Another pointless drabble thingy... Takes place just after Kurt and Blaine have moved in together.

Glee? Yeah, not mine.

Blaine pulled his pyjama top over his head and yawned, ruffling his hair as he headed to the bathroom. His bathroom. Their bathroom, Blaine thought happily. He stopped outside the door when he heard muffled shouting from inside.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Blaine frowned, Kurt rarely swore. "Ah, shitty fuckety fuck!"

" okay?" Blaine called through the door. Suddenly the door burst open, revealing a dishevelled looking Kurt who immediately closed the door behind him and leaning against it. His hair was awry, his t-shirt hanging off one shoulder and a faint red tinged his cheeks.

"Kurt...what..." Blaine reached for the door handle.

"No! No, don't open the door!" cried Kurt, eyes wide.

" David Tennant in there? Are you cheating on me with David Tennant?" Blaine held a hand to his heart in mock horror.

"No, what? I mean no, there's..." he stumbled over his words, gesturing wildly, eyes wide with fear.

"'re kinda scaring me now...what's in the bathroom?" When Kurt wouldn't answer he gently pushed him aside and entered the bathroom, ignoring Kurt's spluttered protests. He looked around but could see nothing amiss.

"There's nothing in here Kurt..."

"Look on the ceiling." he whimpered. Blaine looked up. Next to the hanging light bulb sat a small, fat moth. It suddenly flew down from the ceiling, bashing into the light and various walls. Kurt squealed and backed away.

"'s a moth." Kurt nodded vigorously. "It's tiny..."

"It's frikkin' huge!"


"And it keeps flapping about, and bashing into the light...and,! And- stop laughing!"

"Sorry." Blaine tried to control the amused look spreading across his face. "I'll erm, I'll just get it out shall I?"

"Yes." Kurt sighed in relief, throwing one last dirty look at Blaine before prancing off to the bedroom. Blaine rolled his eyes, smiling and fetched a glass.



"Mmm?" Came the lazy response.

"About the moth thing."

"We said we shall never speak of it again."

"No, you said that." argued Blaine, reminding his boyfriend that he never actually agreed to this.

"Whatever." mumbled Kurt, burying his head into the pillow.

"But you're not scared of butterflies are you?"

"They're totally different!" Kurt's indignant response was somewhat muffled by the pillow.

"Not really..."

"Okay, fine. Think whatever you want. Leave me and my moth-a-phobia in peace and let me sleep now." There was a few minutes silence.

"You know moth-a-phobia isn't a real word right?"
