Born of Blood

Chapter 4: The Beast

"Are you a virgin?" asked Naruto as he gave Cat the cheekiest grin he could muster, the girl in question turned as red as he hair before her hand flew towards Naruto's face.


"Ahh you're such a freaking pervert!." screamed Cat as she pulled her arm back to slap him again when he suddenly vanished before her eyes and appeared behind her holding onto her small waist.

"Ohh baby…if you're always this fiery were going to get along just fine." said Naruto as he picked her up and hyper-sped away.

Motel in the middle of nowhere

"AHHH." cried Cat as she finally fell back unto the bed with a dreamy/content look on her face, on top of her Naruto smirked as he watched her in all her naked glory, yep this was going to be fun…a lot of fun.

"That was…amazing." said Cat as she fought to catch her breath, Naruto just smiled before he gave her a passionate kiss and stood up from the bed.

"Thanks, like they say practice makes perfect…" said Naruto as he put on his pants and started looking around for his shirt and coat.

"Come on Red we have to go to your house so you can collect anything you want to keep." said Naruto as he picked up his coat and threw Cat her shorts and shirt.

"Ok…but when are you going to turn me, I want to go see Jade?" said Cat as she got dressed and jumped out of the bed towards the blonde. Naruto just smirked before he picked her up and hyper-sped away.

Next Night

Sophie-Anne's Mansion

Naruto and Cat arrived in front of the doors to the mansion, Naruto had a big smile on his face as he opened the doors, even though he was only gone for two days he had really missed Jade, he didn't know why but he was really starting to like the girl.

"HONEY I'M BACK…AND I COME BEARING GIFTS!." screamed Naruto as he walked to the pool area to see Jade sitting in a chair by the pool reading a magazine, what caught Naruto attention was the fact that she was completely naked.

"Yep, it's good to be king." said Naruto as he walked up to Jade and swooped her in his arms before kissing her, Jade purred as Naruto's finger found its way inside Jade's delicate folds and started rubbing. He would have gone further had he not been thrown to the side by a really hyper red head.

"JADE!" Naruto heard Cat scream as she jumped on Jade and proceeded to hug the stuffing out of her. Naruto had to laugh at the completely baffled look on Jade's face, she just stared at the redhead ball of energy jumping on her naked lap.

"What did you do?" said Jade as she held Cat at arms reach. Said red head could only pout, Naruto just smirked before he stood back up from where Cat had thrown him and made his way over to Jade.

"I saw you were a bit…bored so I went out and got you a playmate." said Naruto as he stood behind Cat and gave her a playful pat on the ass.

"You…did…what?" Jade asked as she stood up, and much to Naruto and Cat's disappointment put a robe on, before she walked up to Naruto as gave him a really strong slap.

"Come on Cat." said Jade as she grabbed Cat's hand and left the pool area, Naruto just stood there with a dumb expression on his face.

"Wow…you really fucked up this time." Naruto heard a voice say from behind him, he turned his head ready to hit whoever had said that, when he did he had to do a double take at the person sitting on the window sill.

"…Gaara, what the fuck are you doing here, last I heard you were messing around in Egypt calling yourself Tut something." said Naruto as he shook he head to get rid of the cobwebs and walked towards his red headed best friend.

"Ahh you know…a bit of this a little of that." said the redhead making Naruto grin,, he had really missed his friend monotone voice.

"Actually, I had been helping out Bee." said Gaara as he jumped down from the window and gave Naruto a hug, the blonde could only grin as he hugged back one of his oldest friends.

"So helping out Bee…is everything ok?" asked Naruto after he released Gaara, this made the red head frown and when Naruto saw that frown he felt a chill run down his spine.

"That's what I came to talk to you about…He's missing." said Gaara when he did he subconsciously took a step back and dodged the punch that Naruto threw, a second after dodging the punch he fell to his knees when he felt Naruto released some of his deep power, even after all this time Gaara was still awed by the amount of power the blonde still held.

"I gave that rapping little shit one job, one measly little job! keep that thing locked up, he didn't even have to do much, only thing he had to do was make sure the damn seals wouldn't wear down….WHAT HAPPENED!?" asked Naruto as he managed to calm himself enough to calm the influx of power, even though his body couldn't produce chakra anymore he had something much, much deadly….

"We were making a routine check of the seals when all of the sudden a really loud chirping noise was heard in the cave, after that it all went black, when we woke, the seals were broken and the prison chamber was empty." said Gaara as he stood back up and shuffled nervously on his feet.

"A chirping noise…you mean like a Chidori? impossible the only one alive today that could do that jutsu aside from me and Bee is… ahh fuck." snarled the blonde when he came to the same conclusion he himself and Kirabi had reached.

"Call Bee and find where the hell Yugito is hiding at, I'm calling a meeting of Host." said Naruto as he started pacing around the room muttering to himself.

