TRT 8: The Ranma Trek Renaissance! – By Ocramed

Disclaimer: SM, R1/2 and all other franchises belong to their respective owners.

Note: These will be 1000+ word (minimum) chapters. C&C are welcomed.

Special Note: This story takes place in the SMST/TRT-verse.

Part 13

"Samaritan Snare"

The Pakleds are an alien species who had the reputation of being sold advanced technology, by the Ferengi, when they were not "ready" to become "space-faring". Thus, the Federation policy was to not give the Pakleds any technology that could be more advanced than what they have accessed to. Unfortunately, the Federation did not consider the ambitions of the Pakled to keep up with the local powers, technologically-speaking…

And that is why a Pakled crew tricked the Enterprise-D's crew into lending assistance, by kidnapping Chief Engineer Geordie LaForge, and then make threats on his life if Commander Riker, who oversaw the ship during Captain Picard's "medical leave", did not give them a copy of the ship's complete data banks. It was the Pakled's hope that within the those files, new technologies could be accessed.

"Okay, people, suggestions?" Riker asked, as the assembled command staff sat in the Conference Room. "One that did not involve extreme violence?"

"Humph," Bridge Office Lt. Worf replied. "We wouldn't be in this situation if my suggestion was taken into consideration…"

Worf then turned towards Counselor Troi.

"Which was confirmed, I might add," Worf said, as he folded his arms.

"You're never going to let it go, aren't you?" Riker quipped.

"We could storm the 'SS Mondor', from the outside," Security Chief Tasha Yar replied.

"Aren't there any risks to using that?"

"Not unless we gummy up the Pakled crew's sensors," Usagi replied, as she performed her calculations. She then handed her PADD to Riker, who looked at Usagi's readings.

"Hmmm," Riker said, as he examined the data. "Still, I need that extra-layer of assurance that the Pakled's won't trick us again."

"Sir, does that mean that we need to reassess our thoughts on that species?" Data asked.

"There is a lot of things we need to reassess, Data," Riker said.

"I think I might have a plan, Commander," Ranma said. "I just hope that the Pakled's are easily taken to…distractions."

"Oh?" Riker asked. "What do you have in mind…?"

A short time later, Riker reestablishes contact with the Pakled vessel.

"Enterprise to Mondor, please come in," Riker said.


"This is 'Grebnedlog' speaking," said the Pakled. Pakleds typically possessed pear-shaped bodies and "low energy", which gives the impression that the entire species was the equivalent of having "special needs". However, the Pakleds were just as smart as any other species, but uses their reputation to get what they want.

"Do we have a deal, or not?" Grebnedlog asked. "Or should I continue to torture your Chief Engineer?"

"That won't be necessary," Riker replied. "We will personally give you the information, with one proviso."


"Considering how injured our chief engineer is, we want to trade hostages," Riker replied. "You will keep her until we are ready to hand you over the information personally?"

"I see," Grebnedlog replied. "We will accept this 'trade' of yours."

"Thank you," Riker replied. "Riker: out."


"Riker to 'Away Team'," Riker replied aloud. "Are you ready to begin mission?"

"We're ready," Ranma-chan said, as she and Data steps aboard the Transporter Room One's pad.

Meanwhile, at a nearby airlock, Tasha Yar and Worf get suited up for a spacewalk.

"We're ready, Commander," Yar replied, as Worf clamps her helmet into place.

"Good," Riker replied. He then turned towards Usagi.

"You remember how to pilot the ship?" Riker asked.

"Commander, I could jury-rig the entire ship successfully, and go 'solo'," Usagi said, as she grinned. "Besides, I was a Helms Officer back in the 23rd century, and could pilot a Constitution-class ship in an atmosphere with no problem…"


"In other words, I think I can manage, Commander," Usagi said, as she turned her head towards Riker with a grin.

"We'll shall see about that," Riker replied with a smile of his own.

"So, Will, what is this plan again?" Troi asked, as Riker sits back down in the 'center seat'. "I don't seem to get it."

"Neither do I," Riker replied. "But, from what I can understand, Ranma and Data will board the Mondor as scheduled…"

The Pakleds watch as Data and "Ensign Ranko Tendo" appear before them. One of the Pakleds immediately take a liking to her…

"We are here as per our arrangement," Data said. "I have brought with me Nurse Tendo, who will ensure that Lt. Commander LaForge is well to return to the ship."

"And you will be that hostage for your Engineer?" Grebnedlog asked with suspicion.

"Myself, yes," Data replied.

"I see," said the Pakled, as he turned towards Ranko. "However, we feel better if your companion is our guest."


"We would not want to take any chance that an android of your type might do something," Grebnedlog replied. "We simply want your data."

