Teen Titans Story - The Revenge of Raven

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Stranger

Raven hovered over her bed meditating. Her mind was blank apart from the fact of focusing on her chant. "Azarath, metrion, zinthos..." Raven repeated it over and over until a loud knock interupted her. She opened one eye and sighed. She snapped her fingers and gently landed back onto her bed. Raven walked over to her mirror and looked at herself as she pulled up her hood. It covered half her face but her purple eyes still glowed through the darkness of her hood. Raven turned to her door and opened it slightly. "Yes?" she asked. "Hi Rae! Breakfasts ready!" told Cyborg, grinning. "Ok." replied Raven flatly as she walked out her room and closed it shut behind her. Cyborg scratched his neck awkwardly, "Er, yeah. See you there!" he exclaimed before racing down the hallway.

When Raven entered the main room, she was greeted with a bear-hug from Starfire. "Good morning, dear friend!" Raven shrugged her off, "Mhm..." mumbled Raven as she sat down on the sofa. Beast Boy rushed out the kitchen with a plate of waffles, smothered in syrup. "Waffles Rae?" asked Beast Boy. Raven nodded lightly and took one. Her eyes widened in disgust as she stared at the waffles, drooping from her hand as the syrup dripped to the floor. Raven groaned, "Plain waffle." Beast Boy returned with a waffle. Raven gave back the sloppy syrup waffle and Beast Boy gobbled it up in one go. Raven raised one eyebrow, lightly impressed but covered her thoughts with the taste of waffles as she bit into one. She heard Robin's fingers typing away at his laptop and decided to join him.

"Hey Raven. Check this out." said Robin, pointing to a monitor on his laptop. A red light was blinking where Robin's finger was. Raven said nothing. Then, after a long pause of silence, Robin gasped. "Um, Titans?" he asked. Starfire rushed to Robin's side quickly and soon, Cyborg and Beast Boy followed. "Whats up?" asked Beast Boy. "Ok, the monitor blinks in an area whenever theres trouble, right?" asked Robin. Starfire nodded, "Yes, why do you ask?" "Because it says there's trouble at Titan Tower!" burst out Robin.

Suddenly, a large crash came from inside the building. "Titans, split up and keep your eyes open!" ordered Robin as he raced off. Starfire followed him as Cyborg and Beast Boy went in the oppersite direction. Raven was left alone in the main room. She sighed and ran off down the hall. She looked in everyone's dorms, checking everything before she heard another crash from the far end of the hall. Raven followed the sound and peered into the spare room. She scanned it with her eyes and frowned. Nothing. Raven turned around and was pushed to the floor harshly.

"Oof!" said Raven as she landed to the floor. She rubbed her forehead and looked up. She saw nothing..but she heard something. Raven whipped her head around and saw someone run around the corner. Raven gritted her teeth and clensed her fists. She pulled herself off the floor and raced after her, her hands had a glow of blackness around them. When Raven turned the corner, she saw a flash of pink, purple and black. Raven chased the figure as it rushed upstairs. Raven followed her to the roof of Titans Tower and saw the person jump off the building. Raven narrowed her eyes in anger and leapt off the building. She closed her eyes and chanted as she hovered in the air, "Azarath, metrion, zinthos!" yelled Raven as her body shifted into a small, indigo raven.

"No Raven!" shrieked Robin. He had been watching Raven and had followed her to the roof. Raven ignored him and flew off, in search of the mysterious person. "Beast Boy!" yelled Robin. A green eagle appeared in front of Robin, he must of been close by to have heard him. "Get Raven!" he ordered. Beast Boy nodded and flew after her, his green wings flapping in time with the wind. When Raven saw him, her eyes angered and turned white. They glowed and a beam of light shot towards Beast Boy, knocking him back onto the roof of Titan Tower. "NO RAVEN!" shouted Robin again, worry seeping deep into his heart.

Soon, the whole team were on the roof. They were all calling for Raven. Soon, Raven had enough. She transformed back into her normal, human self and her eyes were white with power. A black mist covered her hands as she exclaimed, "I can do things on my own! I don't need you!" Raven sent a surge of black power towards her team, knocking them across the building roof. Robin leapt up and ran towards her. Raven grunted in anger and sent another beam of power but Robin wasn't giving up. Raven roared with rage and sent another beam of power. Again and again and again until..her own power turned against her. Raven screamed as her power became uncontrolable. She was sent backwards into a brick wall as her magic attacked herself.

Raven was smashed into bricks and flung against lamp-posts. She screamed, it sounded like she was choking as her magic started to control her actions. She sent balls of black everywhere, her fear rising. "Raven!" shrieked Robin as Raven's clock came off and fell to the floor. Raven looked below and gasped, she was so high up. She could feel rain falling on her purple hair until a final force of power surrounded Raven. Her purple eyes widened and her mouth erupted with another scream of terror as she dropped to the ground.

She crashed onto the concrete and her weak body ached. Her power died away and all that was left was a powerless girl in the middle of the street. Her purple eyes closed as her body became limp. "RAVEN!" yelled Robin as the team raced to her. Raven's unconcious state chilled the spines of the team as they nudged Raven. Rain fell heavily and soaked Raven's clothes as Robin picked up her clock and sobbed into it...

Hope you liked my first chapter! Be sure to review!

Wolfhowls :)