Part three of an au trilogy. Enjoy!
It was cold and quiet, late January night in the Colorado Mountains, with only the call of owls looking for their breakfast being heard. A shot rang out, scattering the wildlife from a large secluded glade, where a not so abandon lodge stood. The four story rustic building was being guarded by what appeared to be hired mercenaries packing several rifles who were busy patrolling the grounds with night vision goggles. They were also very busy checking under the assembly of cars in the parking lot to make sure nothing was amiss.
The group was on the edge of the property line, just waiting for the first sign of trouble. As another owl hooted the group doubled their efforts to get rid of the pests. "How much longer is this auction going to last? We can't keep scaring away the wildlife all night; someone's bound to investigate," one guard commented to his partner
"It's not even halfway over yet. You know villains and mobsters. Always want to take an extra long time in order to make sure the money their spending is worth it. Come on, we have to patrol Sector V now," the partner replied. Neither of the men notice a small black speck as it moved across the sky, being outlined in the moon for a split, second before vanishing back into the night.
Hawklady was using all her stealth skills, as she flew in her blackened gear, surveying the surrounding areas and noting where all the security checkpoints and guards were. She circled above the lodge with Huntsmark in her arms. Both of them took note of the additional security traps on the roof before sending a telepathic message of what they had seen to the rest of the team.
With the okay, they silently descended to the roof below, Hawklady easily veering from the cameras line of sight. As they came in for a landing, Huntsmark spied a single man on the roof his back to them. She aimed her arrow gun and fired a powerful knockout dart into his back. He wobbled a bit before going down hard. The girls landed and Huntsmark quickly set up solid hologram and small disk on the radio to give fake reports. "Is he still alive? I didn't use to much did I?"
"He'll enjoy a nice nap for the next few hours and will wake up with a migraine that's all. Come on, we need to get in there and see whose buying and selling tonight," Hawklady told her friend and sibling. The younger teen nodded and they went over to the skylight peering in.
Far down, on the first floor waiters were serving snacks and drinks while villains and mobsters sat at tables with clickers bidding on items that appeared on a projector screen. There were three people acting as a pep squad, trying to entice the bidding, as an auctioneer explained each item. Sometimes two pretty ladies would show off the item, but for the most part the merchandise seemed to be in lockdown, presumably the basement, to prevent theft. Not that uncommon when your bidders were crooks. The item up for auction appeared to be a molecular dissembler that a number of villains were paying thousands for. Inside there was even more security to ensure that the auction wasn't disturbed.
No one noticed or even heard, as Huntsmark used a glass cutting tool to remove a section of the skylight or that she fired a line attaching it to her bungee belt. Hawklady gave her a final warning before she took the plunge. "Be careful, you're to photograph all the guests for evidence to give to the police. Don't get caught."
"Don't worry, my keen feline senses will keep me alert bird girl. This should be easy," was the reply as the thirteen year old lowered herself down. Her aerosol can revealed a laser grid that she passed through without a problem, and finally securing her spot; she began using the camera in her tie to zoom in and photograph the guests below while Hawklady stood guard above.
On the grounds the rest of the team was making their move. Robin had hacked into the guard's frequency and was relaying false information confusing them from his gauntlet. He chuckled manically as Batboy, Wonder Girl, along with Aqualad and Miss Martian, systematically took out each of the patrols and replaced them with solid holograms and fake radio voices so those inside wouldn't get suspicious. "This is almost too easy! The security they hired is so upstandard."
"Robin, keep your mind on the mission, we still have to seize the merchandise and capture the villains," Aqualad reminded they youngster as he used his waterbeares to bring down another guard. "Check in. Is the perimeter secure?"
"The last of the guards have been subdued and are now tied up and imprisoned in foam. I used my lasso on one and he assured me the road leading up here is the only way to get in and out of the area unless you want to charter a helicopter."
"Then it's a good thing all flights up the mountains are canceled do to the predict windstorms. Superboy is busy melting car tires and dismantling engines to foil escape attempts. Miss Martian, I think you should contact the League and authorities telling them to get here as quickly and quietly as they can for the arrest."
"Will do Batboy, I'm already sending all the information we've gathered to the proper authorities. Team Three just checked in and says they got into the basement safely. We should move in and be ready for the signal for the incarceration," Miss Martian replied. The group agreed and slowly started making their way to the lodge.
