AN: Hi Guys,

It's been almost ten years. Wow, I didn't think it was that long. I'm back once again to grind it out. I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long. Quarantine has made me look back on my old writing, inspired me to once again pick up this old project. Let's hope my writing has improved throughout all these years. Just letting you know that I will be rewriting all the chapters that have been posted already. Please make sure to read the author's notes as it will have important announcements and whatnot. And without further ado onto to the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of its characters. Nor do I own the song, it's called "Dip it low" by Christina Milian

Chapter One: Seductress

Flashing lights exploded within the club, making the place come alive. The music melded together with the lights in an exotic dance moving in sync with one another. Everybody exuded confidence with their flashy clothes and sensual dancing. However, no one but no one was as mesmerizing as her.

She was in the middle of the dance floor shaking her hips letting the music move her as a marionette. Lights flashed against her gleaming skin and her platinum silver hair swaying behind her, unbound and wild. Her breath came out ragged as her body moved fluidly through intricate steps. Her prefect figure catching the light in all the right places, creating an image of a dancing goddess.

Says he wants you
He says he needs you
It's real talking
Why not make him wait for you
If he really wants you
If he really needs you
Really got to have you
Take your time and feel him out
When it's a good boy
I mean a really really good boy
Why not let him lay with you
That's when you give it to him good

Lustful blue eyes observed her from faraway, seeing this beautiful creature dance her night away. Seeing her rhythmically pop her sensuous body was enough to pull him from his seat and make his way over to her. As he stood in front of her, he could feel his whole-body tense in anticipation. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her luscious body up to his and urged her body to move in rhythm with his.

She smirked, disentangling herself from him, allowing a small space in between them before she quickly closed it by wrapping one around his neck, her leg snaked around his waist as she dipped herself. She pulled herself up, running her hand seductively from his neck to his chest. It sent a shiver down his spine as his breathing became ragged and shaky.

You getting bold
He growin' cold
It's just the symptoms of young love
Growin' old
You think it's time
And your thinking of leaving
But give it time
It's late at night
He's coming home
Meet him at the door with nothin' on
Take him by the hair
Let him know what's on
If you understand me
Y'all come on

He couldn't take it anymore, he needed to take her into his arms. As his body reacted to his thoughts, his arms reached out towards her. She saw this coming and she expertly evaded his hands seductively walking away. He growled in frustration as he stalked after her, his eyes glued to her plump heart shaped ass that peeked out from behind her hair. Her leather tight jeans left nothing to the imagination as he was assaulted by exotic images that he was hoping would happen when he finally has her in his arms. She glanced back, her eyes hooded as she blew him a kiss. Her plump red lips sported a smile.

Dip it low, pick it up slow
Roll it all around, poke it out like your back broke
Pop pop pop that thing
I'ma show you how to make your man say "Ooh"
Dip it low, pick it up slow
Roll it all around, poke it out like your back broke
Pop pop pop that thing
I'ma show you how to make your man say "Ooh"

She finally has him where she wanted. It was now or never.

She had on very thick pitch-black glasses covering half her face that not even a demon with the clearest eyesight can see through them leaving the color of her eyes a mystery to anyone who sees her. She pulled them up her face and looked directly at the man that was panting after her. His blue eyes widened as they caught her memorizing emerald eyes.

1, 2…...3.

As if an electric shock went through him, he hunched over his hands went directly between his legs. With the last strength he had left, he bolt away from her and through the crowd of dancing bodies heading off to take care of the problem in his pants. A wave of disappointment washed over her, she sighed and replaced the glasses back on her face as she grimaced at another failed attempt.

She hastily turned and made her way to the bar. That's what she gets for coming to the club. She knew that coming here never ended well for her. She always left disappointment and disgusted with herself.

"Tsk, nobody said it was going to get easier," she whispered to herself as she sat on the bar stool. One of her favorite bartenders looked up from what he was doing and spotted her.

"Hey Rin," He nodded to her. "Having a good night so far?"

