Pairings : Damon & Elena, Stefan & Caroline.

This is collection of short stories written between 2x16 & 2x22 that are tied together to form a bigger one. It focuses mainly on the pairings (D&E, S&C) but also on the relationships (Stefan & Elena, Damon & Caroline, etc...) so don't expect a big plot. It's all about the angst and romance ;o) Except for the relationships, I stayed faithful to the show.

"Ok, I know I'm a drama queen and all that, but this is ridiculous, even for me."

Caroline paced restlessly in front of the fireplace. With a smile, Stefan watched her from his position on the couch.

"Why don't you come here and explain to me what's going on? Also, you're wearing out my carpet."

With a sigh, she sat down next to him. "Matt", she answered.

Stefan nodded, understanding immediately. That was one of the -many- things she liked so much about him.

"I thought you compelled him and that everything was back to normal?" he asked.

"That's the problem! How can "compel" and "normal" be in the same sentence? Since that night I can't act natural around him. And to be honest, he's acting a little weird himself. I really don't know what to do. I can't go on lying to him like this."

Caroline stood up, unable to sit calmly anymore. "I'm tired of all the drama, I really am."

She could feel Stefan's green eyes following her every move. It kind of destabilized her for a moment. She had to re-focus her thoughts on Matt. Her boyfriend. The one she had compelled to forget she was a vampire. Contrary to popular belief, this was not the best way to nurture a relationship.

Stefan got up, put his hands on her shoulders, and urged the tension there to fade.

"Ok, first you need to calm down. You can't think rationally if you're so agitated."

"Well I was kind of hoping you would do the rationalized thinking for me," Caroline replied with a half-smile and a small laugh. Stefan couldn't help but respond right back. There was something about this girl that really had the power to brighten his day like no one else.

Not even Elena? He'd rather not dwell on that sudden idea that came out of nowhere.

He had to give all of his attention to Caroline, and despite her usual lightness, now she seemed to grow more upset by the situation with Matt.

"Well, here's what we're gonna do..."

While Stefan talked with her, his hands were still on her shoulders, and his right one started playing with the tip of her blonde locks. Was it a conscious gesture? Probably not, but Caroline didn't care. For the gazillionth time, she wondered if Elena really did appreciate her luck, to have Stefan as a boyfriend. Because if Stefan was her's, she certainly wouldn't like it if he touched another girl's hair like that. Oh no she wouldn't.

She enjoyed it so much that she let him. And if that made her not such a good friend to Elena for five minutes, then so be it.

"So, you're ok with that?"

"Mmmh...ok with what?" She realized that she didn't actually hear anything he said, so engrossed in foolish romantics notions. She felt totally stupid. Fortunately, Stefan went on, "I'll try to talk to Matt tomorrow at the Grill, after his shift."

Alright, so the plan was to go talk to Matt.

"Fine. That's perfectly fine. What are you going to tell him?"

Stefan shrugged. "I don't know yet. I'll test the waters, so to speak. See if your compulsion really worked."

She rolled her eyes. "Right, because apparently I can't even compel someone correctly. God, I thought becoming a vampire would at least make me better at some things, but...I actually suck, and not in a good way" she finished with a self mocking smile.

"Don't say that" he admonished her, and this time his hand went on her cheek. It felt really, really nice. It wasn't supposed to feel so damn nice.

"You should be proud of what you accomplished in such a short time."

"Mostly thanks to you," she answered softly, and she let herself get lost in his deep, soulful eyes for a minute. Not that he seemed to want to avert his gaze himself.

The front door opened, it's noise shattered the moment that had been theirs, even for a brief instant. Stefan let go of her and took a step backward. Was that a furtive look of guilt crossing his face?

Damon appeared. He looked at the two of them and a knowing smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Would you care if you did?" Stefan asked quietly, having regained his composure. He acted so natural that Caroline wondered if she had imagined that...connection of a few minutes before.

Damon just laughed and headed up the stairs.

Stefan turned back to Caroline. "I have to go meet Elena at the grill. You're welcome to stay here if you wish."

"What, and be alone with the boogeyman upstairs? No way!"

"I heard that!" a voice came from upstairs.

With a satisfying grin, Caroline grabbed her bag.

"Can you drop me off on your way?"

"Of course. Let's go."

She started to walk out through the foyer and he resisted the urge to put his hand on her back. Even if it seemed like a natural gesture, he questioned this sudden need he had to touch her constantly.

He had to admit, it was a bit worrying.