I don't own Harry Potter (this includes books, movies, etc.)


It was all a lie…the words on the page still stuck in my mind.

"Though what you're saying Anna is rather unusual, a permanent change in ones appearance isn't unheard off. There is a potion that can make someone look like anyone they wish until they die, in which the potion's affect fades. This potion, the Forever Change potion has been banned by the ministry for decades. Still if someone found the formula…and used it…the ministry wouldn't really find out since it's almost impossible to detect if someone is using it."

The lie was that Lily and James Potter survived that fateful Halloween night. They have been dead all this time.

Trained minions of the Order, more importantly Dumbledore, were the ones who forced Harry away and left Luke vulnerable to their manipulations. It was a cold feeling that someone could be so cruel. Cruel enough to fool two orphans and destroy their family.

Still, I still don't know why the Potter's were killed. There's more to this story but now, I have to find proof that the "Potters" are frauds, so I can show the ministry. They can't be left in the dark about this. I need a plan. Yet…for now, I best not tell Harry about this.

#$#$#$#$$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$$-Harry POV

I walked into the great hall for lunch. I was starved after a long morning of classes. Though they were fascinating they could be rather draining.

I went to sit at the raven claw table, when Luke stopped me.

"Hey Harry…I was wondering if you would like to sit with me and Neville?"

At first I panicked for s moment, but he had no reason to think I was his brother…so what harm could it do. Besides I want to talk to Neville more.

I nodded hesitantly and we walked over to the table.

At the table, Luke sat quietly as his housemates talked to him. He looked so…sad.

"So Harry how do you like Hogwarts" asked Luke.

"Its great, I never imagined I would see a school like this."

Luke and Neville smiled, "I'm glad you like it here…so what do you like to do?"

"Well…I like reading."

Luke's eyes lit up, "What about?"


"I like books about healing; I want to be a healer."

Ron snorted, "Oh are you really going to talk about your silly hobby again Luke. You're the Boy-who-lived for crying out loud you're meant to be hero not some little doctor."

Luke looked so deflated that I felt so sorry for him. No wonder he's so unhappy, all his friends want him to be something that he doesn't want to. It makes me wonder how mom and dad treat him.

"I think healing is cool, if you like that kind of stuff you should expand on it."

Luke lit up like a Christmas tree. Neville also smiled.

I think it's time Luke had true friends around him, not just Neville.

#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$$##$#$#$#$#$$Anna's POV

As I looked into more about the Potter double gangers, I decided to look more into the lived of the actually potters before they died as well as this "dark lord" character.

Something isn't right in this picture and I plan on finding out what it is.

I talked to my grandmother who explained that the Dark Lord was rumored to have been a student at Hogwarts. Maybe I could find some information in the archives of the pervious students.

My grandmother, since she had connections to the ministry managed to grant me access to the vast archive of Hogwarts previous students.

I spent days searching and reading into the students. The Dark Lord wasn't a "young man" per say according to descriptions of him during the first war.

So he must have attended school during the 1920s or 30s.

It was in this section that one student caught my eye. Tom Riddle.

The description showed him to a model student with exceptional grades. However, he was a loner and showed signs of manipulation others according to reports made by faulty at the time.

Also he was a decent of one of the original creators of Hogwarts. This student must be the Dark Lord.

Ok so let's see…Tom Riddle was the Dark Lord, had two Order members (the Potter's) killed, and Dumbledore has Order members pose as Lily and James to have them kick Harry out but keep Luke. But why?

What did Tom want with the Potter's?

I need to dive deeper and most of all expose the phony Potters.