Rin grimaced. "Hey Nicky, well it could have been a lot worse."

Nicky chuckled. "Tough night?"

Rin nodded.

"Well, I know what you need. I'll be right back." Nicky left her disappearing behind the employee only door that led to the offices. Rin smiled as she knew what he was doing. It didn't take him long to return with somebody in tow.


Miroku jumped startled as his eyes scanned the crowd to see where that loud voice came from before they landed on Rin. He smiled and ran over to her, jumping over the counter clearing it in one clean swoop and scooped her in his arms.

"Rin!" He nuzzled her, allowing him to breathe in her calm and familiar scent. "You are a little gift from heaven in the sea of hellish paperwork." They pulled apart and Rin couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, I forgot how much you hated paperwork."

"That's right Rin, and don't you forget it. So anytime you want to come and save me from it, I would be more than appreciative," Miroku grinned as Rin laughed once more.

However, as Miroku looked at her closely he could feel the air changed instantly. He wasn't sure what gave him the idea however, he knew something was going on with her. Rin refused to look at him in the eyes as she awkwardly looked at anywhere else but him.

"Well, let's go to my office. I have something cooking in there that I'm sure you'll love." Miroku wasn't one to push the issue. He would wait until she was ready to talk and if he knew her well as he thinks does, she will easily spill her guts once they're no longer in a crowded place. If there's one thing he knew about Rin, its that she can't hold in a secret to save her life, much less lie about it.

Once they were in his office, Rin went directly to the fluffy white armchair in the far corner of the room that gave her a prefect angle to see everything in the office. She loved her fluffy armchair; she doesn't remember how she managed to get it. She just remember it suddenly popping into her life. She wished she could have placed in her room but seeing as she rarely spent enough time at home, she was happy that it was here where she could enjoy it.

Miroku's office was dimly lit with his desk covered with stacks of papers. She can see why Miroku hated paperwork, there were at least two full stacks of it on each side. Fortunately, he has started to switch over the paperwork to his computer. Miroku couldn't understand why the other previous owner had to have everything on paper. It made the switch much more of a hassle than it needed to be. And like in true Miroku fashion, his computer was turned on, sporting naked girl as a screensaver. She couldn't even chastise him for it as it will as it will lead to certain event that she would like to avoid. Last time she did, he got his hands on her phone and laptop and managed to change all the screensavers to very provocative images and unfortunately for her, he manage to lock her out making it harder for her to change the screensaver when she finally manage to get her stuff back. As much as Miroku is the biggest pervert, he is also the most skilled when it comes to technology. So since then she has opted into keeping her mouth shut and let him enjoy his eccentric hobbies.

Sighing, she let the tension in her body ease out of her body as she sank deeper into her chair. She knew what she was doing wasn't going to be the easiest thing to accomplish but it was slowly starting to take a toll on her. She was fortunate she had a friend like Miroku that was by her side throughout the years, because she wouldn't have known what to do without him. She might easily have gone insane a long time ago if it wasn't for him.

However, even he can't keep the darkness from creeping up on her. And although his office had become one of her safe spots, she couldn't help but feel as if this crimson room was starting to feel more suffocating.

Miroku watched her as he could see her sinking into the depths of her mind, letting whatever was gnawing at her take a good hold of her before he steps in. There's nothing worse than an overactive mind that over thinks everything.

Sighing, Miroku pulled up a stool and sat in front of her and took her hand, lightly caressing it, as if caressing an old wound. Just by that simple touch, she felt like the flood of emotions that she had been holding back come crashing down on her. Tears started to gather at the edge of her eyes as she looked up to see him, smiling gently at her. He leaned forwards and pulled her into his arms. Like a ragged doll she let herself be moved onto his lap as she buried her face in his shirt, tears slowly running down her cheeks. Miroku kissed the top of her head, and ran his hand through her hair, soothing her as she cried.