"I see," Data said, as he turned towards Ranko. "Ensign, do you mind going in my place as their hostage?"

"I…okay," Ranko said with a sigh. "If you think this is all for the best…"

"I do not," Data replied. "However, we have limited options."

"That is correct," the Pakled commander replied with a toothy grin. "Besides, if nothing else, I am sure that the Orions or the Ferengi could use such a beautiful prize as your companion is."

"Then, it's agreed," Data replied. "Shall we see our crewmember?"

"But of course," Grebnedlog said, as he directed his men to usher Data and Ranko to another ship compartment. "That way."

As everyone moves, Ranko slips a small, metal disk from her sleeves, palms it, and then places it at a nearby workstation, which stuck to it after it was magnetized. The sensor readings on a nearby screen seem to blink for a second, before assuming normal operations…

"…So Ranma is going to use his cursed guise to distract the kidnappers?" Troi replied with a slight frown. "I don't know how I feel about that…"

"It's his plan," Riker replied with a shrug. "And if Ranma manages to gummy the Mandor's sensors after that, that's when Tasha and Worf will make their move," Riker said.

After coasting to a full stop, Yar and Work manages to plant their footing firmly on the Pakled ship's hull.

"We're good," Yar said, as she began to look for an airlock. "You see anything?"

"I think I see the hatch…over there," Worf replied. "But I don't see a port."

"I am not surprise," Yar replied, as she and Worf begin to walk over to the hatch. "This class of ship is old, really old. Getting accurate deck plans would be cumbersome…"


"You got your phaser ready for 'cutting mode'?" Yar asked.

"Don't need to," Worf said, as he took out what appeared to be a wicked looking blade of Klingon extraction. He then stabs the hull, and cuts out a square to expose the access panel.

"Is that a 'mek'lath'?" Yar asked.

"Yes," Worf replied. "Saotome wanted to give it for my 'Day of Ascension', but it was ready in time…on account that he had it shipped from Q'onos."

"Ah," Yar replied, as she took out her "hacking tools" from her utility belt. "I always wanted one…"

"Okay, so I assume that with everyone in place, this plan of ours will come to fruition," Troi replied.

"Not necessarily," Riker said. "Any number things could go wrong."

"Like Grebnedlog figuring all this out?"

"Precisely," Riker paused. "But that is why we have a 'Plan B' ready."


"Typical," Grebnedlog said, as he had everyone lined up against the bulkhead, with weapons at ready. "You think Pakleds are too stupid to not figure out a ruse from Starfleet?"

"Yes," Worf said nonchalantly, which gets a whap from Yar.

"Well, guess what? We Pakleds are just as smart as any other species in the galaxy. And NOTHING, I mean nothing will distract us from getting what we want!"

Ranko sighed, as she lowers her arms, digs into her clothes, and rips them free of her body.


"Wha-?" the Pakleds wowed in amazement, as the glory that is Ranko Tendo's body was shown to the alien captives.

Seeing that the Pakleds were distracted, Data made his move, and quickly subdued the captors. After all, Data, being an android, was not distracted by carnal pleasure.

"I believe we have ended the crisis," Data said.

"Thank goodness," Ranko said, as she wraps what was left of her clothes around her body. "I'm glad this farce is over-"

Ranko sees that her other companions were still in a state of shock.

"Um, hello?" Ranko said. "People?"

"Er, um, sorry," Worf said, as he coughs. "I was distracted."

"No kidding," Yar replied. "I don't know if I should be jealous or upset."

"I'm just upset that I can't see anything other than spectrums of light," LaForge replied.

"You could always order the upgrades, Geordie," Data said.

"Don't encourage him," Ranko said. "Let's just get this over with…"

"That is a…dumb plan," Troi replied, which caused Usagi to giggle.

"It's only dumb if it fails, Deanna," Riker said with a sigh. "Only if it fails…"

"Up the Long Ladder"

Captain's Log: Supplemental. Thanks, to an old-style distress signal, we discovered what Counselor Troi has termed as a "cultural phenomenon". Apparently, an old Earth colony, confirmed by Lt. Commanders Saotome and Tsukino, had indeed venture further into the so-called "Uncharted Territories", much further than the Federation had previously suspected. In fact, we might end up discovering more of these "lost colonies" in the future. But, for now, the crew will be dealing with two such colonies, of which we are dealing with now.

"So, you are the Great 'Ranma Saotome', my great-grandfather told us about," said Mr. Daniel O'Dell, whom he and Ranma were having shots of Irish Whiskey with Chief Miles O'Brien, whom Ranma served with during the height of the Federation's conflict with the enigmatic Cardassians. The three were mixing business with pleasure…and sometimes at the same time.