"What are you going to do?" asked Gaara as he pulled out his phone and started typing.

"It might be free but it will take a hell of a lot of blood to get him to reanimate, I calculate we have at least a month before that thing is fully healed…we need to stop it." said Naruto as he pulled out his own phone and dialed a number. It took a couple of minutes but when the person finally picked up their phone Naruto grimaced as he took the phone of his ear

"… Mei, it's me, look I need your help, it got freed, I'm calling a meeting of Host and I want you there…yes I know you're afraid, hell I'm afraid the last time this thing walked the earth he hunted and killed us all, turning us into the monsters we are today but he is too much of an animal to be left unchecked…will you come?…Good." said Naruto as he hung up the phone, he turn to look at Gaara and nodded when the red head gave him a thumbs up.

One of his greatest fears had was coming true, the original vampire, the demon that had hunted down and turned all the Junchiriki into the monsters they were today was now free and worst of all if the person responsible for freeing him was the person he thought, things were about to become worse…much, much worse.

"I called Mei, she said he would make it, go get Kirabi and Yugito and I'll meet you back here in say a weeks time?." said Naruto, Gaara only nodded before he jumped out the window and disappeared.

"This is bad…if that thing awakens I don't think I have the power to put it back down." said the blonde as he angrily strolled into his new office, on the way there he though he saw Jade and Cat making out in one of the hallways but unfortunately he didn't have time for that, another reason to kick Bee's ass next time he saw him.

Naruto strolled into the back of the office and opened up the huge safe behind a huge painting of Sophie-Anne, inside the safe laid the only weapon from his 'alive' days that he still used…the Kusanagi blade.

"How long has it been old friend, the last time I had you in my hands was when I beheaded that piece of shit Uchiha." said Naruto as he pulled the blade from it's sheath and marveled at the craftsmanship, the blade truly was a work of art, even after 4 thousand years it still looked brand new and was a sharp as the day it was forged.

"Now the last time I heard from Mei she was in on a Cruise around the world, so it shouldn't take her that long to get here." said the blonde as he pulled out the rest of the stuff from the safe, a old sleeveless red jacket with black flames at the bottom[haori] a black set of combat pants, a tight black shirt, ANBU armor gauntlets, ANBU shin guards and his old Fox painted ANBU mask, his old green Jounin vest, and last but not least he took out his Konoha headband.

"I guess it's time for a reunion, I hope Mei-chan isn't still too angry at me." thought Naruto as he started to get dressed, even though it had been centuries, he reckoned she still might be upset about him sleeping hi cheating on her.

"Its wasn't my fault that damn Suna kunoichi seduced me. " thought the blonde as he grimaced when he remembered that night, and the ass whupping she handed him.

Naruto shuttered before he turned and left his office, he only had to look through a couple closets before he found both his girls, naked, making out in one.

"Damn, I'm really going to hit Kirabi." said the blonde as he looked on for a few seconds longer before he cleared his throat loud enough to catch their attention.

"Get dressed, where going on a road trip." said Naruto as he threw them some clothes and watched them get dressed.

"Where are we going?" asked Cat as she was dressing , Jade was still refusing to speak to him so that left all the question for Cat.

"Something bad happened, I have to go pick up a few things." said Naruto as he turned and started walking towards the front doors and the car that was waiting for them. He didn't have to turn around to know they were following him since he could hear Cat's pestering Jade with questions about if she knew what was going on.

After they were all Jade finally broke her silent treatment to ask the blonde what was happening, Naruto stayed quite for a couple of seconds before looking at out the window.

"If you were to ask a vampire how our race was born, they give you some retarded story about how god created the first vampire Lilith in his image and how she gave birth to the rest of us, with humans only meant to be food…that's complete and utter bullshit." said Naruto his gaze still locked on the window and from the expression on his face Cat and Jade could tell he was remembering some bad stuff.

"How do you know?" asked Jade as she shuffled closer to Naruto and grabbed onto his hand. The blonde just glanced at her and gave her a mirthless smile before answering.

"I know…because in the second vampire ever created." said Naruto much to the shock of both Jade and Cat, before they could ask what he meant he explained.

"The fist vampire was like me…a shinobi, warrior specialized in the art of assassination, in my times, there were hidden villages where we were raised and taught the ways of the ninja, I was from Konohagakure no Sato or the Village Hidden in the Leafs.." said Naruto smiling as he touched the headband strapped around his neck, a gift from his 'brother' Iruka.

"In our world it wasn't random for Shinobi wars to break out every couple of decades, during the Fourth Great Shinobi war, a man from a terrorist organization know as Akatsuki was put down for the murder of out of our Ninja….or at least we thought we had put him down. A couple of months after the war was over former Jinchuriki started going missing." said Naruto he had to stop cause he saw Cat raised her hand like she was in some classroom.