Inside the basement, the guards had been playing poker due to boredom, as they guarded hundreds of crates supposedly containing weapons, chemicals, relics and dozens of other items that would cause even the most durable nucleus rogue salivate for hours. Of course it meant nothing to the hired merc team who only cared about their money. So it was no wonder when Fate's Dagger teletransported the group into the basement they were jammed without their weapons. Kid Flash, Artemis and Green Lantern JR were quick to relieve them of their property and lock them up in a sound proof cage. Fate's Dagger cast a sleeping spell over them so they wouldn't attempt to escape.
"I'm surprised; the League of Shadows wouldn't have made a dumb mistake like this. Nor, would the mighty samurai who were always ready for battle. I thought mercenaries were better prepared than this."
"That's mercenary teams for you. Some of the hire guns are good and others just want their cash and not have to work for it. We need to find out what's in all these crates and if was either created or stolen. This is a manifest of the entire inventory, but it appears to be in some kind of code. Can either of you read it?" Green Lantern JR questioned.
"It's just a series of numbers and letters. Without the key it's useless," Artemis frowned.
"To you maybe, but if we look at it logically and take into account whose running this auction, and their native tongue then cross reference with the groupings I got it. Give me a few minutes and I'll check off what everything is and its status," Kid Flash said grabbing the clipboard and zooming off.
"He can't be that smart. He's an idiot. Robin is smarter then he is!"
"I agree that Robin is smart, but our friend is quite clever. We should get ready the signal will be given anytime now."
Huntsmark had just finished photographing the last of them. She was disgusted by the gall of these people. There were crime families from around the world threatening villains; such as the Terrible Trio, and she was sure that the near fatal chocking of Cheetah was done by Copperhead for laughs. They were so unprofessional and it was wonder that the auctioneer, Penguin by the looks of things, was able to control them long enough to sell a nightmare inducing helmet to Dr. Destiny, who outbid Mad Hatter by a mere thousands. "I wonder if any of them actually have cash. These guys make the corruption of home seem like a walk in the park."
"Huntsmark have you finished photographing the clients? We need to move in fast. The League and authorities ETA is ten minutes and those mercs are closing in on you."
"I'm finished sister; the only question remaining is who will be marked as my prey. Young Justice move in!" Huntsmark signaled, by letting out a strident roar that caused all the bad guys to freeze in their tracks. Within seconds the lights were shut off and smoke filled the room, curtsey of Robin. Water started pouring out the pipes flooding the area. Everyone was screaming and drawing weapons.
As the mercenary guards made their way towards the bottom floor, Hawklady flew in creating a wall of fire, blocking their way to lower levels. With a battle cry worthy of her parents, the young Thanigarian swooped in with a charged bo staff and swung it as hard as she could destroying their weaponry. Twirling it around she deflected bullets and tripped up several guards. When one tried to knife her she released the hidden blade nicking him in the stomach, but not killing him thanks to his Kelevar.
Huntsmark saw more guards coming up to assist, so she swung into action releasing herself from the bungee and using a kick "Aunt" Dinah showed her to break the jaw of one of the men. Grabbing the arms of two men, she flipped the guards over head and delivered a swift punch to the stomach and then kneed the groin, followed up by a double kick to knock the knifes from their hands. She dodged out of the way as they started firing and shot them with her arrows paralyzing several. One of the goons changed tactics and hit her with the butt of the gun stunning her before smacking her into a wall. They didn't see the blood dripping down from her forehead because of her mask, but she was pissed. The change happened so quickly, the mercs didn't have time to prepare themselves, before the half panther girl pounced on them ready for round two.
On the first floor, Young Justice was holding their own against the villains and mobsters. Batboy used his biomuscles to bend ripped up pipes pinning goons to the wall while gassing the rest. Robin flipped and whirled around tossing explosives causing peopled to be stuck under debris and riding them of weapons. Miss Martian's and Superboy were working as one using their TK to freeze people and then immobilizing them with either a mental blast or heat vision. Aqualad's used all the water around him to electrocute people to unconscious's as Kid Flash zipped in grabbing weapons and dismantling them.
Fate's Dagger, Artemis, and Green Lantern JR, went after the runners who broke through windows to escape prosecution. The fresh snow left plenty of tracks for them to follow into the nearby woods, but then it became rocky and hard to follow. That's where Artemis's training came in. She bent down and examined the earth and then looked carefully at the trees. "Hmm okay, Icicle Jr. went west and is picking up speed, Fate you go after him, Count Vertigo is mine and GL JR's. It's going to take both of us to take him out. Ready for it?"
