Bek's note: Hello all, first posted fic. How exciting! Anyway, it's some Leo/Ezi. (Lezio? We should make that happen.) Sucks that my first fic is kinda sad, but what can you do? I hope you enjoy and DISCLAIMER: I am in no way associated with UBISOFT and do not own any copyright to the ASSASSIN'S CREED series. (Though if I did, I would totally announce what we already know is canon as publicly canon, yaknowhatImean?)

La Fine

Leonardo stepped back and examined his current commission. The noblewoman's portrait needed some work, but there was nothing more he could do today. He set down the paint, left his brushes to soak, and meandered toward his room.

The window to his studio popped open, a familiar face slipping in from the darkness. The white-clad man pulled down his hood to better examine the surroundings for his target. The dim glow of an oil lamp flickered in the artist's bedroom. Ezio smirked and silently crept across the main room. Peeking around the corner, he was delighted with what he saw. Leonardo peeled off his paint splattered clothing, even the ever present red beret. He untied the ribbon around his hair, sandy locks fluttering across his shoulders.

Ezio moved toward the artist, perfectly unnoticed until a floorboard creaked under his weight. Without turning around, Leonardo chuckled and spoke to his visitor. "Ciao, Ezio. Glad to see that you've returned safely. If you came by more often, you would know that that board makes noise at the slightest touch." The assassin heard the biting undertones to the last remark. He slithered up behind his friend, wrapping tanned arms around the pale torso.

"I'm sorry, il mio amore. But you know that I have things that I must do."

Leonardo wiggled out of the hug and turned to face Ezio. "I know. You could at least send word every now and then." His blue eyes were narrowed into angry, unimpressed slits. He tossed his dirty clothes into a heap sitting in the corner of his bed room, his fury toward the assassin seen in the force behind the throw.

Ezio sighed. He already knew this would be a long night. "I said that I was sorry."

"Sorry can't love me."

"I can."

"Not if you're never here."

"Then fine!" Ezio shouted, throwing his arms into the air and pacing back across the room. "Go find someone else who can bite your ankles and get in your way if you want them around so often. I figured that you didn't exactly mind since you always insist that you need space to work."

"That doesn't mean that I only want to see you once a month, if that!"

"Then go fuck Salai! He's always here! He's at your beck and call! Will that work for you?" Ezio regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. Instead of another angry retort, the assassin was greeted with silence and wide eyes. He knew what that meant. He knew what was implied by that response. He knew that he didn't like it. "You… you…"

"I-I-I… I'm sorry! But Ezio-" Leonardo stammered.

"I can't believe you!" he hissed. "You're actually sleeping with him?"

"It's not like you're around! And you take courtesans to bed every night of the week!" the artist shouted, hands clenched into fists. Leonardo recognized anger when it came upon his usual calm demeanor and always had to find its source. He wasn't sure if he was angry with Ezio, himself, Salai, or maybe all three of them.

"No! No I don't! After you stopped talking to me for two weeks after you found me with one of them, I've only slept with you! The man who bitched to me about fidelity is fucking that puttana schifo!"

"Salai is not a disgusting whore!"

Until now, the two had been shouting at each other from opposite sides of the room. Ezio removed the space between them, their noses now touching. "Se lui ti ama?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean exactly that. Does Salai love you?"

The artist was shocked by the question. "I'm sure he does."

"But," the assassin bent to nibble at the older man's ear, "does he love you like I do?"

"Ezio, please stop. This isn't a competition about who loves me more."

Brushing hair away from Leonardo's face, Ezio's breath ghosted over him. "You must know that I don't like to share."

"And I don't like having to wonder if I'm going to hear that they found your body bloody and mangled in an alley somewhere," he muttered into the assassin's shoulder. "You leave me for months at a time without a hello or goodbye. Salai doesn't. He is here and he doesn't daily engage in activities that will get him killed."

"I wish I could be here everyday."

Leonardo looked up at his lover and friend. "But you can't. I used to be okay with that. Then you were gone longer and longer doing things that got more and more dangerous."

Ezio took hold of the older man's jaw and pressed their lips together. Leonardo tried to pull away, but Ezio's grip was tight. He found his lips being forced open and the young man's tongue snaking in to attack his own. "Mmph! 'Op! 'Zio!"

Satisfied for the moment, Ezio retracted his tongue and licked his lips. "Leonardo, I want you to be exclusively mine. I don't want Salai to have you."

Bracing his hands on a warm chest, Leonardo allowed his head to find solace nuzzled under Ezio's chin. "I can't do that. I want to be with you, but I can't do that when I'm worrying about whether or not you're alive or dead or when you'll be coming back. And I know that I can't stop you from what you're doing." He inhaled deeply before quickly exhaling. "One more night, il mio amore."

"Hmm?" Leonardo could feel the assassin's vocal chords vibrate as he hummed in question.

"Tonight will be the last night I'll share a bed with you Ezio Auditore," the artist gazed up into familiar brown eyes, "so you better make it count."

Ezio's features visibly became solemn, mouth turning into a pained frown. Trying to pull Leonardo closer than he already was, Ezio's fingers clenched the older man's back as if it was the last tangible thing on earth. He laid a kiss upon blonde hair. "Mi dispiace. But trust me; this will be the most important night of my life."

Tis just an introductory chapter. Ezio's most important night will be coming soon ;) Let me know what you think of this and hopefully I'll finish and upload the stuff I've had sitting on my jumpdrive forever now that school is winding down. Alert me to any glaring errors so I can fix them. Reviews & faves are love.

Remember: Cannibals are just zombies that won't make the commitment. 3 BEXISAZOMBIE :D