This is my first time posting any of my fanfiction, so please be nice! Helpful reviews are very appreciated! Thanks!
Konan and Nagato are Masashi Kishimoto's. If I owned Naruto, do you really think they'd be dead?
"NO!" I cried as I slammed my front door, tears falling rapidly down my face. I ran down the cement steps leading to my door and flew out into the pouring rain.
I made a sharp turn into an alley and continued to run, causing my school uniform to get covered in mud. I made a few more turns, and arrived at his family's shop. He was my only shelter.
My best friend. We've grown up together. Him and I have lived in Amegakure for all of our lives, so we are pretty close. He has been in every one of my school classes. And we are still as close as ever, even after seventeen years!
I was breathing hard as I gazed upon the warm looking shop. The windows were condensating. It was freezing out in this storm; inside the shop looked warm and welcoming - It looked like what a real home should look like. My hands flew to my face, wipping at the tears untill they were completely erased. I do this everyday, so naturally, I'm an expert at leaving nothing behind.
Pasting a smile on my face, I aproached the door. A familiar sound filled the crisp air as I opened the shop door, causing a lady behind the counter to look up from her sewing.
"Konan! What a pleasant surprise! You must be here to see Nagato. Go on up. I think he's doing his homework." Said the woman. Nagato's mother. Such a sweet lady. She wasn't bad looking either for an older aged woman. Nagato always said it was her smile that made her like that. I always admired her for that. She was more of a mother to me than Ma'm anyway...
"It's good to see you too Mrs. Ame! Yes, I am here to see Nagato. You read my mind. Are you sure it's ok for me to interupt his homework? I don't want to intrude..."
"Oh, nonscence! Of course it's ok! Go on up, honey." She said as that lovely smile appeared on her face once again. I bowed to her and walked swiftly passed the counter. I weaved through some clothing racks, heading for the back of the room. Once I got to the back, I lightly pushed on a small portion of the wall, and watched as the hidden door slid open.
I looked back, smiling at Nagato's mother as she happily sewed. Nagato is one lucky guy...
I swiftly turned my back from the happy scene. I couldn't start crying, not now. I started to climb the steps, carefully so I wouldn't trip in the darkness. When I reached the top, I stood before a small platform with a door at the end. It seemed like forever to reach the door. I needed to see him so badly...
My hand shot out and grabbed the cold door handle. I twisted it, and then pushed it open quietly. I want to catch him off guard. He talks to himself sometimes, and I enjoy listening to his thoughts.
I slowly walked into the apartment, making sure not to make a sound. I do THAT every day as well. Not making sounds. I slowly turned down to face the hallway. I creeped my way over to his room, staying close to the wall. His door was open! Perfect. My back slid down the wall until I was sitting on the floor just inches away from his door.
"I wonder what she's doing..." I heard him mumble. Was he talking about me? Or another girl? "She's been acting so odd lately...something must be up...I'll have to ask her..." He continued. I hope he isn't talking about me...I hate lieing to him...
I slowly rose from my sitting spot, my body burning in pain from all these bruises. Hiding the unbearible pain with a smile, I walked into his room, lightly knocking on his open door.
"Konnichiwa, Nagato. How are you?" I said, acting as if I had just strolled right on in (instead of evesdropping). He jumped a little and pushed away from his writing desk, a little blush appearing on his face. I loved that about him; his obvious blushing. "O-oh hi, konan! I didn't hear you come down the hall. It's good to see you." Nagato replied.
I have been under lock down in my house all weekend (it was a FIVE DAY weekend too!) and I hadn't had the chance to see him all that time (we have never NOT seen eachother for that long before).
I gave him a small smile,as the pain started to slowly seep in. I had escaped today after homework, and that would definately earn me extra beatings for sure - maybe one if i'm lucky (which I never am). Ignoring the pain, I watched Nagato as he sat back down in his seat, and started to put his homework away.
"W-wait! please, I don't want to keep you from doing your assignment! Maybe I should leave, come back again to-"
"No. I have to speak with you, Konan. And honestly, I could care less about my homework right now..." He stated has he pulled away from his desk. His voice was solemn. Uh-oh. He went over to his black-sheeted bed and sat down, patting the space next to him. I slowly walked across his room, blushing slightly at the fact that he wouldn't move his eyes from me. Those beautiful, purple, ringed eyes...
I gingerly sat next to him, partly because of the mood in the atmosphere, and partly about the shocking pains running through my body. And then I did the unimaginable. I winced. I quickly tried to cover it up but it was no use, seeing as how Nagato had been watching me intently the entire time. His eyes widened.
"That's what I'm talking about. What's going on? You act so strange. Your my best friend, Konan, and I'm worried. Are you ok?" He asked. No, I wanted to tell him, I'm not. Instead I tried to make a smile, and replied with, " Talking about what? I don't know what you mean, Nagato. I'm perfectly fine. Everything's great!" I told him as I turned my face away from his, tears gathering at my eyes. No, nothing was great.
"Hm." Was all I heard from him, before I was suddenly facing him, his strong hands grasping my arms. My watery eyes widened as I choked back a scream. God, my arms HURT!
He noticed my struggle, and let his arms drop to his sides. He stared at me for a long time, his eyes burning into my being. He knew something was wrong...
He stared to shake his head. "That's it." He started. "You are going to tell me what's going on right now. You've been acting like this ever since I met you and I've always just shrugged it off, but now I'm serious. It's gotten really odd. What's going on? I mean, how do I know something's not going on in your home? I've never even set foot inside. Not once."
He's actually seen through my fake smiles the entire time? I never knew...
My eyes were overflowing now, sending hot tears down my pale face. I have to get out of here, before I let it slip! I shot up from my spot on the bed, making my head spin. He got up as well, grabbing my arm again as I started to swiftly walk out of the room. "OW! Stop!" I yelled as the pain shot into the rest of my body. My face was red and wet from all the tears.
He instantly let me go, frozen in the middle of the room, his eyes wide. Were his eyes getting wet as well? I couldn't tell as I hurried out of the room, down the hall and down the stairs. I stopped at the bottom. In the darkness, I gathered up my feelings and pasted a smile on again. I slid open the door, and walked up to the counter. "Goodbye . I'll see you later, ok?" I said. "Oh! Goodbye my darling! Be safe!" She replied.
Be safe...