Chapter 1: Changes

Elle paced back and forth of her hotel room running her hands through her hair. " this can't be..." she said walking back to the bathroom and picking up a pregnancy test off of the counter. She stared down at the little pink plus sign and sighed. She set it down and looked at the three others that were by it, all said the same thing... Elle Bishop...was pregnant. The electric blonde sighed looking in the mirror "shit...why me" she said walking to the bed and laying on her back staring at the ceiling. She shook her head "Well this really sucks...I'm carrying the child of a murderous psycho killer who tried to kill me...oh yeah this is just peachy" she said closing her eyes.

She turned over on her side pulling the blanket over her "Sleep. I need to sleep...figure this out tomorrow" she said closing her eyes. The next morning she woke up and walked to the sink staring at herself in the mirror. Elle sighed turning on the water and washing her face "Ok Elle breathe...relax and breathe" she said walking back to the bed and sitting down. She looked at her cell and picked it up scanning through the numbers. She stopped when she came to a certain blonde cheerleader. "I doubt this number is even still good" she said sighing. The last time she had seen Claire it had ended with her almost being murdered on a beach. She shook her head...she had been lucky that she had overloaded or she would have been dead.

She swallowed blocking her number and dialing. She waited until she heard Claire answer *Hello...hello is someone there...fine whatever don't talk* she said hanging up. Elle sighed closing her eyes "Ok...that's...a good sign" she said standing up. She looked around and walked to the desk. She needed help...advice. Claire was the sanest person she knew and Elle wanted to trust her. "I must really been insane" she said walking back to the bed. After making a few phone calls and finding out where Claire was going to college, Elle was driving out of the hotel parking lot heading to her. She stopped at a small motel about six hours away from her destination. She sighed walking into the room and sitting on the bed. She laid back running her hand down her stomach lightly trailing electricity as she went along.

"Listen's nothing about's just...I don't know how to do this...the whole parenting thing isn't exactly something I ever imagined myself doing..." she sighed looking up at the ceiling. The Sociopath rested her hand on her stomach "I just need time to think is all. I promise whatever I decide...just...know that I don't hate you". She kicked off her shoes crawling under the blankets falling asleep. The next morning she woke up running into the bathroom. After emptying her stomach she stood up walking to the sink washing her mouth out and brushing her teeth "Well...I'm nauseous I wondered when that was gonna kick in" she said sitting down. She looked at her phone; 10:00 AM, check out time was in half an hour. She sighed standing up and grabbing her bag. She got back into her car and drove towards her past.

Elle laughed softly as she drove, remembering the first time she realized she cared for Claire. It had been on the plane on the way to Pinehurst...Elle had started to overload while they were on the plane. When Claire had grabbed her hand Elle had felt something. She knew Claire had too...It wasn't like the electricity she was used to. It was a different was nice. After Elle had regained her composure she had headed to the bathroom. She broke down...Everything in her life had been so screwed up and liking Claire didn't help any. Claire had followed her walking into the bathroom; she had seen Elle crying and hugged her. Elle, not being used to affection had been tense at first but relaxed hearing the cheerleader's soothing voice telling her it would be ok. Elle shook her head snapping herself out of her flashback, "God...get yourself together Elle" she mumbled as she pulled up to the college.

She looked down at her hands and sighed "Alright…here goes nothing" she said pulling a piece of paper out of her purse. She unfolded it and got out of the car walking up to the building. She looked around and asked a few people before she found out what building Claire's dorm was in and walked inside. She went to the room and stood outside the door "Now or never" she whispered taking a deep breath before knocking. Elle wrung her hands together, she had never felt so nervous, it felt like her heart was going to pound right out of her chest. The door opened and she stood face to face with the girl she never thought she'd see again "H…hey Cheerleader...miss me" she said forcing a smile. Claire stared at her shocked "Elle…what the…" she said confused.

Elle sighed *Oh god she doesn't look happy* she thought biting her lip. Then Claire did something that surprised the former company girl; she hugged her pulling her inside. Elle faltered for a minute taken by surprise by the affection "I…I'll take that as a yes" she said looking at the younger blonde. Claire laughed "I don't get are you alive my father said you were killed" she said rubbing her neck. Elle sighed "I almost was…Sylar...He did try but...I short circuited and sent him flying she said looking around. Claire frowned bringing her hand to touch the small scar on Elle's forehead "I'm glad…that he didn't kill you I mean…we never really got a chance to…to get to know each other" she said smiling. Elle closed her eyes feeling Claire's fingers on her skin "Y…yeah me too…listen I…I'm sorry to just drop by but..." she sighed looking at the ground.

Claire looked at Elle "its fine…I'm just happy to see you" she said smiling. She had felt like she was dying when she heard that Sylar had attacked Elle, she had thought that going away to college would get her mind of the electric blonde, now here she was standing in her room looking…scared? Claire frowned "What's wrong Elle, you look like something's bugging you" she said putting her hand on her arm. The Older blonde sighed wrapping her arms around herself "you could say that" she said swallowing "I…I'm pregnant Claire..." she said quietly looking away. Claire gasped, "Oh god…it's his isn't it" she said looking at Elle. The sociopath nodding trying to stop the tears but failed "I'm so scared Claire..." she sobbed silently cursing herself for breaking down.

Sparks began to dance over Elle's skin causing her to cringe and the lights in the room to flicker. Claire grabbed Elle pulling her into a hug "its ok Elle…it's gonna be ok" she said softly holding Elle close. She pulled back slightly leading Elle to the bed sitting down "Do you know how far" she asked not taking her hand out of the broken girl in front of her. Elle swallowed "I...I dunno...I guess about two months" she said wiping her cheeks furiously as more tears fell. She had promised herself she wouldn't break down in front of Claire "god I hate myself" she said choking back a sob. "I can have a kid Claire. This has got to be some kind of a sick punishment for everything I've done" she said looking at her hands. Claire pulled Elle into another hug lightly stroking her hair "Elle…this isn't punishment. Things like this happen" she said softly. Elle smiled "Yeah I…I guess so…" she said leaning against Claire.

