AU-ish…okay, a lot-ish. Haha But, it's fun. Probably not realistic, but what can I say? As much as I love an assertive (and also shirtless) Freddie (from iCarly)…I love a broody, tortured (and also shirtless-go figure) Beck. :)

Rated M for some foul mouthed shenanigans and some possible lemons in the future :)

The roar of the engine vibrated through his entire body and it made him feel alive. Nothing really did that for him anymore, not since he joined the crew. Since his life had gone down the drain.

He pulled the sleek car up next to Andre's bigger, boxier vehicle and wound down the passenger side window. His stomach knotted as the cold, penetrating stare of the crew's ringleader.

"You don't look like you're on board." Andre methodically rubbed his callous palm over his chin. "You need to be 100 percent, Beck. You wouldn't want anyone getting hurt, now would you?"

Beck held steady, wavering under Andre's dominance would only make matters worse. He tried not to think of poor Cat, the reason he was here, in this mess. She'd always been like a little sister to him, innocent, sweet, mildly annoying. She'd gotten wrapped up with Andre and his crew and was quickly in over her head. She babbled on and on about her undying love for the ruthless criminal and how he didn't mean to hurt her, because, well, in her docile existence…he loved her too.

Andre wasn't above anything; he'd do whatever he had to in order to get what he wanted. Only, there was one thing he wanted more than Cat as his play thing and punching bag. He wanted the best driver in the area. With Beck's skill, the heists would go down without a hitch. He needed a driver who wasn't afraid to do whatever it took to get the merchandise where it needed to be.

Beck sighed. He knew he was Cat's only hope for survival.

"I'm here aren't I?" Beck attempted the stoic, emotionless tone he'd mastered, but for some reason the hitch in his voice just wouldn't ease.

"Just be on point, don't fuck this up for me or…" He smiled evilly. "Well, I don't have to bore you with the details, now do I?"

Beck gripped the steering wheel as he watched Andre's taillights flash in front of him. He popped the clutch and sped off into the night. He'd do what he needed to do to keep Cat safe.


"Let me go!" Tori screamed as she watched her incapacitated sister lying limply in the dingy van. She struggled against Robbie's firm hold and stomped her foot on top of his. "Where are you taking us? Why are you taking us!" She demanded, only to be struck in the back of the head and tossed like a rag doll into the vehicle.

"Feisty bitches piss me off." Robbie muttered to himself as he shut the rusted doors and then picked up his walkie-talkie. "Everything is good to go man, the daughters are out cold and the building is clear."

"It's about time." Andre barked. Nothing was ever satisfying to him, not even a job well executed. "Take them back to the house. I'll deal with them later."

"Okay, Asswipe." Robbie sneered, forgetting he was still holding the communication button down.

"What was that?"

"Uh…I uh…" He stuttered, but quickly regained his composure. "I said 'Okay, Anything-you-like.'"


"Andre, you're home!" Beck rolled his eyes as Cat ran and flung her arms around the unfeeling bastard. He didn't understand how she could be so dense when it came to the guy. She was so head over heels in love with him that she didn't seem to grasp the gravity of the situation they were in.

They were criminals, fugitives and probably going to hell. His day couldn't get much worse.

Or so he thought.

Beck threw his leather jacket on the sofa and ran a hand through his long locks and walked into the kitchen. The other guys in the crew were all celebrating a job well done, but not Beck. He felt sick to his stomach. He knew that stealing that much money from one of the wealthiest businessmen in the area wasn't a smart idea. Vega was ruthless and he'd find out who took his money eventually.

"Did the girls see your face?" He asked Robbie as he made his way back to the front door.

"Yeah, they're still out cold though." He smirked, taking a swig of whatever rancid bottle of liquor he'd gotten his hands on.

"You brought them back here?" Beck's eyes widened. "I thought the plan was to get them out of the way and then leave them there!" His stomach sank. He knew what was going to happen to those girls. Andre and the rest of the guys would do what they always did to the girls they took hostage. They'd be used and abused and then discarded when they had no value anymore.