"I wouldn't say that I was 'great'," Ranma replied, as he took a sip of Whiskey…that he took from his wife Usagi's personal stash. "I did what I had to do."

"What did you have to do, sir?" Miles asked.

"You are looking at a war hero," O'Dell said. "My great-grandfather, Dennis O'Dell, served as a MACO, the elite of Old Earth's frontline, against the Romulans."

"Oh, you served during the 'Earth-Romulan War'?" O'Brien asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I guess," Ranma said. "You know me…I always fight to protect what is right."

"And then some," O'Dell replied. "And, speaking of doing the right thing, I have to figure out what to do with my people."

"Well, I do know what someone wants to do with your daughter, Daniel," Ranma remarked, as he and his "drinking buddies" saw Commander Riker with Brenna, Daniel's daughter. Riker was apparently giving a tour of sorts.

"Oh, that's interesting," O'Dell said. "But the commander should be a bit careful about courting an Irish lass."

"No kidding," O'Brien replied, as he took a sip of his own drink.

Later, the Enterprise-D arrives at another world. The inhabitants had also sent out a distress signal, but for a different reason. Unlike the first one, which was done to rescue the old Earth colonists from certain doom, due to a devastating solar flare, this second one was a bit weirder.

"…So you see, we just need a fresh batch of genetic materials in order to avoid the problems with repeated cloning," said Director Wilson Granger, as he spoke to Picard and the rest of the Command Crew onboard the Enterprise-D.

"Called 'replicative fading'," said, who was the Chief Medical Doctor on board.


"Cloning?" Riker replied. "I prefer my individuality, thank you very much."

"We can help you fix your machine, but I doubt anyone here will consent-"

"I don't mind," Usagi said. "And just to be sure, we should ask the crew if they want to volunteer some cells."

"Why would you be comfortable about this?" Dr. Pulaski asked.

"Because I have been to worlds where it is not a big deal," Usagi said.

"And does Lt. Commander Saotome agree with you on this?"

"I am more of Commander Riker's opinion," Ranma replied. "However, I think I might be able to solve two problems."
"I would like to hear that," Picard asked.

"O'Dell and his people need a new home. Director Ganger needs a fresh batch of clones."

"You mean, I have to let those people come to Mariposa?" Ganger remarked. "Absolutely not. Those people will be disruptive elements to our society!"

"We'll throw in the fertility 'donations' of the crew to the mix. Volunteers, of course."

"And I can work with Dr. Pulaski to reconfigure your clone banks to a fertility bank, director," Usagi replied. "You will still have the capability to clone people, but with such a large pool, I doubt that you will need to."

"I still am not sure about this," Riker said.

"With all due respect, Will, you tend to 'donate' all the time, if you know what I mean," Ranma said.


"Well, I guess this is okay," Director Ganger replied with a sigh. "It will be a…change from what we are so used to do…"

After much haggling, in which O'Dell was guaranteed land for his people, as well as three husbands, all clones of different types, per woman from O'Dell's side, the matter was officially closed. Well, almost…

"It is good to have met you, Saotome," O'Dell said with hearty handshake from the Transporter Pad. "And don't be a stranger!"

"The same, and I will," Ranma said with a smile. He then turned towards Brenna.

"I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to get to know you better," Ranma said with a nod. "Your father is a good man."

"I am sorry, as well," Brenna replied. "But, I have a future to think about…"

Brenna felt her stomach symbolically.

"Oh, congratulations," Usagi said. "Does Commander Riker know?"

"Someday," Brenna said. "But, I am looking forward to when I can have Commander Saotome's child in the future…as well as Director Ganger's."

"Pardon?" Ranma asked in surprise. "I thought Brenna wanted to have three husbands, as part of the Mariposa Deal."

"Aye, though in a different fashion," O'Dell replied.

"If I have ONE around, I can raise three kids easily," Brenna said with a knowing smile. "I chose to keep Riker's child as my own choice, but with the deal, I felt that having Commander Saotome's baby would make Father happy."

"…Okay," Ranma replied. "Well, thanks, I guess…"

"No, thank you…my second husband," Brenna said, as she leans over, kisses Ranma deeply, and departs in a shower of sparkles.

After a moment of silence, Ranma turns towards Usagi.

"This was your doing, isn't it?" Ranma said.

"Hey, next time, ask permission to get my stuff," Usagi said, as she begins to walk away. She then turns to stick out her tongue at her husband…

"Biiii-!" Usagi said, just before running right into the doors.



"Wait, why didn't the doors open?" 'O'Brien said the concern.

"I am sure it's just a glitch, chief," Ranma said, as he begins to walk away while whistling innocently. Even after all these years, his command over the ways of the Force was still top-notch…
