Aw, last chapter…hope u like it ;p

PS. I was originally going to name this title: Kendall's romantic rainy day 'date' with Logan cuz it was part of the plan and adds some adorable fluff; but that was too, JK!

Play the song "Painting flowers" by All Time Low while reading this; plz. You may tear up from the touching moments of fluff.

Disclaimer: I do not own BTR

Logan read the text again: meet me on the rooftop at 12:30 ~KK

"Okay; I'm here...not seeing, Kendall," Logan said. It looked as if it would pour at any moment too. The sky had darkened with storm clouds and it had begun to drizzle. Shivering, Logan sat down and waited. You're supposed to be smart; why didn't you think to bring a jacket? He scolded himself.


Logan glances over his shoulder to see Kendall walking over. "Kinda... why'd you want to me here?"

"You'll see," Kendall said, sitting next to Logan. The blonde glanced over to Logan for a moment. "Here..." Kendall removed his jacket and put it over Logan.

"Now you'll be cold and whenever this rain starts; freezing," the shorter boy points out.

"I'll be fine," Kendall assured. He stood up again and extended his right hand. Logan took it and joined Kendall. The rain was beginning to come down faster now.

"Don't you think we should go inside?" Logan shouted over the increasing rain.

"No," Kendall responds. "I was actually planning this."

"Planning for us to get soaked?"

"Planning for this..." Kendall brought his hands to Logan's waist. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Logan's. "One of the most romantic things in the world: kissing in the rain," Kendall said, moving away.

"Weird; I never thought of you as much of a romantic," Logan laughed softly.

"Then you have a lot to get used to." Kendall leaned down and brought Logan into another kiss. This time, the brunette wrapped his arms around Kendall's neck, putting more force on their lips.

"You're really wet," Kendall stated when they parted since he couldn't find anything to else to say.

"Yep; way' da state the obvious," Logan snorted. "And you're not? At least you gave me your jacket."

"Fine, but..." Kendall pulled a slightly dampened (from the rain) bandana from one of his pockets. "I'm going to need to blindfold you."

"Should I be scared?"


"Then why are you blindfolding me?"

"What? Don't you trust me?"

Logan frowned. "No...Well, yes; but why do I need to be blindfolded?"

"So you won't see the surprise duh," Kendall scoffed.

"It's not going to be wet, right?"

"Oh don't pretend like you didn't enjoy that."

Logan rolled his eyes. "Just...just put the blindfold on; I think the rain's coming down harder."

Kendall shrugs and does so. "If you're worried about falling or whatever; you don't have to worry about that."

"And why not? There are these things called stairs, Kendall."

"You're not going to fall because..." Kendall moved in front of Logan and took his hand. "I'll be your guide."

"Hmm. Somehow that doesn't make me feel better," Logan said.

"Oh, just c'mon," Kendall sighs, dragging the shorter boy along. He led Logan carefully down the stairs and couldn't help but smirk when they reach the bottom. "See; I got you down the stairs easy enough."

"Actually I can't see."

"Alright; now you're just being rude."


Kendall shook his head. "Nevermind." The blonde opens the door with his free hand and leads Logan out of the alley. He 'accidently' drags Logan through every puddle as they go down the streets. They kept going along like this until Kendall stopped in front of an empty store that had been closed for a long time. Back when Kendall and Logan were in first grade it had been in its prime. Kendall sighs as he enters through the unlocked door of a rundown book store. What Kendall had planned would need an empty space; and since Logan loved books why not here? "Alright; take off your blindfold," Kendall instructed.

Logan did as told and the first thing he saw was an empty room covered with dahlias. Everything; covered with the flowers except a circle of space in the middle of the enclosed area. "Wow," he gasps. Kendall reached into his other pocket and pulled out some kind of remote. He pressed one of its buttons. Logan jumps in surprise when All Time Low's, Painting flowers begins playing. "How'd you...?" He begins to ask.

Kendall navigates Logan to the circle of space. "Ask later enjoy first date now."

"Wait, wha-?" Logan paused before laughing to himself. "I always heard Kendall Knight's first dates were original."

"You heard right."

"Do you do this with girls too? Kiss them in the rain then scatter the flooring of abandon book stores with their favorite flower and spontaneously play the song they instantly fell in love with?"

"Nope; this was specially arranged for you," Kendall said.

Logan smiled. "I don't know how you've remembered all this time..."


10-year olds Kendall and Logan stare up at the clouds as they drift lazily by. "I'm still bored," Logan complained.

"Why? Don't you like watching clouds?" Kendall asked.


"I'd want to

Logan sat up. "Really?"

"Yup! What would you want to happen on your first date with someone?"

