Ok not sure if it's a spoiler….maybe? Maybe not? Either way I think we will be left hanging for the season finale

As always don't own them…just take them out to play once in awhile

Danny paced the small room "yes governor…he's out of surgery …yes ma'am …I'm just waiting to speak to the doctor"

The doctor in question came through the doors, standing patiently to speak with the detective.

"I need to let you go ma'am the doctor's here….I'll keep you updated….." Danny hesitated "Governor?... thanks"

Danny hung up the phone turning and addressing the older doctor "how is he?"

"I won't mince my words detective, he's in rough shape, the stab wounds alone were enough and top that, the punctured lung, broken ribs as well as the concussion he sustained". The doctor shook his head "We've done everything we can for him….besides keeping him comfortable it's up to him now".

"Can I see him?"

"He should be awake soon, from what I understand it would be best that he sees someone he knows, considering the situation he just came out of, he's going to be in a considerable amount of pain as well as fairly confused. The governor stated he needed to be lucid so you could speak with him, he may be off from the anaesthesia as well as his concussion, soon as you are done I need to give him morphine, he needs to rest so he can heal".

Danny nodded and followed the doctor into the other room. Steve lay pale and motionless in the bed, IV, oxygen mask and monitors were hooked to him allowing little room to access him.

Danny moved closer, sliding a plastic chair to sit and keep vigil until he woke. The doctor worked patiently around him taking notes.

"He's coming around detective….commander McGarrett? …can you hear me? "the doctor opened Steve's eyes checking his pupils. "Commander McGarrett?"

Steve's eyes opened wearily taking in his surroundings and then focussing back onto the stranger that was speaking to him. The pain started to catch up the more awake he became. "Relax commander I know you're in pain but you have someone that needs to talk to you first and then we'll take care of that for you"

Danny had stood back as the only room next to Steve's bed was where the doctor stood. The doctor moved away allowing Danny to move into Steve's line of vision. Steve had closed his eyes as a pained expression crossed his face.

Danny placed his hand on his shoulder "Steve?"

Steve's eyes flickered open at the familiar voice. He reached weakly to grab the mask from his face, but Danny captured his arm before he was able.

"No partner leave it….you just need to listen…no talking…ok?" Danny drew his hand into his "you squeeze my hand…once for yes and two for no…got it?"

He felt Steve squeeze.

"Good…we're going to get you out of this mess…we're not sure who is all involved, but we're going to find out…..Chin and Kono are working on some leads" He felt Steve squeezing and letting go several times, more of a panic than the agreed yes or no. "Relax partner"

Steve scanned the room and Danny could read him "they did a number on you, but we got you out….the Governor helped and we have you somewhere safe….all you need to do now is get better".

Steve grimaced as he tried to move "Steve" Danny place his hand back on his shoulder "Chin, Kono and I have your back….you're our Ohana….you need to trust us on this"

Steve breathed through the pain squeezing Dannys hand once "Good…now the doc here is going to give you some of the good stuff" Danny smiled down at him "you're no good to us unless you get better….you need to rest and heal, I'll be here when you wake up" Danny nodded at the doctor indicating that he was finished.

The doctor moved to the IV port and injected a syringe. Steve started to fight to stay awake.

"Sleep partner….we've got this" Danny rubbed his shoulder as he drifted off.
