtle.

"What did Sempai see in you?"

Azusa giggled at the thought of Yui and her childish faces. Azusa bursted out laughing as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Yui-Sempai...your so crazy!" Azusa said.

She smiled as the grabbed the turtle food and pourded some pellets in. The turtle happily ate them as Azusa walked over the the sofa and sat down. She sighed as she placed her hands on her lap.

"Where is everyone?" She thought.

Azusa lied down on the sofa as she stared at the ceiling. Her mind began to wonder as she waited in the silence.

"Maybe they all abandoned me..."

A look of worry washed over Azusa's face as she continued thinking.

"No, no my Sempai's would never do that they all-(click)"

Azusa sat up at the sudden noise. She looked at the door and noticed it slowly opening. She brought her feet to ground and began standing up when she noticed a pair of brown eyes peek into the room. The door flew open as Yui came dashing towards her. Azusa eyes widened as Yui got closer and closer.


"Azu~nyan!" Squealed Yui as she stuck out her hands.

"I didn't think you'd be here!" She cried as she wrapped her arms around her neck and rubbed her cheek against her face.

"I'm always here before you Yui-sempai" Azusa said.

Azusa blushed as she felt Yui's mounds squish against her small chest. Yui chuckled softly and took Gita off her back as she laid the guitar next to Azusa's. Yui stared at Azusa and gave her a small smile. She smiled back and to break to odd silence she asked:

"Yui-sempai where are the others?"

"Ahhhhhh, Mio-chan had a doctors appointment so she couldn't come, Ric-chan is grounded for failing English so she had to go straight home (Yui chuckled as she said this) and Mugi-chan had to go to work early"

Azusa face went from happy to sad knowing that most of her Sempai's aren't coming. She sighed and looked down.

"I guess I'm stuck with you, Yui-Sempai"

"Its not so bad, Azu~nyan! Let's talk a little" Yui said

"Why can't we practice?"

"Ehhhhhhhh, but that's boring! So Azu~nyan did you ever have a boyfriend?"

Yui put emphasis on the word 'boyfriend' as Azusa's face became a bright red. She looked down as she adjusted the way she was sitting and folded her hands. She looked back at Yui, who was waiting for Azusa to answer.


Azusa hung her head in defeat and sighed. Yui put a helpful hand on her shoulder and said:

"Its okay, I never had one before either"

"Yeah, but...most boys like you and no one likes a short, fllat-chested girl like me"

Azusa hung her head once again as her eyes began to water. Yui wrapped her arms around Azusa's neck as she nuzzled her head in her soft hair. She caressed her left arm as she tried to think of something else to say. A thought struck her head as she let go of Azusa and asked:

"Azu~nyan did you ever have your first kiss?"

Azusa blushed as she looked away. Yui became worried as she noticed what she said.

"I was supposed to change the subject not make it worse! I hope Azu~nyan's not mad at me..."

Azusa shook her head as she looked at Yui. She smiled and tryed to change the subject again by saying:

"Would you like to share it with me?"

Azusa blushed and looked at Yui, who was also blushing.

"But we're both girls..."

"It's okay if it's only a peck on the lips, I've never had my first kiss either"

Azusa didn't even get to answer as Yui leaned forward and placed her lips on her's. Azusa gasped and stared at Yui as she kept kissing her. Azusa froze in place in the shock. Yui became worried and backed away as she stared at Azusa's blushing face.

"Sorry..." Yui said looking away.

Azusa stared at Yui as her brain came back to reality. Azusa felt bad as she moved closer to Yui and placed her lips on her's. Azusa pulled away fast and blushed heavily.

"It's okay but I don't really remember the feeling" Azusa said as she blushed and looked at her Sempai.

"So...ummmm do you want to have a do-over?" Yui said blushing a light red.

Azusa nodded as Yui placed her hands on Azusa's shoulders and leaned forward. Their lips were one inch milimeter, then their lips became one. Azusa felt as her face began heating up. Yui softly bit her lip asking for entrance as she gasped. Yui immediatly stuck her tongue in her mouth. Azusa almost fainted at the feeling as she moaned softly. Yui hungrily searched her "kitten's" mouth as brushed her tongue on Azusa's. She flinched at the feeling and slowly lifted her tongue and began moving it around. She moaned louder when Yui wrapped her tongue around her's.

"I've alwaysed dreamed of this" Yui whispered.

"What did she say?" Azusa thought.

Yui pulled away quickly as she grabbed Azusa's tongue with her mouth and began sucking on it. Azusa breathed heavily and she gripped the edge of the sofa. Her previous thought was pushed away as she moaned in pleasure.

"Yui-Sempai...Stop! It feels too good!" Azusa thought as she closed her eyes tightly.

Her legs twitched as she felt her panties become wetter and wetter. Yui let go as she devoured her mouth again. Their tongues danced together and Azusa was the first to pull away gasping for air. Yui did the same as their chest rose and fell in smiled and Azusa smiled back but it faded once her phone began vibrating. She took it out her skirt pocket and on the screen read "Mom". Azusa gasped as she looked at the time, 5:17pm.

"I was supposed to be home 45 minutes ago!" She thought. She quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello? Azusa speaking"

"Azusa, where are you?"

"Mom, I'm so sorry I was busy practicing with my friend that I lost track of time"

"Well come home as soon as possible, okay?"

"Okay, Bye"


Azusa hung up the phone and looked at the window. An orangy-pinkish color was shining from outside and making the glass look tinted.

"The sun's setting..." She sighed again and looked at Yui's worried face.

"Gomen Azu~nyan, did I get you in trouble?"

Azusa shook her head and smiled. A smile of relief spread across Yui's face as she rubbed the back of her neck.

Later On

As Azusa and Yui were walking home none of them directly looked at each other. They would smile every now and then,when they waited for light to change, but that's all. As Azusa reached the corner that let to her house she stopped walking and said:

"Well this is my stop"

Yui smiled and waved goodbye as she said:

"Bai Bai, Azu~nyan!"

"Bai, Yui-sempai"

Asusa smiled as she waved and turned the corner. She kept thinking about the kiss that she shared with Yui. She blushed as she shook the thought away.

"I bet Yui-Sempai doesn't think of me that way that I think of her." Azusa smiled as she opened the gate that led to her house. She kept thinking and she gasped when she noticed what Yui had whispered:

"I've alwaysed dreamed of this..."

Azusa stopped in her tracks as she stood in front of her house.


Authors Note:

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