I, the sole author of this Fan Fiction piece, solemnly swear that the characters, story arc and setting are of the property of MGM and the great writers of the Stargate Series.

This story goes out to all you disappointed, angry, sad or confused fans of Stargate Universe. I have written this with the sole intention of giving you my perspective of what the next episode would be about, if it were written and aired.

I too am very sad that Stargate Universe has left us, it was a great show for the short period it was here with us and I know that it will be sorely and sadly missed by all.


It was over. The journey had finally come to an end, for him anyway. Two weeks ago, he had shook hands with Colonel Young, today he was going to die.

Destiny flew peacefully through the dark reaches of space, steadily going in FTL. The decks were unmanned, the bridge was unpiloted. Not a soul in sight, except one.

As he gazed over the memories that had kept him sane on board this ship, he broke out with a smile. It was ironic, the hand he had been dealt. He had entered this ship harshly, being tossed across the room like a piece of rubbish, and now, he would leave this ship peacefully, alone.

Everywhere he went was quiet, everything he did was meaningless. He and Rush both knew that no man would ever fix that stasis pod. Neither the less, the crew needed Young. And Rush, well he would of forced the ship to drift into the void just to stay alive.
He was the only one who wasn't needed. No one would miss him after he died. Rush, even though he acted like his father, was to self important and too callous to weep over him. Chloe would be too focused on Matt to grieve. Young would be too busy with the crew to even tell his mother that her own son had died, died for them.

Every now and then, he would walk solemnly into the stasis room, gaze over all the people, soundly sleeping. Not a care in the world. If they didn't wake up at least that wouldn't be as bad as dying would it?

He liked being on the ship alone though, by himself. He could wander the ship; think for hours on end without being disturbed. His footsteps were the only sound, his shadow was the only one left on this ship. Sometimes, when he was really sad, he would pass his fingers over the walls of the Destiny. Thinking how beautiful this ship was? Wondering if it would make it over the void or not? Only time could tell, the one thing, he didn't have.

Eli Wallace slowly passed one last door, before he realised. Was it really over for him, just yet?