Author's Note: I suppose this takes place just prior to CoFA. I dunno. I'm crap at sticking to facts and timelines, so I'm sorry if anything's wonky.

Just a little something that popped into my mind this past weekend.

Magnus leaned against the doorway of his bedroom. "I have a proposal for you."

Alec froze, one arm halfway into the sleeve of his jacket. "A what?"

"A suggestion. An idea."

Alec frowned slightly. "Um, okay."

"How have things been at the Institute lately?"

Alec's voice was muffled as he bent to pull on his boots. "Fine, I guess."

"Nothing particularly dreadful as of late? No big news from the Clave?"

"Considering we're still cleaning up the mess in Alicante and all the uproar over the new Accords? I guess not."

"Good, good."

"May I ask why?"

Magnus walked over and sat on the arm of the sofa. "I'm considering taking a vacation."

Alec straightened up. "Oh? For how long?"

Magnus shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. Maybe a few weeks, maybe a couple months. It depends."

Alec stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Well, just let me know when you figure it out, I guess."

"I want you to come with me."

"You what?"

"The vacation—I want it to be for the two of us."

"But I—what about—"

"Obviously you'd have to speak with your parents about it, see if the Clave can spare you. Do Shadowhunters get vacation days?"

"Well, no, that doesn't—"

"What's wrong?"

Alec looked pointedly at the floor. "Well, it's just kind of…doesn't it seem like…"

"Like a honeymoon?"

Alec flushed. "Yeah."

Magnus grinned. "We could call it that if you'd like. I mean, our relationship is fairly public. I place the blame for that entirely on you, by the way."

Alec scowled at Magnus, then looked away quickly. "Still. It's just that…we…you know…"

Magnus threw back his head and laughed. "Alexander, I'm not trying to bribe you if that's what you're thinking."


"No, no, I know exactly what you're too embarrassed to say. And the answer is no." He stood and kissed Alec very softly on the lips. "I told you that we'll wait until you're ready and that offer still stands."

"Then why?"

Magnus sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I love every minute I get to spend with you, and I am beyond grateful that you come out to see me as often as you do, but having you stumble in, reeking of demon ichor, making out until you collapse from exhaustion (and unfortunately, not due to my skill in that department), and then having you dart off to the Institute after stealing a couple hours of sleep so that you can get back to training is more than a little ridiculous."

Alec wasn't sure if he was supposed to apologize or not. "So…"

"So, I propose that we take some time entirely to ourselves."

"But that's—"

"Unforgivably selfish. It's something that I'm quite good at. You can blame it on my corruptive influence. That or my dashing good looks."

"I don't even know—"

"Alec." Magnus held a finger up to his lips to silence him. "You don't have to give me yes or no right away. Just think about it, okay?" Alec nodded. He tilted his face up for a goodbye kiss and Magnus obliged. "Give me a call when you decide."

"Okay." Alec turned and left the apartment, locking the door behind him. Magnus grinned to himself, his smile fading as Chairman Meow yowled loudly.

"Oh. I completely forgot. I can't very well bring you along, can I?"