"Go forth and be prospers, but be not afraid to die!" Fate's Dagger told the two as he vanished from sight. Green Lantern JR flew above the trees, as she followed on foot her heart pounding her senses alert. About ten minutes later she felt sick to her stomach and fired her arrows grazing Count Vertigo's cheeks as she was paralyzed in place unable to move.
"So, you're Green Arrow's new sidekick? I must say you're prettier then the last one, but you are no where near as much of a threat," Count Vertigo said increasing the level of sound disruption to her ear drum. He drew out his sword, ready to cut her in two.
"That's….what….. you…think!"
Count Vertigo wasn't prepared for the green energy bolt that took out his vertigo maker or for the bolts to transform into cuffs. Artemis recovered enough to hit him with a boxing arrow, punching his lights out. Green Lantern JR landed and turned his green energy into real rolling containment cell. He looked at Artemis, who was heaving a bit, and asked, "Are you alright?"
"I'll be fine, let's just get back with the others. I'm sure the League's here by now." She was right, as the rest of Young Justice assembled in the shadows as the authorities and League took custody of the villains. Property was being loaded up for the return to proper owners. Money had been confiscated as evidence. As the police led the convicts away they were all shouting threats and swearing their lawyers would get them out, but they were ignored.
"The League will be busy finish cleaning up for awhile. Return to Mount Justice for debriefing with Batman. Overall, I think you kids did a good job," Superman told them. The group did as they were told and headed back to the Mount.
When they returned to Mount Justice Red Tornado, Black Canary, and Batman were waiting for them. They had used the bioship sensors to record the mission. The three adults were impressed. "Your mission was to infiltrate, identify, and recover the property being sold at auction and contain the clientele, until the Justice League and proper authorities could arrive. After reviewing the footage, I'm proud to say each of you has performed beyond any expectations we had. You functioned as one unit and demonstrated a maturity, well beyond your years."
"Your skills and teamwork are very well developed and show a great amount of trust in others. I can only see more improvement in the future."
"Indeed, each you should be proud of what you accomplished tonight. Thanks in part to you, this auction has helped us capture and detain a big percentage of criminals, along with confiscating items that could be used to harm people. Thanks to you the crime rate just went down drastically. "
"Now, I think its best each of you return home and rest. You have school in the morning. I'm giving you two days to recover before you need to report for training. Enjoy them. Dismissed."
"Another night in catacombs of this mountain is not fun, just once I would like to fall asleep in the Tower instead of here. It has an actual bedroom and garden did you know that?" Taji muttered, as he took off his Helmet. There was a brief glow and he was once again dressed in civilians. He was wearing loafers, slacks, and a loose fitting gi top; a mix of his cultures.
"We've discussed this before Taji; it's safer for you to remain in the cave then by yourself in the Tower without protection. While I'm certain that the Tower's defenses are adequate, and that your father's "spirit" could watch you, don't forget you have an obligation to your mortal studies here in town. Now, go to sleep, please," Red Tornado told his charge.
Taji muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like, "over protective automaton," as the boy allowed Miss Martian to escort him to his room. The others waved goodbye and transported home while Black Canary, escorted Zairia back to her home in Hub. That was the arraignment set up between her and Huntress, if Huntsmark wanted to stay on Young Justice.
The transporter had been set up behind a hologram of old storage locker, behind her family's apartment. It was nearly midnight when Black Canary knocked on the door to Zairia's apartment; which flew open revealing an anxious and concerned Helena. "Where have you been? I thought you said this mission wouldn't take more then a couple hours. It's practically midnight," the worried mother said, squeezing her daughter tightly and giving her best friend the stink eye. "Does Batman know that its Monday tomorrow or should I say today? You have early morning Mass tomorrow."
"Oh joy, I really enjoying listening to Sister Mary Clarence talk about how we're all going to Hell one day, if we aren't straight and narrow. I'm her favorite target I think because she suspects I'm bi," Zairia muttered angrily.
