Disclaimer: I don't own Black Cat even if I wanted to.
Okay...so I'm down to my final chapter...thank you for bearing with my poor writing up to this point...Enjoy...
WARNING: Contains Yaoi/Boy X Boy Relationship
The Stray Cat That Found Himself A Home
Chapter 5: The Loved and Loving Cat
(narrator: Train)
The next thing I remember was that Creed carried me in bridal style. Then the moment I rose from my faint, I was in a room filled with many apparatus. It was probably the Doctor's, I remembered having my own temperature rise. I looked around and sighed, I totally lost all my hope of getting out of here in one peace, or most probably, I wouldn't be able to the sun rise for a bright new tomorrow.
Later did I realized that there's something that makes me feel warm. It's a hand of someone, he was so warm. I wanted to look at his face but at the same time I don't. I might not feel this comforting warmth if I find out who owns them.
"Is it Sven? Or Princess? Who am I fooling...perhaps it's Creed. No...no...that guy, after everything that happened...there's no way he'll be this comforting...", I told myself.
I stopped thinking who he was, my eyes are heavy already. And my headache's coming back. I closed my eyes, trying to get some rest.
"Pets don't argue with their master. If they do, they shall be punished. You're mine my Heartnet. And there's you can do to change what I decided. You can cry all day, and I won't even care. The more your noise gets to my head, the more of the punishment I lay upon you. Oh...and that would not be good for you my Train...but, THAT certainly sound good for ME!..."
I squeezed the hands and then fell back to sleep.
(narrator: Creed)
I held my Cat's hand in his sleep. I held him tight, worried that I may not be able to hold onto him like this.
He caught a cold. It's certainly something that didn't need to worry about, even so, I feel uneasy. Since what I've done to him, I began thinking that he might struggle harder, or worse, he even might refuse to wake up. Having these kinds of thoughts in my head, I pressed his hand, filling them up with love, pleading them for forgiveness. I doubt that dawn would come when he'll feel like looking at my face again, or even hear my voice one more time.
I cried. The tears run down my face, I placed my head down to my Cat's side, and still holding his hand. I was sleepy at the moment, then I felt that he squeezed my hand. I was fully awakened by what had just happened, my heart flared with hope. But then I told myself out of common foolishness.
"You're so stupid Creed. You're just feeling drowsy that's why your imagining impossible things...", I hit my own head afterwards.
I then fell into deep sleep.
"I hate you! You disgust me, you filthy bastard! First you killed Saya...you even rant to me about her being a witch, second you hurt my friends...have you no heart?... and third...t-to me...H-How could you? I n-never did anything to you...and you...y-you...You're the one who always says that we're partners, and you always mumble about how we could never get separated...You broke my trust! You were the one who broke those ties! For heaven's sake, LEAVE ME ALONE!..."
I woke up from my nightmare. My body is sweating all over, tears run down my cheeks.
"I hate you!"
My nightmare keeps ranting at me even while I'm awake.
"You disgust me, you filthy bastard!"
It keeps echoing inside my head.
"How could you?"
I can't make it stop.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry...", I pleaded.
(narrator: all knowing character...)
"I-I want to go h-home...", Train mumbled about in his sleep as tears ran down his cheeks and pressed back at the hands that's giving him warmth.
Creed was wide awake when Train said that, he knew what to do afterwards. The white-haired man then kissed the golden-eyed man's forehead.
"Your wish is my command...", Creed whispered in Train's ear.
(narrator: Creed)
I'm glad that I can see my Cat smile again. His murderous look can't even match to his carefree one. I wonder if he knew what I did, but even if he did...Can he forgive me?...
And so I just continued to watch my Cat in the shadows, from a distant...where he can't see my face...where ha can't hear my voice...But a place where he can feel my warmth.
(narrator: Train)
I was back to my senses when a familiar voice cried out in my ear. It was Sven, with Eve, Rinslet and everybody else. I was in a state of confusion until Sven said, "Welcome home!".
I smiled at them and said "I'm home.".
The nightmare was over, or so I thought it was just a bad dream. The next day, I found out what actually happened.
Everyone actually thought that I defeated Creed, and then he ran away with his tail between his legs, they said that Creed escape with Echidna. The other Apostles of the Stars was annihilated by the Chronos Numbers and the Sweepers Alliance.
"He was the man behind this great confusion. So it wasn't a dream after all...Now I know who really owns that warm and comforting hands, my Master as he call himself...Creed...Thank you...your warm hands was my true home...Thank you...", I told myself after realizing what the white-haired man has done for me.
So that's how my version ends...
I think it fits for the next events where Eve was held captive...
Well I hope you appreciate my first work...
Reviews please...
No flames if possible...