Amy sat bolt upright; confusion, shock, and sudden hope coursing through her body; she knew that voice, she knew those words, and no matter how much she knew this couldn't be true, that she must be still asleep, that she was dreaming this, she felt glee running through her veins; the Doctor was there.

A split second later the door burst open and the Doctor stepped into the room, carrying the same messy black box that had given her a sharp shock only the day before. The box wasn't important, though; the man who was carrying it was holding her attention far more.

"Oh my God..." She whispered, not moving, terrified that she would wake up. She felt Rory stir beside her, mumbling something along the lines of: "What's happening?"

"I know, isn't it cool?" He asked her. "No idea what it is yet, though."

"Not the box." She told him, her words sounding slightly choked as she blinked the beginnings of tears out of her eyes, determined to have a clear view of him. Finally moving and swinging herself out of bed, she took an unsteady step towards the Doctor who looked up at her with mild concern on his face.

"You alright, Amy?" He asked.

"I'm fine." She told him, before re-evaluating what was happening. "I think."

"Right." He said with the smallest of frowns, before returning his attention to the box. "Get yourself to the control room, Ponds; big day ahead." He turned on his heel, striding from the room, the door swinging shut behind him.

Amy barely breathed for a few seconds, unable to process what had just happened. The Doctor had just been in her room, talking and breathing and being completely alive, when that was surely impossible.

She turned round, poking Rory awake again.

"Rory, wake up." She told him.

"What's the matter?" He asked groggily, opening one sleepy eye to look at her.

"The Doctor was just in here, right? Wasn't he? I didn't just imagine that, did I?" She demanded, desperate to have this confirmed to her.

"What?" Rory asked in confusion.

"Just answer me!"

"Yeah, I think so." He told her, wiping sleep from his eyes and propping himself up on his elbows. "He was. What did he want?"

"And what did we do yesterday?" She demanded, seeing another possibility. "What happened yesterday?"

"Why?" Rory sleepily asked, finally forcing himself to sit up and look at her, casting a confused glance round the room.

"Just answer the question, Rory." She told him huffily.

"Um..." He thought, wiping his eyes. "We went to that market."

"The market?"

"Yeah, we went shopping on that planet. You got that necklace-"

"That was two days ago!" Amy interrupted, frustrated and confused. Turning on her heels, she left the rom.

"No, it wasn't!" He told her retreating form, before groaning tiredly as he saw the time on Amy's alarm clock.

Amy reached the console room quickly, stopping in the doorway and staring at the Doctor, the mad man with a box as he fiddled with the gadget he had been playing with yesterday morning, before...

"That was fast." The Doctor said without looking up. Amy took a step towards him, still unable to process what she saw before him. "No Rory?"

"Doctor?" Amy asked shakily, and he glanced up briefly before returning his gaze to the gadget.

"Oh, good, you're wearing the nighty out again." He told her, a little sarcastically, but all in jest. Amy looked down to see that she was, indeed, in her nighty still, but she paid it little mind, instead focusing on the Time Lord in front of her.

"Doctor?" She asked again. "Is everything alright?" She extended a shaky hand as she walked and hesitantly made contact with him, placing her hand on his shoulder; he was solid, he was warm, and she felt him move slightly under her touch. He seemed alive...

"Yes, yes," He said absentmindedly. "Amy, look at this." He told her, gesturing her over and intimating that she should look at the wiry box he had in his gloved hands.

"I'm fine." She said, remembering the morning before and how it had shocked her hand. "Can you put that down?"

The Doctor finally looked up at her, slight confusion on his face. "Why? It's harmless; I mean, I think it's harmless, I've no idea what it is."


He interrupted her. "Past it being a trans-dimensional replicating diurnal cannon, and I only know that from-"

"Reading the label." She finished. "You said that last time."

"Last time when?" He asked indignantly. "I only found this ten minutes ago."

"I don't know." She told him. "I really don't know."

"What's wrong?" He asked her, finally putting the box down on the floor beneath the console, then standing up so he was level with her.

"I'm not sure." She told him, still unable to work it out, but her mind rapidly coming to a reasonable enough conclusion. "I think I just had a really weird dream."

"About what?" He asked, though he looked less concerned now; if it was only a dream...

"You woke us up early to show us that box," She told him. "And then you took us to this planet, where..." She trailed off, trying not to replay that image in her mind, that awful moment where she saw the Doctor being electrocuted. She shook her head. "It doesn't matter."

The Doctor took her in a hug. "It was just a dream."

She hugged him back; clinging to him tightly as if that would confirm that it had been nothing more than a dream. "I'm just glad you're alright."

He squeezed her tightly, lifting her up slightly so she was on her tiptoes, before dropping her back down and letting go of her. He eyed her up and down, gesturing to her outfit. "Now go get dressed, unless you really are going out like that."

"Alright!" She chuckled, happier already, leaving the console room and the Doctor examining the box.

Amy had stayed quiet, dressing and showering without much social interaction with Rory; she knew that what she had thought was yesterday had been nothing more than a dream, it was the only possible explanation, yet it didn't stop her from still being disturbed by it. It had felt so real...

Amy and Rory walked back into the console room twenty minutes later, to see the Doctor leant over the console, apparently having given up on examining the box. The Time Lord looked up at his two companions with a smile.

"Finally!" He greeted them, straightening up and leaning against the console. "It's about time today started, not that it hasn't already started, or that we have any control over the beginning of the day..." He frowned, contemplating his words.

