The dream at the beginning is actually a dream I had which turned into this story, quite a few of my stories start off as dreams which seems to be a good thing one turned into one of my favorite stories that I've written and another turned into my most popular story, so now it's time to see how this one turns out.

Grace looked up at what appeared to be some type of giant robot that seemed to be partially grown into the wall of a cave of some type. It was horribly mangled with large sections of metal apparently torn off of it, what metal remained was covered in cracks. As she took a step closer its eyes suddenly glowed dim white and looked at her, causing her to take a startled step back. The eyes didn't seem like those of a mindless machine, but a living sentient being. As she continued to stare into its eyes, she was again startled when it spoke to her.

"I'm not dead, please help me. Tell Alexis, I'm not dead, trapped in Unicron." He said weakly.

Grace was about to ask him who he was and how he knew Alexis when her alarm clock started buzzing.

With a shaking hand Grace turned off the alarm then looked at the green stone pendent she had offered to take when her older sister, Cathy, had said she was going to throw it out couple weeks earlier.

No one was sure where Alexis had gotten it from, only that she had had it with her when she returned home after having disappeared for a few weeks. She refused to tell anyone where she had been or what had happened, but seemed horribly depressed and according to Cathy she would often start crying while holding the pendent. So deciding it must be bringing back some horrible memory Cathy had decided to get rid of it when Alexis had forgotten to put it on before leaving for school one day. Grace had been visiting that day and had offered to take it until they found out exactly what had happened and why it upset Alexis so much as she didn't think it was right to simply get rid of it when they had no idea why it meant so much to Alexis. A few nights after taking it she had started dreaming about the robot. The dreams were always similar with the robot seeming to be woken by her presence and asking for help and usually mentioning something called Unicron and Alexis.

By that afternoon Grace had decided to tell Alexis about the dreams when she stopped by after school. It seemed crazy, but she was sure they had something to do with the necklace and Alexis's disappearance.

"Hey aunt Grace. What do you need me to do today?" Alexis asked as she walked into the antique shop Grace ran.

Ever since returning Alexis had been doing everything possible to keep herself busy, including working at Grace's shop after school.

"Alexis, I need to talk to you about what happened while you were gone." Grace said softly, knowing no one else had been able to get the girl to talk about it and doubting she would have any better luck, but she still had to try.

"Look if mom put you up to this just stop now. I already told her I don't want to talk about it. She's already making it harder on me." She said angrily as she absently reached to her neck where the pendent should have been, "You're the only person I can be around who doesn't try to make me talk about it, please just don't ask about it." She said sounding desperate and on the verge of tears.

Grace walked over to her and pulled her into a comforting hug, "I know you don't want to talk about it, but I need to know about that pendent you had when you came back."

"Why, it doesn't matter anymore, mom got rid of it." Alexis said fighting back tears.

"How about you tell me about it and you can have it back while you're here?" Grace asked.

Alexis's head shot up to look at Grace's face, "You have it? Mom didn't throw it out?" she asked hopefully.

"She told me what she was going to do and I didn't think it was right, so I told her I would hang on to it until you told us what happened to you." Grace replied.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen them myself." Alexis told her.

"Them?" Grace asked her heart starting to beat a little faster at the thought that maybe her impression that the thing in her dream had been a living being wasn't as impossible as she had thought.

"You won't believe me. Please just let me have the stone back." Alexis said quietly.

"Just tell me one thing and if it sounds as crazy to you as it sounds to me then I'll give you the pendent and won't bring it up again, okay?" Grace asked.

"I don't know, what is it you want to know?" Alexis asked hesitantly.

"Does this have anything to do with a giant robot with plane wings?" Grace asked and knew instantly what the answer would be when tears sprung from Alexis's eyes and she grew pale.

"How do you know about him?" Alexis asked trying to wipe away the tears that were streaming down her face.

Hands shaking Grace took Alexis's own shaking hands in hers, "A few nights after your mother gave me that pendent I started dreaming about him. He keeps asking for help and saying he's alive and something about being trapped in something called Unicron, he keeps asking me to tell you. Alexis what is going on?" Who and what is the thing I keep dreaming about and why am I dreaming about him?" Grace asked.

"He's the one who gave me the stone, maybe he's able to communicate through it somehow, I always felt like it was connected to him. Maybe since you had it, he had to communicate with you." Alexis suggested.

"Okay and what exactly is he and how do you know him?" Grace asked.

Sighing Alexis began to tell Grace about the Autobots and what had happened since she had met them.

Once she had finished Grace sat in silence for a moment letting it all sink in then said, "No wonder you didn't think anyone would believe you, you were right, I believe you, but even after having those dreams it's still hard to believe." Grace said. "So you said that scooter you have is one of those Mini-Con things?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, do you want to meet her?" Alexis asked.

"Sure." Grace replied, hoping she was really ready for whatever happened next.

Alexis ran outside and a minute later pulled her scooter into the shop, a second later it started to pull apart and shift until it had transformed into a robot about the same height as Alexis.

Grace stared at it in shock for a moment then a little uncertainly said, "Uh, hi, I'm Grace."

The Mini-Con made a few beeping noises then haltingly said, "I Sureshock." And held its hand out.

Grace smiled and hesitantly shook its hand and was a little surprised that instead of being cold metal it was warm. "It's nice to meet you." She said.

"She's just starting to learn English." A male voice said from behind Grace.

Grace spun around to find another Mini-Con standing behind her, this one was red and black.

Sureshock started beeping at the other for a minute until Alexis rested her hand on her shoulder.

"What is going on and where did the second one come from?" Grace asked.

"Well, Sureshock was just pointing out that they weren't originally supposed to be able to speak our language. Swindle is just better at it because Starscream liked the language and started teaching him before anyone else even realized the Mini-Cons could speak English or any earth languages, so Swindle likes to show off a little." Alexis explained.

"Okay and how did he get here?" Grace asked indicating Swindle.

"Do you remember that little race car I asked if you could keep here for me shortly after I got home?" Alexis asked.

"The one your parents wouldn't let you keep?"

"Yeah, that was Swindle, he was just as depressed about thinking Starscream was dead as I was and he just wanted sometime to himself without anyone bothering him, so he came back when Sureshock decided to come back to earth. Then when my parents said we didn't have room to keep him at our house we figured he would be alright with you since you had the room, didn't mind and it's usually quiet around here." Alexis explained.

"So I've had a robot hiding in my storage room for the last couple of weeks?" Grace asked a little disturbed by the thought of having someone in her shop without her knowing about it.

"Yeah, you don't mind do you? I mean he can keep staying here until we find out if Starscream is really still alive, can't he?" Alexis asked.

"I guess so." Grace replied, "He can move into one of the empty apartments upstairs, I'm sure that would be more comfortable than being stuck in the dusty storage room."

"Thank you, but we should contact the Autobots and see what we can find out about Starscream before making any other plans." Swindle said.

"Okay and how do we do that?" Grace asked.

"We have to go to the Autobot's old base and contact them from there, our internal comlinks aren't strong enough to reach them." Swindle replied.

"Is the base near here?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, it's just outside of town, I'll show you where it is." Alexis replied.

"Alright, help me close up the shop and we'll head out there." Grace told her.