First I would like to thank ALL of my reviewers new and old you guys rock! I got on and noticed I had way more reviews you guys made my day thanks so much! I also forgot to have a video. I've never forgot a video! So here it is you get 2 vid's today. Well here it is KND 3/4 ^^ All about us^^ there ya go On with the story!

Wally stomped into the tree house. He kicked the empty mini trash can in the room.

"Oh the nerve of that jerk!" shouted Wally.

Numbuh 2 sighed "Wally calm down."

"CALM DOWN?" said Wally.

He Threw his arms in the air at the thought of that idea. This was no time to be calm. Causing Hoagie to back into his chair.


"Well you would've been in the principal's office at a time like this if Numbuh 5 hadn't stopped you from walking towards Ricky." said Numbuh 5.

"Seriously Numbuh 4 chill." said Numbuh 2.

"CHILL?" Said Numbuh 4.

"Yeah chill. Goodness your acting like Numbuh 3 when she's in a mood." said Hoagie then he turned to see Kuki looking at him.

"Well... WHAT"S WRONG WITH MY MOODS?" She shouted her eyes turning red.

"N-n-nothing nothing." said Numbuh 2 shaking his head.

"Will ya guys calm down? Numbuh 4 you said you were ya gonna put this behind you." said Numbuh 5 frowning.

"Oh yeah, I did. Didn't I?" Numbuh 4 shrugged his shoulders "Oh well guess I gave up." he said walking away.

"Numbuh 5's got a point." sang Numbuh 3 dancing around the room.

"Why are you dancing?" asked Numbuh 4.

Numbuh 3 shrugged "I don't know."

Numbuh 5 grabbed his shoulder "No way Numbuh 4. Nobody said this'd be easy and I think Numbuh 1'd be proud of you for trying to change." said Abigail.

Numbuh 4 sighed (Ik Ik happens a lot) "Yeah I know I know. But he makes it sound like I'm a wimp wouldn't that make you mad?" asked Numbuh 4.

"Numbuh 4 you gotta be the bigger person." said Numbuh 5.

"Ugh." said Numbuh 4. "Sounds like something Numbuh 1 would say."

"Speaking of him I think I might have something we can use to contact him." said Numbuh 2.

"WHAT?" said the rest of Sector V.

"Why didn't ya tell Numbuh 5 this earlier?" asked Numbuh 5.

"Oh oops. I guess I forgot." said Numbuh 2.

"Oh well, how does it work?" asked Numbuh 3.

"Well it's like Numbuh 1's communicator TV in his room. Only it's smaller and it's signal goes out way further. It takes too long to explain how it actually works but it'll be done soon." he said.

"In a day or two?" asked Numbuh 4 hopefully.

"I'll try to get it done by then Numbuh 4. But no promises." said Hoagie.

"Yes!" said Wally high fiving him.

"Hey do you guys wanta get started on that letter or whatever it is now?" asked Numbuh 5.

"Yep." they all said.

So they all started their drawings/writing to Numbuh 1. Numbuh 3 giggled as she drew the whole Tree House surrounded by Rainbow Monkeys and Sector V (Well minus Numbuh 1 ). She drew Numbuh 4 hugging Rainbow Monkey Kong.

Numbuh 4 walked over "Hey! Why am I hugging that cruddy Rainbow Monkey?"

Numbuh 3 glared at him "Rainbow Monkeys aren't cruddy!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are TOO!"

"Are NOT!"



"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are no-"

"Will you two please be quiet? You're giving Numbuh 5 a headache." said Numbuh 5.

"Yeah guys, Numbuh 5's head is hurting so bad it's gonna fall off!" said Numbuh 2 laughing.

Numbuh 3,4 and 5 stared at Numbuh 2.

"Numbuh 2, would you please tell Numbuh 5 how that's even supposed to be funny?" she asked.

"Well I tried?"

"And failed epicly." said Numbuh 4 smirking.

Numbuh 3,4, and 5 started laughing.

"Sorry Hoagie. But that was funny." said Numbuh 3.

"Oh I see how it is. Laugh at his jokes." said Numbuh 2.

"Come one Mate we're just kidding." said Numbuh 4.

Numbuh 2 smiled "Let's get back to work on this drawing/letter thingy ma jigger." said Numbuh 2.

So they worked on it for awhile exchanging memory's about Numbuh 1 and laughing at old missions. Stuff like that.

"You guys remember when Numbuh 1 was blackmailed by the delightfuls?" asked Numbuh 5.

"And he had Rainbow Monkeys underwear?" asked Numbuh 3 laughing.

Numbuh 5 laughed "That's the one."

"Do you remember his butt?" asked Numbuh 2.

They all laughed at the memory of that picture.

"I think I still have that." said Numbuh 2.

The rest of Sector V stared at Hoagie.