"Yes Cat?" asked Naruto kindly as he smiled at the nervous girl. Cat just gave him a smile back before talking.

"What's a Jinchuriki." asked Cat, Naruto frowned for a seconds before turning to look back out the window.

"In my times giant demons of great power roamed the earth, the were called Biju or Tailed Beast, there were 9 in total, The One Tailed Raccoon, the Two Tail Cat, the Three Tailed Turtle, the Four Tailed Monkey, thought if you ask me that damn thing looked more like a gorilla, anyway, the Five Tailed Dolphin Horse, the Six Tailed Slug, the Seven Tailed Horned Beetle, the Eight Tailed Bison and finally the most powerful or them all the Nine Tailed Demon Fox." said Naruto.

"To prevent them from reeking havoc to our world the Demons were capture and sealed inside newborn babies, that was done for two things so the child could adjust to the power the demon put out as he grew order and its much easier to mold a child into a weapon." said Naruto horrifying the girls next to him.

"I was one of them, I was the host for Kurama the Nine Tailed Fox, after the war all the demons were sealed up in a giant statue called the Gedo Mazo and locked away in a place no one will ever find it." Said Naruto with a sad smile as he remembered his friend Kurama, he didn't want to seal him up but even the Biju agreed that their presence only brought about pain and suffering.

anyway as I was saying after the war the other Jinchuriki like me started disappearing, so I looked for them, it took me a while but I eventually found them, they had been kidnapped and taken to a place called The Valley of the End, when I got there I got the biggest schock in my life, the man I had told you about not only was there holding them hostage but he was changed…" said Naruto and he couldn't stop the grimace that came over his face as he remembered the sight of that, that thing.

"Before he was what many would call handsome, he had a slicked back silver hair and bright purple eyes but the thing that I saw…it wasn't human anymore, he was a true monster, his skin as black as night, his eyes red with hunger and rage as he stared at my, his one bright silver hair was now a dull white that stood in spike, on his back were two deformed and bat like wings." said Naruto as he shuttered and looked back at his girls to see they were both horrified and fascinated at the same time.

"I tried to fight him off, but I was still weak from Kurama being ta+ken away from me, just like all the other Jinchuriki were, so even though I tried my hardest it wasn't good enough and in the end he knock me out. When I woke back up I wasn't human anymore, he had turned me and my fellow Host and left us there." Naruto shook his head as if to shake the bad memories and thought out before looking out the window again.

"It took us years to first get used to being vampires then find and finally catch the bastard and put him down, and even with all out prep we still lost five members in the fight, Yagura, Roshi, Han, Utakata and Fu died during the fight, and even with their sacrifice we couldn't find a way to kill the bastard and had to make due with sealing him." said Naruto as he fist clenched in anger.

"Before we did he had gone into a turning spree, turning anyone he came across into vampires, he started with the Hidden Villages before branching out to normal civilian ones, by the time we managed to catch him there were hundreds of newborns rooming the Elemental Nations." said Naruto he looked back at Jade and Cat and spoke in the most serious voice they had ever heard him use.

"Now some stupid son of a bitch released him from his tomb, me and my friends have a month before he's healed up, and if we can't stop him…" Naruto grimaced again as he couldn't find the words to describe the hell that would fall upon them if they didn't that monster from rising.

They all were quite for the rest of the car ride, all of them trying to absorb the words Naruto had spoken, Jade and Cat looked even paler than usual as they saw Naruto stared blackly out the window. The car dropped them off on an airport where Naruto had booked a private plane to take them to Japan so he could gather the things he needed for the resealing, just before they got on the Jade asked the question that had been on her mind since Naruto finished his story.

"Naruto…what was the mans name?" asked Jade as she stopped just out side the terminal, Naruto looked confused at her for a second before he understood.

"You mean what was his name before he became a monster?" asked Naruto, Jade nodded.

"Before he became what we called The Beast, the first vampire, he was a religious zealot, a psychotic mass murdered that killed in the name of his god, Jashin, he was part of Akatsuki Immortal Brothers, he was a former Jounin from the Village Hidden in the Hot Springs, he was Hidan." said Naruto as he grabbed all the bags and both he and the shaken girls got on the plane.

This Chapter is done,

To tell you the truth I was about to dump this story before I got hit by the inspiration for this chapter, tell my what you think about Hidan being the main antagonist of this story, also the power Naruto has is not yoki. I'll give you a hint it allowed him to revive all the dead Jinchuriki.

Check out my other stories:

Konoha's Puppet Master

Demon of the Hidden Leaf

Soul Reaper Uzumaki

Naruto's Body

Naruto Of the Espada

Harry Potter and the Heir of Le Fay

Demon of Camp Half-Blood

Naruto the Vampire Slayer

My Crappy Immortal Life

I am Superman

Please Review