He ran through the long grass laughing as he chased a butterfly. Blond hairs bouncing as his aqua blue eyes were smiling at the flying creature. The boy stopped as he came across a village full of active people. Carefully not to be seen, he hid behind a house as he glanced over the side.

'They look so happy and carefree. How come I can't have a life like that? I am not a monster, I am not a monster, I AM NOT A MONSTER!' thought the boy as tears welled up in his eyes. He looked down at the ground while he watched his tears moist the soil right under his feet.

He quickly looked up as heard a yelping puppy run across the road. Without thinking, the boy ran after the pup right into the village in the middle of the road. He caught the puppy and knelt down in the road as he started to laugh while the puppy licked his face. Little did he know there was a carriage coming right towards him at a fast speed.

A nearby woman screamed as she noticed the carriage ready to collide right into the poor boy which made the boy look up. His eyes widened as he held his grasp on the little dog. Very faintly he could also hear his mother calling out his name that came from the meadow outside of the village.

The blond boy held the puppy tight to his chest with his eyes closed waiting for the carriage to hit his body but something has changed. His eyes flew open wide as he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around his small body right before the carriage hit.

Seconds were like minutes, minutes felt like hours. Crowds of people circled around the stopped carriage and the two bodies. Saphire eyes flew open as he noticed that he was still alive but was on the ground lying on his side. Not one scratch or bruise at all but something wasn't right.

He slowly got up with the puppy still alive in his arms and examined the crowds. Women covered their mouths with their hands or children eyes and the men just stood there wide- eyed. The boy quickly looked right behind him and noticed his savior laying on the ground in a pool of blood. The scent lingered throughout the air making it a very sweet, delicious smell.

The blond slowly approached the the long brunette woman who was still barely alive. His eyes flickered from bright blue to red then back to blue. The dying woman looked up at the boy and her last words were, "I won't ever forgive you if you don't protect my daughter."

Tears came into the blond's eyes as he slowly backed away from the dead woman. She was very beautiful and yet he took her life away. "I am not a monster," cried the boy.

"Mother! Mother!" cried a young girl with brown eyes and short brunette hair. She forced herself through the crowd and ran towards her dead mother crying her eyes out. The boy started to feel extremely guilty about everything, even coming to a village.

The girl looked up with tears endulged in her eyes and looked at the blue blond haired boy as he stood there before her crying as well. She noticed that his eyes were changing from blue to red to blue again.

"Rene! Rene, where are you," screamed a woman. The woman noticed a village and inside the village was a huge crowd full of people. The smell of blood enhanced her senses and ran right towards the crowd.

She still shouted the name as she pushed people out of the way revealing a boy, a crying young girl and her dead mother in blood. The woman then noticed her son close by the dead body so she quickly sprang into action.

"Rene, don't you ever go off again," she told her son as she covered his eyes and nose to prevent him from smelling anymore of the bloody odor. The young girl looked at the woman and noticed her beautiful long, curly blonde hair drifting against her back as she pulled her son away. Once they were gone the girl went back to sobbing over the loss of her mother.