ok so i am going to try and update as much as possible because on monday i am going on vacation to see my cousin down south for a week...if i dont update then i promise i will once i come back home! merci boucoupe mes amis! Je suis desole mais je vous remerci pour la lecture! Salut!


"Tamaki, is that you?"

Tamaki smiled with his bright blue eyes shining throughout the darkness as he approached her. Haruhi stood still, not knowing if she should run away from this vampire or take her chances and face Tamaki again. He saved her several times, right? Why should she think about running away from this beautiful creature before her then?

"Wha….What are you doing here Tamaki," stuttered Haruhi.

Tamaki smiled even more as he watched Haruhi push a couple of strands of long hair behind her hair in a cute manner. "I had to see you again, Haruhi. I think it has been far too long since I have last seen your face again." Haruhi blushed at his comment and looked away.

"Tamaki, I have been wanting to see you…"

"Stop right there monster," interrupted a stranger as he pointed a gun at Tamaki. "A creature so grotesque doesn't deserve to parade their way through humanity," said the other stranger.

Tamaki turned around facing the duo with a sad expression on his face. Haruhi was extremely confused, could they actually know Tamaki is a vampire? Without thinking, Haruhi quickly got up and ran right in front of Tamaki, blocking the gun from being pointed at him. Tamaki's eyes widened as he noticed something that he never thought would witness before. A mere human protecting a vampire, what are the chances?

"Hikaru, Kaoru, put your gun down please," pleaded Haruhi while protecting Tamaki.

"Sorry Haruhi, we can't listen to you this time. We swore to kill every bloody vampire," said Kaoru. "This one in particular needs to die right away so move out of the way," ordered Hikaru as he kept his gun pointing straight at Haruhi and Tamaki.

"Haruhi, it's no use protecting me like this," said Tamaki. Haruhi turned to face the vampire with tears in her eyes. "What do you mean?" Tamaki looked up and glanced at the guns then back down at Haruhi. "Those guns won't harm humans, but are extremely effective towards vampires."

Tamaki moved out from behind Haruhi and stepped right in front of her with a determined expression on his face. "I think it is time to finally end the reign of the prince of vampires," yelled Hikaru. 'Did Hikaru just say prince of vampires? Is Tamaki really the prince?' thought Haruhi.

"Haruhi," said Tamaki as he still faced the twins knocking the girl from her thought process, "would you like to come with me for awhile. Don't worry, I swore to always protect you from any harm and that counts towards me as well. I will never harm you." Haruhi was speechless for a couple of seconds while was starting to kill Tamaki. Haruhi kept her gaze of this 'prince' vampire, and then looked at her friends still aiming their guns at them. "Since you have always protected me this far, then it is my turn to return the favor which is yes, I will go with you."

Tamaki smirked as he balled up his fists pretty tightly. "Please don't be alarmed for what I am about to do. I won't harm them, but it would help when trying to escape," whispered Tamaki. Haruhi nodded and watched closely.

"Prepare to die vampire prince!"

Tamaki snickered as waves of energy were flowing right into his wrists causing a little spark to ignite around his hands. "Gentlemen, why do they say to stand clear of any metal object while during a thunderstorm?"

The twins looked at each other but right before they were about to speak Tamaki interrupted them. "Metal conducts electricity, having the power to send kiloamps of pure electricity throughout the body either stunning or possibly killing the victim. You picked the wrong vampire to mess with tonight," grinned Tamaki as he sent volts of electricity right towards the weapons which sent the energy right into Hikaru and Kaoru's bodies. Their bodies fell to the ground, not dead but stunned thanks to Tamaki.

While having the perfect chance to escape, Tamaki picked up Haruhi and ran right into the depths of the forest.