The rest of February past relatively quickly as Young Justice healed at a remarkable rate. Injuries that would normally take weeks or months to heal; took only a few days thanks in part to their enhanced immune system. When they weren't busy with in rehabilitation, or getting use to the changes in their bodies, they were busy catching up on school work. Also, they each had sessions with the League's councilors each day, to help them deal with their emotions and memories of their time as Hero Light. The team drew strength from their mentors and each other. Sometimes Julia and Dubbilex would stop by and see their progress and let them know what was happening on Earth.

By the first week of March the team was ready to return home and resumed their civilian lives. They still had a bit of rehab to go, but could do that at home. No one had mentioned yet when training for crime fighting would be or if Young Justice would resume their hero identities in the near future. The kids didn't ask as they were getting ready to go back and face the public. It hadn't been that difficult to put them in the statistics of people abducted and harmed during, what the world had termed, " the Light's Era of Terror" so they knew that their civilian friends and teachers wouldn't feel pressured to ask about their them. There was some talk among them to spend time in Benevolence to start their reformations towards the world. As they teleported back home there was some apprehension about what life would be like now for them. There was also some talk about really celebrating Connor's first birthday when they were more settled.

Time passed and soon it was a few days before Spring Break would begin. The bell rang at Happy Harbor High School, the same place were the team had hidden Dr. Roquett, all those months ago. A human male with brownish hair and a chiseled jaw in trench coat and pants, stood by a hybrid red and black car. He nodded politely as students passed him heading to their cars or buses. He suddenly felt familiar presences and looked up to see a trio of girls leaving the front doors.

The trio consisted of; one brunette in punk style, along with an auburn girl in some trendy clothes, talking with a red haired girl with brownish red eyes. Her skin appeared to be a mix of white, light brown and some Asian thrown in and she was wearing a simple blue jacket and skirt with white blouse. She was carrying her text books and chatting happily with them. "I'm still embarrassed by what I did to Mrs. Jenkins kitchen. How could I put so much baking soda into the mix?"

"It happens to all of us Megan. I still have nightmares when I set the Home EC room on fire when I was trying to sew that pillowcase," Melissa, the trendy girl said with a laugh.

"Yeah, wasn't it worth it to see those macho boys cower in fear of cake batter? Honestly the world is a lot safer without them," Em, the punk responded. "Looks like your rides here."

"Uncle John! Hi!" Megan said happily, hugging her uncle who held her tightly. He brushed a free strand of hair behind her ears. "I had such a good day minus the disaster in Home Ec."

"I'm glad that you had such a good day. It's time to head home. Say good bye to you friends," J'onn told the girl. She said goodbye to her friends and the two disguised Martians got into transformed bioship and headed back to Mount Justice which had been repaired. As soon as they were out of sight of prying eyes they cloaked and flew back to HQ in their natural forms.

Martian Manhunter looked at his niece with a mix of happiness and concern on his face. It was true that M'gann had adjusted to her superior strength and had started shape shifting again, but was still hesitant to use her mental gifts. She had only just begun to use her telekinesis again and was still reluctant at times to communicate with telepathy, but she was getting there. At least she was reconnecting with her bioship.

The first few days back at Mt. Justice had been extremely difficult for her, being all alone except for Red Tornado and her Uncle. She would wake up from violent nightmares destroying things. It was actually Connor who suggested that maybe she needed to be around other people to feel safe and learn more about Earth. J'onn had always planned to eventually enroll her in school when he felt she was up to it, but worried she couldn't handle it. Connor stated attending school would also help with her guilt issues over hurting people by seeing life go on, so she had been enrolled as transfer student into the local high school. Two and half weeks in and she were already a lot better.

"M'gann, I have some bad news for you. The League has scheduled an important meeting this afternoon that I have to attend to along with Red Tornado. You'll be alone in the mountain."

"That's…okay…Uncle…J'onn. I'm going to go see Connor. He…only…had…a half…day because of conferences at his school. I promise…to be…back…by…ten."

"Alright M'gann. Please be safe and don't hesitate to call if something comes up."

"Don't worry, I won't."

