~ I don't own any characters of The Vampire Diaries, I just loaned them to write this fanfiction ~

So, I'm going to try this. Fanfiction and I don't like each other but I want to share this story with everyone who loved and loves Jenna, who thought her death was unfair and who thought it wasn't fair that she just knew about supernatural, then got turned and got sacrificed. Also, the fact that she had only two roses on her funeral upset me a bit.

I wrote this because Jenna is, and always will be, my favorite character on the show. No matter what happens, happened or what will happen. I hope to see her back one day, because Sara Canning does an amazing job and she is adorable on screen. Jenna cares, is nice, tries so hard and had a great relationship with Alaric.

I'll never forget about Jenna, nor about how great Sara was playing her.

Enough rambling! About my fanfic:

Jenna's not dead, you will pretty soon find out what is happening to her. You'll also find out about why she is not dead and how she end up where she is.

The story takes place in two kind of POV's. The present is written in the She-POV, meaning everything is written as "Jenna did this and she said that". The other part of the story is in the I-POV, this is in all of the flashbacks.

I love to write both POV's and thought it was fun to combine them but I wanted to warn you and keep you from being confused.

That's it, I hope you will enjoy my story. I'd love to get reviews for comments or tips to improve my writing.

PS. I don't think my story is very realistic, I'm sure it's not even possible but just pretend it can.