"Shush…I understand" Miruko whispered, running his hands through her hair. Rin couldn't stop the tears running down her cheeks, she bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from whimpering. She allowed herself a couple moment of letting herself feel the rawness of her emotions before she took a couple of deep breath and slowly started to steady herself. Rin was not going to let herself go. She needed to get a handle of her emotions before she becomes a total mess once again. Sighing, Miroku continued to stroke her head not saying anything else allowing silence to dominate the room.

If there is anything that he learned from back when he was younger is that he can never rush Rin or any of the girls. He must let them come to their own terms and understand their own thoughts and emotions. The only thing that he can offer them is his support and friendship, which is in most case, is all the girls need sometimes.

Rin pulled back as she wiped her nose and dried her tears. She gave Miroku a weak smile which he in return gave her a smile of understanding.

"Rin, you know I love you, right?" Rin blinked owlishly as Miroku said as he let her up. Blinking again, Rin nodded unsure where this was going.

"Then you know that I promised to be by your side and your girl's no matter what." Again, Rin nodded. "So, whenever you're ready to talk about it, just know I'll listen."

Seeing the conviction and determination burning in his eyes, Rin could feel tear gather around her eyes once again. She gave a short laugh while trying to hold back the tears. She knew that Miroku was not one to make empty promises. However, her insecurities were getting the best of her. Those demons are relentless, picking at any form of weakness and amplifying it to cause the most hurt. Whether it was picking at old wounds or wounds created today, these events have been festering in Rin's head for a long time. She never told Miroku how much of a toll this curse was having on her and her mental state of mind. However, she could only assume that Miroku was beginning to gain a better idea of the life she and her girls live from the many experiences that he had witness. But having him ask and respect her privacy instead of prying without her consent was heartwarming.

She shakily shallowed the lump developing in her throat. She licked her lips nervously before she opened her mouth to speak. "Miroku, I know. There are some things that are difficult to talk about more than others. This curse, the men, and the effect are just the top of the problem. I sometimes wondering if I'm becoming somebody that I will no longer recognize by the time I get rid of the curse. There are some things that I would have never done if I didn't have the curse and as a result, I am who I am today. Honestly, I can't say I like myself right now."

"I get that." Miroku replied, but Rin gave his doubtful look. Miroku only smiled gently back at her. "Rin, we all do things we are not proud of."

"That's the thing, you had a choice. I don't, I had to become like this to protect myself. It's got to the point that I don't think that I will have a relationship that will be healthy. The only thing that I think of is finding a man who can break the curse, not someone who will love me while I'm curse or even if they will stay after the curse is lifted." She shuddered. "That terrifying me. I want to be loved, cared for, I don't want to be used by a man or by this curse. I don't want this curse to rule me and dictated which road my life will go down by. It's heart wrenching and cruel that this doubt only seems to be growing bigger and worse by each passing day. Can you understand that? Can you say you yourself wouldn't be terrified?"

"Rin," He grabbed her hand and placed between his big ones. "One thing that I have learned while not being by your side and seeing you from a distance is that you never lose sight of who you are. You're still that girl who defends her friends with teeth and nails. Remember when Ayame was getting picked on by the older girl and you came guns blazing, shouting and scaring them away. Or that when you see your friends cry, you do whatever you can to make them smile even if it means making a fool out of yourself. Like that one time a boy played Kagome's heart and dumped her. I remember you didn't leave her side and you would make her laugh through your bad jokes or the shenanigans that you did."

Rin smiled, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Your curse does not define who you are. It's just a part of you. Your curse will be lifted by a man who will worship your personality, your fiery spirit, and your loving heart. A man who doesn't see that isn't someone worth cry over or thinking about. You will be loved, you will be cared for. Hell, the girls love you, I love you, your family loves you. So, do fret about it right now, for if you can't find a guy right now me, your family and the girls will love you twice as much and make sure that you never doubt our love for you."

A single tear left Rin's eye. She wiped it and putted her arms around Miroku. "Thank you, Miroku."