Another resident of Happy Harbor was just walking into his Japanese Style house after a long day of junior high. Taji took off his shoes and put on his slippers, as he made his way through the screened house and picking up his oni ball snack from the kitchen table. The whole house was styled Japanese except for the basement which had a more English feel and where his workshop for magic and sword repair was. Taji found his mom meditating in the Zen garden. Tatsu had put herself on the hero reserve list for the time being, taking a job at a nearby university as a research assistant; specializing in the era of the Samurais and the impact they had on the Japanese culture. It had been a difficult transition for both learning how to understand each other. Nelson would help out from time to time, but there was only so much a spirit could do even with some of a Lord of Order's powers.

"Konochichwa Kaa-san. How was your day at the university?" Taji asked joining her in a mediation pose.

"Konochichwa Taji, my day was less the satisfying. I had forgotten what it was like to live such a mundane life when one is not constantly on the move dealing with international crises. The most excitement I have is finding a forgotten manuscript in a dusty archive, but it satisfying work enriching the minds of people about our culture and its ancestors. Did anything interesting happen at school today?"

"In science class we began the chapter on dissection. I was the only one willing to get the frogs out of the formaldehyde and my partner was surprised at the ease I had with the scalpel. The councilor wanted to talk to me again about my aloofness with the other students. He's concerned that my abduction is still impacting my mind. I assured him that I'm seeing a regular councilor about what happened and that I'm much better. Do we have any bento boxes?"

"Top right hand corner cupboard above the sink. Why do you ask?"

"Um, well I'm meeting up Dick, I mean Robin, in an hour or so at his house and I said I bring him a bento along with some of my books and mangas," Taji stated blushing. The time the two had spent together in the Watchtower had deepened their friendship into something more.

Tatsu shook her head marveling in the young love going on between the two teens. Still, this worked out fine since she and Nelson had to go to a meeting at the Watchtower later. "Come on, I'll help you prepare a bento that will make your lover come crying for more."

In Hub City Park, two girls were playing tennis. The city was still remarkably almost corruption free thanks to the hard work of Huntress and Question, with a little aid now and then from their friends. It was actually now safe to walk around without worrying about drug dealers or gangs for the most part. This is why the girls were making use of the new tennis courts without fear for their lives.

"Okay this is game point, you ready? Here it comes!" Bettie shouted serving an excellent smash towards her opponent. Zairia was anticipating it and managed to dash across the court and return the serve. It was lopsided and crooked so Bettie easily intercepted it returning the volley. The ball went back and forth for several rounds before Bettie managed to smack it to a corner causing Zairia to miss it. "That's 40-10. Game set match love! You're getting a lot better at this. I was never that fast when I was your age. Its hard to believe you had a stroke such a short time ago."

"I heal fast. Not mention your not part feline either. Don't get so cocky Pretty Girl. You're still subpar when it comes to the heroine business. How's that working out for you?" Zairia asked playfully tossing her some water. She grinned at her new girlfriend waiting for a response.

Bettie took the water and drank a large helping before tossing it back. "I'm getting better, thank you very much. Batgirl hasn't handed me my ass in days. Aunt Kathy still says I need to work on my martial arts. You want to help me with that girlfriend?"

"I don't know if I'm the right person for that. Anyways, I have plans for the rest of the day. Mom and Dad are going to some important meeting and I promised I go straight home after my Wiccan gathering. It's nice they accept my religion, but I still have to go to Catholic School. I feel like a fraud."

"Hey, it will be okay, I promise. Maybe we can practice together another day when your own training resumes. Any word when that will be?"

"No, I haven't heard anything about Young Justice status. It's very frustrating. I'll call you later Bettie, you better get going," Zairia told her quickly. She kissed her on the cheek and then caught the bus downtown. All the while she was thinking about what her future would be.

Connor was at the farmhouse eating his grandmother's apple pie and working on his design for the literary magazine cover. He decided to use the concept of inverted ideas such as foregrounds contrasting light backgrounds. The mixing of symbols and ideas to represent the opposites of what people thought about them was a very original concept. He had run the idea by Chad and the club, and they thought it was a grand idea. A tribute to what had just occurred. They had looked at him nervously when the mentioned that, but all he had done was clenched his fist and gave it a go ahead.

Connor was trying to write his thoughts in feelings in the journal his grandpa had given him, but it was hard. Both his grandparents saw how much the boy was suffering still. His nightmares had subsided, Thank God, for their furniture and houses sake, but he was still reeling with the knowledge of who his "mother" was and Lana was out of town for a couple weeks on a fashion gig. They had wanted to throw a small party for the boy, but he was insisted that his "family" be there. "Connor, are you okay? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah Gramps, do you know when Dad's coming back? He promised to have dinner with us and I wanted to talk to him about some stuff."

