Yes...I have a billion other things I should do/should be writing. But I've started this...because I'm stupid. XP

First, let me say that this fic is ENTIRELY EXPERIMENTAL. I don't exactly know whether or not I should continue it, because I'm not sure how well the idea will work out in practice, since it's totally unrealistic. However, if people tell me that they want this to go on, I shall most definitely do my best on it. In other words...REVIEW AND TELL ME IF YOU WANT ME TO GO ON. XD And feel free to nitpick this story for all it's worth if you want...I like harsh criticism, and I thrive on suggestions! This is obviously the prologue, so, should I continue this, later chapters will probably be much different (and actual include the characters themselves).

Finally, I am in NO WAY trying to portray world peace or the beautiful message of John Lennon's "Imagine" in a negative light. It's just my overactive imagination, music, and my Hetalia obsession corrupting my mind. ^^ This story is purely about how some would go about getting peace in the wrong way.

ENJOY! I clearly do not own Hetalia or "Imagine".


"Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do."

No…it isn't hard to do at all. It isn't hard to imagine a world without nations, without borders, without flags, without ethnicity. A world united, the human race made whole. So many differences abolished.

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

Let's play a game. Let's play "Imagine".

Let's imagine that there really were no countries. The Earth had been united under one rule, one body—we'll call that single governing body TERRA. They had done the impossible, that which men has wished for since the first civilizations spilled the first crimson drop of blood on the grounds of a battlefield.

TERRA—the savior of a weary planet, the bringers of a long-lost dream—TERRA had brought world peace.

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

How had they accomplished such a feat? Not overnight, mind you. It was over a period of many years, many decades. They spread their propaganda and beliefs in a way that was just subtle enough to be noninvasive. Slowly, very slowly, they gained a larger and larger following throughout the globe. As each generation left and was replaced by another, they amassed more and more people who were willing to join their cause. They accepted every one. Soon, their opinions became morals for billions. TERRA members held more and more positions as activists, lawyers, government leaders. They helped stop conflicts throughout the land, though few knew how they really managed it. The changes began to happen—most fully believed that they were happening for the better.

That's when they began act on their mission of total unification. "Una terra est terra convenit": "One Earth is an Earth in harmony." This slogan rang out clearly from the mouths of the people across the continents. No more countries—nothing to divide or disrupt this newfound peace.

"Una terra est terra convenit!" the masses cried. "Unaterra est terra convenit!"

Of course, there was resistance. In a population of seven billion strong, there is bound to be those who still disagree. But these small rebellions were put down easily. After all, the opinion of the majority was that TERRA had never disappointed them before…why should they lose faith now?

"Una terra est terra convenit! UNA TERRA EST TERRA CONVENIT!"

And so, the countries of the world were made no more.

Let's imagine that they were all forced to disappear, shunned. Let's imagine that they became obsolete, along with all who disputed TERRA's judgments. They didn't die, of course—a nation didn't simply die of old age as a true human being would. But they might as well have vanished off the face of this new-and-improved Earth. And now let's imagine that they went into hiding for so long that they lost their identities, their history. Gradually, as they were all separated and scattered, they lost all recollection of being an empire. They lost all memory of their former lives…for why bother remembering something that no longer has meaning? The only thing they realized was the fact that they were somehow different.

Sounds wonderful…doesn't it?

This is the story of those countries that were no longer countries.

Let's play a game. Let's play "Imagine".