So here is chapter 3, this is actually a quick update. Yay me!

Disclaimer; Hetalia doesn't belong to me.

Warnings; yaoi, AU, OCC.

Thank you all so much for the story reviews and favorites! I enjoy knowing that people read my work and like it.

Sorry for mistakes.

Without further ado, chapter 3

-chapter 3-

Romano's eyes glanced around the town as Antonio led him through it. He could see so many different people. Some were tall, others were short. Some had glowing skin, others scaley skin, and more with added appendages. Some had wings, beautiful white wings like the paintings of angles, while others had leathery wings. Romano felt his own twitch, and he glanced at Antonio ahead of him.

The stupid bastard had a smile on his face. He still had Romanos hand tightly wrapped in his, and he was babbling on and on about the town. "…over there is where these guys from Scandinavia work. Matthias works with them, but he spends most of his time hunting. Berwald used to but when he got married he really cooled down. Shame too, he was really good. And over there is my friends Francis's shop. He's pretty cool, but be careful, he's kind of a pervert. At least that's what everyone says."

"He sounds French," Romano mumbled.

"He is." Antonio answered. Romano felt his eye twitch.

The town was centered around a large open grassy square with a small platform in the middle. Surrounding the town square was all of the shops. Each was a square building with a triangular roof, made with black bricks and large front porches. On the porches were things each shop had made that did fit in the actual buildings.

In front of the square facing the exit to the woods, however, was a large mansion. It was black, with a balcony held up by large columns. The mansion made Romano shiver, and he heard Antonio chuckle. Romano glared.

"That's the court house, well, Doc's house," Antonio said. "Doc's pretty awesome, he started this whole town. You'll just love him." Antonio grinned at him.

"Stop grinning at me you fucking weirdo," Romano mumbled.

Antonio stared at him, then shrugged his shoulders. He dragged Romano up the mansions steps, then through the large oak doors. Romano was led into a large hallway with stairs in the middle, which led to another set of hallways with even more doors. Romano felt his eyebrows knot together, then he asked, "Do people live here?"

Antonio looked around and shook his head. "No, the rooms are mostly storage rooms, or medical rooms. Docs a doctor si?" Romano rolled his eyes behind Antonio's back before he was dragged into a random room.

The room was dark, with only one light on. In the middle was a bed, on the walls were medical equipment, saws, needles, sciorres. It made Romano shiver, and he felt Antonio stand closer to him. "It's okay little one. It's just Alfred," He heard Antonio whisper.

Looking at the bed he found himself gagging. "There's a body-!"

"Yeah, that's Alfred!" Antonio said. Romano gave him a bugged eyed look when he heard giggling. Looking at the bed again he saw that the person, Alfred had sat up.

Alfred had short blonde hair, sparkling, childlike blue eyes and a mischievous smile spread across his lips. One of his arms was missing, and apparently he forgot that because he tried to wave with that arm. "Heya! I'm Alfred! Nice to meet you little dude!" He sat up a little more and Romano could see that his collar, shoulders, his elbows, arms and fingers were all attached by thin black stitches.


"Hahaha, you haven't been in town long have you? Hahaha, you're such a noob," Alfred laughed.

"What the hell are you?" Romano asked, eyes staring at stitches.

"Hm? Oh, I'm kinda like a Frankenstein monster, what with my awesome stitches," Alfred said, he showed off his body, and Romano felt that sickening feeling in his stomach again. "Doc made me a few years ago with Arties help. Have you met Doc yet? He's awesome!"

"No, we haven't. I was hoping he was in here with you. Ludwig told us about that Echo taking off your arm," Antonio said.

"He and Ivan are looking for a new arm for me," Alfred mumbled.

"Wait, so this Doc guy, he can just sew arms onto people?" Romano asked, brain finally catching up with him. This was all so weird. What did Alfred mean when he said this Doc guy made him? 'I don't understand.' Romano thought.

"He can't do it to everyone, just me, cause I'm like a doll, or something. I don't like to think of the details, they make my head hurt," Alfred said, running his still good hand through his hair. He grinned at Romano, who glared at him. "So what are you?"

"I don't know, stupid," Romano mumbled. Alfred frowned at him, and Romano sighed. "What are Echoes?" He asked, remembering the gross muscle monster.

Antonio and Alfred gave him a surprised look. "You don't know?" Antonio asked. Romano glared at him and was about to say something nasty when Antonio continued. "well, a Echo is a monster."