"I don't know where he is or when he'll be back; I'm sorry."

"Connor, your friend is here!"

"Thanks Grandma! Hi M'gann, how are you feeling?"

"Better, although I'm sorry about the door. I'm still getting use to this extra strength. How about you? Any problems with your powers?" Megan asked sitting down and taking a piece of pie.

"I was having some difficulty, but I'm back to full strength and no adverse side effects to the RSS and Kryptonite. I'm still angry about what happened and what I did. What if this is proof I'm just like him? I mean I obeyed his every command! I didn't even question it! My special powers and immunity, they came from him."

"Connor, Superboy, just because someone gives you their blood doesn't make them your parent. A parent is someone who loves you and cares about you. Teaches you things and protects you from harm. Luther may be your mom in a sense, but he doesn't define you. Just like I'm learning to accept that Psiman's actions and use of me doesn't define me. Heck, I might even learn to accept my mixed heritage after this."

Connor thought about what she said and had to admit she was right. He was lucky to have her as a friend and lover. As he gave her a gentle kiss, his grandparents watched from the living room hoping that this was a turning point for their grandson. Suddenly Martha had a great idea. She asked Connor how he would feel about having a party with his friends tomorrow on the beach beside Mount Justice. She would be happy to make the food and M'gann could contact the others so they have gifts and games. The two teens thought that be great and got to work on getting everything ready.

Meanwhile, Sasha and Wally were watching Athena, as she practiced new Latin steps for an upcoming competition for the last hour or so. Athena was panting and sweating profusely, as she struggled to keep up with the fast pace moves. She twisted around and ducked behind a teammate as they started to form a line. Up and down and then splitting in half and criss crossing between each other in one fluid motion. The whole team leaped into the air doing the splits before coming down and shaking their pom-poms.

"Okay ladies, that's enough for today! You really gave it your all today and I'm proud of you! Don't forget we have practice on Friday! I want us to be ready for our competition next week. Just because your on break from school doesn't mean you can take a break from the team! Okay cool down and hit the showers. Prince, stay for a second!"

Athena gulped down some water and jogged over to Coach Salazar. She was wondering what she did wrong as she stood in front of her coach. "Is something wrong Coach Salazar? If I messed up with the routine I promise to practice harder. I know I made some small mistakes and I…"

"Prince, it's nothing like that, I'm just wondering if you feel that you're ready to compete again. After all you've only been in one competition and missed most of the others because you were recovering in the hospital or had to see your shrink to talk about you know…"

"Its okay, you can say it. I was abducted and treated poorly during the crisis. I'm okay, really, I want to get back into the steps of competition. It really helps me forget what happened and I like it a lot. Please, don't make me sit out."

Coach Salazar pursed her lips and looked the teen over as she thought about what her pupil asked. Finally she nodded making the girl smile happily. "Alright you can compete, but if I think your not ready I'll pull you understand? Okay go take a shower and get home safely okay?"

Athena scampered off and emerged from the locker room about fifteen minutes later. Sasha was clapping her hands and Wally raced up to her giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek before she playfully shoved him back. "I take it my performance was adequate?"

"Girl you know you have the talent to be in a major production company! Those Latin moves were making your boyfriend here very hot under the collar. I swear he was steaming!"

"Sasha would you quit embarrassing me already? I get enough of that from my mom! You were really good today. It's amazing how beautiful you look. One would never guess that you had over three hundred stitches and skin grafts on your arms only a few weeks ago," Wally told her.

"Nor would they believe that you had brain surgery either. I notice you doing your homework while you waited for me. Finished already?"

"Yeah, it's a lot easier to get through now that I recall so much, but sometimes the facts get messed up when I try to regurgitate the fact on paper and stuff. Jay has been trying to help out with that, but he's not the best considering this is a new power to a speedster. I'd ask Uncle Barry for help, but he's at an important meeting today."

"Yeah, so are my parents strangely enough. I mean I understand that my Dad's busy with his work and Mom has to talk with the League, but I still find it strange they're both in meetings today."

"Hey let's forget out the Supers for just a few minutes. I've had enough adventure to last me a while and that includes my duties as a Mystyx. Who's up for going to my house and having fun for a while?" Sasha asked. The two nodded and headed to her limo trying to relax.