"Change of plans. The skinny one put up such a fight." Robbie took a bite of pizza, speaking as if he were explaining a simple math problem. "Had no choice." Beck rolled his eyes.

"Where are they now?"

"Still tied up in the van," Robbie finished off his pizza. "Andre wants them kept in the basement until he figures out what to do with them."

Beck's fits clenched; he knew exactly what Andre's plans were for the Vega sisters.

He'd never met them, but he'd done enough surveillance to know who they were and how they operated. Trina was always so bossy and when watching them he couldn't help but smirk at their antics. Tori, she was the more level headed one of the two. He could tell she cared about her sister, but wasn't always appreciated. And for whatever reason, her plans were never executed without some major catastrophe ensuing.

He found himself wishing he could just reach out and touch her. He wanted to be closer when he heard her melodic laughing. He wanted to sift his hands through that long silky mane.

But that wasn't possible. It was a job. He needed to maintain a level head; he needed to keep Andre happy.


"Where are we?" Victoria whispered to her crying sister, her wrists were bound and she had the worst headache she could remember. She glanced around the dark basement and shivered. She wasn't sure if it was from fear or the dampness that was seeping into her bones.

"Tori- I'm…I…" Trina tried to speak between sobs, but she couldn't get the words out.

"Ah, so if you're Tori…" Andre sniped as he stealthily made his way down into the basement. "The train-wreck over there must be Trina."

"Who the hell are you? Let us go!" Tori yelled, knowing if she shrank back from the much larger man, she'd cede all control to him.

A heated pain stung the back of her head as his hand connected with her jaw and her head hit the wall.

"Don't you ever speak to me that way!" Andre towered over her, so angry he didn't hear Beck and Robbie pad down the stairs and come to stand behind him. "Do you know what I do with smart mouthed bitches like you?"

He picked her up by the collar of her shirt and she let out a faint whimper, her eyes flickering over to Beck. His stomach knotted. He'd seen many girls come and go from this basement, but none had affected him so deeply, just by looking at him with those big brown doe eyes.

Trina was still crying, he felt bad for her, but he didn't feel the fierce protectiveness he felt for Tori.

Andre drug Tori over to the stairs and shook her violently, causing her to let out a strangled groan of pain. "I'm going to fuck you up so bad you'll never forget to respect me!"

She struggled against him and Beck watched as Robbie picked the hysterical one up off the floor and drug her over to the stairs. He knew he had to do something, but there wasn't much he could do.


"Wait!" He yelled, perhaps a little too loudly.

Andre loosened his grasp on the struggling Tori to arch an inquisitive eyebrow at Beck.

"Let me do it." Beck said. "Let me give her what she's got coming to her." He forced the hard edge into his voice.

"You?" Andre was perplexed. Beck never took any pleasure from the women they captured. He was there for one reason and one reason only, to protect the girl he considered a sister.

"Yeah, me." Beck walked forward, grabbing Tori roughly from Andre. "Let's just say I've had a change of heart." He shoved her against the wall and pressed against her from behind. "It's my turn to have some fun with one of these sniveling bitches."

Andre clapped his hands together, elated that Beck had finally come around. He knew he would eventually.

"Good. Good." Andre nodded and signaled for Robbie to take Trina up stairs. "Make sure she never forgets her place." He stomped up a few stairs and then peeked back over the railing to add, "Or I'll do it for you."

I'd love some feedback on this one. It's unlike anything I've ever written so it's definitely a challenge for me. And I'm all for constructive criticism and suggestions for the storyline:)

P.S. I know a lot of Victorious fans are also iCarly fans… if you've been reading my Seddie fic, I'm still working on it and should have another chapter up by tomorrow at the latest. This idea was just bouncing around in my head and I needed to put it down on paper.
