Thank you all for your kind reviews and making it all the way to the end of this story. As always I don't know when my newest story will come out. It might be a while considering that I'm back to work again and won't have another vacation for several months, but maybe I might think of some oneshots or short stories to come up with in the mean time. Who knows. Anyway let's get this final chapter moving.

Warnings: Now time for Yaoi if you do not like it, skip this whole chapter, it doesn't have anything more to reveal anyway. It's just fun for all of you who love action between Jou and Kaiba like I do. Major drool action. I'll try my best with it.


Chapter Sixteen

Kaiba yawned as he stared down at the endless reports lining his desk. Being off for a week for medical reasons, and then a week because the police wanted to do their investigation was torture on his workload. So many projects needed approvals not to mention the old projects running into problems and needing new inspiration to get them going again. He sighed and scratched his head. He wondered how Jou was doing being teamed up with Naoki. Kaiba snickered as he pulled another piece of paper in front of him. He was getting next to no where with the papers, but he wasn't concerned. There was always the next day to work on them. Ever since Jou walked into his life, he found himself stressing less over getting work down and returning home earlier than midnight. Kaiba glanced at the clock, noticing that it was five already. Jou should be returning to the mansion soon.

He packed up the papers and slid them over to his usual drawer. Shutting his computer down and picking up his briefcase, Kaiba headed for the door. He bid his secretary good night and left for the day. He was excited about going home and seeing Jou. The blond should arrive home before him. He felt like a school boy with a crush, but he knew there was much more than that to their relationship. They shared everything now. Kaiba would pray for Jou's protection every morning the blond left and thank all the gods for complying with his wishes when he return home to see Jou waiting for him. He slid into the limousine and watched the world go by. He exited his car the second it pulled in front of the house, smiling at Jou's car sitting in the driveway. He knew his lover would get home before him. At first Jou didn't want to take one of Kaiba's cars to work, but eventually Jou grew tired of always taking the bus to and from work. He defiantly didn't want to show up at the precinct in Kaiba's limousine.

Kaiba entered the mansion and was instantly bombarded with the smell of the ocean. Kaiba smiled at the scented candles leading from the front door to the stairs. He followed the candles into his bedroom and smiled at the little candle light dinner Jou set up beside the bed on one of the carts from the kitchen. The food was covered with large silver lids, and a bottle of wine sat in a bucket of ice. The door shut and locked. Jou walked behind Kaiba and wrapped his arms around him. Kaiba took a deep breath of the ocean breeze body wash Jou used. Clearly he just got out of the shower. "How long have you been home?"

"About two hours. I got off early."

"Where's Mokuba?"

"At a friend's house tonight."

Kaiba purred as Jou kissed and sucked on the side of his neck. "If you keep that up, the dinner will remain forgotten."

"Who says it's dinner? I want you for dinner and that for a snack."

Kaiba flipped around and pulled Jou into a heated kiss. He couldn't stand being away from his lover anymore. It had been over two weeks since the last time they made love, making it feel like an eternity. Kaiba slowly backed until the back of his legs touched the base of his bed. He ran his fingers through Jou's blond hair and slowly lowered himself down to the bed, pulling his lover with him. Earlier Jou threw the pillows in the corner of the room and shifted the blanket down to the bottom of the bed. Kaiba used his elbows to slide fully onto the bed, never breaking the kiss they shared. Jou slithered his fingers into the knot of Kaiba's tie, loosening it very slowly before pulling it free of the brunet's neck. Jou sat up, still straddling Kaiba's legs, and let the tie fall very slowly out of his hand and onto the floor. Kaiba shivered with delight, pulling Jou's shirt out from his waistband. Kaiba smirked at the fact that Jou dressed back in the clothes he wore earlier. He reached for Jou's tie and pulled him down with it. He kissed him gently on the lips before moving his mouth over to Jou's ear. "Make love to me tonight, Katsuya."

Jou shivered to the husky voice by his ear. Kaiba slowly removed Jou's tie and dropping it on the opposite side of his own tie. Jou leaned down kissing the side of Kaiba's neck, unbuttoning each button one at a time, exposing Kaiba's smooth skin. Jou opened the shirt slightly, kissing and licking the tone chest in front of him. Kaiba gasped as his lover's lips wrapped around his nipple. He reached down and quickly unbuttoned Jou's shirt, not wanting to rip it like the first time they had sex. Jou smirked against Kaiba's skin and sat up again. He shifted his lower half, grinding their hips together. Kaiba gasped, losing the ability to unbutton Jou's shirt for a second. Once the last button fell apart, Jou slowly pulled the shirt over his shoulder and then placed it back on quickly. Kaiba growled, "Tease." Jou smirked, slipping his shirt off before pulling Kaiba up and taking his shirt off as well.

Jou flipped around so his face was positioned at Kaiba's feet. He pulled the CEO's black shocks off and threw them on the ground. He kissed and licked the sensitive skin on Kaiba's feet. His lover curled his toes and tried to move his feet away, but Jou kept them firmly placed in front of him. He placed his lips around Kaiba's big toe and sucked on it. He twirled his tongue along the appendage and continued to suck it. Kaiba growled in frustration and pulled on Jou's legs, almost making him lose his balance if he didn't catch himself with his elbows. Kaiba tilted his head to the right and pulled Jou's zipper into his mouth. He placed the small metal object between his tongue and teeth and pulled it down. He reached inside, moving the fabric from Jou's member and gave it a few strong strokes. Jou released Kaiba's toe and gasped. "I said make love to me, not my feet."