Another couple was enjoying some time together. Artemis had taken the transport to visit Lucas because her Mom said she'd be at work late. Her relationship with her Mom was vastly improved and she was happy to spend some non training time with Ollie when he wasn't busy. She had finally gotten use to her eyes, which no longer gold and red, but now looked like her old ones; thanks to the Stones who helped her adjust to maintaining them. She was scheduled to have plastic surgery for her scarred arms that summer, but in the meantime she got use to the stares. At least Lucas didn't look at her like that. The two of them were in his backyard resting comfortably in a tree just talking.

"I'm still getting weird looks at school and people are hesitant to talk with me, but at least my school friends are happy to hang out with me. They don't push for answers and I enjoy relaxing greatly with them. I'm going to the movies with them later this weekend. I'd invite you, but you said you had plans already?"

"Yeah, I'm hanging with some old friends from Gotham North. We're going to the mall and just fooling around. Life's been a challenge lately and it's not just the changes in my body. Its hard being Nerissa again, but I'm adjusting to being called that again. I don't know if I go by Nerissa forever, but for now it's a better fit. At least this way I have somewhat of a secret identity you know?"

"I understand, but that's not what's got you down is it? They didn't catch him did they, your father Sportsmaster?"

"Yeah, Dad's really good at staying out of sight. Same with my sister. I don't know what I was expecting, but I had hoped that they catch him. In a way I blame him for what happened to me. If he hadn't been a crook I wouldn't have become a double agent, but I can't put the whole thing at his access way. I did make my own choices."

"We have to learn to live with them that's just the way it is. No matter what has happened we'll be stronger for the next phase in our complicated lives. Come on I'll get us some sodas and some snacks. We can talk more inside."

In Midway, the Green Team led by Jordana, was working hard at raising Environmental Awareness at the annual Student Club Fair. The Green Team had compiled charts and diagrams showing the destruction of the planets and things people could do to protect the world. Handing out pamphlets on recycled paper, and talking about alternatives to polluting the ocean, were Shania and Kaldur. Kaldur had slowly been recovering in Atlantis; even returning to the Conservatory for awhile to be trained in his new powers, but he'd been so restless and anxious, Queen Mera suggested he visit Shania knowing her adopted son had been pining for her.

"As you can see off shore drilling is a potential danger to not only the ocean, but the land. The seismic disruption it causes interferes with the migration patterns of whales and other ocean going life. Plus, the potential for spills always exists. By converting to reusable resources we can protect the ocean from further damage," Shania was telling a group of listeners.

"Every year more then three tons of cubic trash is dumped into the ocean killing thousands of creatures and polluting the waters. The oceans are important to keeping cooling temperatures as well for trade. We should protect them at all cost to prevent a global disaster. Thank you for listening. Here take some literature. Yes, I am passionate about the ocean. It's remarkable. I actually feel like were making a difference here. My people would thank you."

"Think nothing of it Kaldur, I've always said that one person can make a huge difference by impacting the others of the planet. If only you Atlantians didn't live so deep I would come and see your magnificent home, but I couldn't handle the pressure. I'm surprised that Shania can," Jordana said coming over to check on the lovefish. She thought they made the cutest couple ever.

"Thanigarians are very resilient, although I can't wait to get out of here and stretch my wings. My feathers finally stopped molting and I haven't had another seizure as of yet. Still, I enjoy helping out with this more then sitting at home wondering what Mom and Dad are up too."

"I agree, my King is with the League and though I love the rest of my Atlantian family and friends, being there is painful at the moment. I was forgiven for my attack, but I am still troubled by the repairs needed because of my actions. Being here on the surface world with Shania has helped a great deal and I'm learning how humans cope with tragedy."

"Hmm, have you ever thought about learning more the old fashion way? Hear me out, you finished your studies down under the sea, but you barely scratched the surface of us land dwellers. Maybe if you enrolled in school you'd learn a lot more."

"She has a point Kaldur. You learn more human teenagers, socializing and being about the surface. We'd be able to spend more time together and you could still live in Atlantis. Your webbing and gills, if you wanted to keep them out, you could or you could hide them if you wanted to."

"It does sound like an interesting idea and it might help me understand part of my heritage," he said cryptically. "I'll bring it up to the King when he returns. In the meantime we should get back to work."

