HEY WHAT. THIS IS PROBABLY GOING TO BE THE LAST CHAPTER. SAY WHAAAAT? I'm just putting an abrupt end to this because I DONT FEEL LIKE WRITING IT. Too awkward. for me.
To imitation angel: Yeah, I know the chapters are short, and the Lemon was rushed. Personally, I don't particularly enjoy writing Lemons or Limes and such. I only did so because the reviewers wanted to... so I didn't have a particular choice in the matter. Metamorcy doesn't go that deep in description with his/her lemons, and they have thousands of reviews. I only have a short amount of time to type the chapters, thats why they're so short. I have to post what I can, because my dad doesn't like the concept of me writing stories and posting them. My mom is okay with it, though, but Lemons are the deep end of the pool. I don't put the chapters together because I dont feel like it.
ANYWAYYYY. Review? This is YOUR story. Make it as you want, since I'm doing this for you guys. :)
Shameless advertising: I have a new mainstream story, called Reaching for the Sky. Since you guys like this story, I guess you would like that story, too!
Tsuna continued pounding the concrete halls, shamelessly slamming open doors. "Where...," he began to shout. "WHERE. WHERE ARE YOU, HIBARI?"
The raven haired prefect was nowhere to be found.
"Shit... how could I have fallen for that..." Tsuna cradled the broken remains of his shattered heart, fondling the red arm band that could only belong to his cloud guardian. "Hibari," murmured the Decimo. He buried his nose in it, inhaling deeply. The aroma... reminiscent of sakura cherry blossoms, and...
"Herbivore." Hibari reappeared behind Tsuna, his stony face not letting any emotion through. "You're crowding."
"Crowding? I'm by myself." His unruly caramel hair drooped. "Only serves me right."
"Stupid Herbivore." Hibari lashed out, catching Tsuna by the throat with a tonfa. The cold metal bit into the tender flesh. "Do you really think you were by yourself this whole time?"
"Hibari..." Tsuna choked out. "I... I thought."
"Herbivores don't think. Omnivores do." Callously, the Namimori guardian snatched up the now tattered piece of cloth. "Come now, Omnivore. It seems like I need to get that stupid idea out of your head."
There. Short. Its like, 1 in the morning right now. MEH. I might return to this story, I might not. Depends how I feel. But as for now, this story is DONE. Sorry...?
Tatsuki here. Reviews=motivation=updates. Somehow, I think that this equation is going through one ear and out the other... so thats all for now, folks.
Maybe I would continue this and finish it with a HARDCORE LEMON SCENE if you guys actually reviewed. -vein throbs in forehead-