Chapter Nine:

"My lord, the mistress had me return these to you." A soft voice called out through the darkness, a heavy sigh passed his lips as he set down his glass and beckoned the girl to come over. She did so without another word before handing him the bouquet of roses and bowing.

"Thank you Seiren, that is all." She nodded her understanding and dissolved into the darkness as he traced slender fingers across the intricate bows of the flowers he had especially made for her. But once again she had rejected his apology and sent back the gifts causing his heart to wrench painfully as he replayed their fight over and over again. The sting of her slap hung fresh on his mind as he reached a hand up and caressed the soft appendage.

'What have I done?' He questioned himself as he took up his glass once more and drank away the pain. A soft knock echoed through his musings followed by giddy laughter as Reiko and Akane were escorted inside.

"Daddy!" Reiko called out excitedly before climbing into her father's lap and chatting away merrily while his son stood by his chair, an uneasy look on his face as he stared at the ground.

"I've missed you little ones." A ghost of a smile passed across his features as he held on to his daughter and looked down at his son. He could sense the trouble brewing inside the small boy as he placed a hand on his shoulder and tugged him gently to face up. Angry orbs the shade of blood looked up at him accusingly as he roughly turned away.

"Big brother! Don't be mean! Not daddy fault!" His daughter came to his defense as she clung to his neck tightly.

"What angers you?" He questioned sternly as he moved to turn the small body once more. Stubbornness, a trait he inherited from his mother, clung to him with a steel grip as he growled and kept his head down. Refusing to meet his father's gaze as small tears dropped on to the rug below, small hands clenched into tight fists as seconds ticked by. "I am not a patient man Akane, tell me, what is the matter?"

"You made my mommy cry!" The boy finally yelled out in frustration, tears streaming down his flushed face as he tried to appear strong. "Mommy cry! Your fault, your fault! You're a mean daddy! Made mommy cry!"

The words burned through his soul like a hot inferno as the guilt he tried to ebb away came back with a vengeance. The words had stung him more than he would admit as he set his crying daughter down into his lap and scooped the small boy up. He crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest and turned to look at the wall to the side as his father settled him across from his sister. Small whimpers began to die down as Reiko's eyes fluttered open and closed from the exhaustion of crying all night and once more today.

'I must find a way to rectify this mistake' He thought solemnly as the twins fell asleep in his arms, Akane tried his best to keep as far away as possible while Reiko clutched on to his shirt tightly, her fear of losing him eating at her heart as he mulled over different ways to apologize to their mother.

"Now what did that poor board ever do to you?" The familiarity of the jest caused a rare smile to appear on her worn face as she turned towards the figure currently leaning against her classroom door.

"Cutting classes again Kiryu?" She replied as she set her eraser down and flopped into her desk chair. "Because I am not signing anymore excuse letters for you." He chuckled at her antics before lounging into a seat upfront as he stared at the woman before him.

"Have you eaten?" He questioned accusingly as lavender eyes grazed across her tiny form. The dress on her back seemed looser than before as dark, puffy circles lay underneath her tired eyes. Her face was sunken in as her collarbones poked out even more, the healthy glow she had around her was diminished as the light she usually carried was doused. The timid smile she offered him confirmed his further thoughts as he let out a sigh and stood up.

"Hey, wait!" She cried out in a panic as he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out the door, down the stairs, and into a small café located conveniently close by.

"You look like a walking zombie." He stated bluntly as he ordered some soup and bread for her along with an apple and some water. She made a move to protest only to be dragged into a corner booth and sat down as he closed in on her and held a spoon out.

"I'm really not all that hungry." He shook his head no as determination set in his amethyst orbs, she knew he wouldn't be letting her out any time soon.

"You have a class in twenty minutes, you either finish this and get back to it or I kidnap you and stuff you like a holiday turkey." His tone was serious and his eyes were set with persistence as he held the spoon up higher to her mouth and beckoned her to eat it.

"Fine." She grumbled in defeat before taking the spoonful and chewing it slowly, the taste of food seemed foreign on her tongue as she thought about the past three weeks and all that occurred. She had successfully dodged and avoided the stoic vampire king along with Yuuki and the others. She kept to herself most of the time and put up a good front for her two children despite knowing the fact that they sensed something was wrong with their mother. Crying in the shower was not easy to hide from her son's extravagant hearing and the fake smiles she plastered up for her daughter didn't reach her eyes like they use to, not to mention her lack in appetite as her usually fitting clothes began to feel too large.

"Your stupid fight with that leech is taking its toll on the children, isn't it?" Zero inquired knowingly as he broke off a piece of bread and held it up to her.

"I think I can handle eating on my own now, you can stop spoon feeding me, dad." She avoided his question with a covered up smile earning a sigh from the tall male as he took a sip of his own bottle and shook his head.