At Wayne Manor, five kids and two puppies were playing an elaborated game of laser tag with phasers and disrupters, while two thirteen year olds and the family butler watched from the patio. Terry was laughing and enjoying himself immensely and so was Ace, who was wrestling with Rex. His partner Max pulled him behind a rose bush just as Michal shot his laser disruptor nearly hitting their sensors.

"Cutting it a little close aren't we smart boy? You can't afford to take another hit or we'll be disintegrated!"

"Then what do you suggest science officer? Last time I checked your security clearance wasn't yellow!"

"Keep up the smart talk and you're not invited to my party next month. Follow my lead!" Max said as they crawled through maze and then went through some of the tangled branches. They saw Ace keeping Rex at bay as the trio moved in to zap him. On the count of three, they burst through the bushes zapping left and right nailing Madison, Rose and Michal ending the game. The two kids high fived and hugged each other only to blush as Michael stared teasing him before Madison whistled for Rex. The pup came over and jumped on the boy slobbering him with kisses while Rose laughed her head off.

"Well I have to say that was the most fun I've had in weeks! It was such a cool idea to play Romulans vs. Federation on your lawn," Rose said after she stopped laughing.

"Yeah, our security dogs behaved just like Captain Archer's beagle did in the Enterprise series. Great job at training Ace, he's almost as obedient as Rex."

"Yeah, well that dog seems a bit overprotective if you ask me. What are you training him to be? Your body guard?" Michael asked sitting up.

"Yeah I have so many cool ideas for him and Max is going to help me build him. I got this really cool idea to build him a ground glider so to speak like a segway so he can zoom all over Gotham with me. Or this multi purpose collar that can help him climb walls and attack people with!" Terry exclaimed.

"Terry is such a creative little genius. His ideas would revolutionize canine attack dogs, but enough of that. Let's go get a snack before his brother and date eat them all!" Max exclaimed hugging him again before the kids zipped off.

Alfred provided snacks and drinks for them and some much needed puppy chow and water for the pets. He walked over to where Dick and Taji were talking about what were better; comics or mangas. He smiled as he watched Master Dick defend his love of comics, but admitting that the plotlines might be less confusing in mangas. "I'm just saying that comics are in color. How often do you find a color splash page in manga?"

"How often are comics restricted by race and rules of what can and can't be portrayed in them? It took decades for comics to accept Asian characters and even longer to have openly GLBT characters in them. At least my mangas have had that for a long time," Taji countered.

"Yeah, well at least I don't have to wait for a full collection to be made before I get my comics!"

"My characters are more realistic and have better dialog."

"Okay you win there. Who knew I have this much fun talking about something like this? Especially with someone that I might start developing more feelings for," Dick admitted blushing. He was starting to like Taji as more then a friend, as he discovered that he was bi, just like Zairia. Both boys blushed as they touched hands before eating their bentos. Alfred smiled pleased that both of Master Bruce's sons were enjoying relationships. He hoped that the meeting today wouldn't tear them apart.

Up in the Watchtower, the League was having the most interesting meeting in its history. Not only were all the mentors present along with Red Tornado and Black Canary, civilians along with Julia and Dubbilex, were there as well. The topic of discussion was the aftereffects of the Light as well as the future of the Young Justice. It was going to be an interesting meeting.

"I just received word from Guardian about the liquidation of all the Light's holdings is coming along in timely fashion. Already the genetics labs are being investigate as well as the scientists for their actions. It's reasonable to assume they'll be prosecuted for breaches of several laws. The data has been confiscated and uploaded into our mainframe for us to decide what we wish to do with it. The genomorphs were able to help ascertain who was being controlled and who wasn't. The Handlers have been convicted and locked up in Belle Reeve, along with any supervillian that we were able to apprehend. I estimate that we'll be able to fully close the case on the Light within a year and half," Red Tornado reported.

"Excellent. Was there a confirmation that the Light itself return to its Source?"

"The Lantern Corp followed the trajectory and was able to confirm, both the Light and Darkness, returned to what is termed the Source Well and is confined there by some form of particle field."

"Good, we'll have to keep an eye on that just in case. The world governments have reported that they've managed to reclaim control of their countries and I have reports that the Earth itself, is remarkably fifty percent healthier then it has been in years. How are the sanctuary towns and the Genomorphs settling?"

"Benevolence and similar towns report that all is calm. We've resumed our mission with a higher success rate. The genomorphs are fitting in just nice in their new homes and doing successful at their jobs. No one has a problem with them and accept them without prejudice."

