(A/N: Hello, readers! This is SH10 here, branching to the Naruto world! This story is loosely based on a story of a good FF friend of mine, Tanni8kya Hehe. You may want to check out her stories, Highschool Troubles I Guess and Highschool Drama I Guess if you want to understand it. I got permission from her to do this, so I'm legit. n_n.

Most of the storyline belongs to me, I think you know which characters belong to Kishimoto, and Ichida belongs to both me and Tanni. I'll give a full cite at the end of the chapter.


*Wee wah wee wah wee wah!*

I stared at the two ambulances as they pulled away from Club Aelita. I knew who was inside, and mixed emotions filled my head.

"Guess the party's over, huh?" Kedene asked, nudging my shoulder. I didn't answer.

"You okay?" she asked, nudging me again.

I still didn't answer. I was staring at someone nearby. Her… Ino…

I could clearly see her makeup running down her face, marred by her tears. Her man had his arm around her, awkwardly trying to comfort her.

Lost in my thoughts, I was not expecting Kedene to lean forward and blow hard in my ear, causing me to flinch.

"What the f- What is your frickin' problem?" I asked, turning to Kedene.


"I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just…thinking."



Kedene smirked. "It's Ino, isn't it?"

"Why would I be thinking about Ino? I hate Ino."

"You were friends once, weren't you? Friendships can never be completely broken. You still feel for her."

"She was more than my friend." I said, turning and walking away from the club and the hotel.

"H-Hey! Where are you going this late? Kagura-sensei and Orochimaru-sensei are going to be pissed if you're not back by curfew."

"I'd tell you not to get your panties in a bunch if you were wearing any. I'm just taking a walk. Alone."

I could feel Kedene's eyes locked onto me until I turned the corner. I looked up at the stars and the moon, helping the street lights illuminate my world as I lost myself in my thoughts again. Several times, Rihanna's song Hard played and my hip vibrated. I took my phone out after what I thought was a couple of minutes and saw that I had a text message from Kedene.

*Ur in BIG trble, Ichi! :(*

I looked at the time and gasped. It was 12:30 in the morning! I turned to run back in the other direction, but I was stopped by a wall of leather.

"Well, well. Look what we have here. A little cutie strutting around after dark. That's dangerous, you know."

I back away, only to find myself pressed against another person.

"What do you want?" I stammered, looking left and right at the two thugs on either side of me. I froze solid when the leather-clad teen walked up and held my chin in his fingers.

"We don't want much. Just your wallet. If you don't us to mess up that pretty little face, you'll comply."

"I-I don't have any money. Honestly." I said. I wasn't lying. I left all my money and my purse on the second floor of the club.

"Then I'm sure you won't mind if we get our compensation some other way." he said with a smirk, reaching to unbutton my jeans.

"Get off of me, you skazz!" I yelled, jerking away from them. When I flailed, it turned on the media player of my phone, and a song began playing. (A/N: Hard; by Rihanna ft. Young Jeezy.)

They can say whateva'

I can do whateva'

No pain is foreva'

Yup, you know this.

As Hard continued to play, the thugs were starting to get rough. I tried fighting them off, but two-against-one wasn't really my game, and no one was awake at 12:30 in the morning. I felt them ripping my clothes ad fondling me, and I knew if I didn't do something quick, I would lose my virginity for sure!

Imma rock this shit like fashion, as in

Goin' till they saaaaaaay stop

And my runway never looked so clear

But the hottest bitch in heels right here

Using all of my strength, I threw my legs forward and delivered a jarring kick right in the leather thug's family jewels. While he was on the ground, I elbowed the other jerk in the side, causing him to lose his grip on me. I seized the moment and ran as fast as my heels could run, a more cumbersome task considering I had to hold my clothes together.

"Get back here!" I heard the thugs scream as I ran. I turned around to see if they were catching up, when-


I ran straight into a lamppost, bouncing back and landing hard on the ground. The shock jarred my phone out of my pocket, just as I got a call. My vision started fading just as I went to voicemail.

"Ichida, I hope you're okay. Everyone's worried about you. Call back if you get this…" came Kedene's voice.

Sadness filled my heart as I stopped seeing. I could still barely hear, though.

"Damn, you think she's dead?"

"Doesn't matter. We were never here, you hear me?"

As the footsteps faded, so did my other senses. My life began to flash before my eyes. It may have lasted for an instant, but it felt like fifteen years…

That I-I-I I'm so hard…

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard…

That I-I-I I'm so hard…

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard…

That I-I-I I'm so hard…

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so hard…

So hard… Too hard… Too hard… Too hard…

(A/N: D'oh! I feel so bad for end that at such a critical moment! I don't want to leave you on that cliff for long, so I'll start working on that next chapter, which will be longer, right now!

Kedene belongs to Tanni8kya Hehe

Ichida belongs half to me, half to Tanni.

Ino belongs to Masashi Kishmoto.

Those two mean thugs belong to me, unfortunately. :(

Until the next chapter, this is SH10, signing out!