Miroku hugged her close to him. "Don't thank me, Rin, it's what friends and family are for."

Rin pulled back, smiling. "Still, thank you." She sighed. "Well, I better get going, tomorrow is a school day and I'll need to get up early."

Miroku nodded "Okay, do you want me to drive you home?"

"No, it's okay. I want to walk a bit to clear my head. I just know that I'm going to look like shit from all this crying. Sometimes I just wish I can cry like in the movies. They don't ugly the next day."

"Rin, you do know that they aren't actually crying. They use teardrops or something to make it seem like they're crying." Miroku smirked.

"Don't ruin my fantasy, Miroku. Let me dream!" Rin snapped back, smacking him on the arm.

"Wow, hey, don't damage the merchandise!"

Rin laughed. "What merchandise?! All I see is a raggedy old man with an ego bigger than the Narcissus, himself."

"Ouch, you wound me, milady." Miroku placed his hand above his heart rubbing it as if trying to smooth the pain away. But he smiled at Rin, glad that she is getting back her spunk. "On a serious note, you sure you don't want me to take you home? Cause I don't want your father to come chasing after me with a chainsaw if he finds out that I wasn't being a good big brother and make sure you get home safely."

Rin raised an eyebrow. "Miroku?"


"Who was able to take down a gang of horny crazed demons by themselves and who they later made her their Queen bee?" Miroku rolled his eyes and crossed his arm.

"You." He answered.

"And who also took down a minor God turned demonic?"


"And who—"

"Okay, I get the point," he interrupted. "Clearly you don't want my help so excuse me for offering."

"It still sweet though and it's not like I don't appreciate, Miroku. But like I said I want to use this walk to clear my head."

Miroku nodded. "Well, at least let me walk you to the entrance of the club."

"You got yourself a deal!" Rin gave him a thumb up and got up. Both headed to the door and went through the bar.

"Bye, Nicky" Rin yelled waving at the big guy serving behind the bar. He smiled and waved back before getting back to the customer that was talking to him. As they walked out of the club, Rin started to feel surprisingly better. Miroku walked her to the entrance but stopped her as she was about to leave.

"Last chance, yay or nay?"


Miroku closed his eyes and sighed. "Fine. Go."

"You should know better than to argue with me, Miroku. We all know that you won't win."

"Still doesn't stop me from trying."

"Nothing does."

"Nope." Miroku smiled sweetly.

"Which makes me wonder when are you going to ask out Sango since you have so much foolish courage?" Rin smirked, seeing Miroku's cheeks become a little tinged with red.

"This and that are two different matter," he growled out.

"Is it really?" Rin was prying. She knew she was, but she knew that her two best friends liked each other, and it was frustrating to see they do the dancing on eggshells when it came to each other, they should just ask each other out and damn the consequences. She knew that Miroku would be a good fit for Sango for all his perverted flaws, Miroku was a very loyal friend and fierce protector.

"Yes, it is." He deadpanned.

"So even if I said that a certain someone also had feeling for that specific person, you would still not do it?" She rebutted. Shock were etched on Miroku's handsome feature before his blush returned with full force. He looked away bring his hand over his mouth still unable to grasp what had just be said.

"Will if that's the case then that would be a different story," he muttered. Suddenly he realized he said it out loud when he saw Rin giving him cheshire smile.

She got me, he thought.

"Go away woman, one of these days you'll end up being the death of me," Miroku said shooing her away. Rin found him avoiding the subject adorable. She knew that he was in love with one of her best friends. But she knew that he would never have the balls to ask her out.

"Oh, but a sweet death that will be." She saw Miroku scowl and laughed. "Fine, give me a hug and I'll leave." She spread out her arms and Miroku reluctantly gave her a hug but after a few seconds hugged her earnestly and kissed her forehead.

"Hey lovebirds, get a room."

People hollered at them but Miroku paid them no mind, Rin however, was getting a little concern as they only started getting louder and obscener. Slowly, her body started vibrating and she was shocked to learn that it was Miroku quietly growling.

