Teen Titans Story - The Revenge of Raven

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans (And often cry over this fact D:)

Chapter 4: Half demon half human

Blackfire lifted her legs up and folded them underneath herself. "Well, you know I was taken to jail after forcing you to marry that alien." began Blackfire. "Oh, you mean Glgrdsklechhh?" wondered Starfire. Blackfire's eyes widened, surprised how she still remembered how to pronounce the name. "Um, yeah. Well, someone broke me out..." She trailed off. Raven stood up and went to get a glass of water, keeping her gaze down but listening. When she returned Robin spoke. "Who?" Blackfire winced, like saying the word was poison to her lips. "Slade." Raven crushed her glass cup, it shattering between her fingers. She stared forwards, her face blank still trying to comprehend what Blackfire had just said. Cyborg laid his hand on Raven's shoulder but her state did not shift. Then, she stood up and left, wanting to be alone. Blackfire sighed and looked at Starfire. "Why dear sister would you leave with Slade?" she asked. Blackfire shrugged, "I was in jail. I was thankful..at the time." Beast Boy's pointed ears pricked up, "What do you mean 'at the time?'" Blackfire looked down, "He told me to kill you Starfire." Starfire gasped, flying backwards. "I wouldn't though. So, he threatened to kill me and then kill you all." Blackfire tried to carry on talking but her voice turned thick. "So, Slade pushed you into the roof of this tower? That's how you crashed?" asked Robin, getting the hang of the story. "Yes." said Blackfire bluntly. Starfire nodded and turned to the lake outside the tower, Raven sitting quietly. "I wish to see Raven."

Starfire sat by Raven, feeling her moan slightly. "Do you not wish for me to share in your presence?" she asked. Raven looked up, seeing Starfire's smile disappear. "No, no." said Raven hastily. Starfire nodded, "You did not seem to like the mention of Slade." Raven said nothing. "Nor did I, I fear for my dear sister." Raven frowned, "Even though she betrayed us." Starfire shrugged, "She is my sister. I cannot just abandon her in her time of need." Raven chuckled, "I still wouldn't help her." There was a long silence and Starfire spoke again, "You didn't give up on Terra." Raven clicked her tongue but realised Starfire was right. She ignored the statement and tried to change the subject, "What are you gonna do then?" Starfire thought for a while, realising she hadn't even thought of that. "Help her I suppose. I do not wish for her to be scared or in pain." Raven nodded, smiling at Starfire slightly. "You know, you're alright." muttered Raven. Starfire beamed, "Oh, Raven!" Starfire wrapped her arms around the cloaked girl and hugged her tightly. Raven struggled to breathe but smiled.

Raven walked down the hallway and noticed Blackfire standing outside Starfire's dorm. Raven frowned, hearing quiet sobs. "Blackfire?" asked Raven, her voice flat but slight concern in her mind. Blackfire turned to her, red around her eyes from crying. "Raven, I-I-" Blackfire broke off in another set of tears. Raven winced, she was never good with people, especially when they were crying. She held Blackfire's hand and led her to the kitchen. Blackfire was silent as she sat at the table with Raven. Raven started to make some herbal tea, mixing herbs and adding milk. She blew on it gently, passing it to Blackfire. Blackfire smiled slightly with thanks and sipped the drink. Raven laid her hand lightly on Blackfire's own hand before looking at her. "What's wrong?"