"Okay, so now that's all cleared up I say we move this discussion to the topic at hand. The fate of the Young Justice members and their team. First, let's hear about their physical healthy. From the reports from the League doctors, as well as their rehabilitantionists, I understand that they are nearly at one hundred percent physical health, showing little or no adverse affects to the changes in their bodies. I myself can testify that Connor's powers are back under control although he's hesitant to use his TK. Does anyone have something similar to report?"

"M'gann is getting use to being slightly stronger then normal. It has been a difficult transition for her to adjust to. She is still hesitant to use telepathy, but has started to use it more," J'onn reported.

"Nerissa, sorry Artemis, has minor issues with maintenance for her eyes, but the Stones were able to teach her and myself how to keep them functioning. I've also scheduled plastic surgery to remove her scars in the summer."

"Lucas has fully recovered and has reconnected with the morphegenic field. John and I discovered that it was the combination of the field along with his elemental powers that triggered the psiconic ability to create solid structures," Vixen, who was now a reserve member, reported.

"Wally gets headaches sometimes and has trouble sorting out all the information he's absorbed. We've taken to drilling him to help him sort it out."

"Dick has adjusted to having his metagene turned dormant again, although there are times when he randomly spouts binary code, but they are infrequent. Terry's has suffered no lasting injuries and his micro fractures healed. However he does recall everything that has happened. His nightmares are only just subsiding and I worry he might crack under the pressure."

"Kaldur has adapted to his new features and has learned to live with the changes inside him. We've tested him in a number of environments and he has learned what his limits are."

"The rest of the kids have minor issues in rehab that are being addressed. They are more then capable of resuming training and pushing themselves as long as we start slow. While I hate to give the Light or those disgusting Handlers any credit, they did improve the teamwork between them. Between their inkmark bonds and friendship they are a formidable team that could one day outshine the League," Black Canary asserted.

"I talked with the councilors about the children's mental state. So far they don't show any signs of PTSD, thank Hera. They still have issues that will take years to resolve, but the guilt is slowly dispersing. The journaling along with resuming civilian life and activities has helped them work through many issues and distracted their minds from what they endured."

"Its true that they have nightmares still and will probably have them for awhile however they are getting more sleep. They're opening up to what happened to them with outsiders not just family. I can't testify about the state of their spirits, but they really do seem happier and I doubt their faking this. I would have uncovered the truth if they were. I'm not saying they're one hundred percent mental by any means. I'm just saying there not likely to have a meltdown should they resume their hero duties," Question stated.

"I have to agree. I would also point out, that while the children are more then happy to volunteer as civilians as way to make up for what happened, I feel they won't be truly happy until they are heroes again," Katana said.

"The question still remains should we allow them to be heroes again at this stage in their recovery or anytime in the future. The reports say their healing and are ready mentally and physically, but should they be heroes? They have a unique chance to walk away from the dangers and memories of what happened. To be safe and never have to worry about an incident like this happening ever again," Hawkwoman voicing what all of them had been secretly thinking.

"Young Justice was always supposed to be an experiment to see if the sidekicks had the talent and drive to one day be ready to join the League. I admit the experiment was a success in ways we never thought possible. But it failed because of their inexperience and our lack of judgment. As hard as it would be for most of them to be civilians only it might be the kinder option," Hawkman admitted.

"That sounds like the cowards way out," Nelson said as the Helmet glowed and his spirit appeared hovering in the air. "I should know I took that way out sixty five years ago. Sure, I don't regret spending my life with Ingza and I did great work with Nabu as Dr. Fate and the JSA, but I could have done more. I should have done more it was my duty and destiny to help people with my magic. At the most, I could have found another host for Nabu when I retired. So much chaos was allowed to rein because I didn't look at both the small and big picture and try to compromise."

"That is easy for you to say now that you're dead, but our children don't get the luxury of having their souls attached to magical artifacts and living on after death. They only get one life and so far most of them have been used, abused, or suffered tragedies that no one should go through. What right do we have to force such a burden on them when they don't have to live this life?" Huntress challenged. The others were nodding and agreeing with her as they wondered the same thing.

"Excuse me, I would like to say a few things," Paula said wheeling her chair up to the table. "You asked us civilians to come here to offer our opinions both as parents and our insight to civilian life. As you know, I was the one who contact Green Arrow and asked him to help my daughter. I don't know if you can truly understand the situation I was in being a former villain and wife to a crook."