"Well...I think I'd like to be kissed or to kiss someone in the rain...then maybe it'd be cool if there was this room filled with dahlias and what would make it really special was that my favorite song would be playing...Whatever it'll be by then..." Logan explains distantly.

"That's a lot to hope for," Kendall points out, sitting up as well. "Do you read romance books?"

"No! And...I know. It's a lot to ask for," Logan admits.

"Who knows. You'll probably find someone who'll do it for you."

"What girl would think up something like that? Isn't the guy the one who comes up with first dates?"

Kendall shrugs. "I guess."

"You don't care though, do you?"

"I never said I didn't care," Kendall scoffs.

Logan sighed, "Yeah. You just put up with me while I babble on about some teen girl fantasy."

"No...I wasn't kidding when I said I think they'll be someone there to do it for you; some girls are cool like that."

"Name one girl who knows me well enough to predict something like the first date I made up," Logan challenges. From the look on Kendall's face, Logan could tell his friend couldn't find one. "See, you can't even come up with anyone..."

Kendall rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I was still thinking; der!"

"Yeah right," Logan mumbled.

"Logie," Kendall began, scooting over closer to his best friend. "Can't you just take my word that you'll find someone?"

Logan could only sigh. "Maybe. At least I hope I can."

[End of flashback...]

"Yup, and that was back before I knew how I felt about you," Kendall said quietly even though it was just them two. He moved his hand so it cupped Logan's right cheek.

"When did you know you knew?" Logan asked.

"I guess seventh grade," Kendall said.

"Wow, I...always used to know there was something different than friendship between us; but I didn't know better than straight back then," Logan sighs, leaning into the blonde's touch. Kendall restarts the song and moves both hands to Logan's waist.

"And now...?"

Logan brings his arms up to wrap them around the taller boy's neck. "If the Kardashian sisters joined our high school; I wouldn't even look their way."

"Really? Seriously?"

"Well, I kinda like Kendall Kardashian," Logan admitted sheepishly.

Kendall inquires, "It's because her name's Kendall, isn't it?"

"Uh, no. Maybe get your ego checked."

"Whatever you say," Kendall said. The two were silent for a while and danced slowly to the song together. They keep dancing together until the song comes to a close. Kendall presses his forehead against Logan's. "I've missed you so much," he sighed.

Once the rain subsided, Kendall gathered together all of the dahlias and he and Logan walked back to the Knight house together. Logan stumbled forward slightly when his foot hits an uneven sidewalk. "I'll catch up with you in a sec," Logan calls as he balances himself. Before the brunette can run to catch up with Kendall, someone covers his mouth and pulls him into an alleyway. Logan is slammed into the wall and his eyes widen when he sees who grabbed him.

"Don't scream," the person snarls, slowly removing his hand. Something in the person's ton makes Logan listen.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Logan demands through gritted teeth.

"I've come to get you, Harmony, and Joanna with me to LA."

Logan rolls his eyes. "Didn't you get that we were fine and didn't want anything to do with you?" He adds coldly, "And Harmony is dead for your information."

Mr. Mitchell blinked. "I'm sorry; but that's why you should...both come with me to LA!"

"Leave. Minnesota. Now," Logan hissed.

"I've already found your mom and talked to her; Joanna thinks its a good idea because she feels as if she is intruding on the Knights," he explained, "and we're both in contact and talking the move over. We're both giving you until December to decide; I'll be staying in a condo until then." Mr. Mitchell glances around before racing out of the alleyway and veering around the corner in the direction opposite Kendall, leaving Logan standing shocked and confused... be continued...

I wanna thank everyone who reviewed this and the BTR guys came to help me give some shout outs to you all...(that's right. shoutouts to all u)

Kendall: Kinda. My. Thing! MarissaLeeC! Storylover158! bigtimerusher! ilovepie554! Lil' Boy Monster!

Logan: Logan Henderson Is Mine! CheekyBrunette! Musiclover001! BTRShawty! Princess7Strawberry!

James: ! yourengood! DaniiluvsBTR! kjd513kjd! Daughter Deception!

Carlos: Rarusu aka The Lady Steven! KrazyMe14! LoveSccares! idon'tgiveaschmidt! TwinWitch'93!

Kendall&Logan: teobaldi! Morivanim! uNperfectXxXx! Anonymous Freshman! Anim3Fan4Ever! KradamLuvr! emilyknight19! squoctobird! xxxxTwilight For Everxxxx!

James&Carlos: Sastiel! mermaidlover101! Sir RCCS! Claire! MadisonLuvsBTR! Hikari no Kasai! Shadowy Death! ishop67! Klolo8! Alexa Summer! MerielTLA! Poseidon500! mrsscarlettpena!

Me: And thanks to all who read but didn't review!

Okay! phew! Never doing shout-outs to everyone again! that took FOREVER! whoo! take five you guys!