Jou turned his head and smirked as he looked up at his lover with lust filled eyes. Jou got off the bed and slowly slid his pants down, swaying his hips as he did. He let them drop and stepped out of them still wearing his boxers. He turned his back on Kaiba and slowly removed the last article he wore. Kaiba's pants became annoyingly tight watching his lover's striptease. He quickly undid the pants and threw both the pants and his boxers over the edge of the bed, never taking his eyes off his lover. Jou finally took the boxers off him and turned around, but hid his member with the boxers. He instantly dropped them when he looked over at his lover. Kaiba lied on his side with his one leg bent and the other straight. His one arm held his head up while his other hand slowly stroked himself. Kaiba looked up at Jou with a smirk and used his finger to motion for Jou to come closer.

Jou swallowed the lump in his throat as he slid back on the bed, pushing Kaiba on his back and putting his legs between his lover's Their members met, causing both males to gasp in pleasure. Both knew they couldn't hold out much longer. Jou slid over his lover's body as he reached for the nightstand to get their usual lubricate. Kaiba moaned and gripped Jou so he wouldn't fall off the bed. He moved back to his original position. A floral smell seeped from the bottle as Jou smoothed the oil over his fingers. Unable to tease his lover anymore, Jou positioned one finger at Kaiba's entrance and slowly slid it in. He spread the slick substance around Kaiba's walls, slowly coaxing his lover's body into a relax state. Kaiba grunted to the uncomfortable feeling but knew that the real pleasure lied deeper.

The blond moved another finger inside gently scissoring Kaiba. He moaned to the tightness around his fingers. Kaiba was always tight and felt wonderful. Once the third finger was added, both lovers were panting. Small beads of sweat glistened over Kaiba's body in the candlelight. "You're so beautiful," Jou whispered, moving himself up to Kaiba. Their lips met in the heat of passion, giving Kaiba enough distraction as he eased his member inside of Kaiba's quivering passage. The heat and tightness felt wonderful, and it was difficult for Jou not to climax before they even started. Jou waited for the usual signal from Kaiba after he was adjusted to the thick object inside of him.

Kaiba moved downward, trying to fit more of Jou inside of him. Jou smiled and pulled out into the head was still inside. He thrust back inside until he was buried to the hilt. Kaiba's eyes widened, and he let out a gasp turning to a moan. "Oh gods, Katsuya, hurry. I can't last much longer."

Jou balanced himself on his hands and thrust into his lover faster and harder, striking his prostate every time. Kaiba's member twitched but remained untouched through their passion. When Jou felt himself getting close, he reached between them and stroked Kaiba's weeping member. Pre-cum laced his fingers allowing his hand to slide easily up and down his lover's member. He stroked in time with his rapid thrusts. "Oh gods, Kats,…I'm…" he could barely get the words out when white flashed through his vision, and he released all over their chests and stomachs.

The walls tightened around Jou's member. He moaned deeply releasing inside of his lover. Panting, sticky, and sweaty, the lovers lied in the afterglow of their love making. Jou was the first to recover, pulling gently out of Kaiba. He glanced down, noticing a little bit of blood. "I'm sorry, Seto. You should have told me I was hurting you."

Kaiba shook his head. "Didn't feel it. It'll stop. It doesn't hurt too bad."

Jou got up and went into the bathroom. Kaiba heard the water running in the sink before Jou returned with a warm washcloth. He cleaned Kaiba first, spreading his cheeks to look at the damage. He frowned and gently touched the small tear. Kaiba hissed and glanced down at Jou's worried face. "I said it'll stop. Quit worrying. It's not like this didn't happen the first time. You worry too much, Katsuya." Kaiba paused, remembering what Jou said in the ambulance. "It's nice to have someone worrying about me though."

Jou smiled and kissed Kaiba before disappearing back to the bathroom to clean himself off. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"A little sore but fine. We can always take the day off tomorrow and do this again."

Jou laughed. "Don't tempt me. Naoki is driving me crazy."

Kaiba smiled and glanced over at the cart of food. "What is under those lids anyway?"

Jou walked over to the cart and showed Kaiba various fruit, vegetables, and cheeses with crackers. Kaiba laughed. "I told you I wanted you for dinner and this for a snack."

Kaiba held out his arms as he lover moved into them. The two curled together until Jou's stomach gave an annoyed growl. Kaiba chuckled and sat up in the bed. "Let's get that snack then." Jou smiled pulling the trays over to the bed and setting them on their laps. After pouring them both a glass of wine, he picked up the controller and turned on the television. The DVD player already flashed and started the movie Jou had placed in there earlier. Kaiba smiled, noticing how much Jou planned the night out. He wrapped his one arm around Jou's waist and placed his head down on the other's shoulder. He ate and watched the action movie Jou picked, enjoying the selection of snacks Jou chose and his lover's company. Everything finally felt right.


The End. Did you like that lovely scene, hate it, think it should be better? I loved it but hey that's me. Thank you all again for making it to the end. I hope you enjoyed my vacation story even though I've been back to work for almost a week now. Please review.

Angel Dove