The Most Painful Memory

A/N: So this is my first fic ever. I hope you like it. Please review and tell me if you like it, hate it, or get annoyed by my awful grammar/spelling. This is set at the beginning of Brotherhood/the manga, and will flash back to Roy and Riza as teenagers. It will continue throughout the manga/Brotherhood, and go farther than that. I don't exactly know how far, but it will be all about them. There is the use of "bad" language, and sexual stuff, just warning you now. It was a lot of fun to write and I'll try to update, but it may be after school gets out when I do. Love you all, and I'd like to thank the ever fabulous Emily for reading and reviewing the written version.

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or the characters, setting, or anything else but the idea for the story. Oh, and I own a glittery unicorn (I wish. That'd be seriously awesome if I did.).If any of this changes, I'll let you know, but until then I'm just going to leave this disclaimer and I won't put one on any other chapter.

Chapter 1: A Wife for Roy

"Hey Roy, Found yourself a wife yet?" Oh great, the most annoying person I know (besides Fullmetal). Maes Hughes came asking the same question as always, but something seemed different this time. He couldn't think of what it was, but something felt different today.

"Hughes, do we have to go through this every time I see you?" Roy sighed annoyed.

"Well, when you do I'll stop asking."

"I don't want one right now, so leave me alone." He was starting to get mad.

"How do you expect to be fuhrer without a wife?"

"I'll think about that when the time gets close, but for now, will you please leave me alone so I can finish my work?" Roy was getting angrier and angrier with every word.

"Why bother you'll just find some way to put it off, so you can stay late with a certain blond haired lieutenant." Roy didn't even bother looking up from his work. He didn't have to see the expression on his best friends face because he knew it all too well. Maes was maybe the most predictable person he knew, yet he still gets caught off guard by him.

"You know that's not true. I'm just lazy. Pure and simple. I have no ulterior motives. I just don't like doing paperwork." Roy was starting to get pissed off.

"Sure… whatever you say." Roy knew he was smirking. "You know, you should propose to her while you have the chance."

"I don't know who you're referring to and I don't want a wife now."

"You do know who I'm talking about, and if you wait for too long, she might be taken."

"Hughes, if you have some official business here, then state it, if not, then leave me alone." Roy's face was turning redder than the transmutation circles on his gloves. He was truly pissed off.

"I'm going. I'm going. All I'm saying is think about it because you honestly don't know when you could become fuhrer. It could be in a matter of years, months, weeks, or even days, which is why you should just propose to her already!" Maes got ready to dodge some flames, knowing that he just pissed off the Flame Alchemist.

"Listen Hughes, I will think about the whole marriage thing, if you never bring it up again."

"You know I will bring it up, and I bet Hawkeye will be happy to hear that you're considering it." His evil grin returned, hiding the fact that he was still a bit scared of what his friend might do.

"I never said anything about her, so stop talking about that. I said I'd think about marriage, I didn't say I'd think about marrying her."

"Oh? So you do have someone else in mind?"

"I don't have her in mind in the first place, and no I'm not thinking of anyone."

"You should if you want to become fuhrer. The fuhrer always has a wife."

"Once again, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." He furiously went back to his paperwork.

"I could set you up with someone if you want."

"No. And I haven't even gotten transferred to Central, so just stop talking about marriage and how I could be fuhrer any day now because it won't be a matter of days. Talk to me about it in a year or so."

"Okay, but are you sure you don't want me to set you up with someone?"

"Leave me alone because I DON'T WANT A WIFE RIGHT NOW!"

"You said 'right now'. Does that mean you will want one in the near future?"


"Fine, but you do need to stop dating sluts. Date someone who could be your wife in the future, like a certain someone that you don't want me to mention."

"Sure Hughes, whatever.""just think about it, okay?"

"mkay, whatever you say Hughes."

"Whatever I say, huh?" he muttered to himself, with an evil grin. "You're in love with Hawkeye!" he said it loud enough for Roy to hear, but nobody else.

"No. Did you come here just to bug me, or are you here on official business?"

"I'm just on break and wanted to see if you proposed yet."

"I haven't and won't."