"Hey Sexy," A deep voice boomed over the others, drowning all of them out. "How about you dump this little shit and come with us. I'll make sure you won't be walk straight after I'm done with you than this pre-ejaculator."

Rin suddenly heard something snap and Miroku's gradual growling has quieted and he let her go, turning towards the crowd gathering around them. Most of them as Rin could see were men, some she could tell were demons while other were pathetic looking humans. Rin grimaced but she was more concerned about Miroku right now.

"Jealous much? It's almost pathetic, how hard you guys are trying!" Miroku smirked, wrapping his arms around Rin's waist and to emphasize his point he kissed her cheek. She gapped at him, however, one look from him made her shut her mouth really quick. Slowly, a smile grew on her lips. He knew she was going to say something but right now, she knew wasn't the right time for her to express her displeasure in his protectiveness.

Suddenly a muscular man came out of the crowd. Rin could tell that he was a descendant from the bear demon clan from his body structure. As muscular as he looked, Rin could tell that he eats too much junk food to be really considered well-developed. His long black hair fell limp behind his back. His golden eyes swept over Rin's body and a flash of lust ran through them. It almost made Rin cringed with disgust. He gave her a predator's smile, showing two pointy fangs.

Does he seriously think that I find that attractive? She almost wanted to puke. She has met a lot of attractive bear demons, but this was the one time she would serious considered writing off bear demon from her list of attractive demon. Rin almost wanted to sigh, she was so sick and tired of guys believing that by acting like an asshole that girls would find that attractive.

Like bitch, please. That was so 50s.

She never understood of the concept of guys bullying the girl that they find attractive. It was against common sense and it was even worse that girls started telling each other that it's okay that the guys are bullying them, it just means that they like them. Stupid, ignorant girls.

Now here it was the epitome of a guy that embodied this belief. So, girls do you still find this attractive? I think not.

And Rin wasn't even mad, all she wanted to do was go home and snuggle in her comfortable bed. She wanted to get this done as quickly as possible. The sooner the better she can be inside her bed.

"Apparently, I have no reason to be jealous of you. After all, I left her speechless. I can almost taste her warm lips on mine." The man replied, his face twisting into an ugly ass smile. Rin couldn't help it, almost on instinct her body moved forward towards the man. However, Miroku was quicker and manage to grab her in time and pulled her behind him.

"Let me take him." He said through clenched teeth.

"But—" She spoke out but when Miroku looked at her, the words got caught in her throat. Pure fury was written all over Miroku's face. His eyes burned with such intensity, Rin's eyes widened in shock.

Rin nodded and stepped back. Miroku turned his attention back to the man.

The man's next words were caught in his mouth as Miroku's fist collided into his face, hitting his nose. He spiraled into the air then crashed onto the floor, blood seeped out of his head. The man stared blankly at the sky, his mind trying to register what had happened. A low growl emitted from him as he pushed himself off the floor, wiping the blood from his nose. It was most likely broke since it was twisted in a weird angle.

"Still think that insulting her was good idea?" Miroku growled.

"You'll pay for that." The man charged at Miroku, his fist raised, he swung into thin air. Miroku ducked down, quickly he jumped up and hit him square in the jaw. The man's head resisted but it snapped up, sending him upwards before he fell, hard, on the floor, unconscious.

"That's what the bastard gets," Miroku growled, he turned and went to Rin.

"You okay?"

Rin nodded, smiling.

Miroku turned and walked up to the bouncer at the entrance. The man looked at the man on the floor shocked, but regained his composure when he saw Miroku coming towards him.

"Don't ever let him in from now on, make sure to pass the message onto the other bouncers. Okay?"

"Yes, sir."

Miroku walked back to Rin.

"Are you sure you can walk home by yourself? You saw what happened, if something like this happens when you're walking home, I won't be there to protect you."

"Miroku. How long have you known me?"

