A/N: Thanks to tarheelventeran! for helping me! chapters 1-5 used 2 be chapter one when this story was originally published but she broke them up for me! And she's helped me a whole lot on this story and still continues to! I appreciate her and her help! So please go and read her stories and give her shout outs as well! Enjoy the new and improved Wall of Lies!

The funeral was over, and everyone had gone home to their lives. Meantime, the woman wiped tears from her eyes as she stared at the new grave that forever held her father, next to her boyfriend. She held her six-year-old son in her lap, not knowing how to tell him that Grandpa was gone.

She had lost her boyfriend six years ago and now her father just a week ago. All three of them had worked together as CSI's. Her boyfriend had died in a shootout t while the two of them were working a case. With her fingers fiddled with the gold locket her father had given her just a few months ago when she got put onto the promotion list. He was so proud of her for her recent promotion, making her the youngest Lieutenant on the force.

Her father had been alone at a crime scene with Jesse Cardoza. Jessie said that he had tried to help her father, but there was nothing that could be done. He had no blood on him whatsoever. Christi became suspicious and swore she was going she would follow every until she caught her father's killer.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and, looking up, she sees her best friends giving her comforting smiles.

"Eric, Calleigh, I want you two back at the crime scene and go over every single square inch of it" she said in a strained voice. "I want this bastard who killed my father. I'll investigate with Ryan and Natalia. I suspect that Jesse might be a dirty cop. Also grab Yelina and take her with you get the academy recruits as well if you have to."

She set her son on his feet and, wiping her eyes again, finally walked from her father's grave. "I have to get back to the lab. I need something normal in my life."

"Like father like daughter." Calleigh said.


All of them walked back to their Hummers.


She turned and looked at Eric. "Yeah?"

"What about Cardoza?"

"I'm informing IAB to investigate him and that he's suspended from the lab indefinitely."

"Got it."

"Thanks Eric. Can you run the lab until I get back from dropping Chris off at the sitters?"


"Thanks. I really owe you and Calleigh both. You've been a big help to me these past six years with Christopher and everything."

"No problem"

Christi smiled sadly as Christopher climbed into the back seat and buckled up, ready to go to the sitter.


"Yes, honey?"

"Is Grandpa with Daddy up in Heaven?"

"Yes he is, honey."

Somehow, somewhere, he seemed to understand. "Okay."

Pam's and gave her a weak smile and put a hand on her shoulder.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing okay. I don't know if I'm getting out on time tonight."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of Chris and everything. You just do what you need to do."

"Thanks Pam"

"I'm sure Timmy and your dad will give you what you need to get through this."

Christi hugged Pam as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. "Thanks Pam. I needed to hear that. Look I gotta go. I'll call you later."


Christi hadn't been in the lab for long when IAB Sergeant Rick Stetler approached her.


"I am not in the mood for you now."

"I just want to give you my deepest condolences for your loss. Your father was a good man."

"Thank you."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. But can we walk and talk?"

"Of course. I heard that we might have a dirty cop in the lab. If you need any help just say the word."

"Thanks. So what did you want to ask me?"

Rick took a deep breath. "Would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?"

"She's not interested! She just lost her father! You're not going to use her!" Eric growled behind them.

"Eric, shut up and get back to work! That is not for you to decide! Eric, go and get back to work."

"Can it be some other time? I just want to get this thing started."


"I'll need you to find out everything you can on Cardoza for me? And I mean everything."

"I'll get right on that"