"What?" he asked.

"You kept a picture of Numbuh 1's butt?" asked Wally.

"Well yeah, so I could laugh at it later on with you guys." said Numbuh 2.

"Nice!" said Wally laughing.

"Well you did it Numbuh 2 you finally made somebody laugh." said Numbuh 5 as she and Numbuh 3 laughed at the picture.

"No I've got something else that'll make you all laugh!" said Hoagie.

The rest of Sector V siged.

"No thanks."

"Not right now."

"Hoagie your awful jokes are just cruddy! I don't wanna hear 'em!"

"Numbuh 4!" said Kuki she grabbed a small rug and hit him in the butt with it.


"Kaaarrrmmmaaaa." said Numbuh 2.

Numbuh 4 snorted "Alright let's hear your cruddy joke if it's so good."

Numbuh 2 smiled "Alright prepare yourself for a mid blowing joke."

"Only you would think a joke could be mind blowing." said Numbuh 5.

"It is!" argued Numbuh 2 "Listen Knock Knock!"

Numbuh 5 sighed "Who's there?"


"Tank, who?" said Numbuh 3.

"You're …..welcome!" said Numbuh laughing "Get it?"

Numbuh 3 and 5 just stared at Numbuh 2 in pity.

Numbuh 4 stared at him too Ha-ha too cause he's staring at Numbuh.. I'll just leave.

"I don't get it?" said Numbuh 4.

"You know because they said-"

"No I don't know." said Numbuh 4.

"Would you let me finish? Because Numbuh 3 said TANK who?" said Hoagie.

"I-I still don't get it." said Numbuh 4.

Numbuh 2 face palmed himself "Ugh. Because tank rhymes sounds thank. You following me so far?" asked Numbuh 2.

Numbuh 4 nodded.

"Well after they said Tank who, which sounds like thank you. I said Your welcome which is what you're supposed to say to someone when they say thank you." said Numbuh 2.

"Oh, tank who sounds like thank you which is why he said (pauses) yeahhh no." said Numbuh 4.

"No? Why the heck did you say no? It makes perfect sense." said Hoagie.

"Yeah I know that. But it wasn't funny." said Wally.

"Yes it was! It was hilari-"

"Also tank and thank don't rhyme they just sound similar." said Numbuh 4.

"I know Numbuh 4. When something rhymes it sounds simi- Oh just forget it!" said Numbuh 2.

"What?" asked Wally.

"Nothing Wally." said Kuki.

"Well at least Numbuh 5 doesn't have to hear you talking about beating Ricky up anymore." said Abby but as soon as she said it Numbuh 5 covered her mouth.

Numbuh 4 rolled his eyes "Oh calm down."

"Ha-ha anybody else notice the irony in what Numbuh 4 just said?" asked Hoagie.

"What's irony?" asked Numbuh 4.

"Never mind." said Numbuh 2. "It's getting late anyway we should head to bed anyways."

So Sector V all went to their rooms and went to sleep wondering what kind of action tomorrow would bring them. Oh they had no Idea what they were in for.

The next day…

"People get up!" shouted Numbuh 5 "Numbuh 5 knows there isn't much Rainbow Munchies left in the box and you know what they say about the early bird." she said.

The rest of Sector V was up by now and racing towards the table to get what was left.

Numbuh 3 grabbed the box first "We didn't have breakfast yesterday and I love Rainbow Munchies the most so I get 'em first!" she opened the box "Numbuh 5! This box is filled to the top!"

"Numbuh 5 knows that. But she had to get you up and it did work so shut your mouths and eat." she said.

"But Numbuh 5 what you said didn't make any sense, what does a bird have to do with breakfast? Your not a bird." said Wally.

Abby sighed "Changing is gonna be hard for you Numbuh 4."

At School..

"Cruddy school. I waste my valuable sleeping time for this junk!" said Wally.

"Wally believe me, you could use all the help from here you could get." said Ricky snickering.

"Aren't you supposed to be sitting in your seat?" asked Wally glaring at him.

Ricky smirked "This is my seat now Beatles." he replied.

Wally sighed "Of course."

Ms. Thompson began attendance "Class quiet down. Wally Beatles?"

"I'm cruddy he-"

"Dork." said Ricky.

Wally turned to him "Really Ricky?"

Ricky smirked "Really."

Ms. Thompson wasn't smiling though "Gentlemen! This is two days in a row! If you interrupt while I take attendance again I will have no choice but to give you both detention! Understood?"

"Yeah." said Ricky.

"Got it." said Wally.

"And Wally say here that's all. You too Ricky." she said.

"But I didn't-"

"You spoke when I didn't call your name and you just interrupted me ." she pointed to the door "You can come back in when you are able to behave yourself."

"B-but." started Ricky.

Ms. Thompson gave him the teacher glare "Out."

