Title: They Will Not Let Me Go

Author: Lady Penelo Solidor

Date Created 17/10/2010

Summary: This is a Drabble of Crossovers. Harry will be paired with anyone you want; you name it and he will be paired with him or her.

Drabble Title: Drink up Me Hearty's

Drabble Summary: Both Harry and Jack are on Shipwreck Cove with the rest of the Pirate Lords and thus Harry finally gets to meet Jack's Father Teague Sparrow.

Warnings: M'Preg and Slash.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pirates Of The Caribbean or Harry Potter they are the property of Disney and J.K Rowling

Drink Up Me Hearty's

"Prepare every vessel that floats. At dawn we are at war!" Shouted Elizabeth

"And so we shall go to war!" proclaimed one of the Pirate Lord's

"You've seen it all, done it all. You survived; that's the trick, isn't it? To survive?" Jack said as he spoke to his father

"It's not just about living forever, Jackie. The trick is living with yourself forever." Teague spoke to his son

Harry came up behind Jack and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We are all boarding the Black Pearl now love." Spoke Harry smiling to Jack

Teague raised an eyebrow at his son and watched as he placed a hand on the young boy's face smiling ever so gently and lovingly.

"Who's this son?" Teague asked ever so curious

Jack jumped in surprise as he forgot that his father was right in front of him.

"Father I would like you to meet my husband Harry Swann younger brother to Elizabeth Swann. Our new Pirate King." Said Jack as he wrapped his arms around his love.

"Well then this is a surprise Jackie my boy; Welcome to the family young Harry. Here have a beer." Teague spoke eyeing both his son and his new son in-law

"I'll take up the offer pops but Harry's not to drink any." Said Jack grabbing the beer off his father

"Why would that be?"

"I'm pregnant that's why."

Both Harry and Jack watched as Teague fainted in his chair.

Want to request someone with Harry? then PM me or tell me in a review.