"Are you sure you don't want to keep the job?"


"But your method of dealing with the court is so much better than mine."

"No!" Seien growled at his beaming brother as the two stood in one of the private chambers next to the Emperor's public audience chamber. Ryuuki had lost weight while unconscious and his Imperial robes hung off him awkwardly. His attitude was the same as ever though.

After being told of the events that had occurred while he recovered, he had never once shown any emotion. At first Seien had worried that there was something wrong with his usually exuberant brother. But after all the officials, aides and friends had left Ryuuki had turned those calm and even golden eyes to Seien, and the silver-haired man realized just how good of a mask his brother could create. It was a skill the older brother never quite mastered, at least not in political matters. Many who knew him and his past would claim his mask of kind geniality was flawless until you angered him and his true blood-thirsty personality emerged. It was no wonder that Ran Setsuna argued that the Shi brothers deserved the triplet's moniker of 'sleeping dragons' more than them.

At that time, Ryuuki and he had spent hours discussing court intrigue and machinations. The Emperor's face often went from concerned to amused as he explained to his brother why some of the court reacted the way they did, and what they were likely planning that Seien had not been aware of. Ryuuki's ability to read the court was truly astounding sometimes. Seien reminded himself of the blood and tears that his younger brother had been forced to shed in order to gain that skill though. To be able to navigate the chaos of the civil war between his elder brothers and emerge as the sole remaining heir to the throne was not an accomplishment to be taken lightly. Seien often forgot that Ryuuki's life in the palace at that time was likely just as dangerous as his own within the Satsujinzoku.

Now the brothers stood, waiting for the court to assemble for an audience with their Emperor, the first since Ryuuki had awoken days earlier. Neither Kouyuu nor Shuuei were with them, and Tai Yuushun was already in the chamber awaiting Ryuuki's arrival. He seemed to be hesitating though, playing with the end of his sleeves as he had sometimes done as a child.

"What is it?" Seien finally asked.

The blond Emperor looked up, a shy expression on his face and mumbled, "Aniue… Aniue will stay, won't he?" His language was childish and reminded Seien painfully of the days before his exile. He had made such a promise back then too. He'd been unable to keep it though.

"Idiot," Seien drawled, "I'll be where ever you order me to be."

Ryuuki grinned and practically skipped over to the door. "We will hold you to that." Turning back to face his brother once more before entering the chamber, he said, "Wait at the main entrance to the audience chamber. You will be summoned." Then, without another word set his shoulders and gracefully strode out to face the court.

Seien was torn between smiling at his brother's mood swings and being horribly confused at what he might be planning. Walking out to the main doors, Seien couldn't help but feel nervous. The wait for them to open seemed to take an eternity as his thoughts raced around in circles.

It was almost nostalgic. The doors slowly opened, revealing the elaborate chamber that housed the court of Saiunkoku. Seien hesitated slightly. Memories of his childhood in the palace left him almost scared to step foot in these chambers like this once more. It was the same sick feeling he got when he first returned to the palace with Shuurei. Back then he'd had no choice but to follow the girl he had sworn to protect. Just like now. He steeled his face and strode forward. He had no choice but to follow the brother he'd sworn to protect.

Approaching the royal dais, Seien, still dressed in royal purple, kneeled before his brother and Emperor.

Ryuuki gave him the barest of smiles as he began to speak. "It is with great rejoicing that we welcome our elder brother, Prince Seien, home to our side. We cannot thank our beloved brother enough for his hard work in aiding us in our time of need." He paused and looked over the assembled court for a moment before returning his gaze to Seien. "It is with much gratitude we wish to confirm his appointment to the illustrious post of Shogun of the Uringan, and confer onto him as well, the honor of being our advisor."

A wave of shock rippled around the room. "You would grant an exile your flower?" One particularly ostentatious official called out.

Ryuuki's visage did not waver though. "Our brother needs no flower. His loyalty to us is beyond such paltry tokens. We would grant him whatever request within our power, just was he would grant the same to us." Again Ryuuki paused to gaze at the members of the court. "After months of acting as our Regent, does this court still distrust our brother's ambitions? Were he to covet our throne, it would be his." There were a few stifled gasps at this implication, but the Emperor continued to speak without interruption, "If any still question our brother's motives, we would be happy to reply to any official written inquiries on the matter. However, we wish it to be known that suspicion without proof of misdeeds will not be tolerated."

Ryuuki was good. Seien could barely keep the smirk off his face at the proceedings. Of course people would question Seien's position and level of power, but he doing so would turn the suspicion onto the reporter as much as it would the prince. His power amongst the courts may have diminished while he was unconscious, but if the nobles had learned anything from Ryuuki's reign so far it was that he was persistent and fair. Corruption was not something he tolerated, and he would do everything in his power to see any official who overstepped their bounds were dealt with accordingly – including those closest to him.