"You shouldn't talk about people like that, especially nuns. Your father will be back from the studio soon. Go wash up and say your prayers before bed. I want to talk to your Aunt Dinah for a little while," Helena ordered. She watched her daughter disappear towards her room saying a silent prayer of thanks that she survived her first major mission. "So how did she perform? She didn't lose control and hurt anyone seriously did she?"
"Zairia did fine, thanks in part to the training you and Vic have put her through. She' a real tough fighter even without her spliced form. She was invaluable in obtaining evidence to convict villainous clientele. I think Vic would really admire how well she's learned to handle the Pseoderm to blend in with shadows."
"She's also an excellent shot thanks to me. Her arrow guns are a bit more cutting edge then my crossbow. Was she forced to revert to her splice form?"
"Yes, but she controlled herself, again thank in part to your mediation techniques. Zairia's really come a long way since November. She's much more confident in her abilities and has learned a lot of self control. Patrolling Hub, with you and Vic, plus the training and team building exercises; have helped her adjust a lot faster then we hoped. Aside from her not liking school much she's normal," Dinah told her.
"Yeah, well she still has four months left with February starting the day after tomorrow. Its just we're really concerned for her and I'm afraid she'll get hurt or kidnapped. I really wish I didn't have to go to the Birds of Prey meeting on Tuesday, but there's new member being introduced to the group, a girl named Flamebird. Apparently she's the niece of an old friend and we have to demonstrate the rigging to her. Vic will be having his annual bi-monthly recap with L.A.W. that day. Zairia, will be all alone and vulnerable!"
"Hey, if it makes you feel better she can come to Mount Justice or I'll come here. Don't worry, she'll be safe. I got to go Helena, I'll see you later. Bye."
The next morning Zairia's alarm woke up her up at seven thirty. The thirteen year old quickly shut it off and got out of bed. She listened to make sure her parents were still in the kitchen before pulling five candles out of her side table drawer. They were red, yellow, blue, green and purple and she arranged them in a circle lighting each of them. She closed her eyes and started praying as an inner peace settled over her.
"Zairia, hurry up and get dressed! Your pancakes are getting cold!" her mother's voice called through the door, startling the girl. Quickly, she snuffed the candles and hid them again. She couldn't risk them finding out that secretly she was practicing a different religion. As she tucked on the school uniform she hoped that she and the other Projects could slip away sometime this week to their favorite place to relax.
"Good morning Mother and Father. How was your night? I kicked ass!"
"Zairia, don't say ass at breakfast."
"Yes Mom. So Dad, what was the top story last night?"
"A big drug bust, along with a few conspiracies that I managed to wiggle in, before I was cut off by my bosses. Really, more people need to know that there are forces of evil out there trying to control us through breakfast foods."
"You're funny Father. Ugh, this stupid uniform is so confining! Do I really have to go to school in this?"
"Yes, you do, now come on let's go or you'll be late. See you later babe, don't forget to pick up the groceries before you start hunting down the latest leads on the Light. Don't get kidnapped by the Illuminate! We'll see you later bye!" Helena said, giving him a big kiss before she and Zairia left for St. Catherine's Catholic School. Married and family life certainly did wonders for both heroes.
School was a typical day for everyone; save for being a little extra tired after a long night kicking butt. Young Justice was not use to having two days off to recuperate; a rare treat indeed each was making plans. At lunch Sasha and Athena were talking happily about her first upcoming dance competition in Central City tomorrow.
"I'm so excited; I can hardly contain myself with joy! My first real competition and I got the solo! I've practiced so much it feels as if my legs will fall off! I'm not kidding Sasha."
"I believe you Athena. Those Central City Flash Girl's, (funny name), have nothing on you. You're going to be a superstar. So, is your mom going to be in the stands cheering you on with your boyfriend?"
"Sasha! Wally is not my boyfriend, he's just a guy who happens to be a boy and close family friend," Athena said blushing crimson. "He's going to be there yes, but probably to support his own school."
"Or cheer you on; I have a gut feeling about this. Mr. Fast Mouth likes you 10x2. Now, is you are mom going to be there or not, because you know I want to go see you, but my Mom is forcing me to attend this socialite cotillion course with her friends' kids tomorrow. I begged to get out of it, but I can't. It sucks being rich sometimes."
"It's okay, I really understand Sasha. Hey, maybe if you master that astral projection your working on, your spirit form can come. As for my Mom she promised if nothing comes up at work she'll be there. Either way afterwards Wally and I are going to get chocolate milkshakes. I don't care that its February, I love chocolate shakes."