"Aren't we monsters?" Romano asked.

"No," Antonio said firmly. "we're not. Echoes are."

"Echoes are repressed sins of human beings," A deep voice said. Romano turned around, resisting the urge to yelp in surprise. Behind him were two men. One was tall, like a giant, with short almost white blonde hair and violet eyes. He wore a long, tan coat, with black pants and thick leather boots. In his gloved hands was a severed arm. Romano made a gagging noise when he looked at, and the mans childish face spilt into a cruel grin. The second man was taller than Romano with long blonde hair and blue eyes. H wore a thin white coat, with a black shirt and pants, and boots. He had a serious face, and it reminded Romano of the priest back in his village. "they fester in the earth where bodies of human were buried. They're what gives us a bad name. That and more feral monsters." The man stared at Romano. "I'm Dr. Bach, the mayor."

"I'm Romano."

"Nice to meet you Romano. Antonio, why don't you take Romano out of the room? Nailing Alfred's arm can get quite disturbing," Dr. Bach said. Romano saw Alfred pale.


"Yes, the monster ripped off your bone, I have to nail the joint back on to the rest of your arm before I can put the salve on that can reattach the nerves connecting to your brain," Dr. Bach explained. Alfred nodded still looking a bit scared, but relaxed when the giant wrapped his arms around Alfred.

"It will be alright Alfred, da? I will be here," The giant mumbled, and Alfred smiled.

"Thanks Ivan," Alfred mumbled. Romano found himself blushing at the rather intement scene.

He was tugged away by Antonio. The went back into the main hallway and the door behind them slammed shut. He looked at the door for a brief moment, then looked over at Antonio. "Are those two y'know, homos?" Romano asked shyly.

Antonio looked at him. "Yeah, you'll find a lot of those couples here in Hallows Eve. I mean, us monsters live unnaturally long lives, unless we're killed in a fight or some other reasons, so why not have a bit of fun?" Antonio grinned. "Why? Do you have a problem with that?"

"I..I don't know," Romano mumbled. "I grew up with the church. And one day my priest said that two men together was wrong. But being like this is wrong too, so I guess it doesn't really matter if two men are together."

"Yeah? Well, I don't think looking like us is wrong. It makes us more unique," Antonio said with a small giggle. Romano stared at him, then scowled.

"Fuck off ass hole," Romano mumbled. Antonio grinned at him. "Ugh…what time is it? "

"Well, It was around noon when my friends and I started hunting, and it was probably two hours when I found you, and it's been probably a hour since then, so maybe around three?" Antonio guessed. "Why?"

"I was just thinking about my home. Normally at this time my little brother would have called me from the fields and we would go play on the beach near the docks," Romano said sadly. What is that little idiot going to do without me? Does he even know I'm gone? Or miss me? Probably not, he has that ass Jakob. Romano thought, eyes tearing up at the thought that the only person who actually liked him forgetting him.

"Fields? Like a farm?" Antonio asked cheerfully. Romano glared at him and nodded and Antonio stood up. "Oh cool! So you could take care of my farm with me, and when I go out on hunts!"


"Well, you're staying with me right? Because you have no where else to go and I assume you don't have any money, so you can't afford the hotel that Sadiq runs, so you'll have to stay with me," Antonio grinned at Romano, who stared at him.

"I…chigi," Romano mumbled, realizing he had lost. He heard Antonio make a soft "aw…" noise.

"You're so cute! Like a little tomato," Antonio cooed. He reached out to pinch Romano's cheeks, but stopped. His eyes went wide.

"What the hell is wrong with you bastard?" Romano asked and Antonio blinked.

"What? Oh, nothing," He said, cheerful smile back on his face. "hey, do you want to head back to my place? I can go show you around and make some paleta," Antonio said. Romano stared at him and nodded.

"Yeah, sure," Romano said, and Antonio jumped up and grabbed Romano's hand. Antonio then led him out into the common grounds, before heading off into the woods behind the Scandinavian shop.

"The private homes are bind the work shops, and on the out skirts are where some farms are. Mine is one of the biggest," Antonio looked proud of this, and Romano only scoffed.

"We'll see about that," Romano mumbled.

-End Chapter 3-


It's done! Sorry if it ends awkwardly, but I'm a little behind on my writing but I'm hoping to get back on schedule in the coming months. So yeah, sorry.

Read and review!