The court could not argue with their Emperor on this though, and fell silent as Ryuuki motioned for Seien to take his place at the right of the Emperor's throne. The pair made a striking picture. Contrasting heads of gold and silver, both bedecked in layers of rich violet. The elder's armor gleamed in the light, his trusted Konshou attached to his hip. His brother's sword sat next to his throne, sheathed in white, and reminding all present the history between the two siblings. The court's customary proceedings seemed to go swiftly and with little argument that morning.

Hours later, as Seien stood against the rail of one of the Emperor's private viewing pavilions, he couldn't help but wonder if he was finally happy.

"Seiran?" The hesitant voice of Shuurei broke him out of his musings.

"Ojou-san, is something the matter?" She seemed nervous to approach him, so he beckoned her over with a gentle smile.

"I… Things are going to be different now…" She kept her gaze lowered as she came to stand next to him.

"Yes," he replied softly, "But not so different than before."

She shook her head empathetically. "No, you have your brother back now. I will miss you."

He almost questioned her on where exactly she thought he was going, but realized as he opened his mouth what it was she was trying to say. Drawing her towards him and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he said, "You don't need me, you never did."

"No," she mumbled into the fabric on his chest, "I wouldn't be nearly so brave if I didn't know you were always watching out for me."

"I will always watch out for you Ojou-san."

"But Ryuuki-" she began to protest but was cut off by a new voice.

"We would never forgive our brother if he were to allow any harm to come to our beloved Shuurei." Seien turned to his brother, who was dressed in an informal robe, his hair released from its usual ties and blowing gently in the breeze as he walked up to the pair.

"Baka otouto!" Seien cried in exasperation, reaching out to muss the young Emperor's hair. Said Emperor ducked away and scowled, trying to straighten the mess. "Don't speak so formally with your family!"

Ryuuki grinned sheepishly, "Sorry… but if Shuurei is worried that Aniue won't be able to protect her all the time there is a simple solution to that!" The other two waited expectantly as Ryuuki smiled at them. "Yes, Shuurei should of course live here!"

The Kou princess groaned and buried her face into Seien's chest, which was shaking from badly suppressed laughter.

"Ryu~uki!" she exclaimed loudly. Neither brother could help it anymore and burst into laughter. They were both so relaxed, so happy that Shuurei couldn't help but join in. After all, this was the first time any of them had felt the urge to laugh so freely in over six months.

Seien couldn't remember the last time he felt so at peace. His brother on one side, smiling like an idiot, and his adopted-sister on the other was all he needed right now. Kouyuu and Shuuei were waiting unobtrusively in the background – having followed Ryuuki, but not wanting to intrude on the moment – and Seiran knew Shouka-sama was lurking somewhere nearby in the shadows (and wasn't that secret going to lead to an interesting discussion between the brothers).

Seien was happy, for the first time in his recent memory, he was utterly and completely happy, it was a novel feeling. So freeing…

"Seien-aniue," Seien glanced towards his grinning brother, and raised an eyebrow in question. "Sei~en-aniu~e…"

"Yes, Ryuuki?" he played along, slightly impatient at the blond's antics.

"Seien-aniue, I just like that… Aniue…" Ryuuki's grin got wider, though Seien doubted that was possible, and frowned slightly in return. "You can't say it's not safe to say your name anymore Seien-aniue."

Seien groaned. His brother was cuter when he was sleeping.

AN: Saiunkoku Monogatari and all characters and situations do not belong to me but to the associated writers, publishers and distributers of the work. No profit is made from this fan work, and no copyright infringement is intended.

The translation of Seiran's line near the end is "Idiot little brother". Again I felt as though this flowed better in the original Japanese. As far as my memory serves Seien never actually calls Ryuuki that in the show - so I felt my usage of it here was important as a contrast to the term "aniue" meaning "big brother" that Ryuuki always uses to address Seien.

Also, the plot point I mentioned last chapter was the known Sages all disappearing - notably Shou-taishi, You-sensei, and Eigetsu (Yougetsu/Byakuya)... Hmm, I wonder why? :D

I'd like to give one final thanks to my wonderful reviewers (especially t42n24t2!) as well as all the dedicated lurkers who have read all of the previous chapters, but don't review. I hope the ending is acceptable to all of you, and that you enjoyed the story (short as it was). Whether or not you choose to review, thank you for being with me on this journey, and I hope I was able to sate your thirst for Saiunkoku Monogatari, if only for a little while.

Thank you.