"Score! A little slice of nirvana! Tomorrow is your day!"
With Lucas, he was also having a great time at lunch chatting on his cell with Artemis who had a free period at the moment. The two of them had been cultivating quite the friendship; although Zairia was determined to put her mark on the archer, so to speak. "So you'll be able to come tomorrow? Carla is teaching us a new sanding technique that we can use to help smooth the wood out before carving out another layer. It apparently makes it easier to carve the harder woods."
"Sure, I've got nothing else planned and my Mom seems to think my new "hobby" is a lot safer then what I have been doing. Plus, the stink of Gotham air is causing my lungs to itch. I'm still not completely healed from yesterday's vertigo, which did a lot more then just make me sick."
"Understandable. I'll see you in the usual place then? Oh, that's the bell I got to go to trig now. I'll talk to you later Nerissa."
"It's Artemis Green Boy," Artemis joked playfully before hanging up. She exited the bathroom stall and headed back to class with a skip in her step. Talking to Lucas was a lot more fun then study hall.
Connor was at the Impression Club magazine meeting discussing the topic for increasing submissions for print. The magazine was not only published in paper format, but was also available online. At the moment the faculty head, Mrs. Fontana, was discussing the way to boost submissions for art and original work.
"So we've gotten a lot of submissions, but we need more if we're going to decide what is best suited for the paper version, the site, or needs to be disregarded for any reason. Does anyone have ideas to boost submissions? Yes Mr. Kent?"
"Um, well I was thinking that maybe we could have an incentive to help get submissions. Maybe a reward for submission and if that's not allowed we could post um, memos about ideas for submission categories."
"Hmm, your idea does hold merit Mr. Kent. We'll have to brainstorm about creative categories. We already have submission for prose and other forms of poetry, but benedictions and short rewrites would also be a wonderful idea. Good job, Mr. Kent."
"Nice job, Connor, hey you want to hang with me and Trish after school tomorrow? We're going to mall," a fellow member, Chad said kindly to him.
"Thanks, but I have a friend coming to visit tomorrow. What is it- rain check?"
"Sure, Connor its no problem," Chad said. He didn't know, but inside Connor was the happiest he'd ever been. He had a great life now with friends and family. Being involved with the club and its members was more then he ever could have hoped for. Things were certainly looking up.
In Gotham, Dick and Terry were being licked to death by new puppies at the animal shelter. Dick was supervising Terry's friends, a little girl named Max from Gotham Academy, and then Terry's public school friends Madison, Rose, and Michele. Madison's parents told her that she could have a puppy and the friends had decided to take a look before making the final decision tomorrow.
"Oh, this guy is so cute. Look at his floppy ears and this little nose. Don't you just love him?" Madison said scratching a wiggling white and black puppy's belly.
"Yea, but he'll grow up to be so big! You're home not that large, maybe you should stick with this cute little Jack Russell. I think she likes you," Rose suggested kindly.
"Yeah, but he's hyper. You need someone a bit mellower, how about this one? All he's done is sleep."
"That be the perfect pet for you Michael you're so lazy. Personally, I think cats are better, but I have to admit these pups are so cute. How about you Terry what do you think? Terry? Terry!"
Max's words fell on blocked ears as the little boy was scrambling around after a little black dog that looked to be a cross between a mastiff, or maybe a Dane, with Rottweiler. Terry was so enthralled with him and Dick was losing the battle to separate the two as the pup seemed desperate to get to Terry.
"Oh that's cute I really think that pup likes you Terry.! Hey Dick, maybe you and Terry could ask your dad if you could get a puppy too. Dogs are great pets and they help kids learn responsibility."
"Yeah Madison that's a great idea! Please Dick! I really want a dog! There so loyal, kind and loving! The mansion is big enough for one and I would take great care of it. Besides, the dog could keep Alfred company during the day when we're out."
"Terry, you know Dad's going to say we're to busy. Besides I don't think he's keen on the idea of pets. Don't give me those puppy eyes ugh, why don't you ask him okay? It couldn't hurt and I guess me and Alfred will stand by you," Dick said submitting to his brother's puppy eyes. As he watched the ten year old happily hugging the little black pup he hoped Bruce was in a good mood that night.
