Okay, time for a fanfic! For the SNAFU (Situation Normal: All Fudged Up) challenge, by Cloaks and Daggers. She comes up with the best prompts and ideas. I wanted this one to be sort of sad. But, it'll probably be a chaptered fic. So please, follow along with Artemis and her emotions. This one is the prompt: Fooled. Whereby Artemis fools herself into a lot of different scenarios.

Dirty Little Secret

Artemis POV

I hated watching him strut around like he owned the place. The one thing he did worst was annoy me to death. I was oddly attracted to him, though. He was funny, witty, but sort of….abrasive. Around me, he was anyway, which was common. The others didn't care. They knew we hated each other from the moment we met. Maybe that's how I started to feel this way.

I remember meeting him for the first time. I had never felt this way about a boy before. He was wearing swim trunks and had a lot of beach gear in his arms. You know who I'm talking about, right? Yes. The one and only Kid Flash. God, how I hate him!

He's constantly making fun of me and not giving me any credit for what I do! And swooning over Megan…. It's sort of like a love-hate relationship. Only, I have a secret crush on him. No more, no less.

I walked into the training room to find Black Canary getting ready for practice. I decided to sneak up on her. You know, test my stealth skills. She did say that I could be like Robin, after all. So, I snuck up on her and tried to get her with a leg sweep. Wrong move.

She jumped over my foot with her back to me.

"Sorry, pumpkin. You're just not good enough yet."

She slammed her elbow into my knee. It hurt. But my father taught me how to deal with pain.

"Alrighty, Artemis. Ready for some sparring?"

"That's like asking a cat if it's ready to sleep. Bring it!"

Immediately I was overwhelmed. She struck out with a flurry of punches. I had a hard time dodging every one, and she occasionally made contact with my elbow or knee. When the onslaught of attacks ceased, I knew it was my turn to go on the offensive. I lashed out with my foot, grazing her stomach. I followed up with a leg sweep and a high kick. She was working to dodge me, and I knew it.

I was just about to land a haymaker when I heard his obnoxious voice. "Hey, Black Canary! Wanna train with me after you're done with that cow?"


I lashed out and slapped him. "That's for calling me a cow, you insufferable moron! Why don't you just go back to Megan, if you're gonna cry about it? I'm out of here."

I walked out, but Black Canary came after me. "Artemis! We never lash out at our teammates. You need to go in there and apologize. Now."

I kept on walking, till I was at the teleporter.

"I'm out of here."

In a flash of light, I was gone.

The nerve of her, siding with him! After I saved him! And HIS nerve, belittling me even after Dr. Fate's!

I was walking through the park when I saw him. A new superhero, apparently. And one who knew Wally pretty well, at that. He was kinda cute, I guess. He had spiky brown hair and pretty eyes. He looked like he was an artsy-fartsy type of boy.

I think he saw me looking at him because he walked towards me. "Excuse me!"

Damn, he caught me. Play it cool…


He grinned. "Yeah. You know, I saw you looking at me, and when I saw you, I knew you were the one."

"The one?" I asked. "The one for what?"

He took my hand in between the two of his. "I know you don't know me, but would you be willing to be in a painting? I mean, I think you're beautiful. You'd be great in a painting!"

I blushed. "Sure, if it means I can see you again." Girl, you're on fire! Keep it up and he'll be putty in your hands!

He laughed. "Sure." He pulled out a notebook. "Here, let me give you my number. Call me when you're free. We can meet for lunch. How's that sound?"

I smiled. "It sounds perfect. Oh, I didn't catch your name."

He blushed and looked the other way. I touched his shoulder, which snapped him back to reality. "I'm Kyle. Kyle Rayner. You are?"

"Artemis Crock. Nice to meet you."

"Ugh. Kaldur, make it stop!" I screamed. "I can't do this anymore! It hurts!"

Kaldur looked up at me with a straight face. "Artemis, Black Canary deemed it necessary that you receive a punishment for your actions. According to her suggestion, I tied you up and put on some Dolly Parton music. It seems to be working."

"AGHHHH! GOD DAMN! SHUT IT OFF!" I screamed myself hoarse.

Black Canary walked in the room. "Kaldur, turn it off. I can't listen to anymore Dolly." She turned to me. "Artemis, I expected better from you. I want you to apologize to Wally."

Are you serious?

I coughed. "Black Canary, you can't be serious! He started it! Even after I saved him, he continues to make fun of me. No one on the team appreciates what I do. Maybe I should just leave the team…."

Black Canary sat down next to me. "Kaldur, leave us."

"Yes, my lo- I mean, Black Canary." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Artemis, is something going on between you two? What's wrong?" I glared at her.

"None of your business, Black Canary. I'm sorry, but I just want to deal with it myself." I stood up. "Thank you for showing concern, though."

"Artemis, if something is wrong, just know that you can come to me. After all, the kids on this team need a mother figure, even if that mom can beat their asses." She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

I smiled back. "Thank you for understanding. I really need someone to trust."

She gave me a hug. "Come on, Artemis. How about we go the mall tomorrow? Just us?"

I laughed at her. "Need a new outfit for a hot date with Green Arrow?" I poked her with my elbow.

"We mustn't speak of such things…." She blushed.

"Is that a yes? It is a yes, isn't it?"

She smiled at me. "Get your ass to bed before I kick it there, young lady."

"Good night, MOM!"

I left.

"That girl is something else….."

Okay, end the first chapter here. I shouldn't be getting into chaptered fics, since I have two already, but this is really fun to write. I loved the Arty/Dinah bonding moment. Please read and review!