After take off Chuck let the auto pilot take over and enabled the artificial gravity. A space suit wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing ever so Chuck took it off and hung it up before walking into the next room to join everyone else. Barry was entranced by the monitors that were processing information about everything they were passing. His fingers twitched as he tried not to touch anything. Rebecca was sitting in a corner reading, she seemed unaffected by anything that was going on around her and Scotty...
"Baker, will we be sharing a bed for there four months?" whispered Scotty, much to close for Chuck's liking. He tried to move away but Scotty placed his hand on Chuck's hip, sliding it over to gently grope his ass.
"Scotty stop it!" hissed Chuck 'we are all sleeping alone." Chuck broke Scotty's grip and walked quickly over to where Barry was resisting the urge to mess with anything.
"You can change things if you like, you are an electronics technician, i can trust you not to mess anything up right?" "Yes sir! Thank you sir." Barry was already pressing buttons and adjusting numbers before the words were fully out of his mouth. Chuck glanced over at Rebecca, he couldn't talk to her either. The only one he had anything in common with was Scotty and Chuck wanted to avoid him as much as possible. chuck left the room into a kitchen type area and started making a cup of coffee. He found his thoughts turning to planet 51, not just the planet but a certain alien as well. Lem. Chuck rumbaed the short alien very well. They had become fast friends. He was so eager to see Lem again, overeager probably. He wondered if Lem would be happy to see him again. Wondered if he would smile when Chuck landed. If Lem would hug him. Would want to-
His thoughts were cut off by the gently beeping of the coffee maker. Chuck wondered too much. Sighing, Chuck added sugar to his coffee and drank it, still slightly bitter because he didn't add any powdered milk. "You can't hide from me, the ship's too small." Chuck turned to face Scotty who closed the door quietly behind him "It's been so long, you don't seem happy to see me." Chuck stared at his coffee, bringing it up to his lips to drink more. Scotty took the cup away and placed it on the counter. Chuck tensed but still didn't say anything about Scotty's close proximity. Scotty kissed Chuck roughly, forcing his tongue into Chuck's mouth. chuck cried out and shoved Scotty away as hard as he could, causing Scotty to stumble back a few steps.
"Stop it! I don't do that anymore." hissed Chuck angrily, rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand. Scotty grinned and took a step forward.
"Do what Baker? Kissing? I doubt you have many lovers then." Scotty's purring voice didn't match the image of the large, grinning man and furthered the unsettled feeling Chuck had.
"I'm not gay, I don't kiss men." explained Chuck still in a hushed voice, he wished he could back up but he was trapped in between the counter and Scotty.
"We can't have that now can we?" tisked Scotty, he placed his hands on Chuck's shoulders and forced him onto his knees 'I'll just have to remind you how much of a faggot you really are." Chuck looked away but he could still here Scotty unzipping his pants. Scotty was bigger than him, Chuck couldn't do anything about it, just like back in university. 'Come on Chuck, open up and do as your told just like you always do." Chuck stared at the hard appendage presented to him. There was nothing he could do. Reluctantly he took Scotty's cock into his mouth and started sucking, if he did good it would be over quickly. Scotty gripped his hair and forced him to take more. Chuck realized this was going to be the worst four months of his life.



/Ah ahhh mmmmm oh ah h-harder! P-lease! F-fuck Lem!/

Pain shot up and down his body when Lem woke up to the annoying blaring of his alarm clock. He barely made it to the bathroom before throwing up. Fuck. Lem washed out his mouth and splashed cold water on his face. His alarm was still going off. Lem could feel his heartbeat in every part of his body. Lem went to shut his alarm off, there was a note on top of it.

Dear Lem,
Last night was fun but I'm not looking for anything long term, I hope you had fun too,

so, that's what he did last night. Lem crumpled the note and threw it in the general direction of the trash can. He had to be at work in an hour. Fuck. Lem rooted around in the cupboard for some sort of painkiller, he came up with some mild strength purple pills. He took five and went to take a shower. He dressed and rooted around in his laundry for his keys. Lem felt like shit, the pills hadn't kicked in yet. Where the fuck were the keys! Oh, on the hook. Lem grabbed they keys and walked out out of his apartment, slamming then locking the door behind him. Lem was sure he went out last night to find a girlfriend, apparently he had gotten laid instead. It wasn't so bad, but it did add to his terrible mood. He couldn't seem to do anything right. He stopped briefly at the bus stop only to realize he didn't bring any change. Fuck. Lem started walking again, increasing his pace. He was sure he was going to be late but maybe if he hurried...
"Lem!" called a voice all to recognizable to Lem.
"I can't talk now Neera, I'm going to be late." not that he would want to talk to her anyway.
"Well here, I'll give you a lift." she offered. Lem stared at her, he really needed to find a new rout to the observatory. "Thanks." He climbed into her car anyway, maybe he wouldn't be late now. She started the engin and then they started rolling along. "Sooooooooo, where's Glar?"
"Oh, we broke up about a week ago." said Neera, she sounded indifferent to this fact. Lem wanted to laugh at her, wanted to tell her that's what happened when you dated an irresponsible so called free spirit.
"I'm sorry to hear that." she seemed to brighten at his sympathy.
"It's okay, I was thinking maybe we could try again." No, that's the last thing I want you bitch, all you'll do is leave me as soon as someone better comes along.
"Yeah, I'd like that." Neera smiled at him and pulled over when they were at the observatory.
"Have a good day sweetie." called Nera as Lem got out of her car. Lem felt like gagging, this wasn't even starting over. It was just picking up where they left off.
"You too, I'll call you after work." answered Lem before he disappeared into the observatory. So now he had a girlfriend, step one complete. Even if it was a bad idea, Lem hoped it would help.