"Everyone knows you two are in love. Why wouldn't you?"

"Wait, why would someone think that we're in love?"

"She follows you around."

"That's her job."

"She always picks you up from the bar when you're drunk."

"So what, she's a friend."

"Sure… she's the only one who came with you to central."

"She's more competent than the rest of my subordinates."

"And everyone thinks you slept with her in Ishbal."


"You did sleep with her."

"Not like that. We fell asleep."

"Well, that's not what I heard."

"You were there!"

"I wasn't in there with you."

"We didn't. And why would we in the middle of the war?"

"I don't know, but everybody says that."

"It's not true…and it's none of your business anyway."

"Hah, you do love her because you were trying so hard to convince me otherwise!"

"I…you...ugh just get out of my office!" His face was now blazing red, just like the fire he uses with alchemy, most of it from being pissed off, but there was a hint of embarrassment hidden beneath, invisible but still there.

"Just tell her, so you guys can get married already."

That made Roy so pissed off that his eye was twitching and he grabbed his gloves. He was pissed as hell, armed, and dangerous.

"I'll give you five seconds to start running. Five, four, three, two-"


Just as he was about to snap Riza Hawkeye pulled out her gun and clicked the safety. She was at the door, gun pointed at him, and Hughes ran to hide behind her. Maes knew that Roy wouldn't try to burn him if she could get burned in the process, but he also knew that she would shoot him if needed.

"Sir, I don't know what Hughes did or said to make you this angry, nor do I really care, but if you burn this office, which isn't even yours in the first place, then I will personally shoot you and make you clean it up and put it back to normal when you get out of the hospital." She was dead serious.

Roy swallowed his rage, sat back down at his desk, and went back to doing paperwork. He was still very angry, and it showed on his face and in the way he signed the papers.

"Thanks Hawkeye. I owe you one." Hughes said, moving from behind her.

"And you…" Her gun was now pointed at him."Please don't interrupt the Colonel's work. It's hard enough to get him to work without you barging in." She put the gun away. "Next time I will shoot both of you." She walked over to her desk and went back to work.

Hughes walked towards the door. "I'll just leave you two lovebirds alone. Remember that you're at work tough, so anyone can walk in on you at any time. That is, if you don't lock the door." He chuckled with a mischievous grin, and ran out the door, closing it behind him before anyone could shoot or burn him.

"What was all that about?" Riza asked, confused, but not really caring.

"It's just Hughes being his usual, annoying self. Don't pay attention to what he says. As you just saw, no good ever comes of listening to him." Roy said, hiding his embarrassment. Riza could see it, but said nothing because she was also a little embarrassed, but she hid it better.

"Hey Lieutenant, would you like to join me for a drink after work?" Roy asked casually.

"It would be great to see Chris and your sisters again, but I have other plans. Sorry, sir, maybe another time." Riza said, showing no emotion.

"Oh…it's okay. I just thought that you would want to go see Chris and the girls, you know, since it's been a while. I guess I'll tell them I'll bring you by some other time." Roy tried to hide his sadness and disappointment, but he knew she could see right through him. The only thing she couldn't see in him was the one thing that he was trying to hide from himself.

For the rest of the day, Roy thought about what Riza said, and what Hughes said. How could she have plans already? What are her plans? Who are they with? Why didn't I know about said plans? Why do I even care? You care because you love her, you idiot. In his head, Maes answered the last question. He already knew the answer, but asked himself anyway.

He needed to focus, or he'd have to either stay late or take the work home. Focusing now seemed like the lesser of the three evils.

At least I can drink my problems away for the night, he thought. He knew that his problems were much deeper than alcohol could ever reach, but he thought he could at least numb the pain for a night with alcohol.

"Finally, I'm done with those papers for the weekend!" Roy exclaimed as he and Riza exited the office, the rest of his team still in East City.

"I'll see you later, sir." she said to him as they parted ways in front of HQ. "I'll probably have to pick your drunk ass up from whatever bar you go to this time, like always." She muttered to herself, without him hearing.

"Goodbye Lieutenant." He stood there watching her walk away for a few seconds, then he walked home to change.