Wish chapter six- Grell's new problem.
The only thing I could hear coming from the Bathroom were sobs of anguish. For some reason, those sobs irritated me. Maybe it was because Grell was being immensely vain and superficial, maybe it was because of the way Grell viewed himself. I couldn't be sure at the moment, but what I was sure about was that I needed his incessant crying to stop. I walked Grell's toward the bathroom, I was unsure as what to expect. But when I walked into the room, I was correct to fear the worst. Grell indeed was not in plain sight. He lay in the bathtub with the curtain drawn across, his silhouette visible. I could hear the sound of running water now. I pulled the curtain back to see him sitting under the spray of water, as if it would take away his mark, or at least his pain.
"What are you doing?" I demanded thoroughly annoyed by now.
"Leave me alone Sebastian, please." He said his voice quivering.
I sighed, "I'm sorry but I can't tolerate stupidity in my bathroom." Without another word I shut off the water, scooped him out of the tub sitting him on the counter while I grabbed a towel off the rung by the door. I tossed the towel on his head and began to gently dry his hair. I'm so used to seeing Grell up beat all the time. His dark personality is new and foreign to me. This is the first time I have felt unease around him. Grell flinched away as if he'd just been struck. I looked at him in surprise, but his eyes were downcast. I touched his chin gently and tilted it until his eyes met mine, "What is it?" I asked, quietly.
"It's nothing." Grell mumbled; an edge to his voice. He then jerked his head away from my touch. He seemed un-phased by my touch to begin with, as if he had put up thick walls to keep me out. I looked at the Death God's hands which were braced on the counter so tightly that his knuckles were snow white. I reached out to touch his hand but Grell snapped it back from my grasp yet again. I looked down to see a small puddle of water on the ground caused by Grell's now soaked pants,
"Look at the mess you're making." I joked; trying to break the tension I saw by the way he presented himself. He looked almost like an animal set on edge by his master.
"I'll try to tread lightly when I go to change…" he mumbled as he shuffled out of the bathroom. When Grell closed the door behind him, I could only stand there, towel in hand, dumbfounded by this new behavior. Did Grell…The flaming flamboyant shinigami just… I was to say in the least, shocked. My frown only deepened as I opened the door, to thee He lorgj/dlzjgsa'd;loksrgfm tj bedroom, "Look. I know what you've been through must have been traumatic. I get that. But I'm not a monster. I'm not William. I will never be William T. Spears." I said, "Ever." I continued, making my point. I then walked over the red shinigami, kneeling down beside him. I hesitated for a moment, but hugged Grell gently, trying to comfort him but making sure that my hands were nowhere near the mark on his back, knowing that it would still be painful.
Grell frowned deeply, not bothering to return the sentiment. Why bother? The embrace was obviously out of pity. He can't even bring himself to touch the mark on my back. I must be disgusting, worthless. I mean nothing to anyone. He thought to himself but didn't push the other away. He was numb; a shell of sorts. Sebastian then released me and stood and walked back to the bathroom and returned, bandages in hand, "Now, will you let me fix your bandages? Otherwise you'll be at risk of an infection." He said. Slowly, I nodded and stood slowly, caution in what I did and sat back down on the bed.
Later, a few hours had passed since Sebastian had fixed me up again and left to make food for his- our master. But before leaving, he gave me instruction to have a bath and try and rest as much as I could. I sighed as I turned on my side; there was no use sleeping since there was not a position that would ease the pain I was in. I sat up slowly, the scabs of my wounds pulling at my skin. I took in a deep breath and swung my legs over the bed and placed them on the floor. Slowly, I made my trip to have a bath. Soon enough, I found myself in the bathroom, the water running and bubbles expanding. I unbuttoned my shirt and winced when it was removed.
Once all clothing was removed, I slowly stepped into the tub and sat. I sighed in relief as I sat back, letting the warmth envelop me. I looked around and saw an unopened package of shaving knives and reached for them. Opening them, I began to shave my legs, why am I even trying? I'm not even beautiful anymore. These ugly scars, I deserve more now that I have one. He thought before accidently nicking his shin. It bled, but not a lot. I lifted my leg and watched as the blood left my body and rolled down my shin and into the water. It didn't hurt, but it was still fantasizing to see my own blood. I gripped the knife tighter now; I wanted to see more so desperately. But not little marks like this one, I wanted more blood. I drained the tub once I finished washing and wrapped myself in a towel.
Sitting on the bathroom floor, door locked, I trained the blade of my knife to my thigh and pressed it into my skin, tiny beads of blood already surfacing. I dragged the knife across my own pale soft flesh, only a sick smile present on my face. I did that again and again until I was satisfied. When I was finished, I cleaned up, not even noticing the pain as it became a part of me, dressed, and fell asleep. I knew that by tomorrow, the external wounds would heal, but the wounds inside would scar like the curse on my shoulders.
A/N: I'm really sorry it took so long for me to post. I just get caught up in things and forget about things.
Please review, I really like your feedback.