There was a minute of silence as they stared each other down. Finally, Miroku gave up.

"I'll see you then."

"Good boy."

"Bye, Rin."

"Bye, Miroku."

Although the fight left most of the crowd disheartened there were still some that didn't care and continued to cat-call after her. As she continued to walk, she walked underneath a streetlight that gave the men a full view of her hourglass figure along with her full breast and plump ass. Her platinum silver hair flowed behind her, covering most of her back to her butt, gave her some piece of mind. And as she glanced behind her, the light caught the glare of her piercing hazel eyes. All the men buckled over, groaning but she didn't stay to watch the show. She was pissed off over the fact that her glare had no effect. It only made things worse for her.

Fuckers. I hope you all burn in hell.

Yeah, she had a nice body but even with this nice body she was still a….


She could say that she is epitome of what women strive for. However, she carried a huge burdened along with having the prefect body. She would have never had guess that her life would have been turned upside down due to a curse. Ever since she became a teenager her life went straight to Hell. A lot of men wanted her but couldn't have her. She always found it ironic. She would say that it's the curse's fault that she had yet to have her first kiss but that would be telling only half of the truth.

The ugly thing about something that can't be easily resolved isn't how it affect just you but also how it affect the people surrounding you. Such as for her father for instance. Once she was older enough to know what was happening to her, he immediately jumped in to minimize the damage. And even if he had the best intentions at the time, it led to many heartaches and pain. He created a system that not only made her feel like an object to be sold off to the highest bidder but made her an active participant in the deal.

Anytime that she would not follow his rules, trouble would easily follow. He would explain that these rules were in place to help her get rid of the curse and as much as she would argue that his rules only made the pain of dealing with the curse even worse, it would fall on deaf ears. Since he was the only how actively pursuit her mother and saw firsthand the effects of this curse, he believed that he knew better than her on how to solve it.

This led to her get prettied up and forced to go to the clubs to find a suitable partner.

Another problem that emerged as she got older was that men didn't want a relationship. Apparently, men her age were more than happy to walk around the world without a woman attached to their hips. They were very happy on the other hand to start friends with benefit relationship. Those request she has not had a lack of.

However, for her, she wants a relationship. But she didn't want just a relationship where the guy wants to be with her because she's pretty, but because he loved her.

Isn't that what every girl wants? Is that so hard to ask for?

She's not asking for much. All she wants in a man is that they have enough control over his sexual frustration and able to have a clear mind whenever he is with her, but nowadays she was starting to believe that there was no such guy.

Everything would have been so much easier if it wasn't for her eyes.

A long time ago, her ancestors had angered the gods and he decided to get revenge on her family. Ever since then, the girls in the family have been the carries of the curse and their lives have been made into a living hell.

The curse has made so that if any male had any eye contact with cursed person that the man would experience extreme pleasure and ejaculate. And what a fun and exciting experiences those have been. She almost wished she could gorge out her eyes so she wouldn't have to put up with this anymore, however, she wasn't ready to be blind just yet.

So instead, she had decided to do whatever she could to stay away from men and never look into their eyes. But that never went as planned. She would still catch their attention and the same phenomenon would happen. It wasn't until her father decided that it would be a lot safer for her if she had a form of protecting herself, which led to her learning martial arts.

This was like a breath of relief to her, she was finally going to have a little more control of the situation and not be caught off guard. Another thing that helped out a lot was finding a very dark shades of glasses that would block anybody from seeing her eyes. The only downside to that was people found it extremely rude.

And although she had a legitimate reason as to why she had them on, people would still make a big fuss over it. Such as that one time when she was in high school, a male teacher had asked her to remove her glasses. She told him that she wasn't allowed to do that due to medical reason however, he didn't care. Let's just say that she never saw that teacher again after that day as well as that experience had left a lot of kids traumatized.

The curse seems to have some rules that are governed by it such as it doesn't affect females, the males that haven't go through puberty or the elderly. Honestly, she thanked the gods for these exemptions, she wouldn't have wanted to be called a pedophile or a cougar.