"We know it couldn't have been easy raising a child after taking the rap for crimes against both you and you husband. Especially now, when you're ex husband Sportsmaster could show up at any time and undermine your influence. Along with your disability, it must have been a challenge trying to raise your daughter from behind bars," John/GL interjected.

"It was a challenge; Nerissa I mean Artemis was a spunky, tough, and hard core girl. Yes she had friends and got good grades, but too often in her letters I would read about her taking out her frustrations and confusions out in unproductive manners. She'd roam the streets shooting things with her bow trying to prove to herself that she wasn't like us. I wanted her to have a better life, but I just didn't know how. When she told me about what she did against the Amazo android, I was shocked at her brazenness and her reckless disregard for her life and others, but at the same time I was so proud that she wanted to help. That's why I agreed to let her train and become a hero. It was chance not only for her to help others, but at the same time help herself. I admit I was so angry and upset about what she's endured. I hate the fact she'll never see normally again and what those monsters did. Nothing would make me happier then see her normal again, except for one fact. She's happy for the first time in her life. She has real friends who accept her for who she is and don't care about her family connections. She has someone who loves her and that she loves back. She's happy to be both Nerissa and Artemis. How can I ask her to give that part of her up?"

"I believe Ms. Crock has a point. As much as you try to deny it, my daughter Athena and her friends/siblings, all of them have a destiny. They are meant to do great things in this life and how they reach their goals; whether being civilians or heroes even a combination of both, should be up to them. I admit I don't fully understand the dangers of being a hero, but I do know this. All of them, especially my daughter, all underwent the most dangerous quest possible to heal their souls and return to the waking world. Take away their chance to be heroes, destroy the very thing that gave them the strength to come back, and they might as well as stayed in their comas," Tyson proclaimed.

"Mr. Bay, you make a valid point when you don't understand the dangers they face. We want them to be happy, but being safe matters more to us. Hero work is not a game and it shouldn't be treated as a reward for a good job done. Regardless of what they want as parents or mentors, its up to us to decide what the best course of action is for them. We made a mistake and need to correct it. I don't believe in destiny. My son will always remember what happened to him. I can't change the past, but I can protect his future."

"Really, because to me it sounds like you're taking it away and any hope for Gotham's future. Don't you glare at me it won't work. He's my son and I have a say in his life as well," Mary responded aggressively surprising all that were gathered. No one stood up to Batman!

"You have no idea what Terry needs. You may be his mother, but he lives under my roof and will follow my rules."

"You're a fool if you think telling him no will stop him from doing what he knows in his heart is right. Here's a question for you; if the tragedy that created Batman, the hope of Gotham, never happened do you think you would have been happy living a normal life or would you have craved the role still?"

"Don't bring my past into this. You have no idea what you're talking about."

"I know plenty. I grew up in Gotham and saw it fall after so many good people gave up or died. Hope had all, but been lost until you brought it back. Inspiring the citizens to take back their lives, the police to fight the good fight, to clean up our home. Both sides of you make a worthwhile person and both your sons carry on that legacy for future generations, so no matter what happens Gotham will never fall. Taking that hope away is not right."

"I believe Mrs. McGinnis raises an excellent point. Now, there are plenty of pros and cons to allowing Young Justice to continue. Yes, the cons are serious, but the pros are just as important. All twelve of them have done remarkably good work as civilians, but their hearts are heroes through and through. So before you make a decision remember these words. Life is full of ups and down with pleasures and pains. Accepting the bad with the good allows one to cherish the good times and treasure life," Dubbilex added.

The League looked at one another pondering their thoughts on the matter carefully. Their guests had also been very persuasive with their words. Finally Superman called the group to order. They would vote on the issue and tell Young Justice their decision tomorrow afternoon.

The next afternoon, Young Justice was on the beach outside Mount Justice having a birthday bash. Two large picnic tables were covered with tons of food and drink supplied by Martha Kent. There were balloons attached and a banner wishing Connor happy belated birthday. The young heroes were having fun playing games like volleyball, Frisbee and swimming. It was the first time they had been all together since they left the Watchtower and anyone watching could see how tight they were as they played in the sand.

"Come on I'm starving! Let's give Connor his presents so we can eat the cake and ice cream already!" Wally moaned.

"Do you ever stop thinking with your stomach?" Artemis asked.

"Not really, no."