Blackfire shut her eyes tight and spoke, "I-I've betrayed you. Everyone." Her voice was croaky and thick. Raven's tone got firmer, "What do you mean?" Blackfire looked up, Raven's purple eyes hard. "I'm helping Slade." Raven growled, smashing a black beam towards her. Blackfire screamed, hitting the wall. "P-please! Stop!" Raven screeched, "Azarath, metrion, zinthos!" Blackfire screamed again, pain shooting through her as a large, dark bolt of energy sinked into her. Starfire burst in, her eyes wide with surprise. "Oh Blackfire! I-" she was broke off by Raven's gaze. "R-Raven?" Raven grabbed Starfire, shaking her. "Blackfire is a traitor!" She dropped Starfire and lunged for Blackfire, throwing her against a wall. Blackfire coughed, her cat-like eyes welling with painful tears. "I-I..." Starfire gasped, seeing her sister in great danger. She grabbed Blackfire, zooming out the window. Raven growled, racing after her. "Bring Blackfire back!" Starfire refused, "No, you will not hurt her." Raven grasped Starfire's leg, dragging her back to the roof of Titans Tower.

Robin gasped, his eyes wide with shock as he saw Raven, struggling whether to attack Starfire or Blackfire. He whistled, Beast Boy and Cyborg rushing to him. Robin didn't have to explain as the two video game plays watched in horror. Beast Boy turned into a large, green stag, jumping and leaping over the roof and racing at high speeds towards Raven. Robin followed after by Cyborg, aiming his laser steadily.

Raven turned and gritted her teeth, her eyes morphing into four red, glowing ones. "Half human half demon..." muttered Robin, backing away with fear of hurting Raven, even though she was attacking them. Starfire yelled, flying out of Raven's reach and blasting mutiple bolts of green at Raven. Blackfire followed, joining her sister with her own pink ones. Raven groaned, coughing in the dust and smoke that was brought up. She covered her head with her cloak but it fell back down, revealing her eerie pale skin, evil red eyes and short, purple hair. She stood up angrily, clensing her fists when Cyborg fired, wasting no time and narrowly missing her. He was glad he did, Raven was like a sister to him. Beast Boy ran towards Raven, turning into a tiger and lashing out, clawing Raven but instead ripping her cloak. She withdrew a quick breath of surprise as Beast Boy bit her neck, forcing her to the ground. "Stop it Beast Boy!" pleaded Robin, seeing the pain in Raven's purple eyes. He jogged to her, lifting her neck slightly and watching her when she punched him, sending Robin far. She threw beams of black, fury and rage building up when she screamed... Cyborg had wasted no time, hitting Raven directly with his laser for the second time. It pushed Raven into the sky as she fell back down, crashing down to the roof painfully. She moaned, cluching her face as she shuffled away from the team...

Robin gasped, Starfire and Blackfire joining him. Beast Boy transformed human, wishing Terra was here. She always knew what to do. Cyborg tucked his laser away, looking down in guilt when a chilling giggle came from the corner of the roof. The team looked up and narrowed their eyes, seeing Jinx covered in a dark cloak. She skipped over, dodging power and energy being aimed at her when she reached Raven. "Poor little Azarathian. Thought she was your friend?" She helped Raven up, her torn cloak falling off her shoulder. "Shame, guess I'll have her" and Jinx raced off, cartwheeling away with Raven and gaining speed each time she leapt onto a building. The Titan's eyes followed her, soon their bodies also. Starfire and Blackfire flew, carrying Robin and Cyborg. Beast Boy turned into a green cheetah, the group desperate to find Jinx and Raven. But they never did...

Jinx nudged Raven, her pink eyes fluttering. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." She grinned evilly and Raven moaned, holding her cheek. Jinx moved her hand and saw a deep gash across Raven's cheek, from Beast Boy. Her revealing body without her cloak was bruised and battered by Robin and the two sisters, not to mention her stomach looking red and sore from the laser. In other words, she had been seriously hurt. Jinx tilted her head and stood up, pulling away her black hood. Her body was covered in red markings that glowed brightly, if not evilly. They resembled a 'S' in fancy writing, sharp and hooked. Raven bit her lip, too weak to do anything else. "S-Slade..." she muttered, fainting with the weight of it all. Jinx smiled and watched the girl silently, "Don't worry Raven. Slade will get you too..."

A/N: A little short, sorry but I'm crap at paragraphing so that's why it seems like hardly anything. -_-