"Quit the shit Kags, I know you better than that but if you don't want to talk about it right now I get that but you better open up soon. All this crap you're doing to yourself is taking effect on the children." He made a move to get up only to turn back around and stare at his watch intently. "You have about thirteen minutes so I suggest you finish that up so I can walk you up to your class."

"When did you get so overprotective?" She teased before taking another bite as she contemplated over his statements. His sentiments rang nothing but the truth, she couldn't deny that but she couldn't find it in herself to make amends with the vampire. With half a bite left and no more energy to argue she pleaded with the stoic male to let her go, he broke down eventually and sighed before ordering her a snack and leading her back to class where a few students sat around waiting for her.

'This is going to be a long day' she groaned inwardly as she thanked the younger male and proceeded with her schedule. The classes went by fairly quickly as the last chime of the bell broke through the atmosphere, all her students rushed out immediately as she collected their time sheets and assignments. With a quick wave goodbye she shut her door and proceeded towards her desk, basking in the silence of being alone as she graded papers swiftly. Hours had passed by unnoticed as a soft knock rang through the door snapping her out of her train of focus as she shifted through the rest of her papers.

"Kagome let's go, it's time for our patrol." Zero's voice called out as she stood up and walked towards the door.

"Coming! Coming!" She replied in a hurry before unlocking the door and peeking through to see his tall frame staring at her ferociously.

"The kids are waiting for you to say goodnight, let's go." She didn't even flinch at the glare she received, only the usual sigh as he led her down the corridors and into the headmaster's office where Akane and Reiko sat quietly coloring on the floor.

"Hey my little darlings, mommy has to go and check the area okay? Be good for your grandpa." They nodded robotically and stayed silent as her uncle tilted his glasses towards the tip of his nose and shook his head. The weight of the two parent's arguments fell heavily on their children as Kagome brushed a finger through their hair and walked out.

"I'll take you two to the park this weekend, how's that sound?" A small smile formed on both of their faces as they hugged Zero tightly and nodded. He chuckled and ruffled their hairs before following after Kagome who was already halfway down, fully intent on avoiding a certain someone as she bit her bottom lips and looked around.

"You're so pathetic, so undeserving of our king! He sends you gifts as an apology and you reject them! Acting like you're little miss too clean." A spiteful voice stated from the shadows causing Kagome to stop and turn as she clutched her cardigan closer around her frail body.

"What the hell do you know Ruka? You don't even know me, you're just an outsider looking in. You only see what's wrong with me." Kagome hissed back as she moved to walk away.

"I'm not done with you yet priestess!" The tall vampire shot an arm out and tightly gripped Kagome's wrist in anger before flying off into the skies and disappearing into the foliage of the trees just as Zero took his gun out and cocked it.

'Damn it' He thought as his irritation grew.

"Hey Zero!" Yuuki appeared before him, a practiced smile on her face as he searched the vicinity for any sign of Kagome's aura.

"Damn it!" He repeated out loud as he stalked past her and into the forest. Yuuki was left baffled and confused as she watched his retreating form disappearing into the forest. Completely unaware of his mask faltering as he tried to erase the way her face engraved its way into her memory.

"Let go of me!" The irate priestess almost screamed as the female before her held on tightly, a small growl was the only reply she got as they finally touched the ground once more.

"Here no one can save you." Ruka stated with a dangerous glint in her eyes as she roughly threw Kagome to the ground and circled around her.

"I don't want to fight with you, what is it you want? Kaname and I aren't even together anymore!" She was seriously getting sick of everybody being in her business and acting like she was the one at fault for all the things happening between them. Ruka continued to pin her with a glare before stopping and looking up at the sky above them.

"Do you love him?" The vampire questioned calmly as she turned brown orbs towards her.

"What….what does have to do with anything? Why did you bring me here?"

"Just answer the question priestess, I'm not known for being tolerant when I'm waiting for an answer." Kagome turned away and stared at the ground, the French braid hanging over her shoulder as small pieces of hair cut loose and framed her face.

"I did." She whispered out as a cool breeze passed by her.

"You still do." Ruka stated gently as she clenched her fist and closed her eyes. "I know you still do so why didn't you make him choose you? I know he loves you but why didn't you fight for him?"

"Because if he really loved me there wouldn't have been another option, there wouldn't have been a reason to choose and never a reason to fight." Kagome bit back as she turned with a sideways glance. Tears streaming down her pale features as her bangs covered the haziness of her cerulean orbs. She didn't wipe them away this time, she didn't bother hiding them either as she turned and smiled a broken smile. "His happiness is my own. I didn't make him choose for the simple fact that even through everything he's made me endure, I don't want him to suffer."

