I just thought of this all of the sudden and felt like writing it. It's not the best… far from it but I hope people will enjoy reading it.

Summary: Ciel lived for perfection but he wanted to escape, escape from the place where he called hell: his home.

Warnings: Ciel is OOC and maybe Sebastian as well. Also perverted men out to get Ciel.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji!

Chapter 1: Child of perfection

Bang! Bang!

The sudden gunfire woke Ciel from deep slumber. His heartbeat hammered at the prospect of sudden danger. He quickly sat up in bed, his hands clutching the bed sheets tightly. But he did nothing as he sat there, the danger coming closer. Then the door slammed open, revealing a man covered in black clothing. However Ciel did not move as he stared at the man emotionlessly. The man took out his gun and shouted, "Get off the bed now! You are coming with me!"

Ciel cocked his head as he examined the man before him. He thought it was strange that the security was not suddenly barging in, not that Ciel ever minded.

Even though Ciel knew that the man before him was dangerous, he hopped off of the bed and walked towards the man casually. When he stood in front of the man, Ciel gave him an angelic smile as he whispered, "Well? Shall we go?"

The man gasped in surprise as he stared at Ciel through his black hood. Then he took Ciel's hand and ran.

Strangely, none of the security came to stop them as they left the large mansion behind them.




All his life he was trained to become the heir. Ciel did not mind, yes he never did. He knew that he had potential and was confident enough that he will become more successful than his father. But the things he had to endure to become one was nothing to laugh about. He was never allowed to go outside and was forced to stay in the mansion to study. And when he did go out, it was usually to social outings with his mother and father.

Since Ciel was a beautiful child, his parents loved to show him off to many of the lords and ladies of the upper class. And over the years he was a favorite of several lords; Baron Kelvin, Discount Druitt, and Lord Trancy. Therefore in many of the outings, Ciel will tremble in fear for the prospect of meeting these men.

The heir had to be perfect.

That was no exception. Ciel was born to become perfect, beautiful and flawless as well as something that people will lust for. Imperfection will result in punishment. And by ten years old, Ciel was the perfect product of perfection.

But Ciel wanted to escape. Escape the place where he called hell.




As soon as they were out of the woods, they found a carriage waiting for them. The man in black quickly opened the carriage door and ushered Ciel inside. As soon as the carriage moved the man took off his hood.

"What are you doing boy? Willingly going with you captor? Are you not scared?" the man shouted irritably.

Ciel studied the man before him carefully and found him darkly beautiful. The man had longish jet black hair which framed his handsomely structured face. His nose and cheekbones had a graceful curve to them. But his eyes were the most startling of all, eyes of deep crimson.

"Not really" Ciel answered truthfully as he gave the man a small smile. "Anywhere is better than that manor…"

The man slowly blinked at Ciel and asked, "You are the son of the Phantomhive's yes?"

Ciel nodded and the man released a small sigh of relief.

"So where are we going?" Ciel asked, excitement evident in his voice.

The man cocked his eyebrows and with a slight smirk stated, "You really are an odd child. Are you not afraid that I might hurt you?"

"No sir, I can handle pain."

"A boy like you can handle pain?" the man said mockingly, "you were born with riches all your life, you never experienced pain. How in the world can you handle pain?"

Then Ciel glared at the man with his intense midnight blue eyes as he answered seriously, "I may be spoiled sir, but I am sure the pain I went through is not something to laugh about…"

The man gaped at the boy in surprise. Then he wondered what sort of pain this boy had gone through, a boy born in noble blood.

But Ciel's seriousness was gone in a second as he smiled at the man before him. "So what is your name sir?"

"My name?"



"Nice to meet you Mr. Sebastian, my name is Ciel Phantomhive" then Ciel reached his hand towards Sebastian, waiting for a handshake. Sebastian hesitantly took the boy's hand and shook it half-heartedly.

"I must thank you sir" Ciel suddenly said as they released each other's hands.

"Th-thank me?" Sebastian was utterly confused by all of Ciel's actions and this was definitely the strangest thing Ciel had done to confuse him even more.

"For allowing me to escape hell."

Then Sebastian examined the boy carefully and wondered what the boy had hidden behind his carefree mask. And Sebastian was willing to break it to reveal the nearly broken boy beneath it…