"Where are we going?" Rory asked, settling down on the sofa.

"I was thinking Rajor 9," The Doctor told them, and Amy felt her heart skip a beat. "It's a tiny-"

"No." Amy said quickly, slamming her hand down on the console. The Doctor and Rory simultaneously raised their eyebrows in alarm at her abrupt reaction.

"Why not?" Rory asked.

"Yes, why not?" The Doctor reiterated, folding his arms in consideration.

"We just, we can't." Amy told them uselessly, not wanting to tell them that she was basing this prejudice against the planet on a dream.

"Oh, don't be silly, Amy," The Doctor told her. "You'll love it! It's completely flat! I always wanted to know-"

"How the water stays in?" Amy finished for him, and the Doctor raised his eyebrows. She sighed. "Magnets."

"Magnets?" The Doctor scoffed. "Impossible-"

"-From an evolutionary point of view, but the water's really ionised." She sighed, leaning against the railing. "You said."

"When did I say?" He demanded.

"In my dream." She told him, placing her palms over her face. "We went there in my dream."

"We went to Rajor 9?"


The Doctor stayed quiet for a few seconds, trying to understand. "And now you don't want us to go there again?"

"No." She told him firmly, hoping that would be enough. It wasn't.

"Why?" He asked, and she sighed. She didn't really want to tell him this, of course she didn't, but she had to. And of course, it had only been a dream...

"There were Cybermen."


"And they killed you."

"Ah." He replied softly, understanding. "I see."

"Do you?" She asked, confused.

"But, as you can see, I'm still alive." He told her. "Which would indicate it was a dream."

"Well, yes." Amy conceded; she had already accepted this fact.

"But!" He cried. "You know too much, Amy." He told her.

"Do I?"

"You knew about Rajor 9, you seem to know details about the planet, and you knew about my box." The Doctor surmised, his face stony in thought.

"So what does that mean?" Rory asked, leaning forward in the chair, his crossed elbows resting on his knees.

"Who knows!" Said the Doctor, pulling a random lever. "Perhaps a psychic flash into the future from the TARDIS, interfering with your dreams, feeding you information, showing you a possibility of the future." He guessed with a shrug. "Or an alternate reality; I don't know."

"You don't know?" Amy demanded, and the Doctor turned to look at her.

"I don't know everything, Amy," He told her. "The day I do I might as well give up."

Amy felt the sharp bite in his words, and felt herself draw back a bit as if she had been slapped. His upset was not directed at her, she knew that, but she knew that what she had told him had affected him in some way.

"A possible future?" She asked softly.

"Time changes every second, Amy, very few things are set in stone."

"Then you won't die." She told him firmly. "That won't happen; we won't let it."

He turned to her and smiled slightly, and she knew that she had said the right thing; his eyes had a little more warmth in them already. "You've already changed the future just by reacting to what you've seen, Amy." He told her. "You might have already changed everything."

She smiled back at him, relief filling her, and she watched as he began to silently pilot the TARDIS, plotting in a course.

"Where are we going then?" She asked him, satisfied with herself and the situation until she caught the slightly sheepish look in the Doctor's eyes. "No!" She cried.

"No, what?" He replied, but couldn't quite meet her gaze.

"We aren't going back!"

"We haven't even been there yet!" The Doctor argued.

"But if I picked up on the future-"

"Like we said, we've probably already changed the future just by reacting to it!" He countered, interrupting her. "We'll be careful."

"We're not going!" She told him, feeling for all the world like his Mother as he gave her a stubborn look.

"Cybermen, Amy!" He told her. "There are Cybermen there!"

"All the more reason to stay away!"

"I can't just leave them there!" He told her with a flap of his arms. "I need to stop them; they'll destroy the planet, not to mention the entire Universe."

"I don't care!" She told him, stubbornly, but with a falter in her voice; she could see, despite her resistance, that he was right; they couldn't just let Cybermen roam free on a planet.

"Amy..." He told her, seeing her hesitate. "You know we have to."

Amy stared at him for a few seconds, her jaw clenched as she struggled between logic and protecting her Doctor. She heard Rory move behind her, and felt him gently place a hand on her wrist.

"How about we go, and look on the console when we get there, right, Doctor?" Rory suggested, much to Amy's chagrin.

"Good idea, Rory!" The Doctor cried, taking that as his cue to continue piloting the TARDIS. Amy shrugged her wrist from Rory's, annoyed at her husband; the Doctor got into enough danger usually without giving him an excuse to walk straight into it. She clenched her jaw again, grinding her teeth, and walked round the console so she was in the Doctor's line of vision.

"Promise me you'll be careful?" Amy requested quietly, and the Doctor grinned at her, his eyes lighting up and his face warm again in his mirth.

"I'm always careful." He told her, and she rolled her eyes, turning her back on him with her arms crossed and looking towards her husband. He stepped towards her and grasped her arms reassuringly.

"It'll be fine." He told her. "It was probably just a dream."

"Maybe." She said grumpily. She held a frown for a few seconds, but soon got jolted out of her stance by the TARDIS's engines humming into life, the central column moving up and down, throwing them through the treacherous time vortex towards Rajor 9.

So when I thought I'd write a fic with a day for each chapter, I forgot that days are REALLY LONG, so I'm probably going to split up all of the days like this, if necessary.

Thank you, everyone, for all your kind support. I love you all! xx