"Priestess." Ruka barely whispered as they stood there for a few minutes. Kagome's smiled faded as she turned back and walked away, the wisdom in her words piercing through the vampire's previous perspective of the young woman as respect took its place.

'I still love him, but I don't want to love him anymore. I don't want to hurt anymore, I've had enough.' For the first time in a long time Kagome allowed her body to roam freely throughout the wooded area, completely oblivious and numb to everything as she sat down on top of a log and leaned back against a tall tree. The stars shined brightly this night as she left her duties in favor of the solitude she was finally given, a chance to mull over her thoughts as she basked in her current safe haven.

"Priestess, I need to confess something." Ruka's voice broke through her relaxation as she nodded her understanding and patted the bark beside her.

"Go ahead." Kagome urged as she kept her eyes closed.

"The letter that you found when Lord Kaname left…..I switched it." Her heart clenched tightly as a frown replaced her satisfied smile. Blue eyes opened wide as she turned and stared at the nervous vampire beside her.

"What?" She questioned in disbelief as the words passed through her mind.

"I made it up, I wrote all that stuff! I stole the original copy and replaced it with my own forged one. Lord Kaname never wished to leave you, he wished to stay but he knew he couldn't because of his duty to Yuuki." The confession made the heavy weight she felt lift off her shoulders as she grabbed Kagome's hand and looked at her. "Please, forgive me. I didn't mean to be so vindictive….I just, I loved him and jealousy drove me to it. I know there's no excuse but…"

"It's okay." The two words left Kagome's lips with ease as she smiled through the pain she felt. Love was a crazy emotion, a drug that made you do things you wouldn't normally do with a clear mind. If she had been in Ruka's place she knew she probably would have felt the drive to commit the same actions, despite how wrong it was she couldn't find it in her to be angry with the vampire.

"You…you forgive me as if it was nothing to you. You forgave me so easily, how? Why?" She was surprised, she assumed the small priestess would try and purify her to hell and high water, try to stab her with a sword or scream in anger. Hit her, slap her, do something to inflict pain. But she didn't, she had smiled and forgave – that easily.

"I'm not saying I forgot or will be able to forget any time soon." Kagome began "But I'm saying is that I forgive you, it's hard to watch the person you love, love someone else; it's a pain I'm all too familiar with."


"Kagome." Ruka seemed surprise as the young woman snapped lightly at her. "Just Ka-go-me, not priestess, not lady, not wench, not anything….just Kagome."

"Okay." Ruka smiled softly. "Kagome."

"You know I'm glad that…." Ruka watched with a horrified expression as Kagome was grabbed from above and swooped away into the air. She didn't even feel the dark figure coming as she was left to watch from her perch. Seconds ticked by as the shock wore off, with a loud snarl her eyes grew red as she took off after the dark figure, determined to get back her newly found friend.

"Give her back!" She growled out as she sent out an illusion to distract the figure. It laughed at her feeble attempt before sending out a powerful lightning ball, she dodged it easily and quickened her pace before looking down and spotting Zero a few yards away.

"Zero! Kagome's being taken!" The silver haired male looked up with narrowed eyes as he took out his gun and began to run after them on the ground, all the while shooting his bloody rose with quick precision as the figure cackled out another laugh.

"What's going on?" Yuuki's voice questioned as Ruka created another illusion and moved to attack.

"Kagome." Was all he said as she ran beside him, she nodded her understanding as she took out her artemis rod and applied force, extending the dangerous weapon as Zero unloaded another round at the thing currently keeping Kagome hostage. He missed a few times and almost nicked Kagome in the process as the figure decided to make her into a shield.

"Shit, it's too fast." He growled out as he stopped his attacks.

"He's using Kagome as a shield!" Yuuki gasped as she watched the priestess struggling to get away, she could tell the woman was weak from the treatment she bestowed on herself as a dim light emitted from her fingertips. The creature didn't even wince in pain as he shook her slightly, Zero let out another shot and smiled as it hit its target, the moment was short lived as the creature regenerated and laughed.

"Silly beings, you'll never be able to get her from me now. My master will be ever so pleased to have his prize." Ruka narrowed her eyes as the creature cut Kagome's cheek and licked up the blood hungrily.

"Bastard!" Zero yelled out as he grabbed Yuuki's Artemis rod and threw it at the figure, the burning it left went unnoticed as the creature cried out in pain and slowly descended into a clearing ahead.

"Quickly." Ruka stated as she took to the ground and ran ahead, Yuuki was lagging behind as the exertion of running took its toll on her.

'I have to…' She thought stubbornly before falling forward as a root caught her footing, she cried out in agony as it twisted her ankle. Zero turned around momentarily before looking between the clearing and Yuuki, with a frustrated growl he walked over to the fallen girl and picked her up in his arms.