In Midway, Shania and Jordana were dropping of chemicals and spill of they had collected at a special recycling center that reused the material cutting down on hazardous waste. The two girls had become great friends and were already discussing their next big club project; to make people aware of the plight of endangered animals and how to help them.
"I really think your idea of a slideshow presentation, coupled with a video, would really help our cause. The best way to get people involved in a project is to make them feel apart of it," Jordana told her, as the worker took the material from them. She brushed back as strand of red hair and continued. "I must say, I never met anyone as passionate about nature as you are."
"I just love it so much and I wish more people cared. To often, animals and plants, are overlooked because they can't speak. My friend Kaldur feels the same way about the ocean."
"That's your sort of boyfriend right? Oh no need to blush I think its great you found someone special. You should invite him to a meeting sometime. Oh I forgot, he lives near the ocean and its long distance."
"It is hard, but he's coming to see me tomorrow. We're going to hang in the park and go to the aviary. I hope he likes it. It will be unlike anything he's ever seen before."
"I'm sure he will. Come on, we're going to miss the bus home."
In Mount Justice, Taji was in his room having just finished his homework. He had talked with Red Tornado earlier, who said he had finally located what country the Outsiders were in after searching most of Asia. Red Tornado was confident he would locate them by tomorrow night, and then finally, he would meet his mother. He had been researching everything about her, and he was certain she was both a formidable warrior and caring woman. The perfect female parent for him to live up to in his mind.
"Kaa-san is perfect. I hope I don't aggravate her emotional pain when she meets me," Taji said, gently trimming his bonsai tree. Putting his clippers down, he picked up the Helmet and put in on his head. In seconds he was back in the blue room with Nabu and his father.
"Hey, kiddo how are you doing? I think you did smashing on your first official mission yesterday night," Nelson said, happy to have another chance to speak with his son. These little sessions were the most entertaining part of his day.
"Thanks Dad, that means a lot to me. Your advice to combine a heat spell with my crescent strike was useful. The enemy never knew what occurred."
"You're also a bit of control freak who knows nothing about swords. We need to be partners not parasites remember? I think our new partnership will just take a little more time to get use to is all Nabu. I came here because I'm concerned about something. Red Tornado is about to contact Kaa-san and I'm worried that she'll be upset with me. She's lost a lot and I'm not sure she's ready to deal with, magical, tanto using, gay son, whose interested in the Boy Wonder. What if she thinks I've turned my back on my heritage?"
"Trust me; heroes are use to complications, its part of life. I can see from your memories that your Kaa-san was it? Has been hurt deeply, still I feel that you'll be a bright shining light for her. As for turning your back on your heritage, you've embraced both cultural ideals so there's no worry," Nelson told him patiently.
"Thanks Nabu, I'll remember that. I have to go, Megan's finished dinner. We're having steak and kidney pie if she hasn't burned it. Goodbye Dad, I love you."
"I love you too son," Nelson said hugging the boy and watching as he vanished. He hoped everything would be okay.
In another underground facility, away from prying eyes; the Handlers of the Projects, along with a few new faces had assembled in front of the Board of Light awaiting new orders. The last two months had been full of preparation for the eventual return of the Projects and the final additions to Project Hero Light. White Queen had been delegated as spokeswoman and had just finished reading her report to the Light.
"All preparations are ready for tomorrow sirs. The Projects schedules have been mapped out and we know the perfect time to strike. I've called in favors from Checkmate and old enemies, who've agreed to keep the League occupied as we collect the Projects. There should be no trouble with accomplishing our mission."
"Excellent. Is the medical team and equipment standing by as well?"
"Yes, the surgical teams are prepped and ready with all available knowledge on the subjects and the biopods are functioning perfectly. I also took the liberty of prepping the decontamination chambers for the others."
"The armies are also ready for action. The genomorphs are in perfect condition, the Omega-bots have been fine tuned, and our human armies are armed to the teeth. The League will so find themselves on the run with no resources," White Knight added, confident in the plan of action.
"Not to mention, soon we'll have all the information we need to render inoperative any superhero group and authorial organizations," Thinker added. He was grinning in anticipation of the chaos about to break out.
"That's wonderful to know, and we're sure each of you, Handlers old and new, are more then ready for this new chapter. Soon the Light will shine all over the world and a new age will dawn," all members of the Light said in unison. And everyone in that room was smiling evilly, as they thought about how quickly the Projects happiness was about to end tomorrow.