The ex-cheerleader sighed "Have you thought about what you wanna do" she asked once Elle had calmed down. She shrugged "Not really...I just found out yesterday morning...I had to talk to someone about it…and…you were really the only person I ever trusted" she said quietly. "I don't think I could get an abortion…regardless of who the father is I just...god I have no idea" she said closing her eyes. Claire nodded "alright um…why don't you rest...I've got no roommate so you're welcome to use my bed or the other. I've got class but I'll come back at lunch" she said looking at Elle. The ex-company agent nodded "alright...thanks Claire...Really it means a lot" she said smiling. Claire gave Elle a soft smile "No problem...I'll bring you something to eat ok…you just rest" she said standing up grabbing her bag. She turned around looking at Elle "Hey Elle…it's good to have ya back" she said smiling.

Elle smiled "it's good to be back Claire" she said watching as the indestructible girl left the room. Elle curled up on Claire's bed. She felt so relaxed, and for the first time in a long time, she felt safe. She soon drifted off to sleep not realizing how tired she truly was. Claire came back around one and set the bag of food down. She closed the door walking over to the bed, she couldn't believe that Elle was alive…and here for that matter. 'Elle…Elle ya hungry" she said putting her hand on Elle's shoulder. She gasped when Elle grabbed her wrist holding to it tight "mm...Oh Claire sorry…" she said waking up releasing her wrist. Claire smiled "its fine...can't feel pain remember" she said grabbing the bags. "Hope ya like turkey" she said handing her a sandwich "and sprite" she said tossing her a soda.

Elle smiled taking both "Thanks Pom-Pom…" she said smiling at her. Clair smirked "Watch it Ellie…no Pom-Pom" she said opening her soda. The electric blonde grinned taking a bite, she liked that it seemed like they were going to get along. Claire sighed, "Um…listen…about the whole baby think…ya wanna talk" she asked looking at the older girl. Elle set her sandwich down "what's there to talk about" she said sighing. "I screwed up…I stayed at Pinehurst when I should have just listened to you…look where it got me…" she said shaking her head. Claire frowned "what does that have to do with the baby" she asked confused. The older girl laughed fighting tears "If I had stayed with you…I wouldn't have gotten caught…wouldn't have run into Sylar…wouldn't have gone off the deepened I wouldn't..." she looked at Claire "I wouldn't have shot you…" she said looking down.

Claire scooted closer to Elle pulling her into a hug. She rubbed her back silently not wanting to say anything to startle the already jumpy girl. "That's why I think it's a punishment. I shot you…and end up getting knocked up by Sylar and nearly killed…maybe it would have been better if he succeeded" she said quietly. The ex-cheerleader shook her head "No Elle…it would not have been better…you're alive...that's a great thing…" she said looking at her. Elle looked at her, she didn't understand "I don't get it cheerleader. You're always so nice to me…why after everything I've done" she said laughing softly. The younger blonde sighed "Because Elle…you…you deserve it…You got screwed out of a good life…you deserve to be happy…" she said swallowing, she closed her eyes for a second before again looking at Elle "Besides…I think we both know…that I've pretty much fallen for you" she said lightly kissing her.

Elle froze, she hadn't expected that. She felt Claire start to pull away and before she could risk ruining it again she pressed her lips more against the cheerleader's pulling her close. She pulled back and they both laughed "well…looks like we both think the same way" Elle said grinning. Claire smiled pulling Elle back into a kiss "yeah guess we do" she said resting her forehead against Elle's. She ran her fingers through the older girl's hair "you don't know how scared I was, when I heard that Sylar had killed you...It felt like a piece of me died too" she said closing her eyes. Elle lifted Claire's face looking in her eyes "I didn't die...look I'm here I'm safe..." she said kissing her "I'm not going anywhere". Claire smiled running her hand down Elle's arm taking the older girl's hand into her own "Good…because I kind of like having you around" she said squeezing her hand.

The ex-company agent smiled "and I like being around you" she said kissing Claire's hand. She sighed "so…when's your next class" she asked looking at Claire. The indestructible girl smiled "I'm done for the day…ya wanna go out...maybe get you some new clothes" she said looking Elle up and down. Elle smiled "Is it that obvious that I need a new outfit" she said laughing. Claire smirked "Just a little" she said kissing her. Elle nodded "alright pom-pom I'll go shopping with you" she said smiling. "Um…d…do you think it's possible for me to see a doctor. I haven't actually seen one yet" she said biting her lip. Claire smiled "Yeah, I think that can be arranged" she said standing up. "I know a place that does walk-in appointments". Elle stood pulling Claire to her wrapping her arms around her "Mmmm…so sexy…" she said kissing her. Claire smiled "Au Contraire Madame…I think it's you who is the sexy one" she said grinning. The electric blonde laughed "well…that I am but still…you're sexy" she said grabbing her jacket "come on…let's get going I got my car" she said picking up her purse. Claire picked up her wallet and sweater "oh you got a car huh…did ya steal it" she said jokingly. Elle rolled her eyes "no I got it given to me..." she said laughing. Claire walked over taking Elle's hand "well then…lets go I've been taking the bus everywhere, being in a car will be nice" she said as they walked out the door. Elle smiled as they walked towards the parking lot, she let out a sigh of relief happy that things seemed to be looking up, and thrilled that Claire felt the same as she did.