"Be careful next time." He stated in a huff before holding her close and running once again, she nodded and leaned in to his chest as her heart beat faster. She was relieved to know he still cared despite the cold exterior he put up. A shrill scream burst through her musings as the creature they tried so hard to chase after started to combust in blue flames, Zero turned them both away and used his body as a shield while Ruka hid behind a tree. The light died down quickly leaving Kagome in the middle, her chest heaving heavily as she tried to take in quick deep breaths; the attack proved to be too much for her as she closed her eyes and succumbed to darkness.

"It will not do my master any good if you go to him in shambles." A deep voice stated as Hiten appeared from the shadows, crimson orbs dancing with mirth as he stared at the priestess currently unconscious on the ground. His thin lips curled into a wicked grin as he picked her up and summoned a cloud just as Kaname and Kuma made their appearance.

"I knew it, we should have never trusted a demon like you." The vampire king stated coldly as reached for his weapon.

"Ah, ah, ah leech. You might not want to do that less you stroke my ire and have me hurt my pretty little priestess, I wouldn't want to cut up her skin and draw blood and I doubt your people would either. I heard some new bloods were being awakened and my, my, what trouble it would be if they, say, attacked the school?" He chuckled at the thought before cupping Kagome's face in his hand and stroking her softly. Kaname's eyes began to bleed an angry red as he bared his fangs and growled.

"They cannot attack the school, the spells and seals will not allow them to even step foot on the grounds." Kuma stated as he eyed the demon warily.

"That's precisely why my master sent me here, it's quiet an interesting mission" He began before leaning down and allowing his tongue to stroke Kagome's neck in an erotic fashion, Kuma instantly kept an arm over Kaname's chest as the tall male made a move for his weapon. The need to kill the being above them growing with each lick he took at Kagome.

"Cut your toying and get on with it!" Zero yelled out as he wrapped an arm around Yuuki's waist to keep pressure off her injured foot.

"Very well you impatient little whelp." Hiten smirked as the teenage boy shouted out a profanity. "I was sent here to play a part, as my master likes to call it, as the resurrected demon out for the Shikon miko's heart along with the task to wear down the enchantments that old hunter placed around the grounds. Sadly though this mission took far longer than I anticipated since she seemed to want to stick to you. Plus, her powers were far too great but luckily for me you fought with her and saved me the trouble of trying to dim down her light. In her currently weakened state I was able to catch her off guard while her defenses weren't as strong, thus, bringing us all here."

"You manipulated the situation and used it for your own gain, you knew her will was starting to dwindle and you seized that opportunity to capture her. You are disgusting, demon, using the priestess's weakened state to your advantage instead of fighting like a true warrior." Kuma couldn't put into words the repulsion he felt at the male as he began to reach for his own sword.

"True warrior? Like who, you? Following around a shrivel of a powerful king and hiding in the shadows as his body guard. Pathetic." Hiten snorted at the old man as he let out a yawn and gripped Kagome tighter to him. "I thought I could use the little brats as a loop hole but than that leech had to jump in and intertwine their powers together. That was plan A but it was a failure; that stupid kid even recognized me so I had to learn how to try and butter them up in order to gain Kagome's trust."

"You're one to talk! What are you doing now? Playing lackey for some unknown master, you're the pathetic one." Zero barked out as his cheeks flushed with anger. His hand was already itching to shoot the stupid demon as Yuuki gripped his shirt.

"You were the one in the room with the children?" Kaname questioned in a deathly calm tone.

"Yup, and I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling vampires." Hiten chuckled before waving his hand around. "I barely escaped that night, like I said before, you and the priestess are a dangerous combination but maybe her and I will be too…don't you think I'd make a far better mate for her after my master is done with what he needs to do?"

"Never." Was the only word the vampire king uttered as he jumped into the air and swiped his sword across Hiten's neck, the blade barely missing Kagome as a piece of her hair fell down on her cheek.

"That speed." Hiten uttered just as his head separated from the rest of his body. Kaname smirked in satisfaction before reaching for Kagome and holding her close as the demon fell to the ground below. Blood began to trickle down the decapitated body as the vampire king snapped his fingers and ignited a fire. Orange flames quickly licked at the form before eating it up whole as everyone stared in shock.

I'll show you a sweet dream...

Next night...

A/N: Hmm, a rather quick disposal of Hiten don't you think? I wouldn't want to piss Kaname off –shudders- Well, Ruka just admitted to replacing the letter! Will Kagome forgive Kaname? Will Yuuki finally tell Zero her feelings? Is Zero softening up to her again? Who knows, you guys will just have to wait for the next chapter.