"I believe we are all hungry for some food and are eager to give Connor our gifts. So let's sit down and sing," Kaldur suggested.

"Do we have to sing? I don't really have a good pitch," Zairia whined, but was shushed. They all sat down and Shania lit the candles on his super shield cake that were in the shape of the number seventeen with one single candle below.

The whole group sang to him and he made a wish. After some cheering and dishing out the food, they handed him their presents most which were grouped. Athena and Wally gave him a book called, "The Replacement" along with a CD of mixed songs. Kaldur and Shania gave him a poster of the Earth and moon. Artemis and Lucas gave him a Hall of Justice snow globe. Zairia gave him a new outfit while Taji gave him a calligraphy set. Terry gave him a photo album while Dick's present was a camera. M'gann gave him a Martian friendship necklace showing they'd always be friends. He thanked everyone and was really touched.

The group was just cleaning up their mess when they all got a text to come inside the cave. Wondering what was up they went inside and found their parents/mentors waiting for them with neutral expressions. Lining up the waited to be addressed and Superman stepped up and spoke.

"As you may be aware, we've been discussing the future of your team. According to your doctors and councilors you're physically and mentally ready to begin training again and Julia has assured me your spirits are strong enough to endure the hardships still to come. I admit we were very reluctant to allow you to continue after what happened and were ready to disband this team; when some people reminded us it's your life and your choice. So we are asking what do you each want to do. If you want to be civilians again no one will hold it against you. If you want to be heroes that's fine as well. The choice is yours."

"Could you give us a second please?" Athena asked. Superman nodded and the group huddled talking amongst themselves. After several minutes they turned and faced the adults. "We've all decided. We wish to continue our training and take on missions as Young Justice."

"Alright, but there are a few new rules that you'll have to obliged by both for yours and ours sakes," Wonder Woman said.

"Well let's hear them. I'm sure they're reasonable," Lucas replied.

"One, you'll be issued new communicators with locators inside them that you have to wear during missions and during civilian activities if we're not there for a couple months. Just be sure that you're not abducted again," Flash said, handing out the new communicators with their team logo on them.

"Sounds a bit extreme, but we understand your reasoning," Shania stated. "What are the other rules?"

"Two, before any mission all your homework is done, any civilian activities such as clubs are taken care of and if you have a non superhero parent, you alert them that your own a mission. Same goes for training. We want you to continue having good civilian lives, but your focus can't be divided," Hal/GL told the kids who groaned, but agreed.

"Three, while we can't break your romances up their will be no romantic overtures during missions or trainings. When you're on the clock you're professionals. What you do in your spare time is yours. Understand?" Hawkman pressed. The kids cringed, but knew he was right. So they nodded.

"Four, your to continue seeing your therapists for as long as it takes for you to mentally heal and you don't keep secrets. Any secret keeping is subjected to suspension and expulsion," Katana informed the group.

"Any other rules you want to give us Kaa-san?"

"Just number five. The JL will accompany you on your next couple of missions until we deem you ready to operate on your on. After that you'll be getting more challenging missions and we'll trust you on your own. Failure to follow any of these rules will result in the disbandment of the team. Can you live with these rules?"

"I believe we can so can we start training?" Dick asked eagerly. Their mentors nodded and Young Justice quickly changed. It felt so good to be back in action and training to be real heroes.

That night as the moon shone over the precipice of Mount Justice the twelve members stood on the edge looking down the mountain. They had been through so much pain and hardship in the last nine months, but now they were stronger then ever. They had a bond that went deeper then friends, teammates, even lovers. It was unbreakable and would allow them to become the team they always wanted to be.

"Let's go save the world Young Justice," Superboy whispered. The others nodded and they all took off in their own way down the mountain. Batboy glided down while Robin shot out a grappling line attaching it to a nearby tree and swinging away. Kid Flash raced down the mountain with Wonder Girl chasing after him from the sky. Artemis zip lined down with Green Lantern JR following on a green path he created. Fate's Dagger teleported away as Huntsmark's flipped and jumped down the rocky slope. Hawklady let out a battle cry as she flew through the night with Aqualad following her on whirlpool. Superboy used his TK to fly next to Miss Martian as she piloted her bioship into the night sky. None of them knew what the future held, but one thing was certain Young Justice had returned!

Enjoy this trilogy and want more? Then check out what happens during the final exams and end of the year dances in the next installment; Young Justice: A Night to Remember. Hope to see you there!