The only thing that she thanked the gods everyday was that her dad and younger brother are immune to it. She didn't care about anybody else but them and their immunity to her curse.

As she pondered within her thoughts, she turned around to see if anybody was following her. She sighed with relief as she saw that nobody was, and at that moment her stomach decided to growl. Rin looked around trying to see if there was a convenient store. A 7/11 stood across from her. Rin looked both ways before she jolted across the street.

A clear breeze hit her as she walked in 7/11. She was starting to wish that she had a sweater or at least her leather jacket. But her dad didn't let her take a jacket, even when she was freezing her ass off. She walked around the store looking for something to buy. Her hand dug into her pocket and took out a five-dollar bill.

Well at least I can get a decent meal, she thought as she shoved the bill back into her back pocket. Rin pulled shades off her face, knowing that she looked like a total idiot wearing shades at midnight. But seeing as the clerk was a female, she had nothing to worry about. She brushed her hand across her face, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes and placed her glasses on top of her head.

Rin went back to the front, overlooking the store looking for a bag of chips. She could feel the eyes of the clerk digging into her back. She honestly couldn't understand the hostility that some girls would project onto other girls. We're all girls, shouldn't we all support each other instead of dragging each other through the mud.

"Miss, are you going to get anything, if not please leave," a voice demanded behind her. Looks like the clerk was getting tired of her walking around looking for the chips. Rin decided to ignore her and continue to look for them until she finally found them. She could tell by the way the clerk looked that she was annoyed of the fact that Rin ignored her.

"I'll just be getting this," Rin said with a smile as she placed the bag of chips on the counter. The clerk huffed before taking the bag of chips and scanning it. The clerk gave her a look over but Rin decided to ignore her once again, that was until she heard a deep voice behind her.

"Don't you think you're behaving a bit rude," the deep voice behind her said. She could almost melt at the voice it was so deep and smooth, she hopes that this sexy voice matched the owner. She quickly turned around and she wasn't disappointed. A long raven-haired guy stood behind her with his muscle black shirt fitting like second skin against his nicely defined muscle. His amethyst eyes looked at her amused, with a grin plastered on his kissable lips. A pair of small white fang poked out of his mouth.

Rin quickly turned around, blushing profoundly. She looked at the clerk and she could tell that she was lost to the world. She was sporting a dreamy look on her face completely ignoring Rin. Rin cleared her throat as to get the clerk's attention, it worked like a charm and the clerk quickly tried to make herself presentable.

"I'm so sorry about that, its been a long day," The clerk replied trying to get on the handsome man's good side.

"Keh, that's no excuse to act like an asshole," He replied. His eyes were digging a hole on her back, but Rin refused to look at him.

"Yes, that's true," the clerk said a little flustered as she quickly turned to get Rin's stuff and busied herself as to not talk to the young man anymore.

"Hey," he said as he tapped Rin on the shoulder. Rin braced herself as she turned around and looked at him. His clear amethyst looked at her warmly as she made eye contact. "Wow, you have the most emerald eyes I have ever seen, and I've lived for a long time."

"Huh," Rin was confused. She gave him a look over but from what she could see he looked like a regular human. "Aren't you human like me?"

"Looks can be deceiving," he replied. "What's your name?"

Again, Rin was confused but that didn't stop her from answering. "Rin?"

"Rin, that's a nice name. My name is Inuyasha," He smiled at her. "You heading to the club?"

"Huh," She questioned, before she looked down at her clothing and blushed. "No, it's a misunderstanding, I'm currently heading home."

"Misunderstanding?" His head tilted to the side like a cute puppy.

"Yes, its actually punishment."

Oh god, that sounded much worse, Rin thought as she turned as bright red as her tube crop top.

Inuyasha smiled wickedly. "Punishment?"

"Yes," She squeaked.

"Wow, I never thought that you would be into that type of stuff."

"No, I'm not into that stuff," She screamed, her cheeks still flushed red.

He laughed, "That's alright, I don't mind women being a little kinky."

"Again," She insisted, "This isn't what you think."

"Oh really, so your man never told you to put on something like this," He questioned as he gestured to her clothing.

"Man? I have no man." Confusion crossed her face.

"Huh, you don't."

"No, what made you think that?"

"You said punishment." He looked at her startled, pointing at her.

"Yeah, as in I got punished by my dad."

He howled in laughter. "You expect me to believe that. What dad in their right mind would force their daughters to dress like this?"

Rin grimaced, "Yeah, my dad is one of a kind. Well, it better than getting a beating."

"Wait, are you saying you would get beat if you don't dress like this," Inuyasha's eyes widened in shock.

"My dad knows I don't like dressing like this so call it mental torture." She explained. Inuyasha shook his head.

"I'd rather take the beating than be humiliated like that." That hit Rin closer to home than she expected. Its not like she wants to dress like this and although she has gotten used to this, it doesn't mean that she also doesn't find it humiliating. Inuyasha, sensing as if he just put his foot in his mouth by the look of her face, looked away as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Keh, well that's family for you. We all have an oddball in the family. I have an asshole of a half-brother loves to use me as a punching bag," Inuyasha explained. That startled Rin out of her musing before she laughed.

"That's true," She replied wholeheartedly. "Did he truly do that?"

"Yeah, one time he manage to pierce a hole in my stomach with his hand. I don't even remember how I manage to fight him off. But that was when we were on bad terms, now he's at least civil. Well, as civil as Sesshomaru could be," He said as scratched his eyebrow.

"Sesshomaru?" This Sesshomaru character sounded dangerous.

"Oh, that's just my brother's name." Inuyasha replied but he immediately caught the look that Rin had in her eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to lay it on ya like that. Maybe your father is just showing you tough love. You can't choose who your family is, you can only wants best for you. So, if you don't like dressing this way, then tell him. You already know what's the worse thing he can do. What's stopping you from doing what you want?"

It's been a long time since somebody had said those words to her. She would be a liar to say if she hadn't thought of that before. She's already been through the worse that could happen to her, if she continues to live like she does now, will she be proud of herself once it's over.

"Thank you," She blurted out. "I didn't know I needed to hear that until you've said those words."

"Anytime." He gave her a full smile. To say that his smile was destructive was an understatement, a handsome young man smiling like that was enough to get any girl's heart to skip a beat. Although Rin did keep her cool outwardly, she was jumping out and down like a fan girl in her mind.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Inuyasha." Rin said, grabbing the bag after paying for it.

"You too, Rin."

"Whenever you're by Fury, hit me up. I can hook you up with some specials."


"It's a Night Club, if you run into trouble just let them know that you know me. If they still don't believe you, saying Emerald." Rin smiled. "See you later, Handsome."

Inuyasha laughed and shook his head as she walked out of the store, eating her chips. She smiled, waving her goodbye and continued to walk back to her house. Her meeting with Inuyasha perked her spirits up. And it also gave her a lot to think about as well. But she seemed to have missed an important detail. She shrugged it off as she continued to eat her chips when she realized that she had made eye contact with him. Maybe the curse was losing it affects. In shock, she dropped the chip she was eating and put her hands up in the air and screamed cheerfully, "I'm cured!"

The streets were cleared when suddenly a man popped out of a store. He looked at her curiously. She caught his eyes and he buckled over, groaning as he unzipped his pants and pulled them down. Before he took it out, she was gone.

"On second thought, maybe not."

AN: Awww Rin, you made a friend. But girl, the stuff you have gone through. Chin up, head up girl, things will only get better from now on especially for what I have plans for you.

Hopefully all of you have enjoyed this chapter just as much as I have enjoyed writing it. It's good to be back and be back to doing what I love. Let me know what you guys think. Please R&R and I'll be adding up the next chapters soon.