Ricky went out into the hall with Wally sticking his tongue out at him.

"Mr. Beatles?" asked Ms. Thompson.

Wally quickly turned around "Yes Ms. Thompson?"

"Perhaps you could inform the class what was so interesting?" she asked.

Wally smirked sure he thought M. Thompson was pretty but she was daring him and Wally never turned down a dare.

"Well actually Ms. Thompson, honestly it was Ricky's sorry face as he walked outta class." said Numbuh 4.

The class gasped what was Ms. Thompson going to do next?

In the hall…

Numbuh 4 sighed "Should've seen that coming."

"Yeah but your too stupid Beatles." said Ricky.

Wally stared at Ricky he punched his arm really hard.

Ricky flinched and held his arm "That's the best you got Beatles?"

"That won't get me detention yeah." said Wally.

Ricky grabbed his shirt and stood up he got in Wally's face "Listen Beetles you better stop-"


Ricky quickly dropped Wally on the floor and sat down.

Ms. Thompson opened the door "Are you capable of behaving now?"

The boys nodded and she let them in.

"And Wallabee if anything like that happens again it'll be the principal's office and he can decide your punishment." she said.

Wally nodded "Yes Ms. Thompson."

Lucky for Wally the rest of the class went by smoothly.

In the Halls…

"Man Numbuh 5 can't believe you did that Wally. You just had to argue with the teacher." she said.

"Well she gave me that look you know the one that says 'I dare you to say it but I know you won't' just cause she's the cruddy teacher-"

"And you think she pretty." interrupted Numbuh 5.

Numbuh 4 sighed "Yeah yeah yeah I get it. But that's what all adults think just cause they're our cruddy teachers they think they have the right to tell us what to do. For crud's sake they even threaten us to be with detention, the principal's office, and extra homework." he said.

"They're teachers that's what their supposed to do." she said.

"What threaten us? It's unjustified if you ask me." said Numbuh 4.

Numbuh stared at him.


"Did you hear yourself you jus said unjustified that's a big word Numbuh 4. What've you been up to?" she asked.

Numbuh 4 smirked "Ha! See I can be smart too! I think I'm doing pretty good too." he said.

Numbuh 5 rolled her eyes.

Numbuh 4 glared at her "You don't think I can do it do ya? I see it how it is, I try to get smarter and you guys are all against me? I'm not allowed to be smart? I get that I'm not so I'm trying to change! But that's not cool with you, you gotta always be on top don't ya Numbuh 5?" said Wally as he started to walk away.

Numbuh 5 ran after Wally down the long hallway. She to admit though he was fast. But she caught up to him and grabbed the back of his shirt.

Wally turned to her "What?"

"Wally I just rolled my eyes it's not that big a deal. Besides I'm fine with you getting better grades. Why are ya getting so worked up?" she asked.

"I don't know. Just half the time when I say something people look at me like I'm stupid and they won't tell me what the heck is going on. It just bugs me. You wouldn't get it. It's not like I've got parents to help me get better grades either." he said.

"Oh sorry Numbuh 4 didn't know it bothered ya that much." said Numbuh 5.

"S'alright. Besides what'sreally bothering me right now is Ricky." he replied.

Numbuh 5 sighed "What'd he do now?"

Just then Kuki and Hoagie showed up.

Numbuh 3 smiled "Hi guys! What's up?"

Numbuh 4 shrugged "Eh, not much."

He knew he'd tell Numbuh 5 later and the rest of Sector V but Kuki seemed like she was in a good mood and he didn't see any reason to ruin it. By complaining about Ricky who he knew he could beat up if he had to anyways. So then Numbuh 3 and 4 went to their 2nd hour with Mr. Sandrin.

Math. Urgh..

Wally hated math. Despised it. He wished he had a better word to describe his hatred for the subject.

But since Numbuh 4 did say he would try and get better grades he asked the teacher for help. Which surprised all of the class (Including the teacher). So after a lot of work Wally managed to get half of his math problems done. Which again surprised the entire class.

Then the lunch bell rang "Alright class put your pencils down you are dismissed for lunch."

The class lined up and Wally was about to leave too when Mr. Sandrin put his hand on Wally's shoulder.

"Wally, excellent work today." he said.

Wally smiled "Thanks."

Then he joined his friends in the hall to go to lunch.

In the Lunchroom…

"You guys should've seen it! He said and I quote 'Wally excellent work today'. See told you I could do fractions." said Wally.

"Well good for you, I'd like to see that paper though." said Numbuh 2.

"It's true guys he really did do it! The class and I saw." said Numbuh 3.

Then the bell rang and the class went out to recess.

"I saw you in class today Beatles. Couldn't do it yourself could ya?" asked Ricky.

"Shut up Ricky." said Wally his hands shaking.

Which Ricky saw "Uh-oh. Does Wally need to go to the counselor. Looks like you need some Anger management classes Wally. Though those aren't the only classes you should take. You could definitely use some tutoringin math, socail studies, writin-"


Wally punched him in the cheek. He left quite a mark too. Ricky had blooming bruise slowly forming on his face. Wally knew if he gave him a black eye the teacher's would see it, and Wally knew he'd be in trouble so sadly he didn't get to punch him in the face. Ricky's knees buckled and he held his face some of his gang members automatically helped him up they glared at Wally.

"Well?" asked Wally smirking the whole time.

"Kill 'em quietly." said Ricky.

Wally rolled his eyes "Your too conceited for your own good, see another big word!" as he ran off laughing.

"What's wrong with you people? I said kill 'em not let 'em run!" said Ricky.

"Well s-sorry Ricky but he's in the KND he's serious stuff." said Brandon one of the gang members.

"I'm aware he's in the Kids Next Door. So does that make him better than us?" shouted Ricky.

"No!" said Brandon.

"Anybody else scared of the little shrimp?" asked Ricky.

A chorus of no's came out of the gang's mouth's.

Ricky smirked "Good. Because you all know who my dad is don't you?"

"The… janitor?" said another member.

"Our new art teacher?" asked another.

"NO YOU IDIOTS! A MILLIONARE! So it doesn't matter if I get good grades. It's different for Beatles his parent s are dumb and there not rich. Now if you want I could help you guys be like me. Do you know how big my allowance is? I'm sure I could help you guys get richer. All you have to do is help me and the adults." said Ricky.

Back to Math Ugh…

"You should've seen it Kuki he was talking bad about me and then mid sentence WAM!" said Wally.

"Good for you Numbuh 4, glad somebody finally did it. He's a jerk" said Kuki.

"And a baby." said Wally smirking.

Then Mr. Sandrin walked up "Mr. Beatles I hope your talking to Kuki about your finished work."

Wally knew he had gotten in enough trouble so he finished his work (With a little help from Kuki who luckily sat next to him) and said "On it."

Nothing else happens till Last Hour so we're skipping to that…

"Numbuh 5 heard you got in a fight during recess." said Abby.

"Well the guy was asking for it!" said Wally.

Numbuh 5 sighed "Uh huh."

"It's true. Besides I tried to be patient with 'em really I di-" started Wally.

"You expect Numbuh 5 to believe that you, Numbuh 4 was patient?" asked Numbuh 5.

"Hey it could happen, in 10 years." said a laughing Hoagie.

"Class! This is social studies. Not social time." said Ms. Thompson.

"Yes Ms. Thompson." said all of Sector V except Wally.

"See what I mean? It's our right to talk. Doesn't she know about the declaration of independence? Maybe I should be the history teacher instead." said Wally.

"Wally your gonna get us in trouble." said Kuki.

Then the Bell rang…

"I'll meet you guys up at the Tree house later I gotta go to a cruddy family party!" said Wally.

Numbuh 2 smiled 'Wally's probably gonna complain the whole time. He is so dead.' thought Hoagie 'Don't die." said Hoagie laughing.

"We'll walk with ya since your house is on the way to the tree house." said Numbuh 5.

"I wish I could go to the party, I just love parties!" said Numbuh 3.

"Yeah, and it's about time your parent met your girl, although normally it's the other way around." said Numbuh 2.

"Hoagie, your just jealous cause you're not close with your crush." said Numbuh 4.

Wally looked at Abby then back to Hoagie and raised his eyebrows. He chuckled and smirked. Hoagie rolled his eyes to make it look like he didn't care. As they were walking they saw Ricky and his friends. Sector V ignored them and kept walking. But Ricky and his gang moved closer, Ricky stepped in front of Sector V he glared at Wally.

"Hello Beatles." said Ricky.

"Listen fool, I don't care why don't like Wally. Grow up and leave 'em alone. Wasn't that a year two years ago. That was the past, get over it already!" said Abby.

"Shut up Numbuh 5!" shouted Ricky.

"Hey! Don't tell my friends to shut up!" said Wally "And how do you know about the KND anyways."

Ricky got in Wally's face "Listen shrimp! I know cause of the adults, they push most kids around and I like it that way! That's the kinda power I want, so me and my gang are joining 'em. You've been doing good with Sector V around. No one messes with you guys, that's not how it's supposed to be! I'm at the top not you! I think it's about time I put you back in your place, show ya whose boss. I told ya not to mess with me and you didn't listen so I'm gonna have to tell again." he said making a fist.

Wally smirked "Bring it on."

Sorry about the delay people, I forgot to tell ya how bust I've been with my other stories but I've got to update those too u know. Sorry for the wait. Tomorrow I'm going 2 camp 4 a week Review! Oh and here